The Land of the “7” Was Laid Aside to Be a Sacred Place

A stairway to Heaven
116 min readAug 24, 2018
Was the valley chosen to be a sacred place long ago? Is it chosen once again?

We say unto you, now is a great time, a wonderful time, a time when he for whom you have waited is close at hand.

The Valley and Promise of a Christmas Star — Part 5 of 5 (spoken from 1988 to 1989 by the spiritual messengers of God, Aka)

Each blessing is like raindrops of water upon the desert; soon a great bouquet shall grow.

In part 4 of The Valley, some who came to the valley took “A Step into the New World.” The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, brought into being a sacred Corn Ceremony that had not been performed for 3,000 years. A pathway was opened into the new world. Those who entered became one of the People, in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. The Messiah’s consciousness is felt throughout the world.

In part 5, of The Valley, the last two years that the spiritual messengers of God were able to speak through Ray Elkins in trance state, 1988 and 1989, are shared with you. As Jesus turned the water into wine, the spiritual messengers of God may give the best last –– or they bless us as fully as the first, when they were sent from God in 1970 with the brightest light in the heavens to bring news of great joy which will be to all people. (See “The Valley and the Lord’s People.”)

A new heaven and a new earth upon Earth

In the last two years, 1988 and 1989, the final three of the four sacred Corn Ceremonies were given at a church to God in the valley. Spiritual messengers of God, through Ray, initiated those who entered the new world into the ancient Nakuna priesthood of those who had lived in this region in the world before. On March 16–18, 1988, August 26–28, 1988, and Easter weekend, March 24, 1989, participants became one of the People who stepped into the new world––a new heaven and earth upon Earth.

The land in which the ceremonies were given is sacred land. It was given long ago. The spiritual messengers of God tell legends of an ancient time––unwritten history of a world preceding this one––before earth changes brought a migration to this land.

Soon it will be time for another migration.

Yet, a new heaven and new earth on Earth can begin within each soul any time we wish. A way may be prepared for the coming of the Messiah, if we choose to prepare this way first in our hearts.

For the valley has been laid before you — a view from the “7” mountain looking upon the valley. The Association of Universal Philosophy has a rich and blessed history. The valley came into being, first, as a beautiful place in heaven where Ray Elkins would rest and gather strength as he returned down the ladder from God, before he would enter back into his body and this life. The valley was soon to become a quiet place within our minds where God dwells, where we each can go. In 1979, the vision became a dream, as people asked God and His spiritual messengers, Aka, to guide them to a safe place. The valley was given in answer to prayers. In 1979, a valley beneath the Dripping Springs Mountains was chosen as a safe place for Ray’s flock (or people of God from many faiths) to come, from near and far. The vision became reality. Spiritual messengers of God guided Ray to a promised land. It was a fertile valley with abundant water, nestled safely below the Dripping Springs Mountains. The angels led us on a route called Christmas Star. It lay below the former mining town of Christmas; the mine was staked on Christmas day in 1902. From throughout the world, many sent cards and presents to be postmarked from Christmas. Then, after Christmas mine closed in the 1980s, the post office says the rural route was renamed, Dripping Springs Road, for the mountains under which it lies. Yet, we were guided in spirit and in truth by angels to follow a Christmas Star. They come in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. It is a path on which they still guide those who wish to come.

The spiritual messengers of God teach of the sacred purpose of this land, this valley to which the angels led us, following a Christmas Star. They bless all who wish to receive.

The spiritual messengers of God begin the new year, January 8, 1988: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you, in the land that was given, in the land of the valley, we say to you, there are many times and many people who have come to this valley, each in the name of the Lord, thy God. But we say unto you, unto the land of the “7” was laid aside to be a sacred place.

A figure “7” is written in stone on the face of the mountain near the top, above the valley on Dripping Springs Road, Arizona, Can you see it?

Yet, there are those who would abandon the land, and say, “Why should we prepare? Why should we go forth?”

And we say unto you, which of you shall walk away and not prepare a place for your Father? Which of you shall say unto yourself, “Should I not prepare a place in my house for both the Lord, thy God, and my own Father? Should I not prepare a place that He might lay down? Should I not prepare a place that He might not have food and lodging? If I prepare a place, should I not prepare a place for my neighbor, and my friend?”

Yet, the time of trial and tribulation lies upon you and upon the land. The seed has been cast to the wind.

But we say to you, there was a man and he went into a vast valley, and there he found all the things of goodness that the Lord should give unto him. He found the water and he found the land. And the Lord had provided unto him many plants.

Aloe Vera

But because he had so many, he gave some to this one and to that one. He bartered; He used some for amazement and amusement; he threw some away − because he could never use all that the Lord had given him. What difference did it make?

If this person needed a gift, he gave them some. If that one needed a gift, he gave them some. Yet, when he got into the valley and the day’s − the most important day’s work there before him, and he could not plant the valley. Should he go unto the Lord and ask for more?

This man did go unto the Lord and said, “Lord, look upon me. Look where I stand. Other people are at fault; it is not my fault.”

And so, the Lord felt sorry for him and gave him more in abundance.

And so, instead of taking care of the water supplies, he fouled the water supplies. And his crops did not grow. And once again, he came before the Lord and said, “Oh, Lord, woe is me, for other people have come and fallen upon me and done me misdeeds. All things that happened to me are not my fault; they are the fault of others.”

Yet, the Lord looked upon him and said, “YOU, MY SON, MUST LEARN.”

And so, the Lord forsaked him.

And he did walk into the valley of the shadows. And he did stumble upon the ground. And he drank the murky waters. And he did all these things until he could go unto the Lord and say, “Lord, it is not others who have done this, but I, myself. I have caused these things to happen. I know this now. But Lord, if it should be in Your kindness, in Your grace to have, let me have one more time, one more chance to plant the ground, to watch it become of ripe and bountiful fields, then I will do so. But Lord, I will do it not in my own greatness any longer, but in Yours. And Lord, if You see fit that I not be in charge of this, I will accept this. I will accept the smallest and least of tasks that You give. But Lord, let me help to restore what I have done.”

And the Lord looked upon him and allowed this to be so.

We say unto you, look about you. Take this parable we have given you. If hence, you cannot take it and use it––

the importance of the time is great.

January 29, 1988: Yes, we see thy need and we should say unto you unto this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, glory the name of His children forever and ever.

And we should say unto you this parable in this manner and in this way. For upon the mountain there lived a great wise man. And he was known for his wisdom all across the land. And many did make a pilgrimage to visit him to hear him speak and to ask him questions.

But for the old man, none noticed at first, but out of good manners he always fed his guests. And he always bade them to enter his small dwelling and sleep, and rest.

But more and more came. For the old man, he had a small herd of goats. He had the plants that he grew, and he had the forest to bring food from. And he felt that it would be bad manners not to provide these things for his guests.

And so, as each day passed, one unto another, and the problem became a very harsh problem, he went off to himself and he prayed and he said, “Oh, Lord, it is not that I do not have good manners to feed my guests, but I know not what to do, for if I take and kill my goats I will not have cheese to feed my guests, nor will I have the clothing. And if I go unto this mountain and kill the animals I would lose my friends, for these have been my friends. And if I give them all that I have grown, and I only have so much land to grow on − what should I do, Lord?”

He waited, and there was no reply. And so, he went back to his cabin to tend his flock.

And in that day when the guests arrived, they brought both sheep, and said, “Might you add this to your flock?”

And the old man thought, “The Lord has answered my prayer.”

But still more came. And so, he went back unto the mountaintop again by himself, and he did pray unto the Lord again. And the Lord said not unto him.

He went back to his cabin.

And the people who came that day brought tenfold to his flock, and he thought, “The Lord has surely provided and answered my prayer.”

But still he could not feed the people. So he went again unto his mountaintop, and he said, “Oh, Lord, You shall surely hear my prayer.”


And he said, “Yes, Lord, but so is the people who come.”


And he said, “Yes, Lord, You have. But how shall I feed them?”


And the old man said, “But, Lord, I am an old man. How can any my age? Should I do all of these things?”


So the old man went back. And the next day the men and material arrived as a gift. And they built a hotel.

And then the same day, young disciples arrived, and said, “Master, let us learn from you. Let us do work for you and become your students.” And so, they did take over and provide that that was needed, and soon there was plenty, and food for all.

And the old man went back to the mountain to thank the Lord.

But in thanking he said, “Lord, I came to this mountain to remove myself from the monetary substance of the world. Why is it in my later days You have forced me into this position?”


And the old man went back. And he was as a young man, yet he spoke with a wisdom much wiser than he had known before, for he had learned this day from the Lord that all things were placed upon the Earth for a reason….

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. At this time, Aka, would you like to give us any information on the coming ceremony on the 17th to 18th of March?”

Until all the obstacles are removed from its path − it shall come forth − but for those who wish to walk and become one of the Corn People, and for those who have become, they should come forth and help those who have not. Yet, through you the vows and walk through the cortex [vortex] is important also.

We shall give more information at a different time. But allow those who would come to come. But they must come of their own free will. But explain to them the fullness of the ceremony in itself, and the purpose and the reason….

Here is some information about the Corn Ceremony.

Now is the time of the cherubim.

And we say unto you, earthquakes of great magnitude are at hand. And there shall be those who should flee unto your lands. And this should come forth this time. Be ready for these.

Allow them the dignity to provide for themselves, but help them to know that there are ways to do so, and there are people who care to help them.

Remember these things, that sometimes man is known by the fruit of his labor; when we say man, we mean woman also − mankind.

February 5, 1988: Yes, we see thy needs. And we shall answer your questions in this manner and this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

But we say unto you this parable in this manner and in this way.

NASA topographical map of the Sea of Cortez or Gulf of California. Inland, the sea once extended to the Salton Sea in the upper left corner. In the green area south, beteen the Salton Sea and Sea of Cortez, is a fertile green area. An ferile offshoot to the right goes toward Yuma, Arizona, where the Colorado river flows from the Grand Canyon to the north. The darker green appears to extend toward Gila Bend and upward, with inlets to Phoenix, Arizona. Does the Gila River water this green? Kitts Peak is one of the mountains you see to the southest near Tucson. Does this low-lying green region depict where once the sea laid? Aka refers to the Yuma area as the “valley below th sea”. Is this how it may be again, in the new world?

For in the lower part, which you now call the Sea of Cortez, and as the land extended upward toward the − that that you would know as your San Diego mountains, entering, therefore, about − and went upward in what you now call your Grand Canyon, in what is known as Land’s Ferry − and then, it came forth to the area which is now known to you as Gila Bend, and extended upward, and therefore, with inlets to what is now known as the Phoenix area − and went, therefore, across the land into what is known, now known as Kitt’s Peak − and [then, went], therefore, into a southerly direction into the Sea of Cortez, this was a vast and rich land with great forests, abundance of minerals of many kinds.

Because of its richness, it would be known as what you would call, a fertile crest, for yet − for it was the birthplace of the red race. And those that lived there and had their business, you would call them as the [fallowed]. And they were great because of the great crops that they grew and of the great cloth that they wove, for they had the largest textile mills in the world, and they had the best dyes in the world. And they thought that their civilization would go on forever, which it did not. And for twofold it was known, and these people were known as the Rainbow people− first, because of the beautiful fabrics that they wove. This was the first time that both wool and cotton was implemented together. It was also known because from the land that you would know it as that of the Californians came a completely different race of people. You would think of them as the Vikings of your yesterday. These people were tall, fair-skinned, blue-eyed people. And yet, you would have those who had migrated in of the black race, and the yellow race, and the brown race. They were all there because this was the hub of civilization.

And great cities were built. And they stood for a thousand years and more, until the time of now, as you would call it − when within one day, when the earthquakes struck and volcanic action pushed the earth up in some sections, your land was changed.

Now we say unto you, the land is reversing itself and shall go back into what it was once before. And it shall happen almost within a twinkling of an eye.

The map of the Sea of Cortez and the caption above probably picture what will happen. The land does change, as this map of 76 million years ago shows. Much longer before the worlds Aka describes, another world is seen in the continent Laramida.

These things are very important. And the reason they are important is to your own, for that which you were you are once again. You are back to being, as what you called, the Rainbow people. Yet, you seek the fulfillment of knowledge. You seek the seven steps of the [Nakoha] and that of the brotherhood of the [Nakoha].We say unto you, all these things are possible. But take first the words we have spoken unto you and know of them, and feel of them, and touch of them, and understand. And when you have done these things, we shall feed you more, one step at a time. And when you are ready, we shall give you the seven steps, for they have already been planted in soul Ray’s mind.

February 19, 1988: Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto you unto this manner, unto this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, and glory be the descendants thereof and therefore.

And we should say unto you, for in the early time, the time which you would know as the time of the Rainbow People, there came the time of the great festival. And the festival was.

And when the festival was it became one of the sacred acts. And the acts were only those who had ears to hear and those who had eyes to listen [see] did complete.

For it is enough to know one act at a time.

But once the seven acts have been completed of the Nakuna, then it should begin the acts of the Kachina. Each step shall, in turn, lead onward and upward into another. Yet, as deeds are not great by themselves, but only together, so are the deeds of the acts.

The Eagle kachina

But we should say unto you, for the children did play, and in their play that which they played the hardest was the hiding time, for when the children heard someone come, it was to blend into their surroundings, to become one with that which they stood around, that with the earth, that with the trees, that with the grass, that with the sky. And to do this, this one must think as all of these things and become invisible to the eye. And so, the child was hidden in visibility.

To know this is to know the way. And to know the way is to know the acts of the Nakuna.

We will say unto you, to know the act of the Nakuna,

the first step is for each of you who pass through the Corn Ceremony to sit down and write it in its entirety, that you should know it.

And even if you forget one part, write it anyway. But soon, all the parts shall be filled in. When you yourselves may do them and go through forth, therefore, unto the same and perform the sacred Corn Ceremony, it shall be the beginning of your acts.

There are those who shall be chosen to perform this. But all is invited.

We say unto you, learn of this and you have opened the doorway, not only into the past, but into the future, and the future times of mankind, for you have opened the doorway of the acts of the Nakuna. And when the acts of the Nakuna are complete and you step up, you shall know that the seven acts that you have just performed are sacred beyond all words and all telling. Yet, they shall be performed, not that you may be great, but each shall be performed that the Lord, God, may be great in His might, and mighty.

We know that you do not understand us, but you shall in time.

For within a short while the spirits shall call and beckon, and they shall dance upon the wall and the ceiling, and all around.

And some shall become frightened, for they shall know their presence; yet, they know not what the presence is. They have not the trust in the Lord, thy God, to know the difference from one unto another.

We should say unto you, this time is important. Yet, we should say unto you, for we shall know of the blue dye. Yet it is not a dye. It but changes the texture and color of the skin, but for a day or a night.

And you shall know of the beast of the land and you shall feel it as it enters your body and your mind. Yet, you shall become above it and pull yourselves from it, least it consume you.

For in the greatest of times, now we should say unto you is the time that has come when change is inevitable. For where no land was, land shall be. Where no garden grew, gardens shall flourish and become complete in their changing for the Lord. And where deserts are, deserts shall be dropped from the earth, one at a time.

We say unto you, now is a great time, a wonderful time, a time when he for whom you have waited is close at hand.

So we say unto you, glory be the light of the Lord, thy God; glory be His children forever and ever.

Now we say unto you, land masses shall change. It shall not be long until that of the land of California shall begin to alter its face, and not as man has ever known in this time − so shall parts of Nevada, and so shall parts of that of the Arizona.

Within time, the course of the great Mississippi shall change its flow, and alter. And so shall the Nile.

Many things shall be brought forth in changing, yet re-changing, and changing once again.

For in the final analysis of all things there is love, the love that the Father has for His children, a total and complete and unselfish love. To know of this is to know the answers of the secret places and to know the great secrets of all time.

