“Bring 300 souls who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah unto one house, and that which you dread the most shall be prevented”

A stairway to Heaven
28 min readOct 23, 2021
“If you can produce 300 people of righteous hearts you may avoid this from happen­ing, that they may come together before God

In Genesis 18:16–19:38, many remember how Abraham pleaded with God to spare the city. Are we now in a similar time?

The Lord said, “The outcry against Sodom and Gomorrah is so great and their sin so grievous that I will go down and see if what they have done is as bad as the outcry that has reached me. If not, I will know.”

The men turned away and went toward Sodom, but Abraham remained standing before the Lord.

Then Abraham approached him and said: “Will you sweep away the righteous with the wicked? What if there are fifty righteous people in the city? Will you really sweep it away and not spare the place for the sake of the fifty righteous people in it? Far be it from you to do such a thing — to kill the righteous with the wicked, treating the righteousand the wicked alike. Far be it from you! Will not the Judge of all the earth do right?”

The Lord said, “If I find fifty righteous people in the city of Sodom, I will spare the whole place for their sake.”

Then Abraham spoke up again: “Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, though I am nothing but dust and ashes, what if the number of the righteous is five less than fifty? Will you destroy the whole city for lack of five people?”

“If I find forty-five there,” he said, “I will not destroy it.”

Once again he spoke to him, “What if only forty are found there?”

He said, “For the sake of forty, I will not do it.”

Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak. What if only thirty can be found there?”

He answered, “I will not do it if I find thirty there.”

Abraham said, “Now that I have been so bold as to speak to the Lord, what if only twenty can be found there?”

He said, “For the sake of twenty, I will not destroy it.”

Then he said, “May the Lord not be angry, but let me speak just once more. What if only ten can be found there?”

He answered, “For the sake of ten, I will not destroy it.”

When the Lord had finished speaking with Abraham, he left, and Abraham returned home.

Are we in a similar situation today?

And are the spiritual messengers whom God sends today to prepare a way in hearts for the coming of the Messiah offering us a gift like this in our Father’s love?

The gift — Let 300 come — one house––of one mind

The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, who arrived March 26, 1970, with the brightest light in the heavens, announced on December 17, 1971: Yes, we see thy need. Therefore, we should say to thee these words. For as thy reach the time of year that thy should celebrate the birth, [as] the one known as Jesus Christ, we should say unto thee these words. For as a gift was given once before, so it should be again. But we should tell thee of the words and of the birth. For as we have said before, for God gave of His first-begotten son. And as He did give of Adam, so He begot of the same into this one known as Jesus. And yet, he did say unto man, “For [a] man to know of heaven, so he should know of earth.”

Then we say unto thee, hark, and get these words. For the wise to listen, let them listen. For the wise to see, let the see. [See Isaiah 42:6–9, 18–21, 43:5–10.]

For as we have said before, we have come not to prove to you that we are great. We are but the servants of God. And as it was so in another time, we did come upon the earth and prepare a way for the coming of [the] Messiah, and this we do again unto mankind. But as your time is a different time, so it should be done in a different way. But the glory of God upon your earth shall be the same. For He says to His children, “HARK, AND PREPARE A WAY THAT I MAY REST MY HEAD UPON YOUR EARTH.” [See Luke 3:3–6, Isaiah 40:3–11, 11:1–10.]

Then we say unto thee, as the time grows near when you should celebrate the birth of a before time, prepare that way within thy hearts and souls. Prepare the way, that as before when he walked by the sea of Galliah [Galilee], and therefore, called unto his brothers, and they did come and walk with him — and as he did say unto them, “Come and I should teach thee to catch men,” and so it was. [See Mark 1:14–20.]

But he brought unto this Earth love for all, for he could not see the difference in man’s skin, for he looked only into their souls.

And as he came in five places upon your earth, it shall not be again. But he should come unto all races as one. And as he should love of all, so should man love of all.

And as once before, your planetary system was posed to give forth the light of a birth of a savior unto your earth, so it shall be again.

