I Have A Dream: A Medium Stats RedesignšŸ“ˆāœØ

If you want something you gotta ask for it

Hanan A.S.
A Song of Art & Science
3 min readOct 1, 2018


ā€œIf I had asked people what they wanted they would say faster horsesā€ -Henry Ford

I know that a lot of innovative decision makers go by this rule to try to make products that exceed peopleā€™s expectations. But you know what? Sometimes users know what they want. Itā€™s what makes them comfortable and makes your product useful to them. So you should listen.

I have seen articles talking about Mediumā€™s stats long before the new design was rolled out, and it has always been painful to me to try and get the info I want from that particular screen. Donā€™t get me wrong, I love medium! Itā€™s the best thing that happened to blogging, in my humble opinion. But the thing is..when I go to my stats screen, there are certain numbers I want to seeā€¦ and the experience is a total pain in the neck šŸ˜•

So in this article I will simply state what I wish the medium stats looked/behaved like (as a user/UX/UI designer) hoping that someone somewhere will read it and get the message to people calling the shots at medium.com.


  1. I want to know how many views I have on a single day or during a set timeframe broken down into individual posts; meaning that clicking on a single date displays a list of posts/replies/pages and their respective view numbers.
like this

2. It would also be great to have some sort of info about locations the views are coming from. Understanding the people who read my posts is important to me: it helps me speak/write in a way that feels familiar to them.

3. I really like ā€œyour reader are interested inā€ part they added recently. Itā€™s a great help to know how to optimize and choose future content based on readerā€™s interests.

4. Showing this overview directly when users choose ā€œstatsā€ gives a much better & more informative screen than the current one, where you basically can so nothing but scroll down the list of stories.

5. Insights based on all time-stats: most popular day & hour (beside trying to understand algorithms, this sort of info is useful to time and schedule my posts based on traffic & activity).

I know itā€™s not much but it would make my experience much, much better if these points were actually taken into consideration in the medium stats screen design!

And lastly; my views are not much, I barely get 50ā€“100 views a day, but I think having a more informative stats screen will help me improve my content quality & optimize it for my readers. You do care about your users, donā€™t you, Medium?

Thanks for reading!



Hanan A.S.
A Song of Art & Science

What remains of a Human Female. Digital Product Designer. Bookworm.