Steering Clear of Meat

Y ou have probably seen it everywhere — fully vegan restaurants for a vegan crazed society. With a more wellness focused world, people are constantly looking for new ways to improve their health and become more environmentally concious.

Fearing Meat: Is Vegan the Way to Go?

There have been many new discoveries on ways to change habits in order to benefit oneself and the environment, including reducing weekly meat consumption. Some people believe that the most effective way to do this is by developing a completely vegan based diet. Sophia Prince, a sophomore at The University at Buffalo, takes this idea further in her blog, A Future for a Raw, Vegan Diet, by focusing on the benefits on the future of a vegan based society.

Since this trend has been increasing over time, there has been more research done in order to determine if this lifestyle is worth all the effort:

“The high amount of meat and dairy consumption in today’s society is a huge contributor to greenhouse gas emissions, as well as other environmental issues. In later years, the world may look at plant-based dieting more to reduce environmental destruction and increase overall health” (Prince, 2019).

Not only does this new lifestyle change address environmental concerns, it also encourages healthier mindsets and may result in a better relationship with food. According to The Vegan Society, The British Dietetic Association and The American Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics recognizes a vegan diet as suitable for all individuals at any age. In addition, they claim that research has associated low blood pressure, and lower rates of type two diabetes and heart disease, with a vegan based diet:

“Getting your nutrients from plant foods allows more room in your diet for health-promoting options like whole grains, fruit, nuts, seeds and vegetables, which are packed full of beneficial fibre, vitamins and minerals” (The Vegan Society, 2019).

Although this diet does not guarantee a healthier lifestyle, it has been proven to assist in maintaining one. With the help of social media influencers, promoting this diet as a lifestyle choice, society will surely see many young individuals following in their footsteps.

Veganism at its Peak

Before we know it, the world will be shifted to accommodate for these changes, due to the high volume of participants in this wellness-focused trend. Whether or not you support it, there most likely is a vegan friendly menu headed to a restaurant near you!


Prince S. (2019, February 20). Food for thought. Medium. Retrieved from

The Vegan Society. (2019). Why go vegan?. Retrieved from