But we say unto thee, thy can destroy nothing. Therefore, build upon what exists of the same. It is not necessary that a man should call himself a Christian. It is not necessary that he call himself Mohammed, Ishmael. Nay, these are not important. It is what is in his heart, his true love for his God. These are the things that shall be counted.

And therefore, we say unto thee, as thy celebrate the birth, stand below the cross and count the drops of blood unto the same, and thy shall know the true meaning of this word you call love.

But be not sad. Rejoice unto the same, for thy Lord has not forgotten thee — for this day shall come again. Then let your teardrops flow with joy unto the Lord.

Thy have many questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. You spoke of the Star of Bethlehem, I believe. When the Messiah comes, will it be at the time that this star comes again, about 1998?”

Yes, we see thy need. And if all is in preparation for the same, and if we have accomplished our mission upon your earth, then all shall be in readiness. If we do not accomplish, then there shall be 300 years of darkness and bloodshed upon your earth. For remember, the last shall be first.

April 1, 1972: And now we say unto thee these words. For those who should see us, for those who should see us materialize in human form, we should answer your question in this manner. For those who have seen us have seen our Father, for we stand before Him as servants. We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. Glory be His name.

Go out among your people. Give them your message, and we shall go with thee.

But the time grows short, for the Fifth Angel lies upon thy earth, and beside him stand four more. There is but two to pass before thee, and pray that these seals are never opened. [See The Revelation of John 6:1–11.]

Give us but one soul in each of what thy know [as] thy towns, and we shall spare of this in our Father’s day.

August 26, 1972: Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, we should say in this manner, for those who should come before their God in truth, our Father should bow before them. [The Revelation 4:1–11, 11:14–19, 21:1–5, 22–26, 22:3–9, 17].

And thy should say unto us, “How could this be so?” And we should say unto you, for as you see our Father, so you should see unto us. And as we see our Father, so we should see unto thee in the same manner, for all things upon your earth shall possess the Seven Spirits of God, for all things upon your earth are part of God. For did He not say unto thee, “Of our kind, of our likeness,” and so all life was created. [Genesis 1:26–31.]

“Yes, Aka.[____] asks, ‘On the seven candlesticks mentioned in Revelations, are they us and a reference to our bodies?’” [See The Revelation of John, chapters 4–5.] Yes, we see thy need. And these shall be, as we have said before, the Seven Spirits of God. But you must realize that that was before has happened already in the rise and fall of the Roman Empire. As a Messiah did come of before, and a Messiah shall come once again, this should make your Revelations twofold. (Spiritual messengers of God, October 27, 1972) “Yes, Aka. [_____] asks, ‘Are you, or could you tell us about the Creative Elohim of God? And are you the Seven Spirits which evolved from Tao Great? What does it mean in the Aquarian Gospel that man’s soul lives within the seven breaths of Tao Great?’” We should answer in this manner. Within our council lies the Seven Spirits of our Father. And as thy have asked of Tao Great, our Lord sent those forth unto the universe as His messengers and as His tools and instruments, that we should do His work. In some places we have built whole universes, in others but small souls, yet all was mighty in the eyes of our Father. For as we have said before, we stand as close to our Father as His eyes, His ears and His heart, yet we do so in humble reverence of our holy Father. (Spiritual messengers of God, December 15, 1972) When one becomes a Minister, the seven-candlestick candelabra is given, indicating the eyes and ears of the Messiah within.

And did He not take from His vineyard and plant in yours? Did He not take from His ocean and plant in yours?

And therefore, as your land grew fruitful and gave forth unto mankind, so mankind should give forth unto God. And as mankind should give forth unto God, God should give forth unto mankind in a like manner. For we have said many times, our Father asks but two things of thee, to give unto Him one-tenth the love that He should give unto His children, and that thy should love unto thy brother in the same manner. Our Father did give unto His children free choice, but our Father also gave unto His children the Ten Commandments unto Moses. And before Moses, He did give unto the wisdom of Adam. And we should say unto thee in this manner, as the sons of God looked upon the daughters of man, and therefore, found them fair and did enter and become earthbound of the same, and the knowledge that they possessed was not taken from them, but for what they had done, their karma must go on and on through all of mankind.

