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A Novel Book Review
Read a book and tell us all about it. Books reviews support writers.
Note from the editor

When you read a book, you support a hard working writer. When you review a book, you celebrate and promote a hard working writer. As a writer myself, I appreciate every review of my work. I understand that someone took the time to comment and put thought into their words. It’s the biggest complement any author could ask for.

Go to the profile of Celeste Wilson
Celeste Wilson
Owner - A Novel Book Review Publication, Co-editor - Share Your Creativity Publication. Author - YA Fantasy Fiction. My You Tube Channel - A Crafter's Story
Go to the profile of Celeste Wilson
Celeste Wilson
Owner - A Novel Book Review Publication, Co-editor - Share Your Creativity Publication. Author - YA Fantasy Fiction. My You Tube Channel - A Crafter's Story