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the cherubim.

Aka told us, October 4, 1975: Long ago when the Messiah walked the face of your earth − your continent, this land − and before his coming a star was promised of his arrival, and he did say unto thee, “For I give unto you the Morning Star and the Evening Star. I shall go with it, and I shall come with it.”

And so, through their folklore it has been handed down − much as the Tablets of Moses, that of the Ten Commandments, so were the tablets of the Hopi. Yet, both no longer stand upon the earth, only the wish and the promise — the promise, therefore, unto the people, that they should hold holy unto the Lord all days, and that they should worship no other gods before Him.

The one who should come shall say to you, “I am not God, yet I am the Spirit of God.”

So it has been on your earth before. So it shall be again. Our purpose, that we might serve both man and God, should be the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

Much as the star, the [kachina] doll was made to remind them of this.

The Blue Star KachinaThat time is not far off. It will come when the Blue Star kachina dances in the plaza. In Frank Waters’s writings on Hopi mythology, the Blue Star Kachina or Saquasohuh, is a kachina or spirit, that will signify the coming of the beginning of the new world by appearing in the form of a blue star. The Blue Star Kachina is said to be the ninth and final sign before the “Day of Purification”, described as a catastrophe or a “world engulfing cataclysm” that will lead to the purification of planet Earth.

February 26, 1988: Yes we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we should say unto you unto these words. As your time grows short between the time of your festival, then we should tell you more of the Nakuna priesthood and that unto which it began − your word, Nakuna, meaning that of the same that you call, disciples.

For first, that that you would call, the Kachina, are those who came from the sons of God and did teach and did give forth of knowledge, and therefore, that of the Nakuna priesthood began with the Rainbow People. And they began with the Rainbow People of the red race, and they began with the Rainbow People of the white race. And they lived side by side with peace and harmony. And they did trade around the world.

When the times came, those of the Nakuna followed − of both races − followed the Kachina.

Whittier is a city at the head of the Passage Canal in the U.S. state of Alaska, about 58 miles southeast of Anchorage.

What you have long looked for, your Northwest passage, for in that time there was such, and the land did open below what you now call that of Fort Whittier and opened across and went into the Atlantic. And when this time came, those of the white with blue eyes − but you must understand because they had interbred with the red race there were those of both the brown and the blue eyes − and they did go together into the land you would call Greenland, and then into the clan you would call, the Danish, or Finland, and spread across. And they went, therefore, to join their brothers in the land of Sumeria, leaving their descendants behind; therefore, around.

Looking back much farther in time than Aka’s describes, one can see how the land masses of what would become North America and Europe were once joined. Laurasia was the more northern of two supercontinents (the other being Gondwana) that formed part of the Pangaea supercontinent around 335 to 175 million years ago (Mya). It separated from Gondwana 215 to 175 Mya (beginning in the late Triassic period) during the breakup of Pangaea, drifting farther north after the split. The name combines the names of Laurentia, the name given to the North American craton, and Eurasia. As suggested by the geologic naming, Laurasia included most of the land masses which make up today’s continents of the Northern Hemisphere, chiefly Laurentia, Baltica, Siberia, Kazakhstania, and the North China and East China cratons. See Map by User:LennyWikidata — SVG version of Image:Laurasia-Gondwana.png created by me, CC BY 3.0,

Now we say unto you, because of the fall of the continent that lay between Australia and your own coastline and the breaking up, therefore, of the same, the traffic and the trade links were disturbed and closed, and would remain so for almost a million years. [See Lemuria.]

Is this one part of a broken up continent that once was between Australia and the Americas? Zealandia, also known as the New Zealand continent or Tasmantis is an almost entirely submerged mass of continental crust that sank after breaking away from Australia 60–85 million years ago, having separated from Antarctica between 85 and 130 million years ago. It has variously been described as a continental fragment, a microcontinent, a submerged continent, and a continent.

Those that you know of the Chinese, did not forget. They continued their trade into this land. It was vital to them for two purposes − because their civilization, due to the shift of the earth, was greatly hurt and diminished, and because what you call your silk worm and the material of the silk which had become such a pride, and the mingling of the silk, the wool, and the cotton fabrics and the great knowledge that went with it, they needed this. Some they took with them; some they could not. Yet, they made many voyages back unto this land.

Here is another submerged part of the supercontinent, Gondwana. The Mascarene Plateau is a submarine plateau in the Indian Ocean, north and east of Madagascar. The plateau extends approximately 2,000 km (1,200 mi), from the Seychelles in the north to Réunion in the south. It is the second largest undersea plateau in the Indian Ocean after the Kerguelen Plateau. The Indian subcontinent was at one time next to the east coast of the Seychelles, but seafloor spreading has moved the landmass to its current position, where it has collided and fused with the continent of Asia. The northern part of the Mascarene plateau is formed of granite, and is a fragment of the ancient supercontinent of Gondwana. The granite is topped with deposits of limestone and basalt. The basalt deposits in the Seychelles are from the Deccan Traps eruption, which occurred in the central part of the Indian subcontinent 66 million years ago, at the end of the Cretaceous period.The southern part of the Mascarene plateau, also known as Southern Mascarene plateau (SMP), was formed by the Réunion volcanic hotspot along with the Chagos-Laccadive Ridge. The banks and shoals of the southern part of the Mascarene plateau were once volcanic islands, much like Mauritius and Réunion, which have now sunk or eroded to below sea level or, in the case of the Cargados Carajos, to low coral islands. The Saya de Malha Bank formed 35 million years ago, and the Nazareth Bank and the Cargados Carajos shoals formed later. Limestone banks found on the plateau are the remnants of coral reefs, indicating that the plateau was once a succession of islands. Some of the banks may have been islands as recently as 18,000–6,000 years ago, when sea levels were up to 130 meters lower during the most recent ice age. Mauritius formed 8–10 million years ago, and Rodrigues and Réunion formed around two million years ago. Piton de la Fournaise volcano on Réunion is one of the most active volcanoes in the world.
The big picture – Gondwana 420 million years ago. This view is centered on the South Pole. Map by Fama Clamosa — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Click on Gondwana to see how the land changed over time.

Now, we would say unto you of the red race, and you must understand that the red race did go forth unto many places, for it had followed the waterways up into almost all of the United States. It had crossed what you call the Continental Divide.

A video titled, “Discovery of Ancient Death Valley Giant Mummies,”tells of an 80,000 year old race of men, 8-to-9-feet tall, in underground caverns near the Colorado River on the Arizona–Nevada–California line. Hieroglyphs resemble those found similar to the lost continent of Atlantis. Artifacts resemble a combination of Egyptian and American Indian, one says. Another says artifacts discovered in caverns in the Grand Canyon resemble Chinese or Buddhist, in “The Lost Ancient Egyptian City of the Grand Canyon.” Also see “Proof the Grand Canyon Monuments Are Ancient Pyramids.”

But as this time change came, and the great cities crumbled and fell, all these different people who were once one became separated, and because of their isolation their tongues did not remain the same.

This map shows Western Interior Seaway during the mid-Cretaceous, about 100 million years ago. Another world from long ago can be seen, before the Sea of Cortez was formed and the Rainbow people migrated to their new world, the last world before this one. Some say we are now living in the fourth world; other say this is the fifth.

And you must understand that the great cities in South America, as you would call it, and the cities that were built in the land you call Mexico disappeared in a whispering because the people became frightened, and it weakened them, and there were other people who did conquer unto them.

Now we say unto you, to understand this is to understand the way of the Kachina and that the knowledge was taken south in abundance. But yet, even the calendar was altered and changed.

The Maya calendar consists of several cycles or counts of different lengths. The 260-day count is known to scholars as the Tzolkin, or Tzolk’in, the Maya Sacred Round or 260-day calendar. The word tzolk’in is a neologism coined in Yucatec Maya, to mean “count of days.” The tzolk’in calendar combines twenty day names with the thirteen day numbers to produce 260 unique days. It is used to determine the time of religious and ceremonial events and for divination. Each successive day is numbered from 1 up to 13 and then starting again at 1. Separately from this, every day is given a name in sequence from a list of 20 day names. The Tzolkin was combined with a 365-day vague solar year known as the Haab’ to form a synchronized cycle lasting for 52 Haab’, called the Calendar Round. The Calendar Round is still in use by many groups in the Guatemalan highlands. A different calendar was used to track longer periods of time and for the inscription of calendar dates (i.e., identifying when one event occurred in relation to others). This is the Long Count. It is a count of days since a mythological starting-point. According to the correlation between the Long Count and Western calendars accepted by the great majority of Maya researchers (known as the Goodman-Martinez-Thompson, or GMT, correlation), this starting-point is equivalent to August 11, 3114 BCE in the proleptic Gregorian calendar or September 6, in the Julian calendar (−3113 astronomical). Many Maya Long Count inscriptions contain a supplementary series, which provides information on the lunar phase, number of the current lunation in a series of six and which of the nine Lords of the Night rules.

You see the results from the old calendar, or what you call the Mayan calendar, into what you now have. Understand that those that they called did not fully understand, even into themselves, the books they had received, any more than your Spanish understood the books they had taken. And so, [Otah], the teacher, and his ways were changed.

And now you have many questions, ask….

“Yes, Aka. [16–494–2] who is here tonight asks, ‘What is the future of the Indian reservation? Will the Bureau of Indian Affairs terminate the Indian, the reservations? And when?’”

We shall say unto you, it shall not happen now. But even when it does the Nations shall still own their land. You must understand that the Indian people, the red race, must take their place once again along beside the other races in leading the world across into the next world. As you come from two races, so shall many others. By the year 2002 your need for reservations will be no more, for all the land shall be open, and your world as you know it shall be greatly changed. Yet, we say to you, can it not be a better world? [See Matthew 24:36.]

The Pima Indians called themselves Othama until the first account of interaction with non-Native Americans was recorded. The Akimel O’Otham (known as the Pima to anthropologists) are a subgroup of the Upper O’otham or Upper Pima (also known as Pima Alto). One part of the Upper O’otham was known commonly as the Pima or River Pima. Since the late 20th century, they have been called by their own name, or autonym: Akimel O’otham.
Akimel O’otham
(Akimel Au-Authm, meaning “River People”, often simply called Pima, by outsiders, lived north of and along the Gila, the Salt, and the Santa Cruz rivers in what is today defined as Arizona). The O’otham are matrilocal, with daughters and their husbands living with and near the daughter’s mother. Familial groups tended to consist of extended families. The Akimel O’otham also lived seasonally in temporary field houses in order to tend their crops. The other people was known commonly as the Papago or Desert Pima. The people are now known by their own name or autonym, as the Tohono O’odham Nation. (For more information please see the Pima People.)

You have taken the first steps and become one of the Corn people. And your children have taken the steps to become one of the Corn people. And your son shall seek to become a Nakuna priest and he shall seek out unto the Eagle’s way. As he has sought the eagle feather, so he shall seek out the way. And he will come, become, from three races, to become a medicine man. And he shall bring blessing into your people and into your land, and greatness. For as the dance of the White Painted Lady did occur, know these thing. All things were as they should be, and all things shall be as the prophets of the Pimas did lay forth upon the land, for they brought this to be. Much as the people of Israel were chosen, so the Pimas were chosen. Your son shall seek to prepare the way for the coming in the hearts of all of the red race. His way shall not always be easy, but it shall be full. And as long as he carries himself in a righteous manner, God will be with him − and so shall the prophets be, and so shall be the one he prepares the way for.

March 18, 1988 (the second Corn Ceremony at a church to God, on Christmas Star Route, Dripping Springs Road, Arizona, ): Yes we see thy need and we shall answer in this manner in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

The mountain which bears an image of a “7” on its east face stands above and to the right of the church. In this photo, the“7” mountain can be seen in the distance, as one looks west across the parking lot of a church to God, that lies in the “Valley of the ‘7’” under the Dripping Springs mountains in Arizona. Aka says the “7” is a sign placed upon the mountain by the first born.

And we say unto you unto these words. For in the time of Nakuna, in the time of the Rainbow People, in the time of the later days when the land was to upheaval and all was to fall, they ventured forth unto the valley of the “7,” and there they called up the Seven Spirits of the Lord, thy God. And they said unto them, “We call on you to show us the way.”

But so, at first they heard nothing, not a sound. And they waited. And unto the seventh day they waited.

And on the seventh day, upon the seventh hour, one appeared among them. They looked upon him and they knew that he must be one of the Kachina. They had never known any Kachina of this type before, and they said, “And who − who are you? How do we know you?”

And he said unto them, “Be not afraid for I am the first born; yet I am the first and I am the last, for I come for this day to prepare a way for you, our people. And I place upon the mountain this sign. And as I place upon the mountain, I shall send you forth unto the land and this shall become [in] the safe place of the Nakuna and the safe place of the Kachina, for we shall call them forth and they shall lead you.”

“But hear these words. Unto land you go, unto these lands that are now called the mountain of Flagstaff or San Francisco Peak. One half shall go there. The other half shall go [into] the mountain of Taos. But your high priests, those who will lead you, must remain here.”

The people became frightened. How could they live without the knowledge of the wise ones? How would they know the way back?

And this one said unto them, “Be not afraid. The day shall come when each of the sacred places shall be violated. And as they are violated, so shall be the sign of the later days, but the rebirth of the world.

“Now we have made this a sacred place. But a day shall come when they shall come unto this mountain and scratch, as a chicken, to yank out its wealth. They shall think they have found it; only they will have found nothing. But you shall know by the signs we have said. When the sacred triangle is complete, the rebirth of the Nakuna shall happen again.”

Numerous mining claims can be found on the Dripping Springs mountains above the valley. One of the two numbered on the upper left side may be on the “7” mountain. Are they signs that were prophecied? Also see Blue Star kachina, and the prophecies of White Feather.

And they said unto him, “But how can this be? For we will pass away from this earth.”

And he said unto them, “Your descendants may be changed by the Lord, thy God, as easy as the Lord shall lift a stone. What difference is it to you what color the Lord shall choose? But know this. When I come again among you, you shall know me not again.”

And there was much wailing that night. But the two groups split, for in some families sons went and other families daughters went, and the lands were split apart.

Now we say unto you, the time is here once again. You have come back into the land of the Nakuna. You have forgotten who you are. You come as children lost in the wilderness.

When the sun rises tomorrow look up and see the “7” and allow the sun rays to drift into your minds and you shall begin to remember. And as the ceremony begins, we shall put a sign in the sky. And upon the ninth hour of the evening you shall gather and see our sign.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever. All days.

You have many questions ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [10–379–1] asks, ‘Where am I going now that [10–380–1] is home with God?’”

We say unto you, we have answered your question. You have within you a knowledge that you have come to learn from your brothers. You have returned to the valley, but in a different way. Yet you are blinded and you are deaf. And we say unto you, all of it has been laid before you. For those who have eyes to see, let them see. For those who have ears to hear, let them hear. The pathway that you seek may be a way, but only when it may be shared. And that is the difference. Before, you could not find that place to share your life and those things you were learning. We told you, think upon soul Ray’s dream when he planted the fields and you shall know of what we speak. [Note: See the Parable of Ray’s Dream, December 29, 1972.]

You have other questions….

“Thank you, Aka. [9–360–1] asks to please explain the blue dye that changes the color or the texture of the skin [from dry], to day or night. Thank you.”

We see your need, and we shall say unto you, we speak of the Blue People. And we say to you, that [which] was for a different time because of the atmospheric condition. As you enter into this time once again and your ion belt is destroyed piece-by-piece, and your gamma rays become more plentiful, that time shall be once again. That which you speak of to alter the pigmentation of the tissue will be given at that time. But soul Ray has that knowledge now. To take the time to give you the chemical evaluation of the same, we would not have time to answer the other questions.

