Ten Things Not To Do in Dubai

7 min readApr 13, 2018


Relocating to the UAE as an expat? Excited to visit Burj Khalifa as a tourist? Considering an investment in Dubai? Got your visa for the UAE?

Dude, be warned!

You got no idea what you’re getting yourself into.

I’m serious. Just give me 5 minutes of your time, you won’t regret, I tell ya.

K-Pop bands, Irish pubs, Ski Dubai Official! Lamborghinis, Prada, Armani! Blockchain technology, the Internet of Things, a Smart City! Dubai Mall, Dubai this and Dubai that.

Dubai is thought of as liberal, cosmopolitan and tolerant by outsiders.

So listen to me and if you REALLY have to go to the UAE, watch out for these 10 things not to do in Dubai. It might safe you lots of trouble. It might, as you’ll see, save your life! (Also, forward this to your friends that want to go to Dubai, if you love them!)

  1. Never ask anyone “what happened to Latifa al Maktoum?

Explanation: Latifa is one of 30 children of the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed Al Maktoum. Latifa recorded a heart breaking video, calling for help because her abusive father denied her the most basic human rights.

No one has seen her since Princess Latifa was kidnapped.

Let that sink in… and remember, what HUGE risk Latifa took when she decided to escape. She has suffered so much — from her own father. And this man rules Dubai!

So, what really happened to Latifa?

Well, it is thought that she is currently drugged and sedated. Watch the full video here.

Princess Latifa Al Maktoum (32), being tortured and detained against her will by the abusive ruler of the UAE, Mr. Mohammed Al Maktoum

2. Stay away from Prince Hamdan al Maktoum and his drugs and gay orgies

Explanation: Well, this story comes not from me but the US Embassy in the UAE.

According to WikiLeaks, US spies in the UAE reported that Prince Hamdan Al Maktoum — Crown Prince Dubai, since his older brother Rashid died from “drug and alcohol binges”, according to Wikipedia— enjoys “flying in male and female escorts to Dubai for weekend orgies.” Together, they take all kinds of drugs.

Check the upper story about Latifa. She didn’t want this life style, just basic rights, and it was denied her.

Maybe you don’t care, but this applies to you as well. If you, a normal person, or even an important non-Emirati person, do MUCH less than prince Hamdan, like, kissing your wife or something on the street, they’ll arrest you! Yes they will

3. Never ask if Dubai is a center for human trafficking

Explanation: To quote the New York Magazine

“You can’t say that [Otaiba, UAE Ambassador in the US] is a human trafficker — he’s not. But some of the girls I was sent over there were trafficked girls,” Roman Paschal said. Other emails showed Otaiba’s extensive relationship with a Washington madam, who offered to send “girls” to him “in your country or wait until you are in the U.S.” //Source

An investigative report:

Human trafficking is a $150 billion global industry, according to the International Labor Organization, and the UAE is a center of gravity for the industry. // Source

UAE Ambassador Yousef Al Otaiba regularly enjoyed orgies in the US

4. You will be under constant surveillance

Explanation: UAE is the worst surveillance state in the world.

DarkMatter, according to one source, would be able to use its authority to sign its own rootkits — software tools that allow undetected and unauthorized access to computer systems — in order to carry out man-in-the-middle attacks. “This is huge,” the source said. // Source


The software, known as a remote control device (RCS), can hack into mobile phones, giving the government access to all the user’s information — what he or she has looked at or written online and the call history, for example. Unlike basic surveillance software, the RCS can also transform the device into a monitoring tool by switching on and controlling the camera and microphone, without the user noticing. // Source

This explains the next thing NOT DO TO in Dubai

5. Never write what you think in PRIVATE messages

American citizen facing 7 years in Dubai jail for using the word “bitch” on Instagram.// THIS HAPPEND IN 2018! // Source


British estate agent is jailed in Dubai for sending WhatsApp message to dodgy car dealer asking him ‘how do you sleep at night’ // Source


Imagine that there's a person of interest at the Dubai Mall, we've already set up all our probes all over the city, we press a button and BOOM! All the devices in the Mall are infected and traceable.


