Elevate Your A.I. Creations with 24 Stunning Cloud Types Generated by These Midjourney Prompts

Ryan Allen
A.I. Art, Design & Dev
7 min readJan 11, 2023

Let the skies ignite your canvas, as you weave in the allure of billowing clouds. Behold, 24 cloud forms to enliven your mid-journey generative artworks and elevate them to new heights. May your imagination take flight, and I look forward to the masterpieces you will create with them.

Zhangye National Geopark 4K {3840x2160} by imrsn.com includes painted clouds and mountains
Zhangye National Geopark 4K {3840x2160} by a.i. & imrsn.com: includes cumulonimbus, mammatus & cirrus clouds with styling prompted via: splatter painting, abstract, modernism, and colorings with: vibrant, hdr

To learn more about my work, you can check out my artificial intelligence image projects at imrsn.com and my product design portfolio at ryanallen.com

Altocumulus clouds

Effervescent puffs of clouds, dotting the azure expanse above.

/imagine prompt: altocumulus clouds --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
altocumulus clouds reflecting sunlight
altocumulus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4
altocumulus clouds over land
altocumulus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Altostratus clouds

Thin gossamer sheets of clouds, rarely illuminated by a spectrum of colors, with hues of iridescence and ethereal coronas that dance around their edges.

/imagine prompt: altostratus clouds --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
Altostratus clouds over water
altostratus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4
Altostratus clouds over land
altostratus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Arcus shelf clouds

An expansive, curved shelf of cloud stretching across the horizon, resembling a grand archway forged from the very essence of the sky.

/imagine prompt: arcus shelf cloud --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
arcus shelf cloud over desert road
arcus shelf cloud generated in midjourney a.i. v4
arcus shelf cloud over road
arcus shelf cloud generated in midjourney a.i. v4


Ebony waves of clouds, resembling an inverted ocean, surging across the sky, signaling the approach of tumultuous thunderstorms.

/imagine prompt: asperitas cloud --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
asperitas cloud
asperitas cloud generated in midjourney a.i. v4
asperitas cloud over a road
asperitas cloud generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Cirrus clouds

Ethereal and ever-changing, the wispy strands of the cirrus clouds, a canvas for the sun’s hues.

/imagine prompt: cirrus cloud --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
cirrus clouds
cirrus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4
cirrus clouds
cirrus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Cirrocumulus clouds

Like a field of downy feathers, a gentle expanse of small, delicate tufts.

Cirrocumulus clouds
cirrocumulus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4
Cirrocumulus clouds
cirrocumulus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Cirrostratus clouds

A veil of mystery, the cirrostratus clouds, a delicate and translucent shroud

cirrostratus clouds
cirrostratus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4
cirrostratus clouds
cirrostratus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Contrails clouds

Traces of humanity’s journey, contrails that soar, forming clouds in their wake.

/imagine prompt: clouds, contrails --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
contrail clouds
contrail clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4
contrail clouds
contrail clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Cumulonimbus clouds

The cumulonimbus, king of clouds, its flat-topped summit a harbinger of severe weather.

/imagine prompt: cumulonimbus cloud --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
cumulonimbus cloud
cumulonimbus cloud generated in midjourney a.i. v4
cumulonimbus cloud
cumulonimbus cloud generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Cumulus clouds

Puffy and majestic, the cumulus clouds soar through the sky in graceful mounds of white and light grey.

/imagine prompt: minimal cumulus cloud, foreground --no canvas, artwork, painting --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750 
/imagine prompt: cumulus clouds --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
cumulus cloud
fluffy white cumulus cloud generated in midjourney a.i. v4
cumulus cloud
fluffy white cumulus cloud generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Fallstreak hole / hole punch clouds

Glimpses of blue sky, circular gaps that punctuate the altocumulus and cirrocumulus clouds.

/imagine prompt: fallstreak hole in clouds --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
/imagine prompt: fallstreak hole in cirrocumulus clouds --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
Fallstreak hole in clouds
fallstreak hole in clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4
Fallstreak hole in clouds
fallstreak hole in cirrocumulus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Funnel clouds

A majestic funnel cloud, a sight to behold, descends from the heavens without touching the ground, leaving no trace of debris in its wake.

