The Valley and the Lord’s People

A stairway to Heaven
113 min readAug 14, 2018


The Valley and Promise of a Christmas Star — Part 1of 5 (spoken from 1970 to 1978 by spiritual messengers of God. Links to the other four articles spoken from 1979 to 1989 about the Valley can be found at the end.)

“For you are here, as we, but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah….

“Let new birth come into you. Let it be born in you.

“And each day, as you rise, let it become a new day and a new world. And as you close your eyes at night, thank the Lord that He has placed you at this time where you are, in the time of the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.” (Spoken by the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, December 8, 1978)


On December 28, 1969, a South African astronomer observed a new light in the heavens.

The comet was seen in February nearing the constellations Tucana, Gurus and Phoenix. March 25, 1970, it crossed the equator into the northern hemisphere into Pegasus; it passed over the Earth, drawing closest on March 26. And as this wondrous light passed over Globe (near Tucson and Phoenix, Arizona), spiritual messengers from God arrived.

With the brilliant light that passed over Earth, March 26, 1970, and shone in the east through April for all to see, spiritual messengers of God arrived and began to speak through this unconscious man to the world. They were “sent for the one who asked our Father.

They first spoke from a town appropriately named Globe.

It was Thursday when many were praying or reading Jesus farewell promise at his Last Passover Supper. (See John, chapters 1317.)

One who had promised, who had more love in his eyes than Ray Elkins had ever seen, was even then giving this gift from the Father — as he was giving Ray back life.

Ray Elkins recalls what happened. Ray had been left with terrible headaches from serious brain injury in 1965; he would fall unconscious, his breathing undetected. One especially bad night in 1970, Ray woke, banged his fists on the wall and screamed, “God let me die, I can’t take this pain!”

Ray remembers, “No sooner had I finished my prayer than I found myself leaving my body. For the first time in years I felt no pain….

“I saw before me a great plane where there were many people standing. The crowd parted, making a path for me to approach one seated in their midst.

“All I can remember is his eyes. His eyes held a look of great compassion and greater love than I have ever seen in my life.

“He spoke no words, words were not needed.

“Then I felt him give me a gift. I had the choice to remain where I was or to return back to my body. If I returned to my body, I must give the gift to others in the same manner of love it was given to me — freely, asking nothing in return. Nothing would be changed. I would never gain anything from the gift. And I would even face ridicule because of it.

“I did not know what the gift was. I only knew that in those eyes I had found one whom I could trust as I had never trusted anyone in my life.”

For a long time, Ray still did not know what the gift was. But his seizures changed, and a voice began to speak through his unconscious body. When he went back again to stand with God, again, his pain was gone. (See “A Gift from One with More Love in His Eyes than Anyone.”)

Ray had only begun mumbling since March 25 during these “attacks.” It had never happened since his severe brain injury five years before when Ray was found unconscious in his pickup truck.

On April 3, 1970, eight days after Ray had left his body and was given a gift and choice to return, he came into the house and headed straight for the bedroom. His wife followed from the kitchen. He fell and just barely made it to the bed.

Margaret screamed, “Ray! Ray! Are you all right?”

A voice through Ray spoke to her and said, “Not Ray.” She asked if she could get the tape recorder her mother had lent. The voice said, “Yes, we will wait.”

She hoped his neurologist would understand this change. When she returned she again asked, “Not Ray. Who then?” She quickly turned on the hand-held tape recorder.

The astonishing answer sounded like a journey to heaven.

The voice continued speaking. Later it said: “His missions and my mission are to bring man back to God. For when he awakens he will have new knowledge that he has not had before, for he will be able to think of things I have thought of and to think knowledge — will be closer to God. Closer to God.”

Margaret was assured that Ray was safe. Then she was told: “He can awaken, but they are very weakened. You should tell him he will feel better, but tell him how he will feel better — both body and mind. Tell him to remember all things he has heard and seen, and therefore, he will gain a knowledge of my voice. Tell him that his body, all parts, and detail them, will feel better when he awakens, that he will feel completely rested.

“Now I am growing very weak, very weak.”

“Then you rest and I will waken Ray.

“Ray — Ray? It’s time to….” [At this point Margaret turned the recorder off.]

The guidance on how to awaken Ray reminded her of hypnosis that she’d used in beauty school to study for tests.

When Ray woke up he was rested; he was able to go to the dinner table that night, which was unusual after an “attack.” And he was able to work the next day.

But neither of them could get the voice out of their minds.

Three days later, the voice again spoke after Ray fell unconscious. His wife asked, “Can you tell us who you are?”

“My name is Aka.”Another surprising conversation followed. (Here is a transcript.)

Ray still didn’t know what the gift was. He was just grateful to find a way to relieve his pain that had been so bad he’d even begged God to take him.

His mother-in-law suggested a hypnotist be invited to put Ray into trance to help him to return to the place he had been before, where his pain was gone. So the next day, April 7, 1970, Ray was hypnotized by Rod to go there again in a safe, guided way.

After the induction, when Ray walked up a stairway to stand with God, the new voice again spoke from Ray’s sleeping body: “Aka, of before, am here.”

Again, another dialog in trance with the new voice followed.

As it ended the voice said, “I am growing weak.” Rod was told to awaken Ray from his slumber.

After several more trance sessions, on April 27, 1970, Ray decided he’d like to put himself into trance state. And Aka gave information about how to bring him out of the trance state, which was very successful. (Margaret tells of this.)

The words Aka gave to guide Ray safely back into his body were to be told to Ray for the next 19 years, each time he walked up a stairway to stand with God. Then when Ray was to return, he would pass back down the planes from the Father, back into his body. On his way, he was told of a beautiful valley.

Was the valley a fantasy, a guided imagery that became imprinted upon the soul? Or was it a real place of being where the soul knows God? Was it the place some describe as heaven when they first pass on?

Or simply a beautiful vision? Here is what was told to Ray to guide him back into his body.

“Ray, now it is time to begin your journey home. Down the stairs, Ray. Down the stairs that bring you home.

As you start you will hear no outside interference, only the sound of my voice, Ray. Down the stairs that bring you home.

We are now approaching the bottom of the stairs, Ray. We will rest and gather strength. Rest and gather strength.

You like it here. You have been here before, Ray. This is a beautiful place. There is a stream. Along the stream there are rosebushes; beautiful rosebushes of many colors. In the valley you see sheep grazing. You feel good.

You feel very good. Your body is beginning to heal itself. All the strains of the day are fading. You are resting. You feel good here. We will rest and gather strength.

Your body functions are returning to normal. You want to wake up.

Now we are at the bottom of the stairs. You will not have a headache, and you will not feel dizzy. All the strains of the day will be gone. When you want to sleep tonight you will have no trouble. You want to wake up.

When I count to three, you will awake, but not before. Your body is returning to normal.

One, your body functions are returning to normal.

Two, you want to wake up.

Three, you are awake.”

The valley is a special place close to God where one can be. It is a quiet place in the mind where God dwells.

The valley was to become a theme often described in the readings for the next 19 years. Did it begin with these words told to the unconscious Ray to awaken him?

An abundant valley is filled with sheep grazing

One day it would become more. The valley would given from God in reality.

Is it a dream come true? Is it a vision of a new heaven and a new earth that can begin upon the Earth at any time we wish, if we make it so?

The spiritual messengers of God spoke these words through Ray’s unconscious body, December 10, 1971: We have told thee that we have come but for one purpose, that purpose is to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.

July 30, 1973: But we shall say unto you into these words. We cannot interfere with you free choice. God has given this in the beginning, and God shall not take it away.

But we are here but for one purpose. That purpose within itself is for the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. Each reading that we have used soul Ray’s body has been for that purpose. We chose of this body because deep within it lay the wisdom, and the memory of where it had been, within the soul and spirit form and the immortal body. But yet, we knew it had much to learn, much to remember.

