Go to A Notebook from Auschwitz
A Notebook from Auschwitz
What Young Reporters Learn From a Journey to the Nazi Death Camp
Note from the editor

What Young Reporters Learn From a Journey to the Nazi Death Camp

Go to the profile of Gabriel Kahn
Gabriel Kahn
Journalism prof. @ USC's Annenberg School, co-director of Media, Economics and Entrepreneurship program, longtime WSJ reporter, editor. Lacking sense of humor.
Go to the profile of Ilene Prusher
Ilene Prusher
Journalist & Author. Prof at Florida Atlantic University. Former foreign correspondent. Most recent words in TIME, Forward, NBC NewsThink, Moment, Haaretz & Ms.
Go to the profile of Kate Harloe
Kate Harloe
Freelance writer.
Go to the profile of Renee Gross
Go to the profile of Sonner Kehrt
Go to the profile of Nokuthula Manyathi
Nokuthula Manyathi
South African living and studying in New York.
Go to the profile of Jacques Gallant
Jacques Gallant
@TorontoStar Legal Affairs Reporter. Acadian. Maritimer. Gossip queen. Send juicy court decisions to jgallant@thestar.ca.
Go to the profile of Laura Howells
Laura Howells
Journalist. Newfoundland expat. I will judge your bake sales. laura.r.howells@gmail.com
Go to the profile of Astead W. Herndon
Astead W. Herndon
National politics, @BostonGlobe. Real one, these streets.
Go to the profile of Daina Beth Solomon
Daina Beth Solomon
Daina Beth Solomon (@dainabethcita) is a reporter at Reuters in Mexico City and an alum of USC’s graduate journalism program.
Go to the profile of Yemile Bucay
Yemile Bucay
Independent journalist and media researcher. Also producer for Election SOS.
Go to the profile of Amanda McGowan
Go to the profile of Sonner Kehrt
Sonner Kehrt
Freelance journo. Currently writing @ucbsoj. Who needs a house out in Hackensack?
Go to the profile of shira_telushkin