Hola 2017!

Zhenshuo Fang
A side project called life
2 min readJan 4, 2017

Medium is flooded with new years resolutions articles for the past few days: whether they are good or useless, how to keep them or reuse them, etc. I’m glad I don’t need to come up with new new years resolutions this year, since I already have my 30 before 30 list. So I’ll just continue posting updates this year: between my October post till now, I made 2 progress and 1 more thing was crossed from the list!

List #1: Visit 30 countries

I spent Christmas in Costa Rica: the land of coffee, banana and wild life! I almost canceled this trip last minute but super glad I didn’t(partially because I have this list to complete!) Costa Rica is the 21st country on my list(9 more to go!).

Surf camp in Jaco, Costa Rica

List #11: Learn and surf at least 3 times

Beaches in Costa Rica are beautiful and calm, great for beginner surfers. So I decided to join a surf camp in Jaco, a little beach town on the Pacific side of the country. Without doing much research, luckily I found this awesome surf camp, Tortuga Surf Camp. I ended up staying there for 5 days, surfed 4 times, changed 3 instructors, used 2 boards and in total surfed for 10 hours! I now passed the white water phase and started to learn how to turn and catch green waves! It was such an amazing experience and hope I’ll surf more in Rockaways this summer.

Tortuga Surf Camp

List #12: Learn Japanese & pass Japanese Test(JLPT) N4 level

I started learning Japanese before my trip to Japan last year, studied by myself for about 3 months and took the JLPT N5(the easiest level) test on Dec 1st (JLPT refers to the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test). I felt good about multi-selecting and reading but listening is freaking hard! I’ll know whether I pass N5 in February. Fingers crossed!



Zhenshuo Fang
A side project called life

NYC ➡️ Beijing | Design Director at Tencent | ex-Googler | ex-Mozillian | CMU MHCI Alum | Sketchnoter, PeopleWatcher, Flute Player & Food Lover