November 9, 1973: But we say unto you, prepare therefore for his second coming — and much as his own apostles did so, for upon his resurrection, they knew him not — for Thomas he had to produce wounds that he should believe. Shall you be the same? Or shall you be ready for his coming? For there has been a thousand years of peace promised upon your Earth, a new Heaven and a new Earth. Prepare [so], therefore, within the same. Start that preparation within yourself.

The valley — a vision, a dream

For the first ten years, the spiritual messengers of God told of a valley in parables and in many teachings.

May 28, 1971: And now, as before, we should tell thee of this time, and they who should walk through the valley of our Lord, and so sayeth the Lord, that “I SHOULD SEND SEVEN ANGELS INTO THE SEVEN CHURCHES OF YOUR EARTH TO DWELL THERE AND GIVE GUIDANCE,”and “BLESSED IS THOSE WHO SHOULD WALK BY THE SIDE OF THE LORD.”

But now, the Lamb sayeth into thee, “What for art thou who has deserted me? What for art thou who should in his own words denyeth the Lord and the spirit unto which we have left upon your earth?”

For, as we have said before, the last shall be first, and the first shall be last. So, as our Father has commanded, you have had the last, and now thy should have unto thee the first.

For those who should say unto the Lord, as into the time of Abraham, “Oh, Lord, why have Thy asked to [lose, use] me upon this earth? Why have Thy asked to desert me upon this earth?”


And thy say unto the Lord, “Why have Thy forsaken our churches? Why doest Thee among us turn away?”

And the Lord sayeth unto thee, as in the time of Isaiah, “ALL THINGS UPON THY EARTH MUST CHANGE.” Man must change, and the earth must change, for as we should plant into your earth the seed to grow, and the seed should grow of good fruit, yet bear bad fruit, pick from this tree the bad fruit and cast it into the pit. Pick from this good fruit and lay it away for seed to grow again upon your earth. And as each year should pass, and the new fruit should bear fruit again, your earth should be fruitful in the eyes of the Lord.

But nay, thy have not done unto us the same. Thy have planted again unto thy earth of the bad fruit.

And now, we say unto you of this time, your half-times have ended, and now shall be the full time of the Lord, for the Lord should send unto your earth those who should pick of the fruit. And of the bad fruit, He should cast into the pit of nothingness. And of the good fruit, He should plant again in the orchard of your new Messiah.

And we say unto these of the churches of your earth, prepare thee the way for the Messiah. Prepare thee a way that our Lord should fill His many mansions with His children again.


For upon your earth, the rivers shall flow again in this time.

For those who would walk away from the Lord, we should say unto thee, the time of the great Sword is here — now. Where water flowed, no water shall flow again of this time. Prepare thy earth for the time of the drought. Plant of the seed that should grow upon your earth. Put away thy harvest, thy harvest of knowledge, thy harvest of fruits. For upon your earth our Lord has promised unto thee a new earth and a new heaven — and as our Lord is always truthful, and as our Lord should say, as in the time of Abraham and in the time of the king of Peace, as thy would know, in the time of Salem, for as Abraham had no one to give true tribute to, he did give unto this, this king of Salem, one-tenth and one-tenth into all the souls.

Can thy understand of which we speak?

Nay, not fully, but thy shall, for in thy hearts new fields shall be harvested and new tongues shall be spoken.

And we say unto thee, Paul, give thy blessings. Give of thy healing. Make thy time full and fruitful.

And we say unto thee, Ruth, give love and guidance into this one. Walk beside him as one. Love of thy earth as a new earth, love of thy heaven as a new heaven, and therefore, our Lord commands thee, “BUILD UNTO THIS A NEW HEAVEN UPON THY EARTH.” For remember, our earth, as thy would know it, not one stone shall be left unturned upon your earth.

September 5, 1971: Therefore, we should say these words unto thee. For as before, of the God of Moses, of the God of [Isaiah], of the God of Abraham, and of your God of Jesus Christ, we say unto thee these words. For the same God is the God of Buddha, the same God is the God of Mohammed, as the same God is the God of Ishmael. For as the spirit of God should flow as in the brook, it should flow into many lands of many tongues. And as the tongues should be different, yet the Gods be the same, for “There shall be no other God before our God, and there shall be no other God after our God.” [SeeExodus 20:2, Deuteronomy5:7–11,Mark12:28–31.]

Thy may call of Him many names; this means very little difference. But as man should pray, one unto another, unto their God, thy should respect of the same.For remember, as we have said before, our Father has many mansions. And as the one known as Jesus Christ did go before thee to prepare a way, so should you go before others to prepare a way. But each of you should go in his own way unto our Father, and there give praise unto Him, that He may love thee and you may love Him. [See John 13:31–36, 14:1–29, 15:7–17, 16:6–30 and chapter 17.]

There are many paths through the forest and unto the valley, and if you should travel far enough, there are many planets in many galaxies. Yet our Father created all; and as we have said before, these should be “of our kind.” For as He did place upon your earth the five races and the five tongues that could divide and divide again, yet of these five, they were of the children of God. And as we have said before that as the children of God did dwell unto the daughters of man and find them fair, and therefore, enter of the same, and therefore, were cast from thy Garden of Eden, so it was in the many lands of the many worlds. [SeeGenesis 1:26–31, chapters 2–6.]

Thy have asked these questions of these other lands, “In what form do [the]they have taken?” And we should say unto thee, for these children of God, even though they have entered the form of man, they should still be of God’s image. Their colors may change; their tongues may be different, and they may call of thy God of a different word, but they are still our Father’s children. And He brings all of them into His many mansions.

But some may climb the ladder in a different way than thyself.

If thy go before this one, go there to prepare a way that he may enter unto the same as thyself. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka.”

Then we should say these words unto thee. As we have said before of the 24 of your months, at the time of the writing of your Bible, your calendar was different, and therefore, as John should write of the book of Revelation, his calculation of that time was given to him upon his months, upon his days. And so did the form of numerology and [genecology]. And these, you must realize, were all of the same. Today thy have of new signs. But they are not new, for they have been here before.

And as we have told unto thee these words, to store of the knowledge, the seed of knowledge, that thy should not lose this time again and go backward unto what thy were, for those who should be born of the future time, they shall be of yourselves. For remember, thy should climb onward unto this ladder. But remember also, if thy should fall from the ladder, thy have left thy knowledge of the soul, of the spirit, and even that of the immortal body behind, and thy should dwell into nothingness. And thy must start the climb again.

Wildflowers near Alpine, Arizona by Zereshk — Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, Alpine is further east on the New Mexico border.

May 2, 1971: “Of the storing of the food for the famine, you had said earlier that the people in this location [Yuma, Arizona] shouldn’t store the food here. Is this still correct, and if it is, where should they place their food storage?”

We should say unto thee, a volcano shall erupt, and flow and divide, and this proportion shall be known as the valley of the sea and the division between the isles of California. Therefore, we would suggest that upon higher land in that proportion of Arizona of the mountains of the White should be safe. Therefore, we would suggest that that portion be used.

As you have noticed your longing for that which is called Round Valley, this shall be the Lord’s chosen spot for His people. Within time, all of thy groups should flow there, for as a river should flow. Can thy understand of which we speak?

“Yes, Aka, and along these lines, I have one short question. We are now storing dehydrated or freeze-dried foods; is this bad?”

This is good.

“Thank you.”

Image of Mount Baldy, Arizona, taken from a US Forest Service webcam. See White Moutains, Arizona. Mt. Baldy is also farther east than Young or Round Valley, Arizona, which are in Gila Country in central Arizona.

September 10, 1971: “Yes, Aka, [4–23–71–002] also asks, ‘In the reading of May 2nd in Yuma, you mentioned a valley which is the Lord’s chosen spot for His people.Was this valley Young valley near the town of Young, or Round valley in the White Mountains?’’

Young is an unincorporated community in Gila County, Arizona, United States. The population was 666 as of the 2010 census, up from 561 at the 2000 census.

We spoke, therefore, of two places, one of the Young valley, one of the Round valley.

Round Valley is near Payson, Arizona, and about 15–20 miles west-northwest of Young.