As we have said before, for some there shall be many, for some there shall be none at all. And we say unto you these words, thy can end all thy karma in but a moment, yet restore it with a second thought.

Thy thoughts are like that of God, for you are part of God. As your mind grows stronger, all things are possible unto the mind, for distances and energies can be transformed into whole beings.

We know that at times we should speak unto thee as in riddles, but as we have said before, the half times are over. Use of the knowledge we have given unto thee. Bring forth this thousand years upon your earth. Go forward and prepare a way, but first prepare it within thyself, for thy can give nothing unto another that thy first do not possess within thyself.

Before one becomes a Minister in this Association, one first becomes a Teacher. A Teacher receives a single candle, which is the light of God within.

December 1, 1972: Yes, we see thy need, and therefore, should say unto thee in these words, for as we have told you of the beginning, and as we have told you of the twin sisters of your earth, and therefore, we shall bring those forward into one house, that all may prepare for the coming of the Messiah. For look deep within yourselves; bring forth that that belongs to your Father. Place it upon the altar.

But do not cast before an animal that that belongs to God, and do not cast an animal before your God, that that belongs to man. And thy say once again unto us that we speak in riddles.

Yet, we say unto you, for the wise to hear, bring forth the altar of our Father. Lay it before you. Cast aside your animal instincts. Cast them aside and throw them to the winds. But remember, even that the wind should blow should be our Father’s will. Bring forth that part of yourselves that was in the beginning. Place forth before our Father of pure kind.

“Yes, Aka. Could you tell me about faith, because we are raised oftentimes to not believe things without investigating them, and yet, we are told in scripture to ask and believe that these things shall be given. Could you tell me more about faith?” We should answer your question in this manner. Faith is that of a belief that God, your Father, has had in His children. For your Father, God, gave unto the Seven Spirits the faith to build the universe and universes. And He breathed life upon the earth that faith could enter into man, and man could enter into faith. Faith is that which allows you to walk upon the water. For like a small boy who should cast a stone to watch it walk upon the water, without that faith the water would disappear, and so should the stone. But faith is that that you see in a newborn’s eyes when it looks upon its mother. Faith is that which should be in a mother’s eyes when she looks upon her child, for she knows that this child is born of free choice. Faith is life and faith is death. But remember, your Father is the God of the living, not of the dead, and that is the faith He has placed into His children’s hands. And as a good father, He has hidden nothing from His children; therefore, He should have the faith that His children should take nothing from their Father, but return all that was given back into His gentle hands. (Spiritual messengers of God, December 22, 1972)

The spiritual messengers of God were asked, January 5, 1973: “ ‘In your saying that, “that that does not know of Heaven cannot know of earth, and that that does not know of earth cannot know of Heaven,“ are you talking of the descent of the virgin sparks of God into matter and out again?’”

(Chuckle) Yes, we should answer your question in this manner, that that that should not know of Earth should not know of Heaven — and these should be the souls and the spirit of man, and these should be the Spirit of God that should enter man. For if man chooses not to reincarnate upon the Earth, he should not know of the Earth, and in truth, he should not know of Heaven. For we should answer your question in this manner. Our Father did not send the Seven Spirits to Earth that He might create a plaything. You who should think that the escape from your Earth should be the all important is wrong, for it is in building the earth that is important to our Father and should be important to you, for here shall be your new Heaven and your new Earth. If you cannot do this, if you cannot do the earthly things, then how can you believe us of the heavenly things we say unto you? As we have said before in the parable of the toil, the toil of man upon the Earth, that this was part of God, one of the most important parts of God. For a man who shall not toil shall not eat at our Father’s table, and a woman who should not toil should not eat at our Father’s table, for in truth, this one has become a lost soul, for it has lost the direction of that into which the Creator had planned. All it can see before it is its own free choice. It has created its own karma by hiding its head in the sand. For an artist, as you would know it, to draw is toil. For a singer who should create into beautiful music is toil. For a writer who should trap the words of man that should come from the minds and many minds of the Earth is toil. And even when you do that which you do not desire, if it is done in a righteous manner, it is a righteous thing before our God, and therefore, should become a righteous thing before man. But give not before your Father toil that you yourselves dislike, that you would say, “I do this thing, for it only needs to be done.” In all toil, do that and place that of the best of you within it, and soon it will become a part of you that is a part of our Father. But a man or a woman that should deny toil denies their Father and denies the entry of any spirit of the Lord therein.

