How to Live Happy In an Unhappy Marriage (Staying Happy In an Unhappy Marriage)

Zara Vera
6 min readOct 6, 2023
Photo by Pablo Heimplatz on Unsplash

Today, I want to dive into a topic that’s as tricky as it is relatable: how to live happily in an unhappy marriage. It’s not always rainbows and butterflies, and let’s face it, we’ve all been there or know someone who has. So often, I hear from people who are struggling in their marriages, feeling stuck in a never-ending cycle of frustration and disappointment. If you find yourself nodding in agreement or just curious about the subject, you’re in the right place.

Just last week, I received an email from a woman named Clara (name changed for privacy). Clara poured her heart out, sharing her struggles, doubts, and fears about her marriage.

You see, Clara had been married for over a decade, and like many of us, she had encountered her fair share of ups and downs. Over time, though, those ups seemed to become few and far between, while the downs appeared to pile up like a mountain.

Clara was overwhelmed, but she wasn’t ready to throw in the towel just yet. She wanted to know if there was a way to find happiness in her marriage, even if it was far from perfect. And that’s a question that resonates with so many of us.

So, let’s embark on this journey together and explore some strategies that can help you find happiness in an unhappy marriage. Remember, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution, but these tips might just be the guiding stars you need.

1. Choose Your Battles Wisely

In any marriage, it’s perfectly normal to have disagreements. Even the happiest couples have their moments of clash. However, in an unhappy marriage, it often feels like every little thing turns into a battlefield.

Choosing your battles means recognizing that not every issue needs to be a showdown. Take a deep breath and ask yourself, “Is this worth fighting over?” Most of the time, it’s not. Consider the long-term consequences of your arguments and prioritize your happiness over being right.

2. Focus on What You Can Control

In an unhappy marriage, it’s easy to feel helpless, like everything is beyond your control. However, you have more control than you think. It’s crucial to distinguish between what you can and cannot control.

For example, if your partner has a habit that drives you crazy, like leaving dirty dishes everywhere, remember that you can’t control their behavior. What you can control is your reaction. Instead of letting it ruin your day, find a way to cope that doesn’t involve confrontation. It could be as simple as investing in noise-canceling headphones while you clean up or turning it into a game.

The key here is understanding that how you react to the things that bug you is within your power, and that choice can significantly impact your overall happiness.

3. Nurture Your Own Happiness

In an unhappy marriage, it’s common to forget about your own happiness in the quest to fix the relationship. But your happiness matters — it’s not selfish to prioritize it.

Think about the things that used to make you happy before the marriage struggles deepened. Perhaps it was a hobby, a passion, or a dream you once pursued. Reconnect with those activities and interests that bring joy to your life.

For instance, if you used to love painting, set aside time for it again, not as an escape, but as a way to nourish your own soul. Rekindling your passions can make you feel more like yourself, and this newfound happiness often has a positive impact on your marriage.

4. Practice Gratitude

In an unhappy marriage, it’s easy to dwell on everything that’s wrong. We can become experts at cataloging our partner’s flaws and the ways they let us down. However, this mindset only leads to misery.

Instead, practice gratitude. Each day, take a moment to think about the things you appreciate about your partner. It could be their sense of humor, their kindness, or the way they make your morning coffee just right.

Don’t forget to express your gratitude. Tell your partner what you love about them. It could be a simple “thank you” for something they did or a heartfelt note reminding them of the reasons you fell in love.

Gratitude shifts your focus from what’s wrong to what’s right, helping you rediscover the reasons you chose to be together in the first place.

5. Communication: Choose Quality Over Quantity

Communication is often touted as the key to a successful relationship, but in an unhappy marriage, it can feel like an endless cycle of arguments and misunderstandings. Instead of focusing on the quantity of communication, prioritize quality.

Rather than constantly rehashing the same issues or engaging in heated debates, strive for meaningful conversations. Set aside time to talk openly and honestly about your feelings and concerns, and most importantly, listen.

Your words are like delicate glass vases; handle them with care. When you speak from a place of love and empathy, you create a safe space for both you and your partner to express yourselves without fear of judgment.

6. Self-Care: The Ultimate Game-Changer

Self-care is often overlooked in an unhappy marriage, but it’s essential. It’s not selfish to prioritize self-love because when you’re running on empty, you can’t give your best to your marriage.

Self-care comes in many forms. It could be taking long walks in nature, indulging in a spa day, or simply setting aside quiet time for meditation. Whatever rejuvenates your spirit, make it a non-negotiable part of your routine.

Prioritizing self-care equips you with patience, resilience, and a greater capacity for empathy, both for yourself and your partner. It’s like refilling your emotional tank, so you’re better prepared to face the challenges of an unhappy marriage.

7. Set Realistic Expectations

No marriage is perfect, and it’s essential to set realistic expectations, especially in an unhappy marriage. If you’re expecting a fairy-tale romance where everything is perfect all the time, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment.

Real life is messy, and so are relationships. Instead of chasing an unattainable ideal, focus on creating a partnership that works for both you and your partner. Understand that there will be good days and bad days, and that’s okay.

Remember, it’s not about reaching some unattainable destination; it’s about navigating the journey together, even when the path is rocky.

8. Rediscover Your Shared Goals and Dreams

In an unhappy marriage, it’s easy to forget the dreams and goals you once shared as a couple. Life’s demands and conflicts can overshadow those shared aspirations over time.

Reconnect with those dreams and find ways to work toward them, even in small steps. Shared goals can bring a sense of purpose and unity to your marriage, reminding you of the reasons you chose to build a life together in the first place.

What were your shared dreams and goals? How can you reignite the passion you both once had for them? Discussing your aspirations together can help rekindle the flame in your marriage.

So, if you find yourself in an unhappy marriage, don’t lose hope. Choose your battles wisely, focus on what you can control, and nurture your own happiness. Practice gratitude and prioritize self-care. Communicate with love and empathy, set realistic expectations, and rediscover your shared goals and dreams.

Ready to start your journey towards happiness in your marriage, even if it’s been a bumpy ride lately? Click here to discover even more tips and strategies that can help you find your inner peace and create a more fulfilling relationship.

Click here to access a comprehensive guide that provides even more in-depth strategies and practical tips on how to find happiness in your marriage. This guide is filled with actionable steps, real-life examples, and expert insights to help you navigate the challenges and create a more harmonious relationship

Don’t let unhappiness define your marriage any longer. You have the power to transform it into a source of joy and fulfillment. Click here now and start your journey towards a happier and more peaceful life within your marriage.

Remember, your journey to a happier marriage begins with a single click. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to transform your relationship and rediscover the love and happiness that brought you together in the first place. Click right here and take that first step towards a brighter future together.



Zara Vera

Passionate marriage counselor dedicated to rekindling love and strengthening bonds. Helping couples thrive.