Thy should need in thy time other places. These should be given from time to time. But fear not. Before this time should come we should give of thee warning.

But for now, beware, for on your land now stands the Fourth Angel. [See the Revelation 6:7–8, 16:8–9.]

And remember of these words. “If we should tell thee of earthly things and thy cannot believe, then how should they believe of these things of heaven unto which we have told thee?” [See John 1:10–13, 3:2–21, 12:37–50.]

September 15, 1972: And we should say unto thee, blessed be that that is brought unto our Lord, and blessed be that that is given from our Lord. And for those who should choose to walk in our Father’s light, have they but one teardrop to shed, then all is in accord. But give that unto your Father that thy would give unto thyself. Give it in the same measure. For those who should walk alone, and be lonely, they shall never be alone, for our Father shall walk with them. All they must do is open the door and we shall pass through unto the same….

But we should say unto thee these words…there shall come upon your earth many changes of your seasons. And we shall provide for each of these. But as a tree should grow we have pruned this. Bear no one ill will, for only that that was done, was done at the will of our Father, which was written in the great Book should come in fulfillment. As we have said before, we are not great, we are but the messengers of our Father.

Can you understand of which we speak? Nay, not fully.

Then we should say in this manner, for all upon heaven and earth has been made in readiness. Have faith, for we are here but for one purpose, and that is to prepare a way for the coming of a Messiah. Have faith in your Father and He shall have faith in you. Give unto your Father glory and He should give it unto you. Give unto your Father love and He shall give it unto you. And the love of our Father shall be shown before all mankind, and proof shall be given of the same.

But give unto mankind glad tidings. For though your earth’s surface shall change, and though the Sword that should cut two ways shall be present, even in all of these things shall be the joy of His arrival upon your earth. For has not our Father promised unto thee a new heaven and a new earth? And so it shall be. But prepare within thyselves the valley of our Lord.

September 22, 1972:Yes, we see thy need, soul [5–7–72–004], and we should answer in this manner. Come walk on the water with us, and that of the past shall be forgotten, and that of the future shall be of abundance, and that of the children shall come into fulfillment. And we shall dwell in your house forever and ever. And you shall walk in the valley of our Lord with the children of God in this same manner.

November 10, 1972:You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. I have been interested in this meditation approach which a [10–10–72–002] has offered through the A.R.E. Is his approach to meditation something that would be beneficial, or should I stay with the approach I have been using? Is It all right to explore it; will it be beneficial?”

We cannot see this. We shall provide that that is needed, and we shall provide new things that are needed within your mind. Be patient, soul Paul, (chuckle) and soon your meditations shall come in fullness. We know you do not understand all that we have spoken, but you soon shall, for new thoughts are being sent, and soon these things that you should need shall be provided.

But we should answer your question first in this manner. You speak of meditation, yet you have grown near to God. And you have seen of our Father’s love. You have seen of the earth’s beauty. Then go forth into the valley of our Father within your mind and touch His hand and know that all is in truth.

March 23, 1973: “Aka, Soul John asks, ‘Is the White Mountain Ranch in Round Valley, or is it close enough to Round Valley to be a safe place to purchase for the storing of food and to live at the time of the famine? Also you mentioned Young and Round Valley.’”

Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer your question in this manner. It is not necessary to flee farther into the mountains. Where you stand is perfectly safe. [Globe, Arizona?]

Of this other land you’ve mentioned, this would be good for seed.

May 25, 1973: And we should say blessed be the lamb who should come before his Father in such a manner that his Father can look upon him, not in perfection, as you would think of it, but as a Father should look upon a child, who has fell down, but risen again in such a manner that he curses not his Father, nor his neighbor.

For as we have said in the beginning, for as there were firment and our Father found it good, and as those who were to enter did so, and our Father found it good, and there were harmony upon the earth, yet, if this was all our Father wanted, then it would have been as such. But our Father is proudest of His children that walk the many roads, that toil the many lands, that plant seed upon the earth, and plant the seed of themselves upon the earth. Yet, He sees them fall, and as they cry, so our Father cries. As they build, so our Father sees them in eyes of a delight. As they dream and bring their dreams into fulfillment, this is as it should be, for what Father should not be proud of His children. And as they bring their gifts of love before our Father, and as they stop along the way to help even the smallest of creature upon your earth, so it should delight our Father.

As we have said, your fields are now becoming ready for harvest and new planting. Plant upon all the Earth. Plant in the valleys; plant upon the mountains; plant in the rivers and streams; plant upon the ocean. Do so in a gentle manner.

Yet, we have not taken from you the means to protect yourselves. But use this protection in a wise manner, for no Father would hide that from His children of knowledge that He should possess. New knowledge shall now come forth, for in the days of Atlantis, and as the men and women of God stood forth, yet they possessed not the knowledge that you yourselves do today.

We have told you of the famine to come. Do not run around as hysterical children. Do not destroy those things that you have built. We shall guide you. Take each step in a sensible manner. But remember also the feeding of your families, the seeing to their needs, is just as important as the preparation for that time, and it is in part of itself.

For if a man should say unto himself, “The Lord, God, has told me of this time of famine; so eat not, my children, for we must save for this day.” And so he saved. And yet, the day of famine came, and the children had withered and died. So, he looked upon his storehouse, and he ate and slept and traded and bartered during the famine.

Yet, he looked upon a neighbor who had also prepared for the famine, and his neighbor’s children were healthy and happy. And he went unto the neighbor, and he said, “How could this be? How could you provide for the famine, and yet, your children are strong and healthy?”

And the neighbor looked upon this man and said unto him, “Our Father did say on us to prepare; but not to become hermits, not to provide the needs of our children, and not to provide the happiness with their hearts that was needed, and not to deprive ourselves of these things.”

And the man said, “But how could you do both?”

And the man said, “Walk with me unto my storehouse, and we shall see.”

And they walked with him into his storehouse, and there were many provisions. But within each of these were those things that this man could grow again. Within each of these were foods that he could eat from day to day as he stored.

And then the man said unto him, “Let us go unto your storehouse.” And yet this greedy man hesitated for anyone to see his treasure. But yet, because he sorrowed for his children’s death, they went unto his storehouse, and there they found each nook and cranny filled with much grain and much substance. But the neighbor did clear away the surface, and there he found many fat rats who had eaten all of his storage.

Now you say unto us, why should we say these words unto you? We speak in this manner. There shall be many who should come unto you and say, do this, and do that. Store this, and store that. You within your minds shall know of those things to store. But we say unto you, store not that that you could eat today, as well as tomorrow, but store that — first, in such a place that the rats cannot enter, second, in such a manner that it should last over a long period of time. And worry not that those should laugh at you for doing so, for remember, there were many who laughed at Noah….

Yet, if you should plant corn today, you would not go out and try to pick it tomorrow. Good corn takes many things. It takes the sun of the sky, the love of the earth, and the bountiful water of the soul to feed it. Yet, as the corn should grow, some that is not fitting should wither and die away, for that that should stay upon the earth must be able to withstand great pressures, high winds. It must anchor its roots firmly. Give this time of growth, yet use it in your time of teaching. Yet, we know you know not of what we speak. But yet, look into your body. Have we not placed within you the miracle of the Lord?

June 15, 1973: We see thy need. And we should answer in this manner.

As a man should travel across the desert, and as the sun should grow warm upon his head, and as his throat should become parched from thirst, and yet he should place a pebble within his mouth for moisture. The moisture he is seeking is that which has been in his body all along. Yet we say unto you in this way, in theses words. The knowledge each of you are seeking has laid dormant within your minds. Yet as the man in the desert, seek out the shade of a tree; seek out a brook, an oasis within the desert. Do these things within your mind. But do not do them to escape mankind, yet for the betterment of mankind.

Yet as the man whose thirst’s for water, upon sighting the water, he sees not the grass or the flowers, nor the sky. All he can see is that which he seeks, that which he himself needs. And so it be true within mankind as they seek out their spiritual development.

Each man should say, “I am this or I am that.”