February 16, 1973: We have said before, do not misinterpret our words, for we have said unto you there shall be dividing of a land, and the land we spoke of was not of your people, but of your earth. And it shall be as a great Sword that cuts two ways, both of the land and of the people. But we shall do the cutting. We shall say in this manner, bring forth all your people into one house. And those who refuse to come unto the house, let them remain outside, and they shall be no more, for we shall weed your garden in this manner. But as we have said before, the action that shall be taken upon your parts shall be in accord with the laws of your land….

And as has been promised in your book of Revelations that a new temple of Jerusalem shall be built — and so it has been, from this point beyond, in the measurements given, in the matter of the same.

You have questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I believe that when you say, let all people come together in one house; you are referring to the meeting that we are going to call?…”

We should answer in this manner. The house we have spoke of is the house of Jerusalem that stands here and now and should house the many souls of the many people of the many faiths who should enter with a love of God within their heart and a love of mankind in the same manner….

Let all of your membership come unto one house — not two divided, but one house. This shall be the Spiritual Philosophy of God.

June 19, 1973: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall tell you the parable of the Seven Spirits of God. And God had sent them forth to plant their fields, for He should make them ready to create your earth. And in the beginning, each helped the other in the toil of the planting of the fields. But as the time of harvest grew near, they began to argue. They began to argue, and to separate. And they continued to argue. And the fields ripened in the fields, yet they argued even more. And the grain they had planted rotted in the field. And then the Lord called them back before Him. And each stood to blame the other that they had not brought back unto their Lord their harvest.

And the Lord sent them forth again to plant the field. And again, they argued and the fields did not become planted. And this time they were afraid to go back unto their Lord. But the Lord, God, appeared before them and said unto them, “THY SHALL PLANT YOUR FIELDS OVER AND OVER AGAIN UNTIL YOU COME BACK UNTO ME WITH THE LESSON YOU HAVE LEARNED FROM THE PLANTING OF THE FIELDS.”

Time passed. Days passed. Years passed. Thousands of years passed.

And then one day the seven walked before their Lord, and with them they bore the grain they had harvested from the many fields.

And the Lord looked unto them and said, “WHAT HAVE YOU LEARNED?”

And they spoke forth together and said into these words, “Oh, Lord, we have learned this lesson, that to plant a field and to harvest a field each of us must depend upon the other; none of us can be greater than the other, that each of us must use the other’s talent.”

And so the Lord sent them forth to create the Earth. And each depended upon the other, for one who laid upon the earth the ferment of many kinds, and the other who brought forth the animal life of many kinds, and the other who created the ocean and water and streams, and the other who planted life within the streams, and the other who brought forth man, and the other who brought forth woman, and the last who breathed life into all and did place upon ferment on your earth.

And they went before their God. And God looked upon the Earth and said unto them, “IT IS GOOD, FOR IT OF OUR KIND, OF OUR LIKENESS.”

Now we say unto you these words. You have sought to blame many things upon your shortcomings, when the fault had laid within yourselves. You have cast blame, one upon the other, and we have watched and God has watched. And we say unto you once again, we are not here to make you great in the eyes of men. We are not here to make ourselves great in the eyes of men. We are here for but for one purpose, and that is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. For this in itself to happen, there must be unity within your groups….