A Van Allen radiation belt is a zone of energetic charged particles, most of which originate from the solar wind, that are captured by and held around a planet by that planet’s magnetic field. The Earth has two such belts and sometimes others may be temporarily created. Most of the particles that form the belts are thought to come from solar wind and other particles by cosmic rays. By trapping the solar wind, the magnetic field deflects those energetic particles and protects the Earth’s atmosphere from destruction. Was Aka speaking of this protection? The Sun has an 11-year cycle of minimum and maximum sun spots. During a relative calm period, the Sun’s rays do not cause Earth to create as strong a resulting magnetic shield as when the Sun is more active. Incoming solar flares and radiation can, therefore, be more strong and penetrate father toward Earth’s surface. More UVa, UVb, even UVc, x-ray, gamma radiation and cosmic radiation might enter our atmosphere. The low Sun cycle around 2018 may be one such year. The Earth and our solar system also is entering a recently discovered energetic region in our galaxy. Its affects may not yet be known.

You have other questions, ask….

“Thank you Aka. In the writing of Confucius, he refers to an ancient teaching called, ‘the ways of the former [ ] kings.’ Who were the kings and what were their teachings?”

We have told you of the Nakuna, and we have told you of the Kachina way. When you have completed the acts of the Nakuna, then the acts of the Kachina shall be brought forth, and the acts of the kings shall be before you. Take this one step at a time. This is why this time for these ceremonies was set aside and the doorway[s] could be opened. But know this. One-half year is gone.

You have three-and-a-half years to complete this, and the doorway shall shut for 3,000 years again.

If you shall preserve the people and the ways, then seek this knowledge we have to give.

For as he appeared, becoming you once before, he is now among you once again.

You have other questions ask.

“Thank you Aka. [18–548–1…Houston, Texas], and he is also here tonight, asks, ‘What will be the avenue of expression used in my writing, healing, opening the work? How may I most effectively help my brothers and sisters in these matters?’”

We say unto you, the races of the Earth are the bouquet of the Lord. As we have come, and as you have sought, so shall you learn. If you truly wish this knowledge you shall seek it out. It shall come as rain drops on the desert − enough to keep the life, but not enough to grow the forest.

If you shall make the forest, you must learn to irrigate. If you should do this, you must know the way of the [Nakoha]. Think thee of a land of vastness, of great crops. As you sleep tonight, think of canals that took the fluid of life unto the land to grow these things. Allow your mind to open and the beginning shall begin. You are here to see, to learn, to touch, to feel, to know. If you find truth within our words then look unto soul Ray. His hand is out, not to take, but to give.

You have other questions ask.

“Thank you Aka. [18–548–2…Peridot, Arizona] asks, ‘Do you have a message for me?’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we say unto you, you have come here for a purpose. Take the knowledge that is here. Long ago, one came into what is now known as the Pima reservation. And in the rights of the manhood he did make a mark upon the hand of one to be named. It is one-half of a square. It is the mark that allows knowledge to flow. If you, of your own free will, decide to accept this knowledge, seek him out. But once again, know this − be ready to devote your time, your energy into learning and teaching. When this three-and-a-half years passes, the year of 1999 shall be very critical, for it shall have been the time, and no more half-times shall come before you. Listen closely to our words. Study these things we have said unto you carefully, and you will know the truth of this….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–540–1] asks, ‘In regards to my life reading, who is the brother that is mentioned? Was I an original member of Sons of God? Or could you please give me more information on my life history?’”

We will tell you this, your brother is here in this room. He is of the Indian heritage. You must look and find, for he is willing to go in the circle with you. Find him before the circle is built, and let the two of you pass on to soul Ray.

For we say unto you, blessed be the name of the Lord, thy God. And blessed be the way of the Lord. As you release and bring forth these mighty energies and mighty forces let no one violate the circle.

April 8, 1988: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall tell you this parable in this manner and this way.

For upon the mountain there lived a small child. She lived there with her grandparents. And her grandfather grew roses.

They were abundant and beautiful, of every color.

The little girl would go with her grandfather each day, when they finished their other chores, to tend their roses. And even upon the Sabbath the grandfather tended his roses.

And in a small village in a valley off the mountain where they walked to church on the Sabbath, the minister there scolded the grandfather and said, “Thou shall hold the Sabbath holy.”

And the grandfather said unto him, “(Chuckle) bother me not, minister, for I go about my Father’s work.”

The minister could not understand. Yet, each of the Sabbaths the small child brought a bouquet of roses to the minister and placed them in the small church. And even though the minister saw this and appreciated the roses, he could not understand why the grandfather would continue to tend the roses seven days a week.

And so, at the end of church, some of the church members had gathered in a meeting, and they were discussing the affairs of the members. And the minister brought up, “How dare this man influence a child in such a way.” So they all walked and went, therefore, unto the grandfather’s cabin. And when the reached there they found him teaching her, working in the garden. And they said unto him, “How can you teach a child to defy God in such a manner?”

The old man looked around, and he said to the minister, “It is not I who has defiled God, it is you.”

The minister said unto him, “How can this be so?”

The old man said, “You have walked upon God’s ground this day and seen it not. You come and you see His miracles all around you, and see them not.

“For, look, you see this, this rosebud? That is a miracle of God − and each step, as the roses mature and come each day into the most beautiful part of the whole, and even unto the last part when the rose withers and as the base turns into hemp, because in this it is giving life unto man, for all parts of the rose have been given by God. Yet you see it not.”

The minister began to see, but yet he had been taught so righteously, he thought.

Yet the old man went on and his granddaughter with him. In the center of the garden were the beautiful waterfalls.

And he said, “Surely this could not be God’s work; you have diverted the water here. This is man-made.”

The old man looked at him and said, “The [whole] Lord placed forth this of the Earth under the domain of man, and I have diverted a small amount of water into the garden. And from the falls it goes into the garden, and we use it − and from here it goes into our vegetable garden, and we use that − each part going into another. And the fish in the pond, we use those. And all parts are part of the same. For the Lord has given us a bounty of all things. If we do not use them it is our faults.”

The minister became quite disturbed.

And the old man went on and said, “Minister, who pays you? And what are you paid with?”

And the minister said, “I receive very little pay.”

The old man said, “Do you go hungry?”

The minister said, “No, for the people in the church bring me vegetables from their gardens.”

The old man said, “Are you cold?”

And he said, “No, they bring me wood from the forest.”

And they said unto him, “Do you go without clothes or comforts?”

And he said, “No, they pay me in a small substance.”

He said, “Each of the things that you have received, are they not all from God?”

He said, “Oh, yes, they are all from God.”

And he said, “And do you not have your roses once a week? And what happens to them, after the Sabbath?”

The minister said, “Why, I take them home, so they will not go to waste.”

And he said unto him, “Then you take part of my labor of love into your home. You take the fruit, yet you deny me the privilege of being a caretaker. Think, minister, who has sinned?”

Now we have told you this parable. And we say unto you, before you cast out of yourself the better part of yourself, know this, that all things were given to you for a reason. Judge not. And be not judged.

April 15, 1988: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer your questions in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His people forever and ever.

And we say unto you, for upon the prairie there was once great herds of what you would call wild cattle. And four brothers decided that they would bring forth unto them, and make them their own.

At first, they brought from one herd, and split it into four. But they soon decided that the herds they had were not good enough to provide the meat substance that they wanted to sell. And so, one of the brothers ventured far into other lands, and there he found other people domesticating the wild herds. And so from them he brought one bull and four cows. And he brought them home, and he said, “Here, brothers, each of you shall have a cow.”

And the other brothers said unto him, “But who shall own the bull?”

They thought a long time upon this, and finally they decided they would ask the question of both their herdsman and their priest. And when they went unto him they said, “We have brought forth four new cows to go into our herds and only one bull. We must know who should own the bull.” The head priest could not answer the question.

And so they knew not what to do.

And finally the head priest said, “You have ventured far to receive such a fine animal. Would you not venture farther to understand his ownership?”

And so they were sent into another strange land, each of the four brothers traveling together and leaving the herdsmen in charge.

And when they reached this far land they went unto this one, which was called at that time, the Eastern Star. And they said unto him, “Oh, wise one, we have four cows and one bull. Who should own the bull?”

And this wise one said unto them, “Each year that goes by you shall give, each of you, one of your herd unto the Lord. And therefore, we say unto you, let the bull belong to the Lord, and he shall provide the seed.”

They thought upon this and they said, “But in whose herd shall it run, and feed?”

And the wise man said, “There are four seasons. Allow this one to go into each unto a different season.”

They went back unto their home. And each year thereafter they delivered unto this one one of their offsprings.

Many years passed. And as they ventured forth, they saw before them a great herd.

And the wise man said unto them, “Now, it is your turn to make a decision, for I give you unto this herd that you may divide it unto your ancestors. How shall you divide it?”

And each brother said, one unto the other, “You have taught us, oh, wise one, we shall divide it as the four seasons. And if you shall come with an odd cow, that one shall belong to the Lord.”

Now we say unto you, the tithings to the Lord may seem as a great and mighty thing to each of you. But the seed that you wish to receive from, you must help provide from, to give unto. As Abraham and [Levites] did give unto the Lord one-tenth of those things that they possessed, do so in your own tithing. But it does not necessarily have to be money. A tithing can be a gift from yourself unto the Lord.

The herdsmen learned this, that the greatest gift that they gave was that when they gave of themselves. But even a greater was when they gave the Lord back His knowledge….

April 15, 1988: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–550–3…Houston, Texas] asks, ‘How long will California be a safe place to live? Do I have work to do there?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. Quakes shall come and go.

You shall soon see a great quake in the land of California. [SeeThe ‘Big One’ and the valley below the sea — a prophecy.”

We say this now − during the month of May it is not a time to be around large buildings, for the land shall shiver and shake. We shall say unto you this, that as you would measure it, an earthquake in the magnitude of eight-and- a-half [8.5] on what you would call your Richter scale shall happen. But the greatest damage shall come from the aftershock and the panic of the people. Therefore, even your highways will become unsafe for a period of time. But do not run and hide, for that in itself is where the danger lies….

But we say unto you, now is the time to begin to prepare your people in the states of the United States of both Alaska and those parts of Canada, and of those parts of Oregon, and of those parts of Washington, and of those parts of Nevada, and of those parts of California, and of those parts of Arizona unto the land of the Yumas. And we say unto you, it shall strike a chord unto that of New Mexico. From earthquake to volcano, as the time grows near we shall give you more specific information. [See Mark 13:31–33.]

The Salton Sea in the Imperial Valley, California, near Yuma, Arizona, lies at the southern end of the San Andreas fault, and north of the Gulf of California. Was this under the sea long ago? Will it be again?

But into South America and across the land, into that of the British Isles and into France and across into Russia, and the Russian territories, and back down once again into that of Alaska and Siberia, down through the Mediterranean into parts of which is known as Africa, the earth shall shake and it shall feel it shall remove itself from the axis. But the tilt shall not come yet. It shall come partially from now until the year of 1999. [See Matthew 24:36.]

Then will be a cooling down period.

But we say unto you, take precautions. Make sure that you have food substance to last for six months − bedding, clothing, and those of medical supplies. Civilization shall not disappear; it shall only be interrupted for a short time.

May 6, 1988: “[15–470–1] asks, ‘Dear Aka, you stated recently that the big quakes and the shifts would be May 25th. I would like to know where I and my friends should be at the time and what we should be doing?’”

We would say unto you, this time shall be in the daytime, so therefore, be in the open land. It has come in the summertime, a time we have all prayed for. The new mothers shall leave the buildings without clothing to protect them. [See Matthew 24:19.]

And we say unto you, many of you have what you call trailers or trailer houses. Place, therefore, provisions within them and place, therefore, water, clothing, for there shall be a time when you cannot go to the store and buy these things that you want. You will call it an inconvenience, but your stomach will call it a disaster. So place those things you shall need for a time and use this time to be out in the open.

For those who would be in the land of California, Nevada, Washington, Oregon, Utah, Colorado, New Mexico, Arizona, Texas, Baja Peninsula and all the way unto the tip of the upmost regions of the country of Mexico, both on the Atlantic and Pacific sides, beware − for there shall be a period in time that you think that the great, the worst things that could happen unto the earth. But they are not the worst. They are only the earth changing as it must. If you are prepared to these times, you will not worry.

The Lord saw fit to send forth His prophet, Jonah, to the city to warn the people. And the people changed their ways. We say unto you, if the same thing could happen to the Californians − there would still be damage, there would still be a quake, there would still be the fear of volcanic eruption − but those who had changed, such as Lot and his family. [See Genesis, chapter 19, and Deuteronomy 29:22–23.]

Once it begins, it shall last for more than one day, for more than one week − for months you shall get aftershock and aftershocks again.

We have told you before, now is the time of the great Sword, and both people and continents shall be cut away. There is much more that we could add, but nothing we have not said before. Do not become fearful.

Believe in the Lord, thy God. Prepare yourselves.

If you were to go into a winter storm, would you not place on your warm clothes? Then do so, and put those things that are needed aside. You have had many years to do this.

But if you run and be afraid, then that is what you shall be − fearful and afraid. You shall see new mothers who are afraid and they shall even deny that which is happening around them. [See Matthew 24:19.]

We could tell you, be fearful of the Lord, but we say, nay.

Love the Lord, thy God, with all thy heart and all thy might. If you do so, you have nothing to fear, nothing at all….

Then we shall answer and we shall say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, and glory be His people.

And we shall answer the question of the one who seeks.

For if you come to the doorway and ask for substance to the Lord, the Lord shall give it. But know these things − it is the gift of the Lord and it is the will of the Lord that shall be done on earth as it is in heaven. For He shall give unto you those things that you need.

But know these things, what is needed and what is wanted is two different things. Sometimes in filling the cup it is said, “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord, thy God.”

When you ask, do not give up hope that as answer shall come,

for the Lord is everywhere.

But the greatest, when you open your door to your heart and your mind, He is there. Know these things. You have never been alone.

But unto the least of the things that you do so you do unto my Father. And unto the greatest of things that you do, so you do unto my Father.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children. For the Sixth Seal is open upon the land. Now is the time of the cherubim….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [4–125–2] who is here tonight asks, ‘Will you protect my income or provide a way so that I can keep my home, car, and things? Please guide me, Lord. I ask for guidance.’”

We see your need. We have said unto you before, look unto yourself, for we have tried to provide both the manner of your needs and a way. But if the Lord gave you provisions and said, “Go into the desert,” and you left them behind, do not do this. A way shall be provided. An answer shall be given. Take and cherish this, for we told you that as long as you wish to do this work we would provide for your needs….

Then we shall answer and we shall say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, and glory be His people.

And we shall answer the question of the one who seeks.

For if you come to the doorway and ask for substance to the Lord, the Lord shall give it. But know these things −

it is the gift of the Lord and it is the will of the Lord that shall be done on earth as it is in heaven.

For He shall give unto you those things that you need.

But know these things, what is needed and what is wanted is two different things. Sometimes in filling the cup it is said, “Thou shalt not tempt the Lord, thy God.”

When you ask, do not give up hope that as answer shall come, for the Lord is everywhere. But the greatest, when you open your door to your heart and your mind, He is there. Know these things. You have never been alone.

But unto the least of the things that you do so you do unto my Father. And unto the greatest of things that you do, so you do unto my Father.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children. For the Sixth Seal is open upon the land. Now is the time of the cherubim.

June 3, 1988: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you, for we shall tell you this parable in this manner and this way.

For upon the land, in the land of the desert land, there came forth three brothers into this wilderness. And these three brothers, they came from what is known as the Water Clan. And because they had come of the Water Clan, they did look unto the land and take, therefore, of it. And they did divert the waters of the rivers, and they did build dams and construct canals, and therefore, they diverted and brought forth the large proportions of land unto irrigation.