Faisal Al Bannai, CEO of DarkMatter, a spy agency

6. Be aware that a UK passport doesn’t protect you from torture

UK citizens were tortured in the UAE, this documentary reveals.

A report aired on Monday by London-based Al-Araby TV has shed new light on cases involving the alleged torture, massive abuse and even deaths of British citizens while in custody in the United Arab Emirates. …

The UAE has been consistently crticised for its vague laws, oversized police powers, forced disappearances and detention without charge against ordinary citizens and expats. //Source

7. As an expat, they can destroy your life at any moment

Just two stories. There are so many more. But just to give you an idea:

Lee Bradley Brown booked a last minute trip to Dubai. They arrested him. Took passport away. Then he was dead. //Source

and a British expat

Asa Hutchinson, 22, from Mountnessing, was arrested after a group of her male friends were involved in a scuffle with a “drunk” Swedish man in a hotel in Dubai.

Asa has been charged with assault and theft after the complainant lost his spectacles while striking the boys.

Dubai law dictates that the person to make the first complaint is the party most likely to believed, therefore, it may be irrelevant that the Swedish man threw punches. // Source

Asa Hutchinson (22) had a job in Dubai, is now in prison without rights despite being innocent

8. Never ask about “disappeared” Emiratis. When you disappear, you never existed, got that?

At a legislative level, this has found an expression in both the 2012 cybercrime law and the 2014 anti-terrorism legislation. These vaguely worded laws have effectively provided a legal basis for the regime to imprison government critics. Since their institution, scores of people in the UAE have been arbitrarily detained, forcefully disappeared and in many cases tortured over social media comments critical of the state.//Source


The Emirati authorities’ clamp-down on dissenting voices in the post-Arab Spring landscape has been such that it now has one of the highest rates of political prisoners per-capita anywhere in the world.// Source

In October 2015, Ahmed Mansoor addresses the Martin Ennals award ceremony via a YouTube video (Youtube Screengrab)

9. Never discuss the rape and torture scandals of the royal families

This is the Sheikh Issa Nahyan Torture Scandal from 2009

American businessman Bassam Nabulsi was behind the release last year of a shocking videotape in which Sheikh Issa bin Zayed al Nahyan is seen brutally beating and torturing an Afghan man who he claimed owed him money. The tape showed Issa shooting at the man, beating him with a plank with protruding nails, electrocuting him, setting him on fire, pouring salt into his bleeding wounds and eventually having him driven over with a vehicle. //Source

The legal documents: https://www.leagle.com/decision/infdco20090615697
Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Issa_bin_Zayed_Al_Nahyan#Trial_and_verdict

Here’s another story

Sheikh Saud bin Saqr Al Qasimi tried to rape a maid in the US, then fled the country // Source

Here’s a really heart breaking story from the offspring of these sick sadists

Eight UAE princesses to go on trial in Belgium over ‘inhumane’ treatment of servants

Princess Sheikha al-Nahyan and her seven daughters, from the United Arab Emirates (UAE), travelled to Belgium regularly and brought with them at least 20 servants, all women, to wait on them hand and foot 24 hours a day.

One servant went to the police after escaping from the luxury suite in the Conrad Hotel in Brussels where the princesses were staying in 2008.

She claimed her and her peers were working long hours, sometimes without enough food, did not have beds to sleep on and were not in possession of visas… The eight princesses have now been accused of violating labour laws and human trafficking. //Source

10. Never raise the issue of slaves and forced labor

Explanation: The UAE was build by slaves. Its wealth has two sources:

Cheap labor by modern slaves + vast international money laundering from drugs, human trafficking, oligarchs, Indian and Southeast Asian mafia networks…

Here is a documentary about the slaves:

So, still wanna have fun in Dubai?

Hope you enjoyed the ten things not to do in Dubai.

If you’re in Dubai get the hell out NOW and stay safe!

If you ain’t, thank God and go somewhere nice :P

Remember Latifa? Help us to get her out!! She risked her life to be free.
#HelpLatifa #FreeLatifa

#FleeDXB with us — Adios Today Dubai!

