The News Notes

ACG newsletter and updates #1

Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl


5 min readNov 18, 2022


Scleral contacts/keratoconus care contents. This is everything I need to care for my eyes from this moment forward. My new glasses should be here early next week as my prescription has changed. I can’t wait to put those babies on! Photo Credit; Tremaine L. Loadholt
Scleral contacts/keratoconus care contents. This is everything I need to care for my eyes from this moment forward. My new glasses should be here early next week as my prescription has changed. I can’t wait to put those babies on! Photo Credit; Tremaine L. Loadholt

As some may know, I have been waiting to get my scleral contacts to help reshape my corneas and enhance my vision (over time) because of an eye disease called keratoconus. A lot of work and patience had to go into this process. I had to be assessed to see if I was even a candidate for the contacts. In the middle of all of that, my optometrist stopped taking my vision insurance, which became a lengthy process of research to find another optometrist who was skilled in introducing me to scleral contacts as well as caring for my corneas each year.

Many of you have been waiting for this update as I had to shutter A Cornered Gurl and scale back on what I had been doing so as to not put further strain on my eyes. I am happy to share that I have had my scleral contacts since Thursday, November 10, 2022, and I had my one-week follow-up on Thursday, November 17, 2022, and I am on par with where I need to be vision-wise.

When my optometrist told me I did not need to see her for another six months for a cornea check, I could have hugged her right then and there. I have gotten emotional wearing these contacts because everything is sharp, vibrant, and incredibly clear. It has been so long since I have been able to see without blurred vision or make out images at least 10 feet away from me.

I cannot fully describe what it feels like to be able to see much better than I had been doing for years. The feeling overwhelms me with emotion daily, and I am simply grateful.

I have a follow-up with my ophthalmologist on January 27, 2023, so he can assess the scarring of my corneas and measure them as well. My optometrist stated that he may want to release me totally to her at that time, but to be sure to ask him. If that is the case, then I’ll follow up with my optometrist on May 18, 2023, and then every six months after that.

It has been a bumpy ride, but I have remained patient and faithful in the belief that this day would come. And it’s here. And since I knew it would come sooner than I expected, A Cornered Gurl could be relaunched and we could move forward with building a beautiful community where writers can come as they are and truly be who they are.

We have done that, and it has been a great experience thus far.

Writers and followers

I started from scratch this time around — a clean slate. A new theme, new colors, and an entirely different look & feel, but ACG has the same core. This publication is here to welcome writers who want to be vulnerable and share their darkest and deepest inner workings/emotions with us. We are also here to learn, grow with each other, and take on various challenges pertaining to different genres of writing.

As of today, we have 54 writers, and since ACG’s relaunch on September 25, 2022, we have gained an additional 37 followers taking our follower count from 1,687 to 1,724. You may not find this impressive, but I do. I enjoy the steady pace of where things are headed for us, and I believe we will attract the writers and readers we want — I believe we will connect with those who need us and want us around.

Poetry that will settle in your bones & move you

ACG’s writers are truly expressive and come equipped with no inhibitions. You can feel what is being shared and why. A sense of expressiveness leaps from the screen and connects with you whether you want it to or not. Don’t believe me? Here are a few poems that have been published since the relaunch:

Krystal Morgan, Singing Soul

D. Abboh, Dawn, Love and Echoes

Anthony Cloe Huie, Healing

SunSpirit, Curiosity

Rachel B. Baxter, The Words of Another

Connected by roots, experiences, and tackling life as it comes

Creative non-fiction is a genre I love — it has become a baby of mine. I truly appreciate what we can do with the stories of our lives and how we choose to share those. Here are a few non-fiction pieces published since ACG’s step into our journey once again:

Niki Madore, Political Tomatoes

Lateira Flores, Thank You for Being Here (an ode poem/creative non-fiction piece)

Terry Barr, Not Forgotten

My story, your story, our stories: we all have stories to share

I have a soft spot for essays/memoir-like writing, and pieces that pull you in when you least expect it. What I love about A Cornered Gurl is how often you will find a story that speaks to you or matches your journey. Here are a few essays/memoir-like pieces published since we began again:

Esther Spurrill-Jones, My Parents Didn’t Know They Were Abusive

Alex, A Leap of Faith

Moses in the Wild, Hands and Jawline

Kerstin Krause, The Discrimination That Made Her

The first challenge since ACG’s relaunch was a sight for sore eyes (literally)

A Cornered Gurl has always been a publication that shared writing prompts/challenges. The first one since our relaunch brought tears to my eyes. What did I ask of the writers:

The challenge: Please share how you have changed, grown, lost, or gained a sense of yourself from the inception of the pandemic up to this very moment; however, do this using the haibun form. Talk about anything that has shaped, molded, and shifted your entire atmosphere, hurt you, and left you forever transformed from early 2020 until the moment you begin working on the content for this challenge.

It was our Pandemic Haibun Challenge, and we had 9 (not including mine) wonderful submissions. Writers took on the challenge, infusing their lives into impressive condensed content, given the subject matter, and I could not be happier. The responses are featured on our homepage and will remain there until this Sunday, November 20, 2022.

I am glad you are here. I am even more ecstatic that you have decided to come along on this journey with me/us once again. I have so many ideas brewing in my head-space for A Cornered Gurl, and I pray I am given the time to see these ideas become a reality for this publication.

Thank you for reading, connecting with us, and giving us your attention.

Peace and blessings.



Tre L. Loadholt
A Cornered Gurl

I am more than breath & bones. I am nectar in waiting. “You write like a jagged, beautiful dream.” ©Martha Manning •