Go to A Clay Jar
A Clay Jar
Encouraging, comforting and urging you to live lives worthy of God, who calls you into his kingdom and glory. (1 Thess. 2:12 NIV)
Note from the editor

I am a clay jar, a fragile, fallible follower of Jesus. And this is a reflection of who I am and what God is doing in me. My hope and prayer are that God will use this publication to his glory and that it will be a helpful resource to the body of Christ. A Clay Jar focuses primarily on theology, the study of God, and all that he is doing in his creation. I do not pretend to have all of the answers to life’s big questions or even most of the little ones. And there is no guarantee that the responses I do have are correct. But I love the opportunity to share the fruit of my reflections on the Bible and life with you. And I hope you will be willing to politely correct me when you perceive that I am wrong.

Go to the profile of Ed Jarrett
Ed Jarrett
Disciple of Jesus. Husband, Father, and Grandfather. And I love sharing what God is teaching me from his Word. Follow me at aclayjar.net.