Someone associated with Monero organizing and funding false-flag attacks on Zcash, part 2

Zooko Wilcox
2 min readMay 12, 2022


[see also part 1.]

I just noticed this post from Rhett Creighton, stating that he is a ZEC holder and that he approves of ECC keeping Orchard under the Bootstrap Open Source Licence, and giving as his reasons some of the reasons that I’ve given as ECC’s reasons.

Since Creighton is a serial scammer who has taken financial advantage of innocents multiple times, and since I’ve read the chat logs in which he worked with Riccardo Spagni to create ZClassic (ZCL) (formerly known as “Zcash Classic”) with the explicit and sole intention to do harm to the Zcash project, and since, per the original post above, I am aware of an organised and funded campaign to infiltrate and attack Zcash, then my current best hypothesis is that Creighton posted the above with the intention to sow discord within the Zcash community.

(See my post-script at the end of this post for more about that.)

Obviously I can’t know this for sure — I have no proof, and there are plenty of other hypotheses, but this one is currently the one that I think is the most likely.

Because of the timing, I imagine that whoever is behind this would like to interfere with the launch of Zcash NU5 — the most important Zcash upgrade yet — and in particular, I imagine that they would love for internal bickering within the Zcash community to overshadow the successful launch of a history-making upgrade that pushes forward the boundaries of human knowledge and human freedom.

(screenshot of what I saw in that forum link above, for posterity:




Zooko Wilcox

Founder and CEO of the Electric Coin Company (makers of Zcash)