Go to A Song A Day
A Song A Day
A Song A Day is a collective of curators sending hand-picked songs to your inbox daily. These are our rants and raves about music + culture.
Note from the editor

A Song A Day is a collective of curators sending hand-picked songs to your inbox daily. These are our rants and raves about music + culture.

Go to the profile of Shannon Lee Byrne
Shannon Lee Byrne
Co-founder of AdultDecisionsMGMT.com, band manager, freelance writer of copy and editorial
Go to the profile of A Song A Day
A Song A Day
A rag tag team of curators hand-picking songs based on your preferences delivered to your inbox daily. Born in Brooklyn, chillin' out west. ✌️
Go to the profile of Julia Maehner
Julia Maehner
I like petty daydreaming and listening to old men sing. Freelance author on music, tech & travel. UX Writer & content strategist by day, music nerd by night.
Go to the profile of Jessie Wood
Jessie Wood
writer and marketer • head of @songstodanceto • Bay Area kid, internet kid, music nerd
Go to the profile of Maria Bhim
Maria Bhim
Global Sales at @HyattTweets | Curator + Hype Man at @asongadayco | Contributing rambler at @pancakesnwhisky | Event Manager @YTP_Worldwide
Go to the profile of Laura Gluhanich
Laura Gluhanich
Enjoying relative anonymity. http://about.me/lauraglu
Go to the profile of Matt Federighi
Go to the profile of Tiffiny Costello
Tiffiny Costello
https://www.tiffinycostello.com/ creative director @ a seattle hotel. professional hobbyist. creative, emo cat-mom queen. making #ambient sounds on pianos
Go to the profile of Kat Loughrey
Kat Loughrey
All about daring (remote) leaps, digital life, and dance music. ✌️
Go to the profile of Kevin M. Kearney
Kevin M. Kearney
Writer // Teacher // Philadelphia // kevinmkearney.com