But you within yourselves shall continue planting the field until you come before your Lord in such a manner that you know how to depend on one another. This in itself must be your philosophy….

We say unto you that this way must be prepared.

July 27, 1973: Now we say unto thee in this manner, in these words. We have placed some of you in positions that are that of labor. Your knowledge is great. We have placed some of you in positions to do certain jobs. But we say unto you, in the eyes of God all is mighty. Look through the eyes of God unto yourselves, and you shall see that each within themselves are very important.

But you can build once again both an ark and a dike, that your 300 years of darkness shall not come upon the earth — and the 300 shall go unto 3,000 — that man should not walk backward and be that much less than the smallest animal upon the earth, that the way shall be prepared for his [the Messiah’s] coming.

Prepare, therefore, within each of you that way. But prepare it in such a manner that you should look unto yourselves, and see the righteousness of your paths.

November 9, 1973: We should say unto thee unto these words. God loveth His children in many ways. For He should leadeth His children, if they should listen, each down their own separate paths.

Now is not the time for separate paths. Come unto one in your food storage. Be as one. Pool your knowledge. Pool your resources. Bring them together. Do unto these things and we shall see of thy needs.

Each of you have seen that unto which God has allowed within us to do. Each of you we have given healing. Each of you we have given life and purpose. Bring these together, for in truth be as brother and sister. Give knowledge unto one another….

We have placed into your keeping this one we call a prophet, who prefers to be called an instrument. We have placed knowledge for your use. Open your eyes and your ears. Your separate paths will only bring you chaos. Bring this house into one house, not divided in any way, and the blessings of God shall not be denied.

Each of you have duties to perform.

Allow us to perform our duty, our function.

We can force you to do nothing. We can only ask.

Study our words well. You shall find we have come not for our needs, but for yours.

“Yes, Aka. You have made reference a number of times to the Seven Spirits of God. Could you tell me more about what you mean by this? Are they part of the council of Thirteen; are they different? What do you mean?” The Seven Spirits of God are of the Seven Spirits of God. They are no part of any council. This dwells within thyself. As we have said before, open the door that we may enter. And we shall say once again, have faith and thy shall walk on the water with us. (Spiritual messengers of God, April 21, 1972)

October 5, 1974: Now that you have come all unto one house, we have given unto you the parable of the seven spirits, and the many times the Lord sent them back, and back again, until they could bring forth a bountiful harvest with their hands linked together, one providing the needs unto another. And so it shall be.

Seeking a bountiful harvest –

After Ray Elkins passed on to God in 1970, “one with more love in his eyes than anyone he had ever seen” gave Ray gift and the choice to return back to his body or to remain there with all the others gathered around this loving One. If Ray chose to return, he was asked to give this gift to others freely, in the same manner of love it had been given to him, asking nothing in return. Ray chose to do this.

For a long time, Ray didn’t know what the gift was. The gift of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, saw the needs of many and spoke and healed through him since their arrival on Earth with the brightest light in the heavens in 1970 after Ray came back to life.

Then, in December 1972, Ray was given a dream that he was given seeds to plant. He continued to plant the seeds that God had given him. And no matter how many he gave, they never ran out. Ray gave this gift freely to many in love, asking nothing in return, that there might become a bountiful harvest.

Sometimes he traveled from place to place, giving healing of body, soul and spirit to many who asked, who came in need.

Ray shared these words on December 16, 1974, in Dallas, Texas, with an audience who had gathered, right before he leaned back in in a chair and left his body, to walk up a stairway to God, so that the spiritual messengers of God would come down it and enter into him and speak to us.

Ray said: “I’ll tell you how we usually do it there. Usually the person who does the conducting will start a prayer, but each person prays in their own way. The one thing I’d like to say more than any other thing, and I won’t get a chance to say it, is how much of a pleasure it is for me to have met so many beautiful people, and to have come here. There’s something I mentioned the other night when I said, here’s the city who had placed on it that we lost a President. And I said, how could this happen amongst such beautiful people? Maybe God, in His divine wisdom, there’s a purpose for all things.

