Log 2-Hell.

Zeckoth Hollow
1 min readAug 23, 2023


Somehow, Things only got worse beyond that point.

Remember when I said that TyrannoSaurabh gives us a bunch of work?

Well, I wasn’t kidding.

While I do understand that developing hand-eye coordination is a vital skill in design, This feels a bit much for first-years sometimes...

Still, it makes sense, on paper at least, so I won’t complain too much.

But man, It’s tiring. Endless pages upon pages of line practice, training ourselves to be able to reliably judge distances on the millimeter scale, breaking down our very understanding of how form and shapes work, razed to dust, so that a new understanding could be built, with a proper foundation grounded in deep thought and communal logic, making brand new, innovative, wild ideas on the very Fundamental aspects on Design, to develop our own personal Understanding of Design;

You know, the normal stuff.

It’s… Taxing, mentally, to say the least. But oh so rewarding.

We’re also learning to see different representations of form in everyday objects and design, and identify good and bad aspects of design. You can find some Instagram posts we made by looking for the tag, #thecubicorange.

Fun stuff. I’ve tried to include some memes and pop culture references in mine, for your enjoyment. You won’t have too much trouble finding it, I hope. Have fun.

P.S. If you cannot find mine, you can always check out my instagram account, @zeckprivv .

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