GINcoin — hosting giant masternodes

Zoye Girl in Masternodes
3 min readSep 30, 2018


GINcoin is an internal coin for hosting masternode platform The rewards are split with 50% going to mining and 50% going to masternodes

Separately it is worth noting masternodes, which now have a profitability of 80+ coins per month. Approximate ROI is 100% +. However, on February 23, 2019, the halving of the reward will occur and it will be 40+ coins per month. For the remaining 5 months before halving, you can get 400 coins.

The main audience of the service is people who are not familiar with UNIX-systems and do not want to setup a masternode themselves. However, for this, the GIN platform takes serious money 0.5$/day in GIN coins.

Currently 4276 nodes are already running, of which 18 belong to the Dash coin. The confidence of such large investors suggests that the service has a good future.

If you count the income of the service, it will be $ 2,138 per day or $ 64,140 per month. This is a very good indicator for the project, which masternode can be set!

At the time of writing this article, the GIN coin is trading close to an all-time low. However it is worth noting that at the moment of writing his article. The market leader in the Master Node space Dash, is trading close to the lowest price levels of this year.

The project team is open and available on Linkedin. They also issue a weekly report on the work done.

The project already has a good income. Open and public. This all speaks for investing in it. Someone even copied 1 to 1 platfrom and call it Gentarium.

However, it would not be a complete analysis of the project, if it were not for the news from one of the creators on Twitter that in the next couple of weeks they will launch the shared masternodes!



Zoye Girl in Masternodes

I love crypto, but much more i love masternodes and passive income. Just read my article’s