How to Get Your Baby Talking Sooner

Baby sign language really does work — my kid is proof.

Katie Grant
A Parent Is Born


Photo by Ana Tablas on Unsplash

I am not a baby person. I never was. I was never in line to hold the baby at family functions or baby showers. Babies scared me. Too many things could go wrong and I didn’t want to be the one responsible for any harm coming to someone else’s baby. But then, I had one of my own.

Along with the birth of my baby came a walloping dose of Postpartum Anxiety (PPA) and I had even more trouble than your average new mother learning how to change diapers and breastfeed and bathe a newborn while healing from a C-section. I had to get on medication to help me cope. I even hired a doula to teach me how to get out of the house with the baby.

In general, though, I’m great with kids. Kids. Like 3 years and older kids. Those kids can walk. And talk. In order to get through the baby years I decided I needed my child to talk. And fast.

So, I signed us up for a baby sign language class. Now, most of you mothers out there are thinking, “Yeah, I did that. My baby could sign ‘more’ and ‘milk’.” That’s great. But, there is so much more to baby sign language than your child asking for more milk. So much. Like speaking in full sentences much.



Katie Grant
A Parent Is Born

HoH Mom & Award-Winning Writer (HuffPo/ By) - Entertainment Journalist/Copywriter to Mother & Baby-Care brands. "She's a consummate pro"