Replacing Python loops: Fancy Slicing and Broadcasting

Bob Chesebrough
9 min readDec 21, 2023


Image: “cartoon of a pie sliced into square pieces” +“cartoon of a pie sliced into pieces”, photoshop composite by the author

In a previous article, “Accelerate Numerical Calculations in NumPy With Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library”, I address why NumPy constructs, powered by Intel oneAPI, can achieve outsized performance and code readability and code maintainability advantages over a typical “roll your won” Python code segment.

In this article I want to address fancy slicing and broadcasting!

Slicing — aka fancy slicing:

Slicing in python, is a means to target a specified subrange of an array or a subrange of a string. It is specified by using “:” in the square bracket index range.

a[start:stop]  # items start through stop-1
a[start:] # items start through the rest of the array
a[:stop] # items from the beginning through stop-1
a[:] # a copy of the whole array

It should be used rather than a loop to target or select a subrange for various operations. The slicing constructs are wired to handle cache optimization and SIMD vectorization in NumPy and PyTorch.

For machine learning , one place it is commonly used is for doing the necessary offsets for handling time series data.

sub-setting a smaller range of data when conducting a live demo and you don’t want to train on an entire dataset to show an audience.

I’ll consider a stock price prediction example for use with slicing.

It is common in time series data to predict a value x time units in the future. This is done by taking a label and shifting the indexes so that the future label aligns with features from the past.

Copying the data as a loop, becomes very inefficient, and for large arrays it is very time consuming.

Here a snippet of stock like data:

Table 1: stock like time series data

The goal is to train a model to predict a stock price at time T+3 from all observation up to time T (so we want to predict three days into the future).

Table 2 shows how this offset label in time compares to the original times series data. Here we observation from up to Dec 20 to predict the price 133.7 that was later observed on Dec 23. We hope to build a predictor that predict out 3 days in advance. We would like to ultimately predict the prices for Dec 29, 30, 31 for which which we have data — before we commit our model into deployment.

Table2: Show alignment of X features to the predited future values under ‘Predict This’

A simple minded python loop centric way of creating this label column for y, is as follows:

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

df = pd.read_csv('Assets/StockTimeSeries.csv')
X = df['Stock'].to_numpy()
Toffset = 3
y = np.zeros([len(X)])
for i in range(len(X) - Toffset ):
y[i] = X[i+Toffset]
# predict for y the last three empty slots (NAN)

(array([145.9933047, 142.333029 , 125.6291325, 133.715583 , 130.6002384,
133.9623597, 139.7279166, 137.5097947, 135.1774904, 125.9596717,
135.2106359, 142.6324476]),
array([133.715583 , 130.6002384, 133.9623597, 139.7279166, 137.5097947,
135.1774904, 125.9596717, 135.2106359, 142.6324476, 0. ,
0. , 0. ]))

Next we refactor the above code to use slicing

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np

df = pd.read_csv('Assets/StockTimeSeries.csv')
X = df['Stock'].to_numpy()
# Slicing for time series labels
y = X[3:] # train on X except last two, labels are shifting 3 days into the future
# predict for y the last three empty slots (NAN)

(array([145.9933047, 142.333029 , 125.6291325, 133.715583 , 130.6002384,
133.9623597, 139.7279166, 137.5097947, 135.1774904, 125.9596717,
135.2106359, 142.6324476]),
array([133.715583 , 130.6002384, 133.9623597, 139.7279166, 137.5097947,
135.1774904, 125.9596717, 135.2106359, 142.6324476]))

To test the potential speedups using slicing, lets look at a different example, here a naive Python loop:

# try naive loop
num = 100_000_001
a = np.linspace(0, num - 1, num=num)
b = np.ndarray(num-1)

timing = {}


for i in range(len(a)-1):
b[i] = a[i+1]

print("shift b w loop {} secs".format(t2-t1))
timing['loop'] = (t2-t1)
b[:2], b[-2:]

shift b w loop 12.460822582244873 secs
(array([1., 2.]), array([9.9999999e+07, 1.0000000e+08]))

Next, we will try to speed this up using a list comprehension:

