How to Bring the Spark Back In Your Marriage (How to Get Romance Back In Your Marriage)

Zara Vera
6 min readSep 9, 2023
Photo by Icee Dc on Unsplash

Today, we’re going to dive into a topic that hits close to home for so many of us — rekindling the spark in your marriage. I’ve had the privilege of helping countless couples reignite the flame in their relationships, and I want to share some tried-and-true tips to help you do the same.

Not too long ago, I received an email from a client named Linda. She painted a vivid picture of a marriage that had lost its luster. Linda and her husband, Drake, had been together for over a decade. They had a wonderful family, successful careers, and a beautiful home, but something was missing. Their once fiery romance had simmered down to the occasional peck on the cheek and the routine exchange of “How was your day?” The spark was on the verge of being extinguished, and they were desperate to get it back.

Linda’s email was heartfelt, and her words struck a chord with me. I could sense the frustration and yearning in her words, as she described how she and Drake had become more like roommates than lovers. But here’s the thing, their story is not unique. So often, I hear from people who find themselves in similar situations, where the daily grind has overshadowed the passion that once burned brightly.

To help Linda and Drake, I knew I had to offer more than just advice; I had to share practical steps and insights that could reignite their love and bring back the excitement. And that’s why I’m here today to share these tips with you, because I believe that everyone deserves a chance to rekindle the flame in their relationship.

1. Rediscover Your Shared Interests

Think back to when you and your partner first met. What were the things that brought you closer together? Maybe it was a shared love for hiking, cooking, or dancing. Over time, it’s common for couples to drift away from these interests as life gets busier. But rediscovering these shared activities can be a game-changer.

If you and your spouse used to love cooking together. Try setting aside a night each week to cook a new recipe together. Share the kitchen, chop veggies, and laugh at any culinary mishaps. Not only will you bond over the experience, but you’ll also enjoy a delicious meal together. It’s a win-win!

2. Communication is Key

One of the most common issues in long-term relationships is a breakdown in communication. Remember, your partner can’t read your mind. So often, couples assume their partner knows what they’re thinking or feeling, leading to misunderstandings and frustration.

Dedicate time to have open and honest conversations. Talk about your dreams, your fears, and your desires. Share your thoughts and actively listen to your partner’s. By doing so, you’ll deepen your emotional connection and build trust, which are essential for reigniting that spark.

3. Surprise Each Other

Remember the excitement of surprises when you first started dating? Surprise gestures, whether big or small, can breathe new life into your relationship. It could be as simple as leaving a sweet note in your partner’s lunchbox or planning an impromptu date night.

Let’s say, you’ve both had a hectic week, and you decide to surprise your partner with a relaxing evening at home. You set up a cozy spot in the living room with blankets and pillows, order your favorite takeout, and put on a movie you both love. The unexpected gesture will surely put a smile on your partner’s face.

4. Spice Things Up in the Bedroom

Ah, yes, the bedroom — an area where many couples feel the spark has dimmed. It’s important to remember that intimacy is a crucial part of a healthy marriage. However, it’s common for things to become routine over time.

Try exploring new experiences together in the bedroom. This doesn’t have to be anything wild or extreme, but introducing variety and excitement can do wonders for your intimacy. Discuss your desires openly and be willing to try new things that both of you are comfortable with.

5. Prioritize Quality Time

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in work, responsibilities, and the never-ending to-do list. Couples often neglect the simple act of spending quality time together.

Make a conscious effort to prioritize your relationship. Set aside time for a regular date night, even if it’s just a quiet dinner at home or a stroll in the park. Quality time is about being fully present with each other and strengthening your emotional connection.

6. Appreciation and Gratitude

It’s so easy to take our partners for granted as time goes by. We forget to say “thank you” for the little things they do and fail to show appreciation for their presence in our lives.

Start a daily gratitude practice where you both take a moment to express what you’re grateful for in each other. It could be as simple as saying, “I appreciate how you always make me laugh” or “I’m grateful for your support during tough times.” This small gesture can have a big impact on how you both feel about each other.

7. Keep the Element of Surprise Alive

Remember how thrilling it was when you first started dating, and everything felt like an adventure? You can bring back that sense of excitement by surprising your partner every now and then.

Plan a surprise getaway weekend. It doesn’t have to be extravagant; it could be a cozy cabin in the woods or a charming bed and breakfast. The key is to whisk your partner away from their daily routine and create new memories together.

8. Embrace Change Together

Life is constantly evolving, and so are you and your partner. Sometimes, couples drift apart because they resist change instead of embracing it together.

If You and your spouse both have different interests that have emerged over the years. Instead of seeing these differences as a threat to your relationship, celebrate them. Support each other’s passions and even explore them together. By evolving together, you’ll keep the connection strong.

9. Never Stop Dating

As the years go by, it’s easy to slip into the role of “spouse” and forget that you’re also “lovers.” Don’t stop dating each other just because you’re married.

Keep the romance alive by going on regular dates. Dress up, flirt, and make an effort to impress each other, just like you did when you first started dating. Recreate the thrill of getting to know each other all over again.

Remember, relationships require effort and nurturing, just like a plant needs water and sunlight to thrive. It’s perfectly normal to hit rough patches, but by implementing these strategies, you can reignite the flame and build a stronger, more passionate connection with your partner.

Ready to rekindle the spark in your marriage and bring back the passion you’ve been missing? Click here to discover even more tips, personal stories, and expert advice on reigniting the flame in your relationship.

Click here to access a special resource that will guide you through the process of rekindling the flame in your marriage. Inside, you’ll find practical exercises, conversation starters, and more tips to help you and your partner reconnect on a deeper level.

Don’t let the routine of daily life dull your connection. It’s time to prioritize your love and create a marriage that continues to grow and flourish. Click here now, and let’s embark on this exciting journey of rekindling the spark together. Your love story deserves to be vibrant and passionate, and we’re here to help you make it happen.

Remember, love is an ongoing adventure, and it’s never too late to start anew. Click right here, and let’s embark on this journey together to rekindle the flame and create a lasting, passionate, and thriving marriage. Your love story deserves nothing less!



Zara Vera

Passionate marriage counselor dedicated to rekindling love and strengthening bonds. Helping couples thrive.