Donovan is wifed up and sad

Donovan decides to stay with Sally because — even though he no longer likes her — she’s the best he’s got for now. Like any Tyrannosaurus Rex, he’d rather have steady tail than have to please himself, at least until something better comes along. Also, his arms are too short to… you know.

Less than a month later, relationship karma solves his problem for him, but not in the way Donovan would have hoped. Sally cheats.

Not only does Sally cheat, Sally cheats with Lloyd the Liliensternus, one of Don’s best friends. She swears that it was a one-time thing — a mistake. Donovan can neither confirm nor refute this because Lloyd seems to be avoiding him.

A. NOW if you think Donovan should break up with Sally, click here.

B. If you think Donovan should try to work things out with her, click here.