I’ve had the fortune to travel. I’ve had the fortune to meet people from every religion. I’ve had the fortune to see the beauty that can flow among people from all religions under one house seeking God. And I don’t think anyone could receive any greater gift than that. I think if I could live life over again, the mishaps, as they say, in my life, I don’t think I’d change anything. I think each thing was a step toward today.

I know a lot of you wondered why I do what I do. Well, I have one purpose in this world, beyond the healing of the human body. I try also very hard to do healing of the soul. But I think the greatest gift that I was given — and it’s strange that I’m saying these words so close to the this of this prayer — was the coming of the Messiah, the preparation for his coming.

Most people wonder why this would be important. I think if we can find him before he gets here, in our hearts, we’ll know him when he arrives.

And with that I’m going to go to sleep! Thank you.”

Ray Elkins, 1974

Ten months later, in Phoenix, Arizona, a woman asked a question, August 20, 1975: “From [_____…in Mesa]; she asks, ‘I know and accept the truth of spirit. I am a new student on the path of awareness. How can I increase my ability to use my God-self in order to develop and manifest more spirit and psychic growth to help myself and others in this life?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. That the world should know of the coming of the Messiah, so should it take mankind. For as a brook should feed of the Seven Spirits of God that should run forth as a river, and the sands of the river should be as the spirits of man that should rush forth unto the ocean, and the ocean should be as the souls of man, and therefore, reach the lands upon the earth — only as those of true spirit [plan] and come forth into one house, laying aside their petty differences, respecting each other [in] the way they worship unto their God, can this be accomplished.

We say unto you, we have come forth but for one purpose, and that purpose is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Should we fail on our mission, then the Lord, God, shall take back that wonderful seed that He has implanted upon your earth, and [now] cannot destroy [in its maturity]. He shall [give] it back unto the heavens and you shall have three-thousand years of darkness upon the Earth. And man shall go back into his caves, and [plot, claw] and kill, and live [as an animal], [and worse than that happen.] So we should say unto you, bring forth in your tablet [form].

When we first came unto this land, and unto this nation, we did say unto the people, form thyselves [a group]. We did say unto them that they shall be known as the Spiritual Philosophy of God. And then, as the growth matured, we said unto them, form unto a new group, and it shall be called the Universal Philosophy. And so it has been done.

And then we did say unto them, prepare a teacher’s course with the teachings [thy may become] ministers. And we did say unto them, take no man, nor woman, from [ ] their religion. This should be founded to add to, in the works they already have, that what we have brought forth and the knowledge we have brought forth is for this time. We have come not to change the Laws of Moses, we have come not to change the prophecies of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. We have come for this time, for the time into which you live now, and the time you are [near], then for the next twenty-five [ ] years.

If our work is accomplished, then the Earth shall know a thousand years of peace, but not as you would count, but as the Lord should count; and each day should be as a thousand years. The earth shall then be plentiful and bountiful [of all], and a new heaven and a new earth shall arise from the same. And the Messiah shall rule, not as a [group?], not as punishment, but as love. And for those who have not been [ ] at that time, then all, even the lost souls, shall be lifted from the earth, and they in turn shall have [another] choice, the choice to enter this new heaven and new earth. For the earth you build shall be your heaven, [a new heaven you have].

