Tips to Make Learning Easy and Better

Learning can be efficient.

Drashti Bhatt
A Parent Is Born
4 min readJun 16, 2022


“Research shows that you begin learning in the womb and go right on learning until the moment you pass on. Your brain has a capacity for learning that is virtually limitless, which makes every human a potential genius.” — Michael J. Gelb

In this world some people like something to learn while some think that subject is boring. There are many reasons behind liking or disliking any subject.

Below are some tips to make learning more interesting:

Motivation & curiosity:

If you have options, then choose a subject of your interest in learning. If it is compulsory to study, then try to find an interesting way of learning. To keep yourself motivated to learn something, you must know the reasons for learning that subject. You should try to find the applicability of that subject in this real world. If you don’t know the importance of that study, then try to find answers from your seniors or some expert in that field.

In short, knowing the intention, importance & applicability of any subject can motivate you to learn that.

Solve difficulty:

Although we are motivated to learn something it might be possible that some parts of that subject are hard to understand or learn. In such a situation never hesitate to ask for help from classmates & teachers. Nowadays learning is easier through resources available on the internet. Each topic is explained differently in teaching videos. So, in difficulties try to learn it from different resources.

Take good care of your brain for better learning:

The health of the brain depends on many factors, but the most crucial factors are sleep, food & activity. For better learning proper sleep is necessary.

Sleep can improve, cognition, short & long-term memory, mental health, flexible thinking, verbal fluency, confidence, etc.

Proper food is also necessary for proper brain functions. Many nutrients, vitamins & minerals are necessary for better brain function, but the most important elements are iodine & thiamine with the proper amount of fat, protein, carbohydrates & fibers. To know more about the effect of food on brain & cognitive development can be found here.

Same as food & sleep, physical activities are important for a healthy brain. All these factors are affecting each other as well as the brain and vice versa.

Help yourself:

If you are feeling depressed or inactive or lacking the motivation to learn anything then try to recover by yourself. One of the ways to recover yourself is positivity. Try to find positive things in your learning. Try to think positively about your learning. Try to think helpfulness of your learning to keep yourself focused on learning.

Another aspect is being social. Talk & socialize with like-minded people to feel positive. Listen to subject experts’ talks or videos from different platforms to keep yourself updated and motivated for learning that subject. Note interesting points from the experts’ speech that might invoke curiosity in you and try to find more details about that.

Don’t distract yourself:

Always organize your learning material properly to make it more useful when needed. Do one task at a time, try to avoid multitasking & be more focused on one task. Keep notes of the things to remember. Never try to remember all things at a time. Read those notes daily to remember. Try to create a learning bubble for yourself. Try to imagine & remember learning things in that bubble by giving them places in that bubble. A learning bubble concept is a useful technique to improve short-term memory.

Small tips to learn better:

· Learn at some intervals. For example, If you need 7hrs to study, learn one hour daily for 7 days rather than 7hrs in a day for better memory.

· Prepare yourself earlier for exams.

· Review your study material but don’t review it immediately otherwise it will give you false information about knowing everything.

· Also, review older study lessons at some intervals to keep that information fresh in memory.

· Try to make your study material by taking class material as a reference. Write or sketch information according to your imagination. That way you will visually remember things easily.

· Make notes of bullet points to remember them easily. Stick it to the wall to read it frequently.

· Solve more and more practice papers to be confident in that subject.

· If possible, learn the subject practically, and try to find examples around us related to that or on the internet to understand that subject more clearly.

· Try to inter-relate different topics in a subject. Ask questions to yourself about that and find answers to understand the inter-relation of each topic.

· Talk and discuss your understanding of any topic with your classmates, such talk will strengthen your understanding of that topic.

· Our visual memory is very strong so try to draw pictures of each concept to memorize it for the long term.


Select the subject of your interest. Keep yourself motivated for learning. Don’t hesitate to ask questions if you found it difficult. Find more resources to learn any topic. Be focused on your study. Talk & discuss your learning with your classmates. Use visual memory. Create a learning bubble for each topic. All the above points can make your learning easy, better & interesting.



Drashti Bhatt
A Parent Is Born

By learning on the topics of mental & physical wellbeing, spirituality, parenting, & pregnancy I revolutionised my life and would like to share that knowledge.