Log 3- T-rex’s Jury.

Zeckoth Hollow
2 min readAug 23, 2023


Monday mornings are exhausting even without adding The Jury into the mix.

Juries are a nerve-wracking experience. They’re a review and critique of your work by professors, and they’re never lenient. Doubly so when it’s the T-rex himself.

However, I do feel I handled it fairly well. I took my critique with my head held up and a new determination to do better in my heart.

The real task, however, comes after.

Our seniors were invited to view our works, with our desks arranged in a sort of exhibition gallery-style layout, as we gave detailed explanations regarding our designs and the choices we made to arrive at them.

And I am not built for public speaking. I tend to stutter and forget words, mumble and fidget, and be a mess in general.

My classmates say I’m actually an excellent orator, but I have no idea what drives them to such a wild conclusion. They say it’s because I “know what I’m saying”.

Yeah, sure. Let’s go with that.

If nothing else, I did at least pique their attention with my centerpiece.

That’s right. A dragon.

Needless to say, they were impressed.

After the jury, our first module was officially over, and we pretty much dived headfirst into the second one.

Remember that Ominous chanting?

Several LARGE sheets of complex compositions developed using obscure perspectives, which are then to be meticulously inked black to create mere silhouettes that blended to create almost psychedelic-looking pieces of monochromatic art.

Dozens of iterations before deciding on a final design. And dozens of inked sheets, each more complex that the last. Every single one of us used up at least two entire bottles of ink.

We made compositions using lines and curves, using furniture, using letters, and using varying scripts.

It was hectic, but it was… Also quite useful.

T-rex fell ill that week, so our schedule was a bit more relaxed than usual after we finished it.

with Jyothi, GK and GG, it was business as usual, although their pace was far more relaxed in comparison.

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