When Jesus walked the land on the Kings highway up the Americas to Arizona – before he went to the Hopi near the mountain of the eagle’s nest, and to Yuma — he taught the people along the way practices of irrigation and farming in the desert. Aka said the Indians in Arizona learned much from him. In the photo, modern-day Roosevelt Lake, sometimes Lake Roosevelt, is a large reservoir formed by Theodore Roosevelt Dam on the Salt River in Arizona as part of the Salt River Project (SRP). Located roughly 80 miles (130 km) northeast of Phoenix in the Salt River Valley, Theodore Roosevelt is the largest lake or reservoir located entirely within the state of Arizona, bringing water and life to many.

At first, all things seemed to come alive as the water touched each part. And in the first years their harvest was bountiful, and plenty. And they had more than enough of everything of all kind[s] to go around. The second year they brought forth cattle to graze upon the land. And the third year they brought forth sheep. And it was bountiful.

But one day, as though the hand had laid upon the land, even though the land was irrigated, it began to crust white with salt, and alkaline, and those things that grew no longer grew in abundance. And as they looked upon the land and they said, “How can this be, for we are of the Water Clan? We know the use of the water. And we have brought the water to our people. Why is it now that this water that we bring is tainted, and it grows not, and allows not our crops to grow?”

At first, they went unto their own people. And they received much advice. But no one could tell them what had happened to the water. And finally they went, therefore, and asked that all the clans may be brought together that a council be brought forth, that knowledge should be sought.

And then it came to pass that all the clans were brought one unto another and a council was sought. And they said unto the people, “We are of the Water Clan. We provide the water; yet the water is tainted. It grows not our crops. It fouls our land. We know not why. Someone must know.”

It was decided that since the largest body of water was the ocean, and the Keeper of the Ocean, of the big land, should know this answer. And it was decided that one of the brothers should go and ask, and bring this knowledge back.

The Gulf of California lies east of Baja Peninsula. To the west is the Pacific Ocean.

And it became the time of the year when the pilgrimage was made that the urn of the water would be refilled from the mighty oceans. And so they traveled together, and they went there. And when they reached the mighty ocean, they went unto the land that the kiva Keeper of the Big Water, who lived there. And they said unto him, “We need your advice. We need to know why the water in our land no longer grows our crops.”

And the kiva of the Keeper, said, “I know not an answer for you. You must go beyond and seek out the advice of the scientists, the people who make a study of such things.”

And so, you ventured forth into the land that is now known to you as Yuma. And you went there forth up into the great canyon, into the big kiva, into the land of both the Hopi and the Zuni.

Horseshoe Bend

And they said unto you, “We will go back with you and see this land and see this water, and see if we can find the reason for this to happen to you.” And so they went with him.

And many days had passed when he reached home. The soil was much disturbed. And so part of the people who had come with you, the scientists, said, “Part of us will stay and see what can be done for the land to change it. The other part of us shall go unto your river and see what has happened to it.”

And so they did travel up, and they found, as they went farther and farther up into the river, they found that the rivers had began to change and alter. They were not producing the amount of water that they had. They would spend more time as they went over the salt flats, and therefore, they were picking up more salt content. They also found that as it went through the lime flats, in that portion, that it was picking up more lime.

Aerial view of the upper part of Roosevelt Lake by Dicklyon — Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0,

And so it was decided that the river should be diverted, that a new passage should be made for the river.

And so, the brothers called forth unto all the clans and they sent many workers unto these lands. And they did divert the land of the river. And as they diverted around these areas the problem disappeared.

At the same time, the scientists who had come with the farmers had found sulfur deposits that could be laid into the land, and the land changed back into good land.

And as these great things were found, and the land renewed, it called for a great celebration. And everyone thought, “What celebration can there be? What can be done? How shall we do it? We must celebrate the rebirth of the land, the rebirth of our water, and the rebirth of our crops. What great celebration do we have? What ceremony may we pick from that should cover all these things?”

And so, they went unto the priests and they said, “Tell us, what celebration should we have?”

And the priests thought. And the elders thought.

And as they prayed one appeared among them. And this stranger came, as before, as the legends had said. He appeared within them and among them. And he said unto them, “Give forth your celebration, and combine that of your Corn ceremony with your Thanksgiving ceremony. And therefore, the Lord, your God, shall hear you, the giver of the lands and the water, and the crop.”

They listened to this one, for they knew his words were strong and true.

And even though their harvest had been spared [sparse] that year, they went forth unto their storehouses and brought the best of their corns, the best of their melons, the best of all those things of beans, and squash. They brought forth the best of the hides. And they brought forth their feast of Thanksgiving, and they brought forth the great ceremony.

Now we say unto you, when you have learned what these people have learned, when you know that to make the land and what you have to produce the best, denying yourself no knowledge, giving yourself all knowledge, and giving unto the Lord those things that He should give you − then you will know that becoming one of the People, and becoming a Nakuna, the importance of each.For it is not until you have reached the bottom of the barrel that it shall be refilled. These things have come hard for you, all of you, and even harder has come your understanding of sharing and loving and giving.

But we say unto you, know these things. If a thief comes in the night and steals those things you would give unto the Lord, do not reward him by allowing him to take more at your Thanksgiving ceremony.

Do not reward him, for you have a viper among you when you do this. Cast aside those who offend thee. Allow yourselves to come whole within yourselves. If you do this, then in truth, you have learned the first three of your steps.

You have other questions, ask….

“Thank you, Aka. [11–405–4] who is in Houston asks for a life reading.”

Yes, we see her need. And we have before us the body, the soul, and the spirit and the immortal body of the same.

And we say unto you, what we have given unto the first of this shall reflect unto the last of this, for we find this one in the land of the Rainbow People. And we find this one wed at a young age. But we must have you understand something. When we say you are of the Rainbow People, you have to understand that the red race and the white race lived side by side in harmony. They lived in what you would now call the hills of the San Diego. And a great city flourished there, of trade. And as the people made one part of the dye that went unto the others to dye the fabrics of the many colors, that that you married into at a young age was an apprentice of the dye makers. This one made many trips at a young age to study from the Nakuna priesthood.

We would allow you to understand these things. At a later time, when the great catastrophe hit this lands, and your people went north, up and through the Bering Straits, and across, and that of what you call Iceland, and into Finland, it has taken you many generations to return back into the land from which you started, on which you gave birth unto your children, unto which you learned and learned from.

Now we could take you back into other of your lifetimes. But know, this lifetime we speak of is an important period that carved into your heart and your soul a permanent memory of a place and a people that you would seek out again and again.

It is not by chance that your son of this time was a man of that time, because, you must understand, even though a man was allowed many wives, none of these came unwillingly. They did not lose, what you would call, the respect. Nor were they considered dumb. They were sought out in marriage because of their knowledge. They were also sought out because of their beauty. But when a man took on the responsibility of a wife, those children would then become a part of the mother’s culture. And that is why careful selection by both male and female was done.

Now you sought out your friend across the water. And your families became close. And this friend of yours across the water was as your brother. And you brought forth unto your life and your household, because of your ancestry, that of the highest of the Nakuna priesthood. And you went forth on many trips with your husband. Because you had chosen a man who had six wives − each bearing children, each fitting into the community, each contributing to the whole − this is why all those things that you have sought so long have been placed before you.

It would seem in this reading that we are spending a great deal of time on one life. Our reason for this is because it became an obsession with you. Those things you came forth and brought forth from that lifetime you have sought ever since.

And you have sought out the binding tie between you and your son of this time. And we say to you, your son of that time served as an uncle to your children and a teacher.

But we say to you, there is much more we could tell you, and much we shall tell you. We shall allow you to digest that which we have said and allow you to form questions. We cannot cover in a short period of time all of the greatness that you found and have found. But we have found a way of giving you a path to follow, if you will. Look, therefore, and you shall see that which you seek.

June 10, 1988 (the 17th Annual Meeting of the Association of Universal Philosophy at a church to God, Dripping Springs Road, Arizona): Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, forever and ever.

And we will tell you this parable in this manner and in this way.

For in the mountains there was a beautiful valley. And in the valley grew an abundance of all things. But only in one place in the valley, in a little hidden place, did the roses grow. All the other flowers had heard of the roses, but none had seen them. And [one from all] the plants were stories of the beautiful roses [that] had gone from this beautiful valley down into the deserts.

And all the plants knew of this.

But some of the plants said, “How can this story be true, the story we hear of this beautiful plant that produces such beautiful flowers? And how can it be? And how can it exist, that the animals do not destroy it, do not eat it, if it’s so beautiful?”

And the desert plants said, “Because it has thorns like we have to protect ourselves.”

Other plants said, “It must be poison and the animals know of this. That is why they do not eat of it.”

Now the keeper of the world’s plants, who had been one of the designers of the Earth, heard the plants discussing all these various things. And as he came and looked at all the plants, the plants asked him, “Is it true of this plant? Is there such a plant?”

And he always answered, “Yes.”

And the desert plants said, “Does it have thorns to protect itself?”

And the keeper of the plants said, “No, not now, but one day it may, for it has no thorns, it has no natural protection because it has no natural enemies, for all the animals have looked upon it and seen it fair and know it is a gift from God.”

And then man came upon this land, and he found this rose and he reached down and he clasped it to hide it away. And when he did the rose grew thorns.

Now, the story goes that there are still roses in hidden valleys without thorns. And if you should find them, do not grasp them up to hide them away. Find them where they are. Look at them. Appreciate them. Smell them. But if you leave them, they will never have a thorn.

And so it is with things that roam free upon the earth, whether it is a plant, or an animal, or a bird or a fowl. That beautiful freedom gives it a beauty within itself because each part is a part from God, yet a whole, and part within itself….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–540–1] who is also here tonight asks, ‘In regards to my life reading, who was my daughter and who was her husband? What relations did I have with the Eagle?’”

First, we shall answer your question in this manner. You, your mother of today, was your niece of that day. Your daughter of this day was your mother of that day.

And what relationship to the Eagle did you have? And we say unto you, for in that day, as the kachina went into the mountain, and went beyond the mountains, and went into the land of the Eagle and brought the teachings forth upon the Earth, so did you.

Hear all these words, for they are yours. Know that there are many sides and many questions yet unanswered. Look at your readings, each of you. Take from them. Form your questions that we might answer and fill your cups. For there are so many questions in your minds it is hard for us to decide which one to answer first.

Kahwahu, the Eagle kachina. Aka speaks often of the Eagle, for they are one in the same.

You wish to know your spiritual relationship. In that time you had both been of the Nakuna priesthood. You had traveled unto all parts of the Earth. You had been great missionaries, bringing about world peace and fellowship. You achieved one of the greatest civilizations man has known since, of peace and prosperity, food, clothing, housing, jobs, for you had be made unemployment a thing that was not known among your people or the people of this earth. Between you and your brother you achieved much.

Yet, you wonder how you may achieve this again. It can be done if you wish it so….

You have other questions, ask.

“I do not have any more questions at this time, Aka.”

Then we shall answer this question. If the rose stood out and gave the food that was necessary for the world, there would still be those who would want to possess it, to hold it. But a wild rose should not be possessed or owned, any more than an eagle can be owned or possessed, for it is only beautiful when it is free.

Know these things.

For the wind and the rain shall come upon all, but you cannot own them. And so shall the sun shine. Man has tried to capture so many things. But some things come from God and He meant for them to be free and multiply.

There is a part of all of you that is the rose, that is the eagle. Allow that part of you to remain free. Do not try to capture it. As long as it is free, your souls shall score [soar] the earth and find all the hidden places to see and to appreciate, to smell, to touch.

Now we say unto you, you come together once again.

Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His people forever and ever.

July 8, 1988: Yes, we see thy need. We should answer your questions in this manner and this way. We shall say unto you this parable.

For there came a great drought upon the land. And the people had no water, not for themselves or their livestock. The rivers dried and the oceans stilled.

And the people came together and they said, “What shall we do?”

And they took it unto their council and the council said unto them, “Let us dig a well. But we shall dig not one well, but three wells. And we shall dig each well at the same time. But we shall take the wisest of three men from all the wells, that they may find the water.”

And so, it came about that three men, great in stature and wise in nature, in the ways of nature, went forth to find water. One found it in the hollow at the edge of a mountain, another in the center of the farmland, yet another found it in the lowlands.

And so the wells came about; they began to dig. And each day the digging went well. And each reached unto the depth of over 40 feet and struck first water. And even the first water was good and sweet.

But they dug on that they might have a good basin to draw from. But soon the water came in the wells so rapidly they had to leave the land and bring themselves up because they could not bail the water fast enough.

And in each of the places, they brought the water out to feed and allow the animals to drink, and for drinking water [to] themselves.

And it was decided that they would use the water to grow plants. And so, they went unto the wisest of them all, that of the engineers. And he constructed what is known as a paddle pump.

But that one that lived in the low lands, they could not pump their water uphill. It gave a good abundance of water. But yet, the people liked the water; it was very good drinking water. Yet it seemed to have something else − a special quality about it.

And then, the words began to spread far and wide, and there came about the day when word reached into the far lands that this well contained the healing qualities. And so people began to bring their sick from far away to receive this water and to be bathed in it.

At first, the people gave their water freely. But it was soon very apparent that to maintain the well and to maintain the grounds that the people camped upon would take labor, and so they charged small amounts.

And it was soon decided that since the water was a holy place, that this water would be given over to their church. The church took over the administration of it.

But soon, it was noticed that only those from that denomination received the water. The wise men of the land came forth and said, “Why are you giving only unto one denomination water?”

And they said, “Well, it is now the property of the church and the church has of but one doctrine.”

So the council went together and they decided that they would take the water away from the church and give the water back freely to all the religions, all the faiths, all the land. And this made their own church mad at them.

And so it came to pass that the council brought forth together wise men of all the lands, of all the religions, and said, “We have given this well unto the church and they administrated it poorly. We’d like to give the well unto all of the people, but we know not how to do this.”

And one stepped among them and said, “Then why should it be given unto a religion? Why not give it unto the relief of man, that it may be administrated by man, and be given by man?”

They thought of this long. They thought, “Then what could be wrong with it? The well flowed and gave its abundance unto all the people.”

Now we say unto you, you have wells, and they are of abundance. And for a time you had a healing spring, and the healing spring is dry.

Now the healing spring, because of your faith, gave its abundance year after year. No matter how dry the land was, it gave forth.

Now we say unto you, give forth unto the spring of life that it may give forth unto life….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [16–494–2] who is here this evening asks, ‘On May 14, 1988, my daughter-in-law from Second Mesa on Hopi reservation thought that she spotted a flying saucer. This was on the eve of one of the kachina dances. Did she spot a flying saucer? And why would the flying saucer appear among them?’”

We say unto you these words − what she has seen is true. But the light of the sky came unto them that they might know that there is a light shining. But they must find this light before it burns out.

There shall be three more sightings, for you have become the light of her people and she has become the light of her people. Each thing in its proper place and proper time has come about.

There shall be once again the opening of the cortex [vortex]. At that time the feast must be brought forth and the giving of the Corn Ceremony and the giving of Thanksgiving must come together.

We say unto her, remember the time when the Zuni came unto the land [of] the Hopi when they had great drought? Now we say unto you, look unto the great river, that that is known as the Mississippi, as it dries before your eyes. It is not until you see these things, it is not until you know what is upon you, can these things be turned around.

The signs are before you. Read them; know them.

We have told you these things for a purpose and a reason.

We could speak in the land. Yet we would speak unto the language that you understand, and that is of the English language. It has become the voice among you.

You have become even ridiculed because of these things you have seen and these things you believe to be so. Yet the doubts are true in your mind, for you feel them.

Yet you want to go out unto these people and say, “Look, the time is now, for he is returning. Cannot you see it? Do you not feel it upon the land? Do you not know the seasons? All that was written, all that was prophesied, is now about to come true.”