# try list comprehension 

b = [a[i+1] for i in range(len(a)-1)] # shift b by 1

print("shift b {} secs".format(t2-t1))
timing['list comprehension'] = (t2-t1)
b[:2], b[-2:]

shift b 8.01001787185669 secs
([1.0, 2.0], [99999999.0, 100000000.0])

Next, I will try using a couple of nested NumPy UFuncs (roll and delete):

# try ufunc np.roll

b = np.delete( np.roll(a,-1) , -1) # numpy roll and delete last value

print("shift b {} secs".format(t2-t1))
timing['RollDelete'] = (t2-t1)
b[:2], b[-2:]

Now try slicing — fancy slicing!

# try fancy slicing
####### Insert corrected code below

b = a[1:]


print("shift b {} secs".format(t2-t1))
timing['slicing'] = (t2-t1)
b[:2], b[-2:]
shift b 3.24249267578125e-05 secs
(array([1., 2.]), array([9.9999999e+07, 1.0000000e+08]))

Plot the results

plt.title("Time taken to process {:,} records in seconds".format(num),fontsize=12)
plt.ylabel("Time in seconds",fontsize=12)
plt.xlabel("Various types of operations",fontsize=14)
plt.xticks(rotation=-60) = list(timing.keys()), height= list(timing.values()), align='center',tick_label=list(timing.keys()))
print('Acceleration : {:4.0g} X'.format(timing['loop']/(timing['slicing'])))
Graph 1: Speedup of slicing in this time series example: over 1x10⁵ X speedup!


Image: broadcasting: generated in Powerpoint* by author

According to Broadcasting,
“The term broadcasting describes how NumPy treats arrays with different shapes during arithmetic operations. Subject to certain constraints, the smaller array is “broadcast” across the larger array so that they have compatible shapes.”

In a Linear Algebra class there is no such notion at broadcasting

In Linear Algebra:

  • Two matrices can be added or subtracted ONLY if their dimensions are exactly the same (lets say (both MxN)
  • Two matrices can be multiplied ONLY if their inner dimensions are the same A(5,2) x B (2,7) = (5,7)

In NumPy and PyTorch, broadcasting is a way to speed up computation by essentially making the dimensions the correct size by copying data from the smaller dimension until the resulting array is suitable for Linear Algebra addition or multiplication.

The one exception: Outer product is the same in linear Algebra and NumPy, at least in the case of (Nx1) x (1xN) = (NxN)

Broadcasting rules and conditions:

For a set of arrays can be considered ‘broadcastable’, if this set of conditions that are met.

  1. The shape of the arrays are the same or the ending dimensions for both arrays match
  2. If an array has a different number of dimension to the another array, then the array with the lesser dimension is extended by 1 until the number of dimension of both arrays are equal
  3. If two arrays are to be broadcastable, then the array with dimension size of 1 is to behave in a manner that enables the array with lesser dimension to be expanded by duplication to the length of the second array. (eg. a (3,1) is promoted to (3,3) by copying to fill dimension

For better intuition about broadcasting — watch this excellent presentation by: Jake Vanderplas Losing your Loops Fast Numerical Computing with NumPy.

Example of normalizing California housing dataset

This example combines NumPy Aggregations with Broadcasting

But the Numpy vectorized code is MUCH more readable and easier to debug and explain

Here’s how the broadcasting works here for the Standardization method:

  • X is two dimensional array
  • X.mean(axis = 0) is a vector (1,3)
  • X.std(axis = 0) is a vector (1,3)
  • both small vectors (1,3) are broadcast up to the dimension of X (3,3)
  • in Linear algebra class you have to add/subtract arrays of same dimensions A is two dimensional array

Note: the scikit-learn standardize is about 2x faster that these methods. Always look to use optimized libraries such as these in deference to your own loops but ALSO in deference to your own NumPy rolled one liners — but let performance and readability be your guide here.

