
Writers: A Challenge

Quadrille Your Quarantine

Tre L. Loadholt
Published in
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2 min readDec 16, 2020


Writers, this is your sixth challenge of the year and for this one, we will dive into form and structure once again and write our way through the Quadrille. A Quadrille? What is this, Tre? Let me tell you.

A Quadrille is a poem that consists of 44 words, no more/no less. You can infuse meter or not. You can introduce rhyme, or not! As long as it is 44 words, you’re golden. — Inform Poets

The challenge: I am asking you to “Quadrille Your Quarantine” which is to write a poetic piece using 44 words only centered around how your quarantine or personal experience has been while mostly isolated or restricted in some way due to the Coronavirus, COVID-19.

An example:

Alone life has fused
with solitary confinement —
everything is the same,
nothing is original. Door Dash
is my best friend — long walks
are family members.
I’m one with me, myself, and I.
We have an understanding.
Quarantine life is the
new normal — not normal.

Let’s have some fun with this, beautiful people!

•Request to be added as a writer by emailing me at acorneredgurl@gmail.com with “Please Add Me” as the subject line and please include the link to your Medium profile. Don’t want to be a writer in A Cornered Gurl? Simply comment with your response in this challenge post, or create your own post to your profile or in another publication, however, please use the tags, “Challenge” and “Quadrille.”

Since this is a challenge call, all submissions received by 6:00 pm, US ET Thursday, December 17, 2020, will be published by 7:00 pm, US ET Friday, December 18, 2020. Any other submissions received by 6:00 pm on Sunday, December 20, 2020, will be published by 7:00 pm on Monday, December 21, 2020, US ET. CHALLENGE SUBMISSION BEGINS NOW.

Let me see how you express yourself and “Quadrille Your Quarantine” with me.

*Finally, this is a read-for-all community. There will be no metered paywall or locked pieces in A Cornered Gurl. If you do not know how to unlock your submissions, please learn how to here. The Weekly Knob gives an excellent breakdown on deselecting the option to curate/distribute for paywall prior to submitting to a publication.



Tre L. Loadholt

I am more than breath & bones. I am nectar in waiting. “You write like a jagged, beautiful dream.” ©Martha Manning •https://acorneredgurl.com