Yet should another man say unto him, “Explain that which you are, that I too may understand,” the man should become angry. And his anger is only fear of himself, that he does not understand that which he claims to be.

If a man should seek his spiritual development and give not unto others, he has gained nothing unto himself. If a man should go unto the well at the spring, his arms could not carry all the water. Would he cover the well that no one else could share from this?

But we say unto you, as God placed man upon the earth in five places, that all of man through karmic lesson could learn that within the same of living together, of understanding and giving of knowledge unto each other, reach not for the mountaintop until you have understood the valley; reach not for the valley until you have understood the mountaintop.

June 22, 1973: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For as your Lord, God, has provided many ways for His children, of all creeds and colors, and all religions. Yet God did not place forth a temple upon the earth and place the many doors within it. Man has done so. God does not say unto His children, “You must enter by the back doorway.” Man has done so.

But go unto the valley of God. And there you shall find a restful brook. You will find all things there in tranquility. Yet, He did not take from you any part of yourselves, for if He did so, He would destroy Himself.

Yet, from His valley lies many doorways unto that which you should enter, each of your own free choice. Yet, do not be a hypocrite and enter the doorway of another, that it should make you great and famous only. You have many doorways within your lives. Some you shall open; some you shall close. Some you shall close forever and walk on, upward. But never close a doorway that another should choose to enter. Let each, through their own free choice, choose their doorway unto their Father and the doorway unto themselves. Force not upon your brother blindness and deafness.

We have told you before of light and sound, and how this may be used for the improvement of the body functions and the healing of the same. It may also be used for spiritual development. But each soul, each spirit and each immortal body must develop in their own light and that light that they stand before their God.

There shall be many who come to your doorway for knowledge, close it not. There shall be many who come to your doorway with knowledge, accept it freely as it is given and give of yours.

We should tell you the parable of the servant.

And the servant that served his master was never allowed to enter through the front doorway. And he served the master long and many years.

And then, one day within his tasks, he passed unto the other side. And not long after, in the same manner, his master passed upon the other side. Yet the servant woke, awoke from his sleep and went about his tasks upon the other side. Yet the master slept for many thousands of years before he could accept that of awakeness. Yet the first to greet him was his servant.

And the servant took him by the hand and led him into the temple of God. And there were many teachers within this temple. But as they approached the doorway, the master said, “You may not walk with me now, for you cannot enter the front doorway.”

The servant did not become angry. He stood and watched his master, and as his master walked forward, he could not enter this doorway.

Yet the servant walked past him through the doorway, and then turned unto his master.

And the master said, “I who have been higher than you, why does the Lord lock the doorway unto me?”

And the servant looked unto this one with sad eyes, and said unto him, “God does not block the doorway. You have done so with your own mind.”

The maser wandered on, there to learn many lessons.

And one day, once again he came back unto the same temple. And the servant stood outside of the temple. And the master said, “Would you walk with me unto the temple?” And so they did together.

Yet the temple was not a building, for the temple of God dwells within you. If you should destroy this temple, then you have destroyed part of God. If you should seek out the doorway within you, within your mind, then the light and sound shall complete. But each shall be done in their own way. Therefore, we say unto you, forgive first of yourselves, and then you shall find forgiveness unto others.

July 6, 1973: And we should say unto thee these words. As we have said before, thy have found the rock unto which the brook should flow — and that that should flow from the brook shall be the spirits of God — and the spirits shall flow into the river, and the river shall be the spirits of man — and the river shall flow unto your oceans, and as each pebble is separate and apart, so should be the souls of men be separate and apart, but yet, again it shall flow unto the many nations. It shall flow unto all tongues. It shall flow unto all mankind, for we are here but for one purpose, that in itself is the preparation for the coming of the Messiah.

And we say unto thee, as thy should plant a field…and go on to plant another, go back and weed each field. Do not become so busy that thy cannot weed the fields and cannot pick the grain that comes from that. Always remember from which you have come. If you may do this, you shall know where you are going. We have placed unto your hands this man whom you call the prophet, yet he is not great and we are not great, for we are all but humble servants before our Lord. Go unto the valley and pick the lilies. Share them with one another. Go unto the valley and pick the fruit and the berries that should grow wild there. But should the birds come, do not drive them away, for they must eat also. For what our Lord has provided, all may share. For did it not be said that the darkness shall be lifted, that the light should come through, and that knowledge should be shared by all of mankind. If you may do this, then your thousand years of peace are but of hand. Give forth the love of our Father unto one-tenth unto your fellow man.

But if you should go unto a desert, and therefore, find a well, and it is sweet and good unto taste, and yet, you should leave of this well, take some of the water with you and the memory of the water shall remain forever within your minds, your soul, your body, and the immortal body of the same.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

July 12, 1973: You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. [7–12–73–007] has asked, ‘Please give me some understanding of my future.’ She is here tonight.”

We should answer unto thee unto these words. Come from the forest unto the valley. Hide not thyself. Bring forth the beauty within the soul; let it flow unto mankind. Give unto it, unto thyself gracious thoughts.

Thy have thought in thy mind of a land unto which thy would like to dwell. Yet you have feared this land, that the destruction might come unto it. But as all things must begin and all things must end, yet there is no beginning and no ending, as you would know of it. A rose should bud, and yet it should wilter [wilt] away. Yet the bush that the rose came from should remain. So we say unto thee, while the rose is in blossom, take of the rose. Fear not of the time when it should go away, but enjoy it while you have it. But even that that should go beneath the sea shall rise again. And that that has been beneath the sea shall rise again.

July 13, 1973: And now we should say unto thee unto these words. For we shall tell thee the parable of the raindrop and the rose, and that of the wild rose that should grow upon the mountaintop, and of the angry man who climbed the mountain.

And he saw unto these roses, and he rushed forward and ripped and tore the bush from the mountain to carry it away with him. He did not ask permission of this plant, nor of the mountain, nor of his God. He stole away, as a thief in the night, this beautiful thing that God had placed forth for all of mankind to see.

But in doing so, many thorns had ripped his hands.

He went into the valley, there to drop the rose, the bush. And a small girl came forth and saw this beautiful thing starting to wilt. She took it up into her arms quite gently, and carried it to fertile soil by a brook, and with her hands she dug into the earth and placed each root gently, with love and care, and covered the roots with earth. And then she looked unto the heavens and said, “Oh, Father, please save the life of this beautiful thing that others may share its beauty.”

And God spoke back unto this little one with a teardrop in His eye, and He said unto her, “FIRST I SHOULD ASK UNTO YOU THIS QUESTION. CAN YOU FORGIVE THE ONE WHO RIPPED THE PLANT FROM THE MOUNTAINTOP?”

And she said, “Oh, yes, Lord; this I can do.”


And so the child sought out from place to place. And there she heard, in this small place hidden behind all other buildings, the moan of the man whose hands were swollen with infection, and bleeding.

And she went unto the man, and she said unto him, “Oh please, kind sir, let me heal unto your hands.”

The man began to laugh at her, and said, “What can a child do, that I who am so strong cannot do?”

The child wept — but not for pity, not for shame, but for his sorrow within his heart, for his anger within his heart.

And this one looked upon the tears that fell and reached out his bloody swollen hands, and her small hands encircled his. And his hands became whole. Yet hers retained the swelling and the blood and the pain.

And she said, “Thank you, sir. Now I must go.” And so she left and went back unto the plant.


And there she did as she was told unto the Lord. And the plant sprang forth new life, new beauty. And the rain began to fall.


And so we have told unto you the parable. But yet there is more.

For this rough man had stood and watched. And he ran before the little one to bow, and said, “I have seen unto this day a miracle.”

And the little one looked into his eyes, and said, “In truth, the plant was a miracle before you destroyed it. So there is no miracle that has been performed, except that unto the Lord.”

And the man said unto the little one, “How can you have such faith? Where does it come from? And how may I remove this mark of the Beast from my forehead?”

And the child pointed to the mind, and said, “From within — forgive of thyself, for you are the only one that should judge of thyself.”