Our Lord says, “Hark!” into thee. “For in the desert dwells, and therefore, by the sea where the stars at night are seen all in Thirteen and more than three. For the wise to hear let them hear. And for the wise to see let them see.” And when the time comes, and the mountains bellow their mighty force our Father shall write upon the sky the entry of the same. (Spiritual messengers of God, March 17, 1972)

On November 17, 1976, a man asked Aka this question,“What was the direction and what purpose did the dreams I had received in the year of 1972, starting in the summer of that year till fall in that place of Browning, Montana?”*

It did bring forth the thought and the direction of the time and place thy sit this day. We say unto you, it has been your free choice. Look upon the Eagle and know him, and know he comes but for one purpose, for the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

Bring forth that of yourselves and others. As one hand links unto another, the Spiritual Philosophy of God shall endure, and so it should become a Universal Philosophy. All is reaching to God in the preparation for the coming. This shall take many hands in many places. Yet if you should come unto one house, your strength with each new part should become stronger even yet.

You do not fully understand our words. We would say unto you, look unto the Rose without Thorns.

Aka cautioned those listening, September 8, 1978: Now we say unto you these words, of this same person. Once in the servitude of the Anti-Christ and those who should prepare the way for him, the Beast shall prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ, for the cutting away of the head, and the re-growth. And the Beast shall give power unto a man-beast. And it shall be the name of a man. You shall look, therefore, into your Bible, and look, therefore, into the words of Daniel; there you shall find a more complete interpretation of this time and that that confronts you, and how to deal with the same. [See The Revelation, chapter 13 and Daniel, chapter 7.]

Use these things that we shall give unto you. Use them wisely, but bind together. Bind and become one unto another as the strongest of strong ropes upon the Earth, stronger than the strongest chain. And remember − look at these who should crucify you, and pursue you and persecute you. Remember. Remember that that they have done, for one day upon this Earth, as is happening now, a new religion shall sweep the Earth to take a place of the old. Will you then persecute these? We say unto you, nay, persecution is for fools who have nothing but idle time. But we have also told you to turn of the right cheek and then the left, and then let the mighty arm of the Lord do His work.

It must be done by binding together.

If you do not, they shall sweep you away, as wheat. They will use you for their own purposes. This is but an example of the beginning your persecution, your times of trial.

You now have understanding. With understanding grows wisdom and knowledge.And we say unto you, you shall build a building, and we shall give unto you the dimensions. It shall serve all of you. And it shall be a place of worship. But if you bring into it an angry heart, it shall not be a place of God.

We have let anger dwell within you for a purpose; anger can be of a good tool. Now you must use your minds. Now you must use your strength, your combined strength, and combined wisdom to ward off the persecution and to bring those who would not wear the mark of the Beast into one house.

A church was built on Christmas Star Route, where spiritual messengers of God had guided. On December 5, 1982, Ray Elkins dedicated it simply to God, as a place where all faiths are welcome. Was it coincidence that this took place on the first day of the Advent season, a time of waiting for the Christ Child or a time of preparation for the coming of the Messiah? This is the purpose for which the spiritual messengers of God have come.

June 24, 1983: Yet, we say unto you,

if you can produce 300 people of righteous hearts you may avoid this from happen­ing, that they may come together before God….

Now is not the time to go astray. Now is the time to build upon, for your thirteenth year has passed. That was the years we allowed for growth and to reach maturity. From these years forth shall be mature years, for as we have said before, the half times are passed, and the full times are upon you.

All things that were shall be. Ask and you shall receive. Listen and you shall hear. Look and you shall see, for the great Sword, that should cut two ways, is upon you. Where nothing grew, all things shall now be plentiful. Yet, a third, and [a] third, and a third of the earth shall be laid waste.

Each type of pestilence and floods have been brought forth to show you, to bind you together. As we have said before,

bring 300 souls who should prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah unto one house, and that which you dread the most shall be prevented.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, by bringing them together in one house do you mean in one worship or in one geographic location or building?”

Of one mind.

Of one mind; thank you.

In the Bible it is mentioned that the temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem. Is this a physical temple?”


“What circumstances will lead to its being rebuilt?”

For land beneath it shall be destroyed; the present-day temple shall be destroyed. And from ashes shall rise the temple….

We are here to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We are also here to bring you love and kindness and good wishes from the Lord, our God. As we have said before, ask and you shall receive. For those things which we have just mentioned are the richest of commodities.

