Someone associated with Monero organizing and funding false-flag attacks on Zcash

Zooko Wilcox
2 min readMay 12, 2022


See also part 2

Folks, a few years ago this twitter account “Mr_McStevie” said that Riccardo Spagni paid him “for being poor/making fun of the Zcash guy”.


He didn’t just make fun of me, his tweets starting 2018–07–22 were very negative about the entire Zcash project and Zcash community for a while — maybe a year or so.

Recently there have been several Twitter accounts — among them “LocaLaughs” and “funtokenomics” — that claimed to be Zcashers but posted tweets that were harmful to Zcash. I thought it was weird that someone would spend that much time just trying to harm Zcash but I just blocked them.

Then I saw this tweet from a long-standing Zcasher — nextiscrypto:


I reached out to ask about it, and with their permission I’m posting screenshots of what they told me in private chat:

So it is apparent that someone affiliated with Monero — possibly Riccard Spagni, since he paid someone to attack Zcash a few years ago — is funding and organizing “false flag” operations, in which people claim to be part of our community and contributing to our mission, when in fact they are doing the opposite.

Related to Riccardo Spagni, please see the “funny story…” post-script at the end of this other post.



Zooko Wilcox

Founder and CEO of the Electric Coin Company (makers of Zcash)