Monday Morning Medium #18

By Zachary Forget

Zachary Forget
3 min readApr 16, 2018

Medium continues to delight. I just got Top Writer Status in the Books category, and I found the following incredible articles. Enjoy!

Why You Should Reach Out To One Badass Person Every Day

Tom Kuegler

Two weeks in a row Tom! I wanted to put this in last week’s post as basically a side-note to another post of his, but I decided to put him in both weeks, because his content is consistently amazing, and he deserves it!

As Tom insists,

Your network is everything.

So treat it well, take care of it, grow it! I’m trying to do that a bit via these posts, but I know I can do a better job of doing it. Don’t be like me, be like Tom!

What I’ve Learnt By Writing 150 Blog Posts

Jakub Ferencik

First of all, I got an amazing shout out by Jakub, so THANK YOU :D

I love the consistency that I’ve seen in Jakub, he continues to write about things that deeply matter to him. His pursuit of knowledge is admirable, and I’m considering trying to catch up to the amount of books that he’s read!

The main focus of this blog is something that each of us need to learn and constantly remember: It’s not about the views, it’s about the community.

Medium is so much more than just getting eyeballs on what we write; it’s being able to communicate with master communicators, to teach and to learn from the best!

Congratulations on writing 150 posts Jakub, that is definitely something to be proud of!

The Greatest Sales Deck I’ve Ever Seen

Andy Raskin

I’m fascinated by all things copy-related, and this copy is masterful.

I’m currently sort-of working as a copywriter (more copy-editor for the time being.) It is fascinating to me how much a few small changes, a subtle change in perspective, or a different phrase can change the end result.

This sale’s deck is incredibly well-done, and I fully intend on studying it further to help in my pursuit to become a better copywriter!

(Also, any suggestions of good copy would be VERY MUCH appreciated!)

Your ICO Email is Bad and You Should Feel Bad

Zak Slayback

This goes way beyond ICO emails! This is about communication in general. There are so many great insights to be gleaned here.

My favorite part? This phrase:

My rule for half-decent? Round down.

Boom. I love that! It’s so easy for me to do the minimum, to say it’s not that bad. But not that bad is forgettable, it’s just white noise. Half-Decent is nothing; let’s be spectacular!

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Zachary Forget

CNN Contributor. Live in Mexico. Still learning. Trying to understand life through writing. Sign up for my Curated Medium Newsletter: