Ordinals and BRC20 Tokens: Bitcoin’s Modern Game-Changers

5 min readJun 7, 2024


As DeFi, NFTs, and the broader Web3 landscape have made massive innovative leaps in the last year, so too has Bitcoin. Already regarded as a resolute monetary medium, Bitcoin’s recent growth has been about a lot more than all-time-highs and ETF volume. Within the Bitcoin community, Ordinals and BRC20 tokens have emerged as major trends that not only point to the broader potential of Bitcoin network, but also serve as primary instantiations of increasing market demand for new use cases on Bitcoin. More than ever before, Bitcoin’s utility is extending beyond its original role as a peer-to-peer system for exchanging value; its immutable ledger and rigorous consensus are now in high demand to provide services to a wide array of decentralized applications.

Ordinals: an Overview

Launched in January 2023 by developer Casey Rodarmor, Ordinals were built on a groundbreaking new method of inscribing arbitrary data onto individual satoshis — those are, the smallest units of a bitcoin. By leveraging a novel numbering system called “ordinal theory,” each satoshi is assigned a unique identifier based on the chronological order in which it was mined. Rodarmor’s rather ingenious methodology transforms fungible satoshis into non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and allows users to store and exchange them directly on Bitcoin’s base layer.

While the concept of Bitcoin-based NFTs predates their conception, Ordinals operate in a uniquely backward-compatible manner while residing entirely on Bitcoin’s base chain. As such, Ordinals do not require any changes to Bitcoin’s core protocol in order to function, and have picked up major traction amongst Web3 enthusiasts as a result.

The Impact of Ordinals on a Divided Bitcoin Community

The meteoric rise of Ordinals has sparked vigorous debates within the Bitcoin community, with proponents and detractors voicing contrasting opinions. Critics justly argue that Ordinals needlessly congest the Bitcoin blockchain, drive up transaction fees, and deviate from Bitcoin’s founding mission to serve as a secure, decentralized network for a global monetary medium.

On the other hand, the growing Ordinals community continues to celebrate the cultural and memetic value that Ordinals bring to Bitcoin’s immutable ledger. To those who hold, track, and trade Ordinals, Bitcoin’s future ought to be one where its base chain transcends mere financial functions to become a decentralized database for a multitude of emergent applications and use cases.

The surge in Ordinal adoption has undeniably impacted Bitcoin’s ecosystem, catalyzing discussions around the network’s fundamental role and ethos. As the community grapples with these existential questions, all parties can agree on one matter: Ordinals have ushered in a new era of innovation and creativity on the world’s most robust blockchain.

Breaking Down BRC20 Tokens

While Ordinals have captured the imagination of Bitcoin enthusiasts and artists, another groundbreaking development has been brewing in the realm of tokenization. Pioneered by Bitcoin developer Domo, the BRC20 protocol offers an experimental standard for creating fungible tokens directly on the Bitcoin blockchain.

Leveraging the foundation laid by Ordinals, BRC20 tokens are essentially inscribed ordinals encoded with specific JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) data. Such compact code confers a range of unique functionalities to BRC20 tokens, including deployment, minting, and transfers within the Bitcoin network. Unlike Ordinals, BRC20 tokens are designed to be fungible, such that each token within a given contract is indistinguishable from its counterparts, and therefore holds equal value.

The Impact of Ordinals and BRC20s on Bitcoin’s Ecosystem

For better or worse, the genesis of both Ordinals and BRC20 tokens can be traced back to Bitcoin’s November 2021 Taproot upgrade. By expanding the capacity for arbitrary data storage within transactions, Taproot inadvertently paved the way for innovative use cases beyond Bitcoin’s original peer-to-peer value transfer. And at this stage, there is no going back.

Ordinals and BRC20 tokens have brought with them a new era of community engagement and artistic expression within the Bitcoin ecosystem. In particular, the rise of Ordinal inscriptions has produced a thriving digital art scene, with creators leveraging the immutable nature of the Bitcoin blockchain to enshrine their works in a tamper-proof medium. From pixel art and generative pieces to interactive games and multimedia experiences, the Ordinals space has become a canvas for creativity and self-expression.

Nonetheless, the most immediate, visible, and measurable effect of Ordinal and BRC20 adoption has been the surge in Bitcoin transaction volume and associated fees. As users rush to inscribe their unique digital artifacts and deploy new token contracts, the demand for block space has skyrocketed, leading to significant spikes in transaction fees.

As users compete to have their transactions prioritized and included in the next available block, Bitcoin’s inherent scarcity no longer refers exclusively to its bitcoins, but to its computational resources as well.

The Call for Scalability

To no one’s surprise, increased transaction volume and fee pressure have reignited discussions around Bitcoin’s scalability limitations. With a fixed block size and relatively low throughput compared to newer blockchain networks, concerns have been raised about the long-term sustainability of hosting complex applications and assets on Bitcoin’s base layer. Renewed calls for scaling solutions have never been louder.

For Bitcoin to truly realize its potential as a robust platform for decentralized applications and a breadth of rising digital assets, scalability challenges must be addressed. Otherwise, not only may the Ordinals and BRC20 communities struggle to achieve adoption, but Bitcoin’s original mandate may be impeded as well.

That’s why the zkBTC team is on the job, architecting a high-performance EVM chain for Bitcoin that has been developed using cutting-edge zero-knowledge tech, and rigorously tested by industry-leading scalability experts at Polygon Labs.

For Bitcoin’s future to be bright and diverse, its architecture must be as expansive and scalable as it is robust and secure. zkBTC is day-and-night committed to seeing Bitcoin realize its potential to serve any and all who wish to use its immutable ledger.

zkBTC invites you to join the Bitcoin scalability mission to reunite the Bitcoin community, ensure optimal accessibility and affordability for network transactions, and satisfy all demand for Bitcoin and rising Bitcoin-native use cases.





Creating a more vibrant, scalable and future-proof ecosystem for Bitcoin.