For what among you, who among you, and who among the Whites would ever think that the Mississippi River would cease to flow − for it shouts out as the people of Israel shouted unto the Lord in their great captivity in Egypt, “Let My people go.”

Look and see this light. Must all the seals be opened upon the land for you to see these things? For the seal that has stopped the Mississippi and dried the lands, not one generation shall feel, but five.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–554–3] who is also here this evening asks, ‘I would like to know if my son, C____ R_____[18–554–3], will walk again and have better health?’”

Yes, we see thy need and we shall say unto you, [18–554–3]shall walk again, and his health shall be better, but it shall not come in a one time. For in five times you shall bring him unto this land. And five times you shall take him as here for treatment and then unto the water of the Healing Springs and bathe him in this water. But he must continue in body and soul and mind in the healing process.

Each person who is here tonight is here for a reason.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [4–125–2] asks, ‘Will you and God please help me spiritually, emotionally, financially and physically? I ask also for guidance.’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we say unto you, not the smallest of creatures may fall from the Earth without the permission of the Lord, thy God. We say unto you, when you can look deep into yourself and know the truth, those needs that you have shall be met. But they shall be met as they have always been met. As we have said before, your needs shall be taken care of, but not necessarily your wants.

But we say unto you, as the others were chosen to be here so are you. For you, to do this, must pick up a shovel and do your share.

Make the spring run.

Participants at the Spring Retreat walked 30 minutes up the mountain to the healing springs to clean debris and make the spring run.

You have other questions, ask….

Yes, we see thy needs.

And we shall say unto you, if these things are to happen as we have said, take the rocks from the fields and line the ponds with rock and concrete. Once before, when the — when the spring did not run, soul Ray went forth and brought about the construction of a dam. And then it rained, and it brought forth that that was needed. The pathway of the water must be concreted in to allow it to pass safely, and the face of the new dam, spillways must be placed to allow the abundance to come forth.

We say into each of you, if it is of the Sabbath, take the Sabbath. If it is of any day, take of it. But be about your Father’s work.

The words we have spoken to you shall be hard for you to understand. But you shall understand it, each part and each piece.

Glory to the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory to His being, and glory to the name of His children and to their being.

But we say unto you, if you allow these things to continue, the dream of mankind will die with it. For we say unto you, look upon it all and know it for that that it truly is.

But the most important thing that you can do at this time is to allow the water to flow. Give it a pathway. Clean forth that that it is.

No one is asking you for money. They are asking you for your labor. And if it is not a labor of love it cannot be.

July 29, 1988: Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we shall say this parable in this manner and in this way.

For once upon a mountain there grew the most beautiful of roses. There was none like it in all of the world. Many people came from everywhere to see such a beautiful sight.

And one day, a man came, not to see, but to steal. And he stole this beautiful plant and hid it away. But where he had dug the plant and where the thorns had struck his hands they became festered and infected. And he hid his hands because he wanted no one to know what he had done. But day by day he became worse.

And yet, day by day he would creep to a secret hiding place where the plant was slowly dying, for it had no sunshine.

He thought to himself, “If I keep such a plant surely I will die.” So he took the plant out into the desert to hide it so that no one would know that he had stolen it. And he had found a hidden valley that was barren. He thought, “Surely no one will look here.” He removed the plant into the ground.

The rains came, and the plant gently put its root into the earth. And they held fast. And soon, everyone was talking about this most beautiful plant in this most unusual [of] place[s], that even though nothing else seemed to grow, it grew.

And the man heard of this, and he heard of the spring that had occurred by this beautiful plant that had given it nourishment and water. And many said, “For those who should go there, they would be healed.”His hands and his body had become much worse. And so he went unto the plant.

But when he got close he became fearful that the people would know that he had harmed the plant, that they would know that he was the one who had removed the plant. But soon, his need overcame his fear. And he walked up to the spring and to the plant. But as he began to reach toward the water his hands and his body burned with fever and he fell unconscious.

And while he was unconscious, the plant spoke to him and said, “Why do you fear, when in truth, had you not removed me from the mountain and brought me here, I truly would have not discovered this spring that has given me life and purpose? For on the mountain I was a beautiful thing to look at, and many came to see me, yet I served no purpose unto myself. But here I serve a purpose, for here they bring the sick to be healed.”

When the man awoke, he looked upon his body and he was healed. And he remembered what the plant had told him. And he swore before his God and all that he would write a book and tell the truth about this great plant.

The story we have told you is a simple story. But the plant is much like your own souls. Unless they find a way to give, not only receive, they cannot grow − nor can the mind, nor the body. And so we say unto you, take the gift of the rose unto yourselves….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–555–1] and [18–555–2] ask, ‘Aka, thank you and the council for your help and your love. Tonight we ask for your guidance for our child and ourselves.’”

Yes, we see thy need. And we shall say unto you, go, therefore, unto the mountain after the birth and take the child with you. Go unto this special place that soul Ray goes − you know it − and prepare and take care of the small grave that lays there. In doing so, look closely into the eyes of your child, and you shall discover a great secret.

For those who seek, the doorway is always open. And for those who reach forth, your cup shall runneth over.

We say unto you, look unto the parable unto the first of the reading and you shall find the wisdom that you seek. The health that you asked for was given, for soul Ray went upon this place and spoke unto his Lord and asked. And those things that would be between him and his Lord have been given. If you wish to know of these, ask him in private.

We say unto you, you have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–540–1] who is also here tonight asks, ‘How am I doing with my learning and work?’”

The spring that you have gone forth to give life unto has borne forth life. But we say unto you, complete your task;

line the pond with concrete and rock and use steel where it is necessary. But make it where that those who wish to come, for whatever reason, to take from the healing springs may do so.

But make it into a place that you would hold in your heart and soul forever.

August 16, 1988: “Thank you, Aka. [18–556–5] who is also here this evening asks, ‘Is there something from my past life that could help me find a direction in my life now?’”

We have shown you something. Soul Ray has brought before you a truth, and he said it’s up to you. Allow that of the past to be of the past. Take the God of the living, and not of the dead. Cast aside these things that have offended you and look unto the future and allow life to become one and all. We know that you have your problems. We know that your healing has been that of question and of pain and of turmoil.

But we say these words unto you. There once was a great landlord who left his land in the hands of his tenant farmers and he went unto another land. At first they sent their rent regularly, and then, not at all. And he sent forth his son unto them to collect the rent. And they killed the son. And so the great landlord returned back to collect that which belonged to him, and in doing so, he removed many heads. [See Luke 20:9–16.]

Now we say unto you, as the Lord prepares the Earth and the Earth prepares itself for the coming of the Messiah, many things shall change and become known unto man. But unless you reach for something how can it be given? Put your hand in your heart and let it become one. Believe in the way of the Lord − for the Lord has never ceased to believe in you. Cast aside your thoughts that are petty. Give yourself clean and perfect thoughts. It makes no difference who did what in the past. That will not get you well. It is the here and now that we are dealing with. Allow − allow this to come forth into your life.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–502–3B] who is also here tonight asks, ‘Should I at this time be focusing my energy on my work or my personal life?’”

We shall answer your questions in this manner. They are one in the same. But your spiritual life shall come forth from both. And know of it, and know of those things that are laid before you.

The clock is running.

There shall only be so many of what you call, the Corn Ceremony, and then they shall be over, not to happen again. The kiva shall be closed. And not for 3,000 years will the time pass by again.

It has been offered to you.

Pick up the cup and drink from it, for there is something for you, in both spiritual and physical manner, in this land.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–555–2…Dripping Springs, Arizona] asks, ‘Why has it been so difficult for me and my family to get on our feet, and what is in store for the near future?’”

We shall answer your question in this manner. It is said, “Thou shall love the Lord, thy God, with all thy soul and all thy might. Thou shall place no other gods before Him.”

The Lord’s house has been placed before you − enter it.

Allow those things, and allow yourself and your family to feel the presence of the Lord in your heart.[See Deuteronomy 5:1–21, 10:1–6, 12–16, 11:13–18.]

If you do this, you may overcome and lay aside the turmoil which you have built, both you and your wife. It has become time.

But be a student. Allow the time to learn and be pure. Yet in being a student you shall become a teacher.Know these things.

You’ve asked and you have received into the worst of times. How should you know the best of times unless you have seen the worst? It is said that the last shall be first and the first shall be last. Look upon it in this manner and know that if you put this time behind you, the future time shall be good. It is also said that a family who prays together stays together. Look and learn from it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, the only question I have is a general question as to how we could improve the Corn Ceremony?”

We shall answer your question in this manner. There should be those who should squabble. There shall be those who should complain. Ignore this. And allow that to be [who] shall. Know something − for those who should bring arguments into their lives during this time, in truth, they will pass through nothing, nor they shall accomplish nothing.

The third Corn Ceremony was given August 27, 1988, in a church to God

August 26, 1988 (the day before the third Corn Ceremony): Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God. Glory be the name of His children for ever and ever.

And we shall say unto you this parable, in this manner and in this way: For upon the land came one man, and he went into the desert and he took his wife. And they went forth, and they went and they cleared the land, and they drilled the wells and they diverted the water from the rivers and they built dams. And because of all this many other people came behind them to form their homes in the vastness of the desert lands.

But when these two came they had friends and that of the friendship of the people, and the people accepted them, for they came in peace and harmony − both with the land and with the people who were there − and they tried not to change the people, but to accept them for that which they were. But as others came, soon fences were built and land claimed.

But these two brought their love upon the land and they bore children − at first, one girl and one boy − and the land was good to them. And they bore another son and that son did pass beyond, and woe be it unto the land, for the tears were mighty, to flow as a river, and the sorrow was great.

But the Lord said unto the woman, “Harken, for we shall give unto you another son. We shall give more than just a son.”

Ray Elkins, 1974, received a gift from God when he was given the choice to return back to life. See “A Stairway to Heaven” and “The Psychic Light before the Dawn.”

And so it came to pass that the healers came and did lay hands upon the woman and she did rise, and she came upon and did bear unto her husband a son. And all grew in harmony and in good spirit, and the land yielded year by year a greater abundance and greater crops.

And then, once after five years there came another one, and this one looked as though she had come from the heavens of gold. She was a fair child.

And they were holy blessed.

Now time passed and the two who thought they were so blessed, they parted their ways. The one went one way, the other the other − each to a different way, each to a different land. But yet, the desert beckoned them − called them quietly and gently − the quietness of the morning upon the desert land, and the sparrows of the desert. And soon they both returned to the desert land.

And their children grew into adulthood and they went unto the four winds, yet to return back again unto the desert, for they were desert–born. They were born from lions and eagles, and they knew that that gift that God had given them was good and strong. Each day passed, one into another, and the hand of God rested upon them. And the children grew and prospered, each to become that which made them prosper financially and materially.

And one day, the older brother and the younger brother did quarrel. And it brought many tears unto the father because the father loved his children. And as time passed, he would have his grandchildren. And as more time passed, he saw his great grandchildren, and then he saw his great great grandchildren. And he knew that he had brought seed upon the earth and planted it in fertile land.

But yet, when his time came to pass he could not pass because he saw that his sons had quarreled, and they had not settled their arguments and had not brought peace unto him − that he could not pass unto the Maker, the giver of life of all − for he was ready to go unto the holy mountain and he was to see the light of the Shiny Mountain glowing in his heart each day.

And he prayed unto the Lord and said, “Dear Lord, that I may pass, I ask for but one thing and that is the health of my children and that they love one another according to Thy teachings. Let them not be as Cain and Abel; let them be as brothers and brother into one land.”

And the Lord look upon this, His servant, and He said, “You shall not pass unto any doorway until peace and love have been brought unto this of your house.”

And so the word was given.

And there could be many endings to this story. But we shall leave it unto your thinking as to how it should end.

For in every household, such a story has its own beginning. Let it not be brother against brother, or mother against daughter, or father against son. For now is the time of the great Sword, the cutting away of the land and the cutting away of the people − for where no water flowed, water shall flow; where grass did not grow grass shall grow, and that of the desert shall blossom forth and it shall be abundant and green. And nothing shall be hidden from the people, for they shall see all things − and these things that we say, so the Lord has given unto His word.

We say unto you, you have come to celebrate and to pass through unto the new world.

When you pass through, remember our story and leave those things behind that you do not need. When you ask for those things, do not ask from greed, but from need and they shall be given, for all that is holy shall be holier −

for as sundown of yesterday so began the opening of the doorway that shall be opened completely tomorrow. And once again you shall look upon the heavens and a sign shall be given unto you at nine o’clock tomorrow in the evening.

Let no one ignore the fullness of all parts of this. Let them see from the beginning to the end the fulfillment of the promise of our Lord − that those who should not wear the mark of the beast, and the beast shall never touch these in any way.

You have many questions, ask….

“Thank you, Aka. ‘Dear Aka, can you give me guidance for this time period? Thank you, [9–360–2].’”

Yes, we see thy need and we should say unto you, let glory be unto the son. And we will say unto, let glory be unto the father and let the father be as a beacon for his son. And let the family be as one that walks through the path of life and allows the light to shine before it.

We say, you have come unto the land and you have worked at the healing springs. Yet the springs need more. Allow your brain and body to seek forth that of a spiritual nature.

For soon shall be before you your studies in school. And do them well, for you shall be preparing yourself for a greater deed, which shall be brought before you − for he who shall come shall ask you to walk with him. Prepare yourself….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–553–2] asks, ‘I am buying a house on seven acres of land just outside of Globe. Please tell me if the ground is safe for my health.’”

Yes, we shall answer your question, and we shall answer it in this manner − the ground is safe for your health. But we should also answer in another manner − there shall be earthquakes and tremors in that area. We say to you, if these should frighten you, they shall not endanger you.

There is a fault that runs through the land from there unto what is known as your Roosevelt Dam site, all the way across and through that area and across through the Pinal mountains and through the other side beyond the valley, and it goes beyond the road to San Pedro.

Know this — in the year of 1899 there came upon the land a great earthquake that centered on the land.

A yucca blooms above the lake that was created by Roosevelt Dam.

September 2, 1988: Yes, we see thy need and we shall say unto you these words — unto this parable. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever. And we should say unto you this parable.

For upon the land a young man came, and he went, therefore, unto the mountains and he looked upon the land, and he said unto himself, “In this place I shall raise the cattle that I wish and in this place I shall raise my children. And I shall build a place that my children’s children shall raise and grow old in their days upon — for this shall be our land, the land of our people.”

And so, he went forth unto the land. And he bought cattle and he built the land and he worked very hard. And then he said unto himself, “It is time that I went forth unto the land and found a wife that can share this land. But where shall I go? If I go into the city, would the woman care to live in such an isolated land? Would she grow old before her time?”

He went forth and he pondered this. And he thought for a long time. He said, “I shall go to my father and ask this question.”

And so, he went unto his father, and the father said, “A wise man should know that the best fruit may grow anywhere. It is the person who grows it, and the hand that tends it is where it should come from.”

And he said, “Then I should seek a well-bred woman?”

He said, “What would you consider a well-bred woman?”

He looked at his father and he thought, “How shall I answer this question to my father?” And finally he said, “Father, I may offend you, but where did you find my mother?”

The father looked upon the son and laughed and said, “My son, I did not find her. She made me think that I did. She found me.”

And the mother came unto her son and said, “Go, my son; you shall know in your heart and your soul when the person is right for you.”

And so he began to travel, and he found no one. And the days passed, one unto another, and he became afraid lest he should return back and have no wife to bear children with. Finally he thought, “I shall go back and I shall work the land and harvest the cattle, and then I shall try again next year.”

As he went home, a lot of his neighbors came forth and gave a great party for him. And amongst these neighbors was a daughter of a friend whom he had never met before. And he looked upon her and found her fair, and before he knew what had happened he had asked her to marry him.