from sklearn.datasets import fetch_california_housing

california_housing = fetch_california_housing(as_frame=True)
X =

def standardizeLoop(X): # about 15 lines of code, more to go wrong
C = X.shape[-1]
L = len(X)
tmp = np.zeros(X.shape)

for col in range(C):
mean = 0
total = 0
for row in range(len(X)):
total += X[row, col]
mean = total/L
diff2 = 0
for row in range(L):
d = X[row,col] - mean
diff2 += d*d
tmp[row, col] = X[row, col] - mean
for row in range(L):
tmp[row, col] = tmp[row, col]/np.sqrt(diff2/(L))
return tmp

def standardize(A): # one line of code
# A is two dimensional array
# A.mean(axis = 0) is a vector (1,3)
# A.std(axis = 0) is a vector (1,3)
# both scalars are broadcast up to the dimension of A (3,3)
# in Linear algebra Class you have to add/subtract arrays of same dimensions
#return (A - A.mean(axis=0))/A.std(axis=0)
return (A - np.mean(A, axis=0))/np.std(A, axis=0)

print("standardize Loop")

print("standardize NumPy")
timing = {}
t1 = time.time()
timing['loop'] = time.time() -t1

t1 = time.time()
timing['numpy'] = time.time() -t1
print(f"Acceleration {timing['loop']/timing['numpy']:4.1f} X")

{'loop': 0.1822032928466797, 'numpy': 0.0007750988006591797}
Acceleration 235.1 X

In the above code, the broadcasting occurs in ths line:

return (A - np.mean(A, axis=0))/np.std(A, axis=0)

A is an array of shape (10000,), while np.mean(A, axis=0) is a scalar with dimension ().

We are combining shapes of (10000,) and () which requires that the scalar be stretched to match the dimensions of (1000,) in order to perform the operation.

By using broadcasting, we speed up our code over naive loop method by over 200X on this particular Xeon node.

Play with these concepts on the Intel Developer Cloud:

Take the opportunity to play with replacing loop bound aggregations in your own code with NumPy aggregation functions instead.

For a sandbox to play in — register for a free account on the Intel Developer Cloud (, sign in and play by clicking on the icon in the lower left:

Then Launch JupyterLab on the shared access node in the icon on the right — see below:


The code for this article and the rest of the series is located on github. For this article experiment with the file: 08_04_NumPy_Broadcasting.ipynb

Related Articles:

Article 1:

Accelerate Numerical Calculations in NumPy With Intel oneAPI Math Kernel Library. Explore the reasons why replacing inefficient Python loops with NumPy or PyTorch constructs is a great idea.

Article 2:

Python Loop Replacement: NumPy Optimizations Simple Stuff — ND array creation using NumPy, PyTorch, DPCTL. Explore simple ways of creating , converting and transforming Lists into NumPy NDarrays — a very basic getting started.

Article 3:

Introduction to NumPy* Universal functions (ufuncs). How I learned to stop worrying and let smart developers help me.

Article 4:

Replacing Python loops: Aggregations and Reductions. How to replace slow python loops by strategic function equivalents for aggregating data.

Article 5: (current article)

Replacing Python loops: Fancy Slicing and Broadcasting. Here I address fancy slicing and broadcasting to take advantage of key optimizations for loop replacement.

Article 6:

Python Loop Replacement: PyTorch & NumPy Optimizations. Not your SQL Select clause — Using Where and Select to vectorize conditional logic.

Article 7:

Loop Replacement Strategies: Applications to Pandas Apply. Examine how to accelerate Pandas Apply statement containing conditional logic.

Article 8:

NumPy Functions Composed. Compare Fast Inverse Square Root Method to NumPy ufuncs, Numba JIT, and Cython — Which One Wins?

Intel Developer Cloud System Configuration as tested:

CPU op-mode(s): 32-bit, 64-bit
Address sizes: 52 bits physical, 57 bits virtual
Byte Order: Little Endian
CPU(s): 224
On-line CPU(s) list: 0–223
Vendor ID: GenuineIntel
Model name: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8480+
CPU family: 6
Model: 143
Thread(s) per core: 2
Core(s) per socket: 56
Socket(s): 2
Stepping: 8
CPU max MHz: 3800.0000
CPU min MHz: 800.0000



Bob Chesebrough

Robert Chesebrough is currently a Solution Architect in the Intel Developer Academy where he teaches others to apply optimizations to data science algorithms.