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A Better Guide to Beijing
A Better Guide to Beijing
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Post Offices

Part of A Better Guide to Běijīng’s Practical A–Z

In 1977, even with the Cultural Revolution over, postal workers in the largest post office in downtown Hefei didn’t know how to send a letter outside the country. People who asked about doing such a thing were met with stares of

Wildlife and Birdwatching

Part of A Better Guide to Běijīng’s Practical A–Z

The situation with wildlife is less unpromising than you might imagine, particularly as regards birds. While sparrows and magpies are the most common the variety of other species has been increasing in number…

Tourist Information

Part of A Better Guide to Běijīng’s Practical A–Z

Once you’re in China, good information of any kind is hard to find. There are several tourist information offices in Běijīng, but these are know-little, lacklustre affairs unable to answer most questions. The most…


Part of A Better Guide to Běijīng’s Practical A–Z

Mark Twain was never more wrong than when he said, ‘Travel is fatal to prejudice, bigotry and narrow-mindedness,’ and this is rarely more clearly demonstrated than when discussions on tipping begin.