AI Top-of-Mind for Feb 1

dave ginsburg
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2024

Top-of-mind, and related to AI, was yesterday’s testimony by some of the social giants. The heads of Facebook, TikTok, X, Snap, and others were effectively hauled in front of Congress to answer to the negative impact of social networks on kids, and CNN looks at where we are and how we got there. As AI becomes more embedded into these networks, the possibility for new and more sophisticated forms of bullying and deepfakes only increases.

What is known as Section 230, where the Facebooks of the world are immune from liability for posting, is likely to fall by the wayside. I personally see this as a great step forward. A great quote by Senator John Kennedy: ‘I wonder if our technology is greater than our humanity.’

Source: CNN

On the creative front, Diana Dovgopol in ‘Artificial Corner’ describes how she used Midjourney, ChatGPT scripting, and studio.d-id to create animated avatars.

Source: Artificial Corner

There is also the new ‘GPT Mention’ tool within ChatGPT, permitting the chaining of multiple GPT applications, but it may only be in limited release. Jim Clyde Monge writing in ‘Generative AI’ describes its capabilities in-depth.

And you could also call this creative, Gianniacomelli asks if AI can play the role of psychedelics. The author leads off:

Radical innovation often stems from bending reality, a practice deeply ingrained in human history. Psychedelic drugs, embraced by some, including artists and visionaries like Steve Jobs, and currently intensely researched in the medical field, have long served as one avenue for this exploration. Can AI, especially its generative type, perform some of the same functions on our collective brain, the one consisting of the cognitive interplay between many of us?

Definitely an area for personal research!

Lastly, on the public front, Mark Reinbold of Johnson Controls introduces the concept of AI-driven ‘Net-Zero Buildings-as-a-service.’



dave ginsburg

Lifelong technophile and author with background in networking, security, the cloud, IIoT, and AI. Father. Winemaker. Husband of @mariehattar.