/imagine prompt: funnel cloud --no ground, water, building --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
funnel cloud
funnel cloud generated in midjourney a.i. v4
funnel cloud
funnel cloud generated in midjourney a.i. v4


Unusual clouds resembling ocean swells, cresting and breaking across the sky in a singular and striking display.

/imagine prompt: kelvin-helmholtz clouds --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
kelvin-helmholtz clouds, wave-like
kelvin-helmholtz clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4
kelvin-helmholtz clouds, wave-like
kelvin-helmholtz clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Lenticular clouds

Lenticular clouds are like something out of a dream, with their stunning lentil or almond-shaped forms resembling a UFO sailing through the heavens.

/imagine prompt: lenticular cloud --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
lenticular cloud
lenticular cloud generated in midjourney a.i. v4
lenticular cloud
lenticular cloud generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Mammatus clouds

Mammatus clouds are a remarkable sight — their rounded cellular pattern of pouches hanging beneath the base of a cloud creates a breathtakingly beautiful display in the sky.

/imagine prompt: mammatus clouds --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
mammatus clouds
mammatus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4
mammatus clouds
mammatus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Nimbostratus clouds

Nimbostratus clouds are a thick, ominous blanket of grey that envelop the sky, obscuring the sun and bringing with it a steady, dreary rain.

/imagine prompt: nimbostratus clouds --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
nimbostratus clouds
nimbostratus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4
nimbostratus clouds
nimbostratus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Noctilucent clouds

Night skies illuminated with luminous clouds, a spectacular sight to behold, shimmering in the summertime radiance.

/imagine prompt: noctilucent clouds --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
noctilucent clouds
noctilucent clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4
noctilucent clouds
noctilucent clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Pileus / cap clouds

A stunning sight: a hooded cloud, resembling a mushroom cap, hovering over another, with occasional iridescent shimmers.

/imagine prompt: pileus cloud --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
Pileus cloud
pileus cloud generated in midjourney a.i. v4
pileus cloud
pileus cloud generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Polar stratospheric clouds

Glimpsed in polar regions, these nacreous or “mother of pearl” clouds display captivating, rainbow-hued iridescence.

/imagine prompt: polar stratospheric clouds --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
polar stratospheric clouds
polar stratospheric clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4
polar stratospheric clouds
polar stratospheric clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Pyrocumulus / flammagenitus clouds

A vision of grandeur, resembling immature cumulonimbus clouds, almost anvil-like in form, created from the sweltering heat of a wildfire or volcano eruption.

/imagine prompt: pyrocumulus cloud --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
pyrocumulus cloud
pyrocumulus cloud generated in midjourney a.i. v4
pyrocumulus cloud
pyrocumulus cloud generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Roll clouds

A captivating, tube-shaped arcus cloud lazily drifting in the wake of a thunderstorm gust front.

/imagine prompt: roll clouds, ridge and furrow --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
/imagine prompt: roll clouds like a ploughed field --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
roll clouds
roll clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4
roll clouds
roll clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Stratus clouds

A sight of stillness and grandeur.

/imagine prompt: solid grey sky --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
stratus clouds, modern bruatalist architecture
stratus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4
stratus clouds, modern brutalist architectuer
stratus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Stratocumulus clouds

Lumps of grace, waved in air, between sky’s fluff and its haze.

/imagine prompt: gray sky, raining --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
/imagine prompt: grey sky, raining, stratocumulus clouds --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
stratocumulus clouds
stratocumulus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4
stratocumulus clouds
stratocumulus clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4

Virga / fallstreaks / precipitation trails clouds

A captivating sight, virga clouds are delicate wisps of water or ice that gracefully fall from the sky in dry conditions, creating mesmerizing microbursts and powerful downdrafts.

/imagine prompt: virga clouds --ar 3:2 --q 2 --s 750
virga clouds
virga clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4
virga clouds
virga clouds generated in midjourney a.i. v4

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