And he brought her and did honor her unto her family and a marriage was arranged. And his father and mother came forth and took his wife as a daughter, and he became a son unto her mother and father and a brother unto her sisters and a brother unto her brothers. And so it was, the family united and became as one.

And as the days passed, he did bear sons and the sons grew.

And as the days went by and his years passed, he was called unto his father’s bedside and his father said unto him, “My time is near. It is time I went unto the Lord. I do not leave you, but I give you all the things I possess, my son. Take them and use them wisely.”

And he said unto his father, “Father, how do you know I will do this? How do you know that the things that you give me I should use wisely, that I will do as you wish would done with these things?”

And the father laughed at him once again and said, “You will know, my son; when the time comes, you will know.” The father passed on.

And one day, as time does go by in a fleeting manner, that day of days had come unto him — the time to make the journey beyond. And he called his sons forth unto him and he said, “I shall now give you your inheritance, one and all. First, in your inheritances, I give you your mother, for she shall be — above all things you shall see that her needs are first, even before your families.”

And he said unto his sons, “The land and that wealth I give unto you equal, to be shared and shared alike, but on one condition — that you must all remain upon the land and work, and work together. Should you not work together as I have taught you, should you argue or quarrel, then the land shall be taken from you and go unto your heirs.”

The father passed on, and there were times when the sons would have quarreled except for their father’s words. And they made a pact among themselves, a way of settling their disputes.

The first of the pact was quite simple: if they had a problem against themselves, they would not go and tell others of their problems; they would go and tell the person they had the problem with. And if this was not good enough, then they would bring the whole family together and would lay the problem before them, and whatever the family decided, the majority decided, the whole must do.

And they accepted this and they lived by it — the whole must do — and they came together in a binding way.

And their children’s children accepted this and they continued to grow. And because no generation could sell the land, and because they could not quarrel or fight, that of the family holding continued to grow.

And soon there were cities and towns born, and many other families joined them, but yet, the hub of the family remained tight unto itself. It became like a fountain that gave life unto all who touched it. And [for] all who came to drink there was a bounty [bountiful] amount. Yet each generation upon the next saw the truth in their father’s words.

Now we say unto you, we have given you but a parable. But we say to you, if you find a rose and it is a beautiful rose, do not grasp it for yourself or hold it too tightly. If the rose is truly yours, it will go nowhere; no one will take it. But if you clasp it, hold it, you crush it. It has no life for you, and all the beauty you saw in it, you have ruined and destroyed by your possessiveness.

Ray hung this quote on his living room wall: “If you love something, set it free; if it comes backs it’s yours, if it doesn’t, it never was.”

We say unto you, see the wisdom in which we speak. For an eagle to exist, it must fly free.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–558–2], who is here this evening, asks, ‘How can I see clearly the will of God in my life and His approval?’ Signed, ‘Love and peace.’”

Yes, we see your need. We shall say unto you, the will of God is all around you all the time; it is not something that you must seek out. But look in it as you did, and hear the first of this reading. Take from the parable and you will find that the will of God is all around you all of the time.

The will of God is to become that, the most of what you are — and take the gifts that He has given you to create the best of things that you can be.

So do not be less than you are. But know these things — that the greatest of all human beings can never be greater than the Creator. But yet, they may create. When a composer writes a song or a piece of music, they create. In the beginning it is because of light and sound that comes from the universe into the mind, into the greatness of all things — the human mind and its abilities — to the artist that can see in a single picture the whole story that they want to convey, and tell unto the people who shall see their artwork afterward — to the photographer who can see through their eyes what they will want to pass on — and to the ditch digger who can see in his or her mind and build the best ditch that can be built. There are no limits other than the ones you place upon yourself.

If you wish to be poor and learn from that, then that is what you shall be. If you wish to be wealthy and that is where you might learn from, that is where you will be. Ask the Lord, thy God, if that that thy wish, but understand, be ready to receive all you have asked for.

But we say unto you, we have placed before you a great Supper. Feast upon it, look upon it, learn from it.

In these readings you shall find a vastness of knowledge for your civilization and for your people, that you shall find within them many answers that you seek.

All the readings can be found in the books at the Association of Universal Philosophy Author Page.

You have other questions, ask….

“Thank you, Aka. [18–521–1] asks, ‘How much time do I have to prepare before the impending big earthquake will occur in my area in California? If the answer is soon, will I leave here alone?’”

Let us answer your first question. The earthquakes in the area which you speak of have already begun. They shall continue to grow in intensity until the year of 1999. In that year shall come a splitting away of the land. The land shall rise from the sea and other land shall fall. And the swampland shall return to where it came [from]. Other land shall appear and the isles of California shall appear.

If you follow that which you know that can be true, then make that decision of what you must do within your own heart. We will give you facts; you must make the decisions. That is why the Lord gave you freedom of choice. Whether you shall remain or stay must come from within your own self.

Whether you remove yourself alone or not shall also be your own decision. There are things that will happen before that time. And we say unto you, your husband is not a well man; he needs help for his physical and mental state.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–540–1] asks,‘What special offering may I give to God to show my love and humbleness towards Him?’”

We say unto you, the task has not changed.

When you have the time, come forth and work and make the springs and that around it into a reality.

But do not feel that if others work before you, that they have taken from you. For the task shall go onward for a long time, if it is to be done and done right. That and that task alone would be the answer unto which you ask.

The healing springs drip from the crevasse at the top onto the wet rock below, and on down into the pond that was created when a dam was built. When the rains come, the pond gets filled and reeds grow along the banks. Aka asked that we plant roses and trees there.

But we say unto you, the Lord looks unto you, and He says that He loves you and that He knows you love Him, and that in itself is enough proof.

You have other question, ask.

“Thank you, Aka.[18–558–3] asks, ‘Will our finances be straightened out this year?’”

We shall answer unto you this question, for we see thy need. But you have gone through many a turmoil, and if you had the riches to do all the things you wish, you would soon spend them and so would your family.

Do not fear. You have that which is needed. Is that, in truth, not what you seek?

For you have found a new gift that was given unto you during this Corn Ceremony, the festival of the corn — life unto life….

And so, before we go, we should say these words — Harken unto you, for the Lord is great.

October 28, 1988: Yes, we see thy need, and shall answer your questions in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you this parable in this manner and this way.

For upon the desert five brothers lived. And as they began to multiply into families, and their families grew, the rainfall and the small amount of water that came but lasted only a short time, and the wells were not enough to irrigate the land from. And so the five brothers came together, and they said, one unto another, “What shall we do? How shall we survive? Because each time that our number multiplies, there’s more mouths to feed, more people to put clothes on, and build shelters for. We have, but our greatest source of water comes in an abundance, but it leaves and goes past us.”

And one of the brothers said, “I think we should go forth and see where the water comes from.”

Middle Fork of the Gila River, in southwest New Mexico before the Gila enters southeast Arizona.

And the other brother said, “I think we should go forth and see where the water goes.”

The McPhaul Suspension Bridge on a former section of US Route 95 spans the Gila between the Gila and Laguna ranges in Yuma County, in the far southwestern part of Arizona. The Gila River flows through the Gila Valley between the Gilas and the Lagunas prior to its confluence with the Colorado River, which is re-routed into California. More of it used to flow into Mexico into the Gulf of California. Photo by Kenneth — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0,

But yet, another brother said, “I think we should build a structure here from stone and carve the stone in such a way that when pressure was applied upon it, the more pressure, the more holding power. We should dig down until we hit what is known as bedrock, and plant our stones from there up.”

The other brothers said, “This would be an enormous job. There’s not enough of us to do this.”

And so it was decided that one brother would go and find the source of the water; the other brother would go and find where the water had gone.

But when they left, the other brother went forth and began to dig until he found the bottom. But when he began to dig he found an abundance more of water. And he ran unto the other brothers and he said, “Look, the water has not gone; it is but sitting underneath the ground.”

And the brother who had gone forth to find the water had come back, and he had said, “I have found that the water, the source of the water, is into the mountains. But the water comes down so far and disappears into the ground.”

And the other brother came back; he said, “I found that the water flows into the ocean, and I found where it came up from the ground.”

And they began to discuss what they could do.

In the meanwhile, the brother who’d dug down and found the water began to build a windmill. And from the windmill he turned a water wheel which picked the water up and brought it up to a higher level. At first, its designs were very crude, but as time passed his process became better and better, and soon, he was producing enough water to more than water his own fields, but for some of his brothers.

But the other brothers went on discussing.

And the brother went on to design even better and more modern equipment.

And so finally, the other brothers came unto him and said, “You have taken monopoly; while we were busy looking for the source of the water, you stole the water from us.”

The brother said, “I’ve stolen nothing from you. I found the water; I told you where I found it; and I said, ‘Look, it is here.’ While you discussed, I built. And now you think I have stolen the water. But had you come to me and asked, I would have shown you how to build these devices that I have built. But since you have accused me without cause, then I will sell you the machine that lifts the water and irrigates your field, but I will take one-fourth of each of your fields.”

They grumbled. But soon, they decided that this was what they must do.

The same brother went forth, and he studied the earth and the ground, and began to feed the earth in such a manner that it produced more and better product. He studied his cattle and his sheep, and those too began to produce better.

And still, his brothers said, “Where does he get this; he is our brother? Why does God give him these gifts?”

And so, they went from the desert and they went into the land of the holy one. And they brought this, and they brought the accusation against their brother, that he had stolen their land, that he’d held secrets from them.

But when they brought this before him, the holy one said, “Judge not, lest you be judged. But we say to you, the sun and the rain shines upon all men, and so does knowledge, and therefore, we find no fault in your brother. Go and make peace with your brother and be glad that you have him.”

And so they went back.

But in their hearts they had not forgiven their brother. Their hearts had become hard. And once again, they approached their brother, and they took from him his land and his machines. And he took him and imprisoned him, and imprisoned his family and all his descendants.

But soon, the machines began to break down, and they did not know how to repair them. And soon there was dissension within themselves, one side saying, “Free him and give him back his land,” the other saying, “No.” It became a great battle among them.

And while the battle raged, the brother walked away, and he left the land, and he took his people with him. And he went into another land, and took his knowledge with him. And he built, therefore, unto himself and his people a great civilization.

Now we say unto you, the builders would spend forever upon the land. But the Lord shall give unto each of you your own gifts. How you use them shall be entirely up to you. But do not begrudge another of what they have, but be glad that they have what they have. If a woman possesses beauty, then be glad for her beauty. If a person can sing with a beautiful voice, listen, and thank God for the gift that you too are sharing. There are many gifts that the Lord hands unto each of you every day. Put gladness in your hearts. But if you cannot − if you cannot − do not destroy what is in front of you. Walk away, and let others share it. And let others come into the light and the glory of all men.

You have many questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [13–432–4] who is here tonight. And she asks, ‘May I have a life reading at this time? If not, may I have the guidance needed at this time?’”

We see thy need. And we have before us the body, the soul, the spirit and the immortal body of the same. And we shall say unto you, let us give you that that you need for this time, and we shall give you the other at a different time.

And we shall take you back into the time that this land stood magnificent before the world, and it had glory before the world. You lived not in a far place from here. You and your people had settled along one of the great rivers that flowed into the ocean, which you now call the Gila. You and your people had flourished because you were one of the Rainbow people. And all knew that the Rainbow people were God’s chosen. And you gloried in that.

The Gila River in the Gila Box Canyon in eastern Arizona flows many miles toward the Dripping Springs mountains and on beyond them, south.

You were but a broom maker, a broom-maker’s wife. You brought forth the material from the fields that these could be built. Your family lived well because your brooms were exported into many parts of the known world at that time because of their great fiber and long use. And the brand that your husband used as his trademark were that of two upside-down hammers with a nail in the center. And wherever anyone saw this, they knew that the workmanship was of the best quality.

Your life had allowed you to do much studying. And that time, at the age we find you, was a time that you had raised your children and fulfilled the needs of the body, and you had desire to fill the needs of the spirit, you and your husband. And you journeyed forth, and went unto the great cities and to the great temples upon the land. And you went unto the isles of San Diegos, and you learned there from the people. But you were greatly amazed, for you saw all colors, all races of men living in true harmony. And you knew, in truth, that the words of the Nakuna were true, for they gave forth the way and the path to that of the Shining Mountain. And you knew that those of the gods were there to teach your people and guide them.

We take you forth in time and space into the time which you know as the Christian era, a time of the birth of Jesus of Nazara, of Bethlehem, for you, too, one of the children who would be spared from the sword. Because you were a male, had they found you you would have died. You joined those that were known as Joseph and Mary, your parents and you and others that made the flight into Egypt where sanction was given. You learned at the same teacher’s hand as that of Jesus. You knew one side of you saw the boy to play with, the other side of you saw a Messiah, because you fished and walked and swam in the rivers and did all the things that boys do. But as word came that you could both return back into your own land, instead of going back into your own home, you went unto Jerusalem, the city, to live. And there you married. And in your own way you forgot your experiences of youth. And you really did not notice; you had heard the stories, many stories, of the miracles performed by this one. But you had also heard of the miracles performed by the one known as John the Baptist, and some said that he was the Messiah; yet he was to say he was not.

And so, on the day of the palms, when he came into the city, and into the temple, and he drove away the money changers, your heart leaped forth as you saw him. And you ran forth and you said, “My friend!”

And he ran forth and embraced you. And you sat and talked and you visited. You thought of the days that you spent as a child, and for a while both of you were caught up in this great excitement. But he said unto you, “I have loved your friendship and I shall always cherish it, but I leave now to go about my Father’s work. And as I do so, you will think me mad. And by tomorrow you will be among those who denounce me.”

And so it was. As they stripped and whipped him, and crowned him with thorns, and crucified him, you wanted to know him not. Yet, that within you said, “Let me go forth and proclaim my friend, his innocence.”

After the death, and the resurrection, you had journeyed with your family to the Sea of Galilee. And there you saw him walk and talk. And you went forth unto him and you said, “I am ashamed; I have denounced you. I said I did not know you.”

And he laughed and he said unto you, “Sometimes, my friend, I would not know myself, so it is all right if you did not know me for a little while.” And he bent and he kissed your forehead and said, “Go, and find peace in your house.”

You were not to see him again.

Your days passed. And you left the body − not to enter it again until you came again into the American Revolution time. And this time, you are a very strong believer in the freedom that was being fought for, and the belief. And you went unto your master and said, “Master, release me. Allow me to go and fight for this great cause, that all men would be considered equal before God and man.”

But your master said unto you, “They do not want slaves.”

But as the days passed your master changed his mind. And he took you, and he himself went forth, and joined in the fighting. He was slain, but as he lay dying he took pen in hand and wrote your papers of freedom. For even as a black man, who had been taken from his homeland and brought into this one, justice and liberty for all meant a great deal to you.

You went on to be one of the true, great free men of that time. And even though before you were made slave you had been of a different religion, you saw that that you thought was good within the Quaker religion, and you joined that and took it into your heart. And when asked, “Would you fight again,” even though you had taken the vows not to fight, of nonviolent ways, you said, “If everI am called upon to keep this country free I shall do so.”

And now, we find you in this time. You are not black; you are white. And you have had all the privileges, but yet, you have found that color has made no difference. In your own way, you have found your own means of slavery. And you have broken the shackles once again for freedom. And once again you have sought your spiritual growth.

We say unto you, take up the Rose. Take up the bread and the wine. Allow them to grow. But do more than allow; make them so. Use the same energy that you put into becoming that of your own trade into making the land free for all.

You will continue to be that which you are. You are thinking now that you shall move from here to another place. And you find yourself in your own way [in wound] once again in the financial net that you were when you lived in Houston. And we say unto you, there are answers for this. You do not have to go anywhere to find the answer; it is but before you.

Seek. The field is fertile here. Allow your soul to sink into the ground and become part of….

Soon, upon the land that is known as Texas, and those lands that border the Gulf of Mexico, shall be faced with another great storm.

Let your group begin to work on it now. Allow your strength to grow as it should.

But you may link in minds over a long distance. You have the tools to do this, if you allow all the people to be in tune and in thought at the same time each day.

Set aside this time when all your minds shall be placed into turning the storm into something useful instead of destruction.

Now is the time of the cherubim.

The 1988 Atlantic hurricane season was a moderately active season that proved costly and deadly, with 15 tropical cyclones directly affecting land. The season officially began on June 1, 1988, and lasted until November 30, 1988, although activity began on May 30 when a tropical depression developed in the Caribbean Sea.The most notable cyclone of the season was Hurricane Gilbert, which at the time was the strongest Atlantic hurricane on record. Hurricane Gilbert near peak intensity in the northwest Caribbean Sea on September 13, 1988, a month before Aka told the people they could combine their minds and turn a storm. Hurricane Gilbert was the most intense Atlantic hurricane on record until it was surpassed in 2005 by Hurricane Wilma. Gilbert was an extremely powerful tropical cyclone that formed during the 1988 Atlantic hurricane season and peaked as a Category 5 strength hurricane that brought widespread destruction to the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico. Gilbert was also one of the largest tropical cyclones ever observed in the Atlantic basin. At one point, its tropical storm-force winds measured 575 mi (925 km) in diameter. In addition, Gilbert was the most intense tropical cyclone in recorded history to strike Mexico.

November 4, 1988: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner and this way. Glory be the name of His children forever and ever. And glory be the name of the Lord, thy God.

And we should tell thee this parable in this manner and this way.

For upon the land there came a mighty rain. And all the land, all about, where food could have been grown was covered with water. The water was not deep, yet it was a continuous rain. Every day, day in and day out, it would maintain the same amount of water.

And the multitudes of people were beginning to use up their food supply. And many of the city dwellers had decided to go unto the mountains. Yet, many of them would make very serious mistakes, and there they would die.

And some of the city people came upon a small valley. It was receiving rain also, but the rain was making the ground flourish and grow. For the ground was porous and allowed the rain to come through. And everything in the valley was producing food and substance for the animals. And there were many of the wild animals that had come to the valley.

And the man who lived in the valley allowed all things to be, for he believed in God’s order of the mighty, majestic theme of things. And he had been told in his dreams that the rain would come, but yet, his valley would be as an ark. And those who were to survive would come into his valley.

The Dripping Springs valley lies east of Phoenix and north of Tucson, Arizona, in a transitional zone between desert and the mountains.

And so, when the city dwellers found him, he did not shun them; he brought them forth and gave them food and substance. And he took them about and showed them the work that was to be performed, that hehad been performing every day.

And they said, “Why should we take care of these animals; they are nothing to us.”

And the man said, “But they are something to God, for they are God’s future, that He will restore the Earth with.”

And the man said unto him, “Why do you say this? One day the rains will stop, and we shall all go back to the cities. And the cities will flourish again and grow.”

But the rains did not stop; they went on and on. And others came into the valley, and the man accepted these the same way. He helped them build homes. He helped them learn to yield from the land. He tried to teach them all to take care of the animals.

But soon, some decided that the food they had was not enough. They had to kill the animals and eat the flesh of the animal.

At first, the man went unto them and said, “This is not the way of the Lord. And it is not what He has provided for. The Lord has spoke to me in my dreams and I know His wishes.”

And they threw rocks at him and cast him about, for they would war him.

And he said unto them, “This is not the way the Lord would desire. And these things that belong to the Lord, not mine, shall go forth and be the seed of all the world.”

Yet, they began to kill him, more and more.

And then came upon the land suddenly overnight − the heat of the sun seemed it had reached from the sky and began to burn the land and all in it. And they ran from the valleys. And they ran to where the cities had been. There was no water in this village, no water at all, and no food.

They decided they would go back into this valley. But this time the old man and his helpers had blocked their way. And he said unto them, “Should you enter, you must have the permission from the Lord.”

They said, “How are we to get permission of the Lord? We cannot speak unto Him.”

And he said unto them, “Go forth, there is an altar. There, if you wish to speak to the Lord, speak to Him, but speak the truth; if you speak lies He will not hear you.”

One by one, they came forth, yet each tried to hide from the Lord, God, what they had done.

And the Lord did not answer them − until finally, a young boy came before the Lord, and he said, “Oh, Lord, I have sinned unto You. I did not kill the animals, but I ate of the flesh. And I am as guilty as all the others. But Lord, if You do not hear us, we shall soon perish from the Earth. Give us the chance to rebuild Your temple and ours.”

And he waited. And he waited day and night. And upon the third day, the Lord spoke unto him and said, “WHY DO YOU WEEP, MY SON?”

And the boy said, “Because Your children are dying, my Lord.”


He said, “Yes, Lord, but they know not what they do. Because they are ignorant, Lord, and because they know not of Your ways, I beg You to forgive them and give them another chance.”


The lad heard unto Him. But inside of him he was in doubts within himself whether he could get the people to do what the Lord wanted.

And the Lord saw his doubts and said, “WORRY NOT, FOR THEY SHALL HEED YOU.”

And so they went into the valley, and were given food and work to perform and houses to live in and clothes to wear.

And into the fortieth day, the boy had told them that that day would come. He said, “It is the time to leave.” But they were not hearing him, and he left. He went unto their altar. And as he was kneeling, suddenly the ground was shaking. Suddenly, thunder and lightening were striking the earth of the valley. And out came the multitudes.


And they looked down, and there was great fields of food, and orchards and food of all kinds. And they saw this.


And so they wandered from that day forth all and about. And generation by generation they died. And the young came forth. And they entered where the boy lived, who was a man. And they began to farm and produce, and reproduce. And it was not until the last of their fathers’ generation had passed the Earth that any of them could have children.


We say unto you, from a child’s heart shall come truth. From a prophet’s mouth shall come truth. Be not so deaf you cannot hear, nor listen….

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [12–242–2…Payson, Arizona]: ‘I am stagnated, procrastinating and unable to make a decision. I need God’s help. What does God, my creator, want me to do? Where, and how?’”

You shall go about in this way. You shall begin to teach the words that have been taught unto you. Within time you will build a church. But one step at a time. You have been chosen to be, as we would say, the Lord’s eyes.

As the time has come from the great Corn ceremonies until now, when the door opens again, those who pass through, much as in Noah’s ark, are entering and preparing themselves for this other day. They are preparing for the coming of the Messiah and for the world after.

Candles shine as the lights of souls who entered into the new world during the Corn Ceremony.

But as it is now, there will be many who shall not, and cannot, and will perish, not just from this Earth.

When the last gateway to the worlds have been closed, the end of the fourth year, the pathway will be laid before you.

If you could bring about this in whole, those things that are needed will be provided.

But unto your heart and soul is the words of God. You have seen them written in many places. You will find them in abundance in what you call your reading form. Study these, all. And we shall come again unto you.

Ask and you shall receive.

“For Upon the Land There Came a Mighty Rain” – what happened four years after the parable:

December 5, 1992, the rains began to flood central Arizona. From early January through March, 1993, one rainstorm after another, then another, came. TV weather reporters apologized to give the news of more rain.

By January 10, 1993, the Santa Cruz river changed its course. By January 13, 1993, Tucson had received 10 times more rain than normal. By January 20, an all-time record was broken. The nation watched while the Coolidge dam in central Arizona approached flood levels, wondering if it would hold. It was called the most dangerous dam in the U.S. By January 19, 1993, rivers and creeks flooded their banks in Tucson, Phoenix, central Arizona, Winkleman, and even Dripping Springs Road where the church to God stands (but miraculously missed the flooding which was all around it). For more than a month, many homes were underwater in Winkleman, which was declared a national disaster, as flooding continued due to release of overflow from the dangerously high Coolidge dam. But the rains continued.

Heavy rains in February, 1993, flooded 600 square miles by the Colorado river near Yuma, Arizona. Crops in Arizona and Southern California were underwater for weeks, as the California drought ended with record rainfall.

The Dripping Springs valley, where the church to God is built, received much rain also. But this year, the excessive rainfall has left the soil soft and easy to dig. If you put a shovel into the ground in the valley, you can scoop up soil from a foot’s depth, even more, with little effort, the soil is so porous. This makes planting easy.

Ray Elkins, who owns a ranch next to the church, foretold in January 1993 that the rains would continue, and that there would be flooding in Yuma which would affect the crops.

In the parable, Aka said, “But the rains did not stop. They went on and on….”

Although the nation suffered from tropical storms, flooding in the southwestern U.S. was probably the most unusual weather news for the country.

The New York Times, March 9, 1993, reports: some think this year’s storms were intense because they were fed by “El Nino,” a vast pool of warm water that develops every 2 to 7 years in the Pacific off South America; it carried warmer-than-usual water off the West U.S. coast from a Philippine Island volcano, “Mayon,” which erupted February 3, 1993. Aka has predicted volcanic activity in the Philippines since 1970. Others believe flooding was caused by volcanic ash from the Philippine volcano, “Mt. Pinatubo,” which erupted in 1991. The ash haze has encircled our globe, reflecting sunlight and lowering the earth’s temperature one degree.

April 25, 1993, the ground shook as far south as Phoenix, as far east as Winslow, and as far north as Sedona, Arizona. A 4.8-Richter-scale earthquake, centered 32 miles south of Grand Canyon Village, lasted for 5 minutes and 40 seconds and was the most powerful quake in Arizona in 17 years. (A 5.2-Richter-scale quake had shaken the Chino Valley/Prescott area on February 4, 1976.) Already 30 small quakes have been recorded in Arizona in 1993.

And lightening and thunderstorms crashed everywhere at Dripping Springs valley throughout the entire first quarter of 1993. Maybe you saw it!

How similar were events to the parable Aka gave. These prophecies and parables are signs, so that we may believe the things of heaven we are being told. “For we are here but for one purpose, to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah,” Aka tells us.

Aka spoke, December 2, 1988: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer your question in this manner and this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, of thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you, for now is the time of change upon your Earth. For as you would say, “Everything that I do seems to go wrong,” but only because you have not looked upon it in its fullest light. Everything shall happen for a reason. The reason, at the time, you may not understand.

A small child shall cross a road, and a car shall strike the child and the child shall die, and the parents and all the relatives shall grieve. And the mother shall say unto God, “God, why did You allow this to happen?” But we say unto the mother, the Lord, God, did not allow this to happen. The mother allowed it to happen because she did not look after her child.

It is said that “Thou shall honor thy mother and father.” But we say unto you, “as into yourselves.” By knowing that that you do that harms another, in what way will be the outcome? Will it be in a manner in which you want, but yet, does not serve the whole or part of the whole?

The person who says, “Come, Lord, give unto me these things, for they are mine,” no, none of these things are yours, for they belong to the Lord. They are His to give.

He has given you all things and hidden nothing from you. Yet, you are like two armies, one on each side of a great battlefield, each praying unto the Lord to allow them to win, to allow them to win because they are righteous, because they believe in this way to worship the Lord, or that way to worship the Lord. There is only one church, the church of God. The others are like a bouquet that may fill in. Any time that you use a religion to criticize another human being, it is not a religion; it is your own want and desire.

Roses bloom on Easter Sunday 2017 beside a church to God where all faiths are welcome.

“Judge not lest you be judged.” And so it is said. Yet, few understand these words, “Let Thine will be done.” And whose will? The Lord, God, has said, “Ask and you shall receive.” And so it shall be, as long as this should not take from another free will.

Understand that any emotion is given only from the individual. As God has not demanded His children [subjectitude], or to be beneath all things of Himself, He has given the free will to worship as they will, to be as they will, to come or go. But He trusts in them that they shall return unto Him into His many mansions, and to know of this is to know of the whole, and all.

For the Lord, God, has made few demands upon His children: “LOVE YE ONE ANOTHER.” Yet, you would love a person enough that you would kill them. Does that love?

What is love? Love is knowing that something upon the Earth, nothing upon the Earth, may exist in captivity. Over and over this has been shown. The only captivity that will work is when a person comes unto the other and says, “This is yours; I give it to you,” and puts no string upon it, allows nothing to bind it, making the gift free, free of giving and free of receiving.

A yellow rose blossoms, the symbol of friendship, at the AUP church.

The Lord hears your prayers, each and every prayer upon the Earth. And you say, “How can He hear so many prayers?” He hears those things that you speak that mean something to you, and then they mean something to Him.

But when you speak to the Lord and you are selfish, He looks upon you and says, “TSK, TSK, THIS CHILD, WILL THEY NEVER LEARN?”

It is like the child who stole gum. It was not until the child thought he was to be caught that he stopped and thought, “I will ask God to save me.” So he gets upon his knees and he says, “Oh, Lord, save me, that those who I have trespassed against will forgive me those things that I have trespassed onto them.”

And so, the Lord gives unto you leniency, and says, “Go, and sin no more.”

Yet, as soon as you think the Lord is not looking upon you, then you trespass upon another.

You all want your heaven on earth. You want your peace to come; you want your time for the Messiah to walk upon the earth.

[See The Revelation, chapters 19 and 21–22.]

The Lord placed flowers at our feet on Easter Sunday. Jesus spoke his farewell message on the eve of Passover, on Good Friday. He asked the Father to send the spirit of Truth, who will be with us forever. The world can neither see nor hear him, but we can, because he dwells with and in us. Remember the one with more love in his eyes than anyone Ray had ever seen, who gave him a gift and choice to return to his life? If Ray chose to return, he was asked to give this gift in the same manner of love it had been given to him, asking nothing in return. Jesus asked the Father to send His spiritual messengers to prepare a way in our hearts for his coming. Will we prepare this way, first within ourselves, and then within others? It must be done in the same manner of love it was given.

And we say unto you, within the next few years the deciding factors shall happen, total and complete. And when we say this we say it in this manner. If the people of your Earth cannot accept and be ready for the gift of God in the form of a Messiah, then the Lord shall sweep it from the womb and take it back. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

And we say unto you, how can this happen? It’s very simple.

If the Lord sees that this child will not be received, then all that is before you shall never be.

Your civilization shall crumble, and you shall crawl one day out of your caves once again, thinking thoughts, and creating and being created.

I want you to take into your own minds this thought, how long has it taken man to crawl from the caves this time, without the peace upon your Earth, and all things have been placed at hand. The first time in your world’s history, the powers that be could bring peace unto the Earth.

But it is not just a nation that must find the peace, it is the people within the nation. In your nation, you call it your States [United States], and from the states, you call it your counties, and your cities. But what it really amounts to is the individual, the person, the single soul, the single spirit, the single immortal body, the body of the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of the same. We say unto you, the first place to build is within yourselves.

A rose without thorns is the gift God sens His spiritual messengers to give — the borth and preparation for the coming of the Messiah upon Earth.

March 24, 1989: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, and glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto you, for we shall give you this parable. Some of you shall understand the parable; some of you shall not. Some shall interpret it to suit themselves; some of you will interpret it as it has been given.

For upon the land there were two brothers. Each had brought his flock into the valley, and the valley was green and bountiful.

One brother said unto the other, “This valley is too good. It cannot be. Let us hasten from this place, for I know bad things shall come unto us.”

And the other brother said unto him, “No, brother, I shall not go from this valley. If you go you shall go, but I shall stay.”

The other brother said, “But our flock shall perish.”

The other brother just turned his head and went about tending the flocks. And the flocks began to multiply.

And the one brother planted crops.

And the other brother said, “We should not plant the crops, for if we plow the land surely bad things shall come on us.”

But yet, where the land was planted it grew an abundance of crops, and from the lake in the valley the fish multiplied.

Everything within the valley was within harmony.

Yet, the brother continued to tell the other what a horrible place this was and surely they would perish.

One day there came into the valley a great bird, the largest bird they had ever seen. The bird flew through the valley and looked at each thing in it. It found a place to nest and it began to build its nest.

