Ello for photographers, a little guide

Samuel Zeller
5 min readJan 16, 2018
A modified version of the Ello logo (original one is by Berger & Föhr) on an awesome background by Neven Krcmarek.

A short introduction

Ello is a social network for creatives, originally made public in the fall of 2014. Think of it as a mix between Behance, Instagram, Tumblr and Pinterest but without all the bullshit. If you didn’t read my previous article then here’s a recap of a few reasons why Ello is great:

  • It’s made for artists and creatives
  • There’s no ads, no sponsored posts and your data isn’t sold
  • The feed is chronological, there are no algorithms
  • You can filter notifications
  • You can post text, videos, links all in the same post
  • You can upload images of any ratio (bye bye 4:5)
  • Images are as good looking as on Flickr (not compressed)
  • Everything can be done on desktop (or mobile)
  • There are 40 curated categories + great communities

Uploading images on Ello

You can use the post button and drag & drop image files, including .JPG, .GIF, animated .GIF, and .PNG files (or use the upload file button and browse to a file on located on your device).

For photographers I recommend to upload jpeg files of 1000px width or more. Note: currently the upload quality is



Samuel Zeller

Swiss photographer based in Geneva. Fujifilm ambassador. Writing about photography, art and social media. Editor of photomachina.com