Self-care Tips That Will Fulfill Your Emotional Needs

Ilham Usman
A Smiling World
2 min readJun 25, 2023


Emotions control your actions more than you think!

Screenshot from my mood meter app

I want to address a vital aspect of self-care that often gets neglected — emotional well-being. Taking care of your emotions is essential in having a full life experience.

Moreover, not being able to experience your emotions is the root of not chasing your goals because of fear, not having deep relationships, letting feelings of insecurity stop you from going out, indulging in feelings of low self-worth, etc.

There are a few easy things you can do that have big impacts on your ability to protect and experience your mental well-being:

1. Engage in activities that help you connect with your emotions:

Some activities are journaling, art, or deep introspection. By acknowledging and accepting your emotions, you empower yourself to navigate them with greater clarity and self-awareness.

2. Analyze Negative Emotions:

When negative emotions arise, it’s important to analyze them rather than suppressing or ignoring them. Dive deeper into their root causes and triggers. I use a paid app called mood meter to label and understand my emotions, Uplife is an alternative that includes courses to help you understand and improve your emotional well-being (they have a free trial you can use before you commit).

3. Evaluate Your Friendships:

Review the quality of your friendships and how they impact your emotional well-being. Surround yourself with individuals who genuinely support and uplift you. Seek out relationships that are nurturing, understanding, and built on mutual respect.

4. Limit News and Social media Consumption:

If constant exposure to news negatively affects your emotional well-being, consider taking breaks or limiting your news consumption. I deleted twitter and I actively turn away from negative news in public spaces. It’s important to keep up with what is happening in the world, if something important is happening it will reach you with the out the upsetting images and details NEWS channels deliver.

5. Sit with the negative emotions that make you vulnerable:

I’m talking insecurity, self-loathing, anxiety, regret, etc. Using self-care letters are a great way to understand and overcome what you are feeling in a less scary way.

You can’t improve yourself without improving your relationship with your emotions, neglecting them will just make it worse.

Our emotions are strong messages from our bodies, from guiding us to our true desires and telling us when something is wrong, they are the most powerful tool we have.

Don’t neglect them.



Ilham Usman
A Smiling World

I write about things I know: Personal growth, digital marketing, and writing. I occasionally do commentary. Audhd✨