June 8, 1984: “Thank you, Aka. Since this is our Annual Meeting, and many people have gathered, is there any message you would like to give anyone?”

We have given unto you all a special message, if you shall take it into your hearts and know from which it comes; it comes with love. We have said unto you,

“Let 300 come,” and you may divert that great catastrophe, which so many shall dread.

You are reaching and touching. Your numbers are growing. Let us all pray before the Seventh Seal is opened that the number of 300 shall be reached. [See The Revelation, chapter 8.]

But we say into you, the Lord, thy God, has loved thee unto the utmost, for He has trusted you with the most precious gifts He owns. And He is willing to give you all of the knowledge He has, for “nothing shall be covered that light shall not shine upon.” And no words shall be spoken that you shall not hear, if you wish to listen.

You have come from many places. You have brought yourselves with you. You are the vineyard[s]; you are the fine wine, and you are the merchants.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God.

May 17, 1985: Now is the time for unity unto one house.


Remember what the spiritual messengers of God promise us?

“If you can produce 300 people of righteous hearts you may avoid this from happen­ing, that they may come together before God.”

Would you like to become one with a righteous heart to come together before God and join the spiritual messengers of God in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah?

Here’s how you can join their Association of Universal Philosophy they ask us to form.

“New words shall be written upon the sky, but they must be written in men’s hearts first.”

Had the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, prophetically told us February 20, 1971, something more? And is there even a sign in this for us to see? The instrument through whom they spoke and healed, Ray Elkins, passed on October 5, 2000, thirty years after he was returned to life by “one with more love in his eyes than anyone he had ever seen,” who gave him the gift (who’s words you read). This took place during the holy Days or Awe or of Repentance–– right before Yom Kippur (the Day of Atonement, or what some call judgment day.) Even in the timing of his passing is there a message to us?

If we learn to believe what they tell us of earthly things, can we also believe what they say to us of heavenly things?

From 1972 when he was given a vision of two possible futures for the Earth, until 2000, Ray told those listening, “It hasn’t been decided yet which way the world will go.” In June 2000, at his last Annual Meeting three months before his passing, he again told us this and asked us to promise God that we will go on with the work. But was it Ray or was it the spiritual messengers of God speaking to us?

“It’s all up to you now.”


God, in His great love for His children, sees our needs––even before we do. He already is providing us a way and is offering us the most loving gift imaginable––a thousand years of peace on Earth, as God counts, and the reign of the Messiah, not as a ruler, but as a loving servant to all. We have been given a choice for our future.

“Let 300 come,” and you may divert that great catastrophe, which so many shall dread.

Give us but one soul in each of what thy know [as] thy towns, and we shall spare of this in our Father’s day.

Please join in association with the spiritual messengers of God in the Association of Universal Philosophy they asked us to form––in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Join with the spiritual messengers whom the one who is to come in his farewell words at his past Passover supper asked our Father to send ––who bring to mind all that he said, who do not speak on their own authority, but tell only what they hear from the Father. Please help to go on with this work and prepare a way within our own hearts first, and then in others, that we will know him when he comes.

The spiritual messengers of God said, May 15, 1975: And for each who should gain knowledge, they shall touch ten, and ten shall touch a hundred, and a hundred shall touch a thousand, and a thousand shall touch a million.

And so it has been said before, that as Jesus of Nazara said, “Upon this rock I shall build my church,” he did not say unto a building, but he did say “upon this rock,” for from the rock should flow the brook and it should be as the spirits of God. And the brook should flow into the river, and the pebbles within the river should be as the spirits of man. And the river should flow unto the ocean, and the pebbles within the ocean shall be as the souls of man.

Will you please join us?


You can learn more in articles at A Stairway to Heaven and What Do the Spiritual Messengers of God Say to Us?

The words of Aka are copyrighted by A. Ray Elkins through whom the spiritual messengers of God spoke from 1970 to 1989.



A stairway to Heaven

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are here...to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.