Why Garden Life With A Baby Is (Not) One Long Weekend

…it’s all about relaxing, having fun, and enjoying life to the fullest, isn’t it?

Kristina God, MBA
A Parent Is Born


Why Garden Life With A Baby Is (Not) One Long Weekend; Kristina God; People photo created by teksomolika

Recently I read a beautiful article by Sara Melissa Frost. In it, she described how her two sons enjoy gardening and planting vegetables. I wrote to her that there is a saying in German that children belong in the garden. This was the phrase our new landlord told us when we moved into our new bigger flat with a garden.

It’s great, he said, for children to be in the garden. It would help them thrive. Especially for a family, it’s like paradise. While the parents relax, the baby explores his/her surroundings. The little boy who lived in the house before said ‘garden’ as his first word because he loved being there so much. Would one of our little boy’s first words also be ‘garden’, we wondered?

Maybe we will meet a ‘bunny’ in the garden?

Two months ago, we had this conversation. Our little one is currently saying ‘bunny’, which is the first word he can say next to ‘Mommy’ and ‘Dada’. Unfortunately, this is not because he has ever stroked a rabbit or even seen one live (which would have been quite possible in pre-pandemic times) but because I have read a German book about a teddy and his cuddle bunny to him every…



Kristina God, MBA
A Parent Is Born

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