The one brother said, “Look, I have told you what an evil place this is. We should leave the valley now.”

The other brother said, “No, this in not an evil sign. It is a good sign, a sign from God that things are as they should be with man and nature.”

The other brother, in his own despair, plotted each day to trap the bird. The bird had not taken any of their flock nor bothered their crops, and even when the brother took his own flock and slayed it and laid it out as a trap, the bird would not touch it. The bird only took the food that nature provided for it.

And so, this brother followed and watched the bird, and one day he was successful; he did trap it. And he said unto his brother, “Now we shall have a great sacrifice, and sacrifice the bird unto the Lord, and you shall see I have been right all along.”

That night a great storm came upon the land, and it destroyed the crops and it killed the flocks.

And the one brother said, “Now I shall destroy this bird, for it is an evil thing.”

The other brother said, “No, my brother, what you have done is an evil thing, for you have taken one of God’s creatures to torment.” And he reached within and he released the bird, and the bird soared into the heavens.

And the light of the Lord looked through the bird into the light of man, and their fields were restored and so were their flocks.

Now we say unto you, as we said before in the beginning, we have come not to change your world, but we have come for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Some shall not see this, for they shall be blinded because they have not known. Others shall just be blinded.

But we say unto you, for if the blind shall hear and they shall see, for all that has been covered shall be uncovered, and all things before you shall be laid, that the road shall be easy and smooth before you.

But remember, we did not come to fulfill your wants. We have said unto you, for those who should follow this way, we shall see that they shall have their needs and they shall not go wanting. And so it has been.

But we also say unto you that now is also the time when the Father shall take that that is His; the bird is what is His.

Within Ray was that of a vast spirit that soared in the heavens and universes, yet saw the earth and people’s needs – a spirit as a great Eagle.

You have other questions, ask….

“[18–562–1] asks, ‘Was the Messiah [born] on July 29, 1979?’”

Nay, we say unto you these words;

the Messiah is upon your earth.

He shall come into his own being here in 1999 and you shall know of him, but you have touched and known and heard before this time. [Matthew 24:36 says: “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.”]

For only the Lord, God, shall share that information at the time and place that He wishes.

But know this: he walks among you; not as a spirit, but yet as one, for he shall be a body, a soul, a spirit and immortal body.

All things will be as they have been before; only you shall not be allowed to shed the blood of the Lamb, for the time that you wish, your thousand years, are but ahead of you. But they can begin any time you wish and be extended.

Many of you shall see him walk in the valley and shall walk with him. Believe….

The valley of which Aka spoke was probably the valley on Dripping Springs Road, Arizona, where the AUP church to God stands.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–556–1 says], ‘I have been taking Ray’s supplements for ten months now and my health is a little better, but I am still plagued with my any allergies and depression and hormone imbalance. Can you give Ray some insight about what else I might need to take for this or is it just a matter of being on the supplements a little longer?’”

We shall answer your question at this time. The greatest potion of all potions is that which is in the heart of man, the heart of the soul. We have given you a parable and the parable is one of depression and one of hope.

We say unto you, within the Rose without Thorns you shall find the journeys of the spirits of God. Bring these forth, not by yourself, but with others; study and learn from them. Know the meaning of what it is and what is said.

You have been given many parables and much knowledge in many ways. The cup is before you; drink from it.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [18–502–3B]…, and she asks, ‘

What should I do to prepare for the Corn ceremony?’”

You have come at the spirit of things. Take the time to see the blessings that are about to be given to you, for each blessing is like raindrops of water upon the desert; soon a great bouquet shall grow. Know these things and know them to be true, and allow nothing and no one to take from it.

You have one more question, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [12–424–2] asks, ‘I desire to have acute hearing. Will you help me to accomplish this? Thank you.’”

We understand thy need; we also understand thy want.

But we should say unto you, look into the time of Daniel and study the prophecy therein, and bring it forth into today and look at it and see of it, and you shall begin the journey you wish to begin.

We say unto you, you have come forth unto this time once again to pass through from one world into another.

Easter weekend, March 24, 1989, would be the fourth and last Corn Ceremony at the church to God. Those who wished to participate had prepared the eve before by washing their hair and cleansing their bodies. They had written the things in themselves they did not want to take with them into the new world on a piece of paper to be burned. Ray, the Eagle, opened a spiritual doorway between this time and a new heaven and new earth upon the Earth. Then he led the People through, one at a time. The paper was handed to Ray who handed it to the sacred Twins in the circle to burn in a pot. As Ray took each person by the hand, he received the candle, the light of the soul, and led him or her into the circle and the new world. The light of many candles representing the souls of all who entered into this new world stood within it. Ray asked if he or she wished to become one of the People — would accept the Giver of the gift — wanted to receive the mark of the Eagle — and wished to have the opening of the top of the head as he placed the moist corn flour on the forehead, each forearm, and sprinkled it atop the head, when answered, yes, in the initiation. While the opening between the present and new world remained within the three circles for the hours Aka told, many said it felt it like a new heaven and new earth was brought into existence for that time into the present. A vortex had been opened into the new world which shone in purity and radiant strength, all brand new.

Each of you shall have your own reasons, and each shall bring a list that you shall put into the burning pot, and the twins shall be in place in fulfillment of the earth, and once again we shall give you a sign.

And some shall say it shall be greater than the last. But who is to say? Let it be in the heart of each who gaze upon it and hear it.

Now is the time of the Cherubim.

June 9, 1989: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner and in this way. Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, for upon the land there came a man, and he was given unto the people, and through him the Lord did those things that He needed to do upon the earth.

Ray Elkins stands in 1972 in his garden that grew so abundantly at his home in Globe, Arizona. At his feet sits his minature poodle, Shadow. He had begun giving readings in trance since 1970. God was at that time providing a way for Ray to give healing in his awakening state to the 40-or-more people who came daily to his front door after the Arizona Republic newspaper reported that he gave health readings, much like Edgar Cayce had. From then on, Ray continued to give trance reading as his health allowed until 1989, and he gave many more healings even after then. Read about how this began and why Ray chose to do this in “A Stairway to Heaven.”

And the man looked upon this and said, “If this is the Lord’s will I shall do this. The Lord has sent me forth to use me that the people shall know of the Lord and of His love and His mercy.”

But yet, there were many of the people who say [saw] this, and yet, they knew inside of them that, in truth, this was from the Lord and those things he had thought were from the Lord. But yet, they saw also the human side of him. And they could not adjust their minds one from the other. They thought, if this one wishes something, he shall think it and it shall be so. He shall rule all of us with his mind. He shall destroy our crops if we do not give him that which he wishes.

More and more talk and gossip and false judgments was [were] built upon this one. Yet this one went on day in and day out giving these gifts that he knew to give.

And one day, he looked upon all these things and these people the Lord has sent him forth to help, and he heard their accusations and he saw that which they did unto him, and he said, “Nay, no more, for I shall take back the blessings the Lord has given me. I shall walk as a man and no one then shall say these things about me.”

When the fields that he had made to grow began to wilt away, and the children he had allowed to be born began to diminish upon the earth, and instead of the special births that were happening, they began to cease. For the fishermen, the nets were not full anymore. The crops were not as abundance. Yet no one saw and no one looked beyond themselves to know; all they knew was that suddenly this one had stopped.

But they did not know that he had stopped, for they thought, now he has turned his powers against us. He has ruined our crops. He is harming our children. And if we look unto him he shall take all of us and do as he wishes. And so, the talk was worse.

Ray sits behind the altar in the 1997 at a church to God that he built in 1982 in love and faith. Before, he had asked a friend whether he should build the church. She answered, quoting a popular movie, “Field of Dreams: “If you build it they will come.” Ray told many later that he built the church as a place for the people of God to come.

But the more the talk continued, the more withdrawn the man became and the more angry he felt within himself.

And he went into the mountains and the valley and all places he knew the Lord might be, and he said, “Oh, Lord, take this bitter cup from me.”

And the Lord looked not unto him and said, “LET THINE WILL BE DONE.”

And the man looked unto himself and cast all of the gifts the Lord had given him from his back and walked on and away from the people.

Now, the parable we have given you is a frightening parable, yet who among us have not seen this that we speak of is true?

You have questions, ask….

“[11–405–4] asks, ‘When finding out what happened to my people, where should I start regarding my past life readings?’”

Look at your feet. Look around you and find where you are now, and ask and you shall receive. For around you is an abundance of knowledge and there’s much knowledge that is passed from one unto another.

So discuss with those who are your teacher and you shall soon have the answers that you seek. But remember, that which you are given, so shall you give. For we shall come unto your mind, for we shall come unto you for three days and you shall have three dreams. And in those dreams shall be the answers you seek at this time. But they shall bring many questions into your mind. Then, when you have them, ask again.

You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. [15–562–1] asks, ‘When will my oneness come?’”

Yes, we see thy need and we say unto you, the oneness is at hand. You have yet to recognize it.

You have other questions, ask….

“Thank you, Aka. [18–553–2 says,] ‘You were talking about the land, seven acres that I am about to buy. In the year 1899 there was an earthquake there. Can you tell me more about it? Thank you.’”

Yes, we see your need. Upon the land that you were about to buy there were earthquakes upon the land, and that that was shall be again. Beware of that that you build upon this land….

“Aka, at this time I have no more questions.”

Then we see your need, and we would say unto you,

unto the greater things of the land so shall a gift be given.

Each of you in your own way have asked and have been given from this gift. But we say unto you, a gift should be given with dignity and received with dignity. And just because you have a cup that runneth over does not mean that you cannot appreciate the cup or he who fills it.

But understand something − we come but to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. We come to bring Ray’s flock close to God.

Now we say unto you, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children.

Yet we say unto you, glory be unto he who is about his Father’s work.

But even he who goes about his Father’s work must do his own work and take the time that his mind and his body can rebuild and regenerate. Do not trap the Eagle, set it free.

You have other questions, and we see into those, the greatest that you shall ask for in your tomorrow.

Look around. You shall see the rose and you shall see the thorns no more.

Let each of you come in truth of heart and soul.

But we say unto you, do not judge yourself so severely that you try to cast unto [out the] best part of you away. Each of you are unique in your own way, and each of you have a gift hidden inside of you that shines through and is given to others.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of those who serve the Lord.

Now is the time of the cherubim.

The last reading Aka was able to give through Ray was August 30, 1989: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner, and in this way….Glory be the name of the Lord, thy God, and glory be the name of His people forever and ever.

We shall say unto you, harken, and hear these words. For from now until soul Ray recovers his health it will grow harder for him to allow us to come through. He has done that that was expected of him on the Earth plane. He has completed his task.

And we would tell you goodbye, but we shall not. We will tell you these words.

For we come but for one purpose, and one purpose only − for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. So did your soul Ray come for but one purpose and prepared himself, that he might prepare the way for the coming of his brother. We say unto you, that the last be first and the first be last, that the words of the Lord shall be glorious in all places and all times.

And then, for as long as soul Ray’s health allows us, and he wishes, we shall continue [ ] to come unto you and bring you blessings and bring you guidance. Permission has been given.

But we will tell you this parable. It is of the shooting star that you see.

Comet Lovejoy

For once man looked upon the heavens and saw this star. He thought in his own mind, if he could only be as the star, [he could] only be through time and space at such a speed.

So man went out and he built a great spacecraft, and he hurled himself through space. And he went faster and faster. And one day, he not only broke the time and light barrier, but he exceeded life in itself.

And he thought unto himself, “Where shall I go? I now can visit the universes upon universes. Which one shall I seek upon my own?”

He thought very long and hard upon it. He thought, “I guess I should ask my God.”

And so, he went forth unto his own private place, and he spoke into the Lord, and he said to the Lord, “Forgive me, Lord, but I should speak unto You, for I do not know what to do. I have gone and taken Your knowledge unto its limits, yet I know there is more. What shall be Your will, oh Lord?”


And the Lord went by.

And he thought upon this.

And he went out into his garden and he saw all its beauty there in it, and it multiplied tenfold.

And he went unto the smallest of things upon the Earth and saw them, and the greatest of things upon the Earth and saw that.

Yet he knew that he had not seen enough, or tasted, or drank, or touched, or felt, or sensed all of the things there was on this Earth. He had yet to take the time to be able to smell the roses, for he was so busy in trying to reach the universes. He did not give up his space travel altogether, to have always returned back to the Earth that he loved.

Now we say unto you, so it is with soul Ray. He has taken you to the outer boundaries. Now he is taking the time to smell the roses.

He will reach into the outer boundaries with you many times, but he will do this in his own way. He now can take you to the light in his way. His way, you will find, is quite different than you might have experienced. For his own time, he has been a teacher many times.

Yet each time he has moved aside to allow us to speak, to talk, to touch and feel. He has allowed, at all times he has moved aside to allow his brother, who he prepares the way for, to speak, and to be heard and to be seen. He has made him the most important part of his life….

In your mind you have had many questions. We have answered some of these….

Now, we must say unto you, our time is short.

Now is the time of the cherubim.

We shall tell you to take the readings — take this reading — give them to the world. Give them to the people. Put wings upon it; set it free….

Now is the time of the cherubim.


Now you know how the valley came into being. From the valley of the Lord — to a vision of a valley — to a promised land — to a step into the new world, the spiritual messengers of God guided their flock of people. They will today, if you listen.

Read all the parts in this series that tell how this special valley of the Lord within became real; see the story below.

In part 1, “The Valley and the Lord’s People,” begins with a vision of a valley, where Ray Elkins rested while he was returning down the ladder from God. Ray gathered strength in this beautiful place before he entered back into his body. Was it a glimpse of heaven, a dream, or a vision? The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke many parables through Ray’s unconscious body from 1970 to 1989 when he had walked up a ladder to stand with God. Soon, a valley also came to be known as a hidden place in the quiet of the mind where God dwells, to which each of us can go.

In part 2, “A Vision of a Valley,” the spiritual messengers of God led those who sought a safe place to a valley. And the vision became real. A place was being prepared in hearts, and upon the land, for the coming of the Messiah. A church was built within the soul, and in the valley, and was dedicated to God.

In part 3 of The Valley, “A Promised Land,” is given. Amazing blessings unfold. A sacred healing springs awakens to life. The words Ray heard when he was returning from his journey to God into a valley take on even greater meaning. They become a promise of the future — the gift of a new heaven and a new earth upon the Earth.

In part 4, some who come to the valley take “A Step into the New World.” The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, bring into being a sacred Corn Ceremony that had not been performed for 3,000 years. A pathway is opened into the new world. Those who enter become the People, in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. The Messiah’s consciousness is felt throughout the world.

In part 5, Aka says “The Land of the ‘7’ Was Laid Aside to Be a Sacred Place.” The spiritual messengers of God tell legends of an ancient time in the world preceding this one — before earth changes brought a migration to this land. Soon will be time for another migration. Yet, the new heaven and new earth on Earth can begin within each soul at any time. In the final three of the four sacred Corn Ceremonies, spiritual messengers of God, through Ray, initiated those who entered the new world into the ancient Nakuna priesthood. They became one of the People, March 16–18, 1988, August 26–28, 1988, and Easter weekend, March 24, 1989, and stepped into this new world — a new heaven and earth upon Earth.

You can read all the chapters combined in one paperback or e-book in The Valley and Promise of a Christmas Star. Or read each chapter you see above on as a series in separate paperbacks or e-books.

Join in association with the spiritual messengers who God sends to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. The Association of Universal Philosophy is what they asked us to form.

The spiritual messengers of God and Ray began speaking in 1970 from a town appropriately named Globe. We are asked to give their words wings and let them go unto the world. Please share their words.

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Continue — discover A Stairway to Heaven.


The words of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, are copyrighted by A. Ray Elkins through whom they spoke.



A stairway to Heaven

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.