July 17, 1973: And we should say unto thee, for those who should go to the forest to find our Father, there they shall find Him. For those who should go to the valley to find our Father, there they should find Him also. For those who should walk in the light of our Father, He shall walk with them. But for those who do not know the valley, yet in their own way do not know of the mountains, then our Father should walk with neither, for they have yet to find that which is sacred within them. But yet, should they open the doorway to that hidden place within their mind, then they may know of the mountains and they should know of the valley also, in the same manner. For that that should grow in the mountains should grow in the valley. It is not where they seek it, it is that that thy seek within thyself.

July 20, 1973: And we should tell unto thee the parable.

And upon an ugly rock amongst the beautiful forest there sprung, therefore, a young tree. And the tree grew tall and mighty. And the other trees looked unto it and said unto themselves, “How can this be, that this tree, so huge, could grow and place its roots unto the rock?” Yet as days passed and years passed, all the other forest died away, and yet, the mighty tree stood and recorded time, for in each circle within itself there was a larger circle.

And so it has been with all religion through time. But there is a core within the tree. And without the core, the tree would die, and so would all that that has surrounded it.

And so we say unto you unto these words. As man walks upon the valleys and hills, should he remove the core from himself, then the soul should wither and die away and become lost and unto him nothing.

July 22, 1973: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. For as the water should flow unto the land, and therefore, bring ferment into the same, and as the flowers should grow unto the valley, and bring beauty unto the eyes of man — and as the water should flow and the fields should grow, the water should go unto the earth, and therefore, unto the underground water of the same. And the water should form unto lakes, and rivers. All of these things, are they things that thy cannot see with thy eyes, unless thy drill beneath the earth?

And so it should be the same with the soul and the spirit of man. What thy should see upon the surface is not always necessarily so. Reach beneath the surface of both thyself and unto others. And as the water that thy should bring forth from the well that thy should dig and bring beauty unto the desert land, so should you bring beauty forth in the same manner by, therefore, bringing forth the soul and the spirit and the immortal body of the same.

September 15, 1973: Yes, we see thy need. And therefore, we should answer in this manner. For blessed be the wheats that should grow upon the earth that should feed God’s children.

Yet we shall tell thee a parable, the parable that came forth within the beginning — the parable of the flower that should grow upon the desert.

Yet it was placed there but of one kind. And as it looked upon the earth, all it could see were cactus, but none of its own kind. And at first the flower thirst, for the water was sparse. And it thought into itself, “How can I grow in such a place where water does not flow?” But yet, as time passed it learned to store the water, the small amounts, that which would drop from the heavens. And therefore, it had learned that the Lord should take care of its needs.

But yet, it was lonely for others of its own kind.

For the others looked upon it and said, “What a strange lot is this? It is a beautiful flower, but it does not belong among us, for we also produce beautiful flowers, but in our own way. But not in the way of this plant.”

And the plant grew into adulthood. And as it produced forth the seed that should come from the flowers, its thoughts were, “How can I reproduce myself? My seed shall go upon the ground and be wasted.”

But yet the wind came, and the bees that picked up the pollen and took it elsewhere and brought it to and forth. And soon, its own kind grew from beneath the ground.

Yet the old plant looked upon these young ones that were born and took the desert as a natural thing and still could not understand even their thoughts. But now that there were more than one, the other plants had accepted it.

Yet all of its needs had been taken care of; it still wanted the valleys, the green grass, and the tall trees which lay within its memory and the memory before the memory.

And so it should be with mankind who should be cast, for within each soul and each spirit shall lie the memory of all lifetimes, and all memory.

But the plant had forgotten one thing, that as it had been cast from the earth and cast from the likeness of God’s own flowers, it too was of God. And though it be a stranger in a strange land, God looked there and saw its needs, and provided also.

Though our parable may sound strange, and though the meaning shall take a time for you to understand, find the meaning within the same, and you shall find no strangers in your home. And you shall find no stranger within yourself, for the body of man is the temple of God. Destroy it not. Though man may harm your body, none can harm that secret place that hides within the mind, into which the soul should dwell, where the candle is lit. None but yourselves can do this, for God has given unto thee free choice. He did so unto the flower.

But do also unto yourself as you would unto others. In your daily lives that should be so busy, stop but just for a moment, and think of all needs God has taken care of for you.

September 28, 1973: Yes, we see thy need. And we should answer in this manner. For we should tell unto thee the parable of the land of plenty and the horn of plenty.

For within this land all great substance grew, many fruits and many vegetables, much timber and coal and oil that flew [flowed] from the ground. At first, when the people entered this valley they gave thanks unto the Lord for the abundance that He had placed forth for them.

But as the days passed and went into years, they soon forgot to give this thanks unto the Lord. They forgot unto which they had come. And the rumor came forth that the horn of plenty was running out, that less oil was flowing from the ground, that the coal was running out and could not be dug from beneath the ground, that the timber was being used up, that the fields were not as bountiful as should be. And so each in turn ran out to gather and hide for themselves all of these things.

Yet there was one, one old man among them, who remembered what the Lord had provided, and he went about his way. Instead of hoarding, he gave unto others.

And [then] the land did dry up, and the wind blew against the earth and made it sparse. And the rains did not come. Yet the old man continued to tend his flocks and give unto others. And yet, his flock was fat.

The others suspected the old man of practicing witchcraft. The others suspected the old man of hoarding foodstuff. And so they plotted to follow him. And the old man went far into the meadow unto the mountain. And there he knelt in prayer. And as he prayed, they rushed forth to seize him. But as they seized him the mountains roared and the skies opened.

And the old man looked up and said, “Forgive them, Father, for they are but children; they know not what they do.”

The people became frightened and released the old man, and he went back into prayer. And as he prayed, bread was placed before them, fruits and vegetables of all kinds.

And so they learned from the old man that the Lord that had giveth could taketh away. But in truth, He did not taketh away, for the Lord had given unto them free choice. They with their own free choice had taken all of the beauty and bounty of the valley away.

They returned back unto their own land, and therefore, went into counsel.

At first, the children went forth unto the old man, and said, “Oh, master, teach unto us these prayers thy know unto the God that is so gentle and kind and gives [love] unto His children” And so, the old man gave forth his teachings. Second, the women came forth, and some of the men.

But yet there was one who stayed back and said, “I shall observe. When the time is right I shall strike and kill unto this old man, and take his power from him, and then I shall have power over the people.”

And so he waited his chance. As the old man went forth for his daily prayer, he came forth with a knife to strike him in the back and kill him. And so he thrust the knife deep into the flesh.

Yet the old man rose and looked upon him, and tears ran from his eyes. And as they struck the earth, rain fell from the heavens, and the valley below was restored back unto its kind.

Yet the old man said unto these words, “My prayer was unto the Lord that He restore the valley and a place for people to live. You have destroyed this flesh, this shell unto which I have lived, yet I live on, for I go now unto my Father’s mansions. Yet before I go, I forgive thee. Now go forth and find a place that you may forgive yourself.”

And so as the parable, therefore, find the truth within each of you from the words we have spoken.

June 29, 1974, Globe, Arizona [the third Annual Meeting]:Yes, we see thy need. And we should say unto you, unto thee unto this manner. Blessed be the name of the Lord. For the Lord, God, has seen, and we have seen.

We say unto you that all things our Lord has seen He has give glory unto, for this is the day of joiceand rejoice, both upon heaven and upon the earth. For we have seen you cast aside your grievances. We have seen you build together and become as one.

A house divided cannot stand. The house is no longer divided, for it stands.

Now we shall say unto you, more hands shall be needed to do unto the work that we shall bring forth unto you, for now we shall lead thee from the river into the oceans. We shall open the doors that have been closed. Your work shall be praised by many.

We shall remind you in this manner. As we are the servants of God, as we are teachers, remain as such. There have been many that the gifts have been offered to who have thought themselves as gods and closed the doorway unto their Father. Leave your doorway open. Let the multitudes come forward. Place forth now this Rose without Thorns.

Your media, your television, your radio, your newspapers, all shall be set in motion. We have already started the thoughts into many minds that the way should be prepared.

Some shall come unto you and take. Some shall come unto you and give. Remember in these words, that a gift, a true gift, is giving without expecting anything in return. Let the words we have given unto you flow now freely. Do not be hypocrites. Do not flaunt yourselves in such a manner that you should disgrace yourselves and your God.

For the Lord, God, gave unto you the Ten Commandments. And Moses, on his return from the mountain did see his people in idol worship and did cast the stones, therefore, unto the people. Yet, that day the Lord, God, learned from Moses, as He has learned from His children. But a true teacher should always learn from their students.

But even though the tablets were cast unto the flames, He brought forth the Cherubim.

Now we say unto you, now is the time of the Cherub.

Now is the time of the great Sword that should cut two ways. The land should become parched and hard and dry. And fire should consume much of the land. Earthquakes, tornados, hurricanes, shall ravish the land.

We have given thee a way to prepare for this. But we say unto you, do so, yet in a sensible manner. Do not be as the man who was so busy storing that he forgot to plug the holes that the rats should come in and eat what he had stored.

Build upon this foundation we have given unto you. Become that within yourself as the Seven Spirits of God upon the earth. Build forth a new earth and a new heaven, and all shall rejoice.

Fear not, that though chaos may be around you. We have seen to your needs as we promised in the beginning. Your wants and your needs are two different things. Your needs shall be provided as raindrops upon the desert. Yet they shall be provided for.

Cherish within your heart this day. Let none forget the vows they have taken.

We have placed in your hands this one thy call soul Ray — not by chance, not by accident, but by purpose. We have cast him into the fire, and led him through the fields of temptation.

And now he is ready, for we have made from him our Sword. The steel is fine and sharp.

Our Lord says, “GLORY UNTO THEE.”

But yet, we have told thee the Messiah is born upon the earth. Yet we can still not take him from his hiding, lest he be slain, for Lucifer lurks nearby to devour him from his mother’s womb. [See The Revelation, chapter 12.]

Each step thy take shall be a step closer to your thousand years of peace and plenty. Each step you take shall build the temple of God in man.

There are those who have said vows and those who have not said vows. Yet we see in thy hearts the strength of all — leste she not be here [1–21–72–002].

We should tell unto thee the parable of the man and the boy who walked upon the hillside.

And as they approached a valley they saw before them wild dogs. Each was playful into their selves. But one was chasing its own tail.

And the boy looked at his father, and said, “Father, why should the dog chase its tail?”

And the father said unto the boy, “For he chases his tail out of pleasure. He sees not what is at the right of him or to the left of him. All he can see is the end of his tail.”

The boy looked and thought upon this. And he said unto his father, “But why should he do such as this?”

And his father says, “For he knows not where he has been; therefore, he knows not where he is going.”

And suddenly the dog caught his tail and bit it, and howled quite loudly.

And the boy looked at his father and said, “Father, why has the dog bitten his tail?”

And the father said, “He did not know it was his own tail he was chasing, and therefore, when he caught it he bit upon it. But he thinks that it is another dog that is biting his tail, and so therefore, he bites harder in revenge and hatred.”

Upon hearing the loud howl, the other dogs grew curious and came forward. And they too started biting the dog’s tail, until they were all biting one another.

And the boy was greatly confused and he said unto his father, “Why are all of them fighting?”

And the father said unto the son, “For you see, my son, hatred and revenge can only destroy those who should hate. But people are much like the dog. When one is wounded they feel he is weak, and therefore, they try to dominate him. Because of their jealousies they want that which another possesses.”

And the boy looked farther beyond the dogs, and there stood three coyotes — a female, a male, and a young pup. And they watched the wild dogs, much as the boy was.

And the young boy said unto himself, “Father, I shall never be as the dog. I shall be as the coyote.”

And the father looked at him and said, “Why should you wish to be as the coyote?”

And the boy said unto his father, “For they have learned from our God. They love one another. They do not chase their tails. They do not fight, and tear themselves apart to steal from another, for they know where they are going, for they know where they have been.”

Our words may seem as riddles, yet we speak them not for idle conversation.

Within each of you we have bestowed certain gifts. These gifts, as A Rose without Thorns, should mature and blossom. Take jealousy from thy hearts. Accuse not lest ye be accused. Judge not lest ye be judged. We say unto you, restore the Tablets in their original form.

When we first came unto you we said there was a chain of Thirteen that had been broken many times upon the earth, and each attempt to build it, it had been broken again. [See Acts, chapters 1 and 2.]

Build it once again upon the earth, and peace shall come upon the earth. And where no rivers have flown rivers shall flow. You lands shall no longer be parched, but shall blossom forth and bear fruit.

Give forth love, as the waters of the river should give forth life.

Give forth hope, as the raindrops should fall upon the desert.

Give forth faith, as a plant should have the faith from seedling to grow into maturity.

For those who ask for healing in our Father’s name, it shall be given. For we shall heal, not only the body, but the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body, that all may come in accord with the same.

But we say unto you, for those who can give, let them give. For those who have but one teardrop to shed for our Father’s light, it shall be enough.

Glory be the name of the Lord.

Now is the time of the Cherub.

April 26, 1975:Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner, in this way.

For we should tell the of the parable of the shepherd of the pasture and the shepherd of the hill.

For the shepherd of the pasture [and] the lowlands had grazed his flock for many a day upon the green meadows, and the shepherd of the highland had grazed his flock upon the meadows in the mountaintops. And for seven years both flocks had flourished.

And the shepherd of the mountaintop did dream, and in his dream he saw three lean sheep and three fat sheep. And he saw the creeks turn bright red with blood. When he awoken from his dream he was much frightened. But he knew not who to speak to. And so he knelt and prayed. And in his prayer he said unto the Almighty, “Oh, Lord, I know You have spoken to me in my dream, but I do not understand this that you have given unto me.”

And the shepherd in the valley, he did dream. And he dreamed of three fat sheep and three lean sheep, and he saw the river and the lake run blood-red also. And he awokened and was afraid. And he did pray unto the Lord.

And he did so for three days and three nights. And so did the shepherd of the hills.

And upon the third day, an eagle appeared unto both. And the eagle of the valley flew unto the mountaintops. And the eagle of the hills flew unto the valley. And the shepherd of the valley did interpret that he should move his flock unto the mountains for protection. And the shepherd of the hills did interpret that he should move his flock unto the valley.

As they move forward, they met at the crest of the hill, and each told unto the other their story and their dream. And then before them an eagle appeared again, but the eagle turned into man. At first they were both frightened. And he said unto them, “Fear not, for you have prayed unto the Lord for one who has suffered as you are suffering. And so, the Lord has sent me forth to guide your footsteps, not to take your place as shepherds, but that you may become better shepherds.”

And each said unto this one, “But we saw the eagle fly, one unto the mountains and one unto the valley, and we interpret this to move our flock, and we did so.”

And the one who appeared before them said unto them, “Nay. Tell of me your dream.”

And each told of their dream.

And he said unto them, “For there shall be three lean years, but first there shall be three fat years. And the water shall turn red, for then, from the sparse land the rain shall come and wash the water and turn it red and the ground shall erode. But after this time has passed the water shall settle and clear. But you must go unto the valley, both of you, and make a storehouse. And you must go to the mountains and make a storehouse. And you must dig a tunnel into the mountain and divert a creek into the mountain that the water may run, and therefore, store in your days of need. But we say unto you, you must act as one, for should you quarrel there shall be no storehouses at all.”

And so they commenced their task, and they did gather grain and wheat and grasses of all kinds and did make great storehouses. And they did dig into the mountain and create a waterway into the same. And the three years passed very rapidly, yet they worked hand in hand.

And when they finished their task the three fat years has passed. And they began to dispense their food unto their flock, but they began to quarrel over which flock should drink first.

The one from the mountaintop said unto the valley, “We have dug this into the mountain and the mountain, therefore, belongs to me, and my sheep should drink first.”

The one from the valley said unto him, “But my labor went into the digging, so my sheep should [drink] first. And most of the hay we stored came from my valley.”

And as they quarreled, their sheep did wander away, looking for water because they stood before it and the sheep could not get to it. And one by one the sheep were scattered.

When they stopped arguing and turned, they saw the sheep were gone. So each struck out on their own to gather their sheep, and along the way they found many dead. When they returned, each returned with three lean sheep.

And as they entered the water way the eagle did appear again in front of the water way, and said unto them, “You have heeded not our warning. You have taken not the help we offered and you prayed unto the Lord to receive. Therefore, you have lost your flock but three. Now we say unto you, should the flock rebuild, bring it together as one, and act not as two shepherds, but one shepherd. Let your flock mingle together, drink together and eat together, breed together, and the flock shall replenish itself. For those who have passed on but wait for new entries into the body substance and they shall become the seed of your new flock. But do not be so foolish again.”

And so the shepherds started to build once again. And the flocks did increase very rapidly, for they had much food. And in three years, the lean years had passed and the shepherds decided to split their flock and one go back to the valley and one go back to the mountains. And once again they began to argue. And the sheep were unattended. And the wolf did come and attack the flock, and many sheep died and many were frightened off of the mountaintop and into the lakes and drownded. And when they finished their argument once again they turned to find their sheep, each going in his separate way, and they did return with three sheep each.

They were fat sheep, and the sheep had gluttoned themselves to where they could not [breed].

And once again the eagle did appear before them, and said unto them, “Once again you have droven your flock away.”

And both of the shepherds knelt down before him.

And he said, “Kneel not unto me, kneel unto the Lord, your God. For you must be able to forgive yourselves, and the Lord, God, shall forgive unto you. But when you arise, let you arise as one, or the Lord, God, shall find new shepherds.”

And so, as they arose, they arose as one. And once again, for three year they did mingle their crop, this time never to divide. And the crop did coveth the land. And the shepherds did prosper, and the sheep did prosper.

Now we say unto you, the parable we have told unto you is a parable of your time. We have told you before that where no water flowed water would flow, that that was desert that should bloom forth into gardens, that that that was forest and where the green meadows grew would become deserts. The time is at hand, the erosion of the land.

We have told you within the parable of that that has happened before within your organization — because of your quarrels, because of your non-unity.

We are here but for one purpose and that purpose shall be the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. We are here to give healing into the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body of man. We are here to prepare a way. Heed our words, or your land shall see three-thousand years of darkness, not as you should count, but as our Lord should count, and each day should be as a thousand years.

May 24, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord.

For we shall tell unto thee the parable of the three young priests from the three different religions, that stood beneath the mountain, and wagered which would reach the mountain top first. And as they did begin the race to the top of the mountain, each strained and did his hardest and his best.

Yet one reached the mountain top shoulders lengths before the other two. And he said unto them, “Then my religion shall be the strongest before the God of One.”

And the other two looked unto each other and thought unto themselves, “How can this be? Yet we have wagered and we have lost. And yet, have we lost all?”

And then before them appeared the Seven Spirits of the Lord.

And they looked upon the Seven Spirits and said, “How can this be?”

And the Seven Spirits spoke back as one, “For our Father has many mansions; each is no greater than another, much as your choice of religions, your way to worship your Lord. It cannot be determined by a strength of the arm or the leg, nor the swiftness of the eye. It must come from within.”

Then the three priests, young priests, said unto the Seven Spirits, “But which of our religions is a true religion?”

And the Seven Spirits said unto them, “All three are true. If you are true unto yourself and unto your heart, and unto your soul, and unto the spirit, then truth from within shall come from without, and all shall see. But never take another man from his religion. This is his choice, the free choice given unto him by our Lord, God, in the beginning. The Lord, God, did not place into man’s heart the way to worship Him. And He did not ask for worship, only for love.”

Then the youngest of the priests said, “Then why do we pray out loud?”

And the Seven Spirits spoke back unto him, and said, “For when you pray within, you are showing your praise unto the Lord unto yourself. But when you pray out loud you are showing your praise, unshamed, unto the Lord and His children, for nothing should be hidden from Lord’s children.” And they said, “Look and behold.”

And before them there stood the one known as the Buddha; another stood next to him as Mohammad, yet another and another. And yet, between them all stood the one known as Jesus of Nazara.

And Jesus of Nazara spoke back, and he said, “These are my brothers and these are my sisters; for I was the firstborn, and yet I came unto you to say these words, for nothing shall be hidden, for a wise father should hide nothing from his children. Did I not say unto you, ‘Destroy this temple and I shall rebuild it in three days?’ Then behold and look around and about you, and you shall see the temple of God. And look from within you and you shall see the temple of God.”

And so was the resurrection brought forth in truth unto all three of the priests.

And the three priests stood upon the mountain, and all vanished before their eyes and they felt humble.

And the first priest who had reached the top said, “We shall go from the mountain into the valley and tell the people of the wonderful things we have seen. But we shall go forth as one, each into all of our religions, that not one, but all may share, and that way in truth we shall be the servants of God, for we shall feed His children.”

July 12, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For we shall say unto thee the parable of the valley.

And the valley was green and abundant. And the rains came and the sun did shine, and all fruits and vegetables of many kind did grow in this valley. And the people knew not of disease or famine, or pestilence.

And they feared, therefore, to travel beyond mountain for fear that they would lose that that they had. Yet a lad came among them from the other side of the mountains, and he did tell them of the great cities and the great craft that flew in the air. He did tell them of the many wonders, of the electronics and the electrical lights. He did tell them of the many things he had learned upon his journey.

And, one by one and two by two they did leave of the valley. Yet he remained on.

And then one day an elder came unto him and said, “You have come to tell us of the wonders beyond our valley. Why do you not leave, and go back into these wonders?”

And he looked upon the elder and said unto him, “For I have searched all of my life for such a place as this. This is the greatest wonder of all. There is no war here, nor want. There is work for all. There is food for all. No one becomes sick in your valley. What more of the abundance of life could God give?”

And the elder said unto him, “Then why did you come forth to tell your stories that our youth should climb these mountains and disappear?”

And the young man said unto the elder, “For Utopia lies in many forms. It is where you find it. For me it is this valley. For them it could be the cities and all they contain. For is it not so that each of us should be different, as the leaves of a tree? You here have many gifts, the gift to use your mind to heal, to bring forth the abundance of crops, to bring forth the rain and the sunshine. I would stay here and learn of these things.”

And the elder said unto him, “Will then you leave of the valley?”

And he said unto them, “Yes, then I shall leave of the valley.”

And so the days and years did pass. And one day he ventured forth into the cities. There he met many who had left the valley. Some had fared well, some not so well. But he asked each in turn how they did in these great cities. And all answered in the same manner, “For we have come into the city, yet the people fear of us. Why is this so?”

And he said into them, “For the same reason they shall fear of me. For they fear of you because you were that of God’s chosen people, and they fear that you might make changes. They would destroy of you, and your valley.”

And all said, “Then we should return back unto our own kind, for there is not the word, fear.”

And they beckoned him to come forth with them, and he said, “Nay, I shall remain, for I shall remain as a shepherd. For there shall be more who shall venture forth from your valley, and I shall be here as their shepherd to guide them, that they shall not be alone.”

And we say unto you, for those with the gift of the psychic who feel so alone, you say unto us, “Why should our gift be any different than the gift to sing or the gift to compose? Why should people look upon our gift and fear us in such a manner?”

And we should answer in this manner. For the gift was given unto all. Yet for those who could accept and [expound] upon such, and develop this gift, they shall be placed before mankind that mankind shall always know that God should exist.

And we should say unto you, of The Psychic Gift Before the Dawn, it should be brought forth in such a manner that the world should look upon this gift without fear. For those who should write of the gift, let them go unto those who know soul Ray as a child. Let them interview both of his friends and his parents, and his relatives, that they might seek a greater knowledge of the inner person in the writing of the same, and therefore, they shall know from what they are writing about.

August 2, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. As we have said before, the great Sword stands poised above you. The Sword shall cut two ways. It shall make the divisions within the land. Where no water was, water shall be; where deserts lay, gardens shall grow.

But we say unto you unto these words. Hurricanes and tornados shall plague the land. Prepare thyselves for such.

But we say unto you, abundance and harvest has been placed at your doorstep. Bring these forth. Your desert and your mountains are but pastures for your feedings. Gather now, for soon shall be the lean years. Gather in abundance. The food has been provided, as was provided for Moses and his people.

We say unto you, as the laws of the Lord were handed unto Moses, it should say unto you, “Thy shall not kill.” Prepare, therefore, in such a manner that thy should covet not that that belongs to thy brother, but thy should be able to give unto thy brothers. But stand firm. Give unto that that thy may be able to give. But thy people must survive. That the work must go on, we shall provide that that is necessary for all. Fear not.

We shall tell unto thee of the parable, the parable for the time of preparation.

For the prophet did come unto the land and say unto the people, “Prepare now. Bring forth your storages of many forms — of food, of medications, of tools, that these may be used in the time of need.”

The people did scoff upon him. Yet a few did listen and they did prepare their storehouses. The others went forth wasting in a continuing manner all that was provided for their storage. In the fields and in the valleys grew abundance of food. They did not harvest it.

And then came the times of drought, [a] famine did strike upon the earth. The few that had gathered began to feed their people.

Those that had not gathered at first were sorry that they had not prepared. And then they became lustful and did prepare to covet that that belonged to their brother.

At first, their brothers gave that which they could, keeping that aside to feed their own. And they did dig wells, and they did build dams to catch the sparse water. And they did turn forth their seed to plant new land.

Yet those who should not prepare stood idle, and yet demanded food. And those who had prepared and were working said, “If you should not work, you shall not eat.”

And so those who had not prepared plotted, therefore, to kill those who had. And they did come forth into the fields that were planted. And the fields were lush and ready for harvest. And they decided to burn the crop, and therefore, to burn the people. But the wind did shift and devour them.

Now we say unto you, was it what you would call luck, or was it that the people who had prepared had prepared more than just food and provisions? They had prepared their minds in such a manner to control the element.

If you should store, we have said to store knowledge. This is the source of knowledge.

For you, who should think our words are idle and such could never be done, we should say unto you, such folly.

For you, who should hear our words and seek the wisdom, the knowledge shall be provided. We have brought forth in preparation for this time, and implanted the knowledge that is needed in soul Ray’s mind for the teaching of the same.

You soon shall start your college sessions. This is good, but yet, not enough. We say unto you, should you prepare, more teachers, more study sessions should be necessary.

If a fire can consume, so it can protect. Build the fire with your minds in such a manner that as one [twig] should stand it can be broken easily, but [as] many stand together they cannot be broken at all.

Soon, we have provided the way that new water storage shall be made available — in soul Ray’s mind he has long planned a thing of pleasure, yet it should serve a dual purpose. Within the planning he has also planned the means to purify the water that should lie within the pool and build a structure above the same. The structure shall serve into two purposes, a shelter for the water, and a greenhouse for the plants.

So we should say unto you, gather your harvest. Prepare, therefore, to gather of the mesquite bean. Clean your crushers, that the mesquite may be crushed first, and then brought forth and placed into the grinding unit. Prepare that the sun, with the use of the nylon screening, can be used for drying decks. Sell not of your honey, except within your own organization, that it may be stored in [the] like manner. The harvest shall be good.

Prepare both axe and hoe that the ground may be tilted [tilled?].

Emergency generator systems should be brought forth. These may be obtained through your war surplus purchases.

As the land should continue to crumble in the land of California, many shall flee the land, both jobless and without food. For those who are willing to work, accept them into your fold. For those who are not, let them pass on. But do not be, and divert yourselves back, to that of an armed camp. Prepare in such a way — your ammunition shall be sparse; therefore, we say unto you, take forth and bring forth that of the crossbow. Do so now.

You have other questions, ask.

“Aka, do you have any advice as to how best to deal with the acorns, for human consumption, that are in abundance now?”

The acorns should be gathered, and therefore, treated with salt, crushed — after the treatment and the drying process is done, treated in a salt solution, crushed, and then, therefore, prepared for storage.

“Do these contain too much tanin for safe consumption?”


“Should they be leached?”

They should be leached in the salt solution, and then dried and then crushed.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, [6–284–3] asks if you have suggestions regarding the fuels that we should store — types and amounts?”

The fuel should be stored in as great a quantity of wood as possible. Gasoline shall be made available. Butane shall also be made available. But wood is your greatest asset. The storing of charcoal is also a necessity for the working of metals. There are abundance of coal deposits nearby. These should be sought out and located. There are certain plants, desert plants that should contain oil. They grow in abundance in your area. The oil should be extracted and stored. These can be made readily into fuel of many types if they are brought forth at correct Fahrenheit of the same in the leaching manner.

“Are you referring to the Jojoba?”


All that is needed is but around you.

Your efforts should be [stemmed] throughout your newsletter. But as we have said before, there will be many who shall not listen. Let those who should join together do so. Lay your days aside that storage in the right commodities can be gathered, processed, and stored, in the proper commodities.

November 1, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. For as ferment should become ferment, and life should become life, as the seed is brought forth, from that point unto the beginning of all time so has it been in the eyes of the Lord, your God.

We say unto you, hark, for we bring not unto thee the tidings thy wish to hear. We have spoke unto thee before of the coming of the famine, and we have told unto thee the time is now, and we have said unto thee a part of your book of Revelations.

As we have told you before, the city of New York would fall and crumble, therefore, unto dust. And for those who would trade with her, they shall back away and look at her. And so shall be the beginning of a new beginning. [Editor’s note: see the April 17, 1972 and June 2, 1972 readings.]

If you run in fear as you see one great city upon another fall, then fear is all that you will have. We say unto you, stand fast, for much as your phoenix bird that should rise from the ashes, so shall the civilization of man in this land rise once again.

We have told you before of a government within a government, and so it has become. [Note: See the August 28, 1974 reading.]

Your inflationary depression walks hand in hand with your Fifth Angel, that now walks upon the ground, and man should wallow in its pity.

For those of you who should fall, yet not rise, there shall be no more. But for those who shall stand, fall, and stand again, the storm should soon pass over and beyond them. And the country should rise in strength once again. We have said unto you that these years should be lean years.

And now we shall say unto soul Ray unto the interpretation of the dream of the same. For he saw before him that of a giant, and many stood beneath the giant, including himself. And he felt kinship to the giant, as though the giant was his other self. And the giant did seek forth a craft, ship, and was told that all the ships in the harbor lay sunk, and the harbor was blocked. And he did go forth, and there find a skull on the hull of the boat. And he did rise into the craft, and therefore, turn on the water, and the water gushed forth, pure and clean. In his mind he thought the water must have been that that had destroyed the civilization.

We shall explain in depth. There shall come hurricanes and tornadoes upon the land as it has never seen before. And the hurricanes shall bring forth tidal waves into immense proportion. And cities shall vanish from the earth. And the debris of the cities and the ships which would carry them on their journey shall vanish.

Therefore, as the water should flow, so should be the answer, for the answer shall be in that of the immortal body of men, the true self.

There will be those who shall rush around and destroy not only themselves but many others. Now is not the time to panic. Now is the time to gather yourselves in the greatness of yourselves. And you shall find the strength that shall lie there forth in the group forms. We shall say once again, your salvation, your strength shall come in your group forms, that of being able to rely upon your brother, and your brother being able to take count of you. But from it all shall sprout a Rose without thorns. [Editor’s note: a rose without thorns is said to symbolize the birth of coming of the Messiah.]

You have questions, ask….

“One moment, Aka. From [7–320–1…Salem, Oregon], and she asks, ‘How can I best prepare for the times of destruction that will be happening in the earth, and is this a safe place?’”

We shall say unto you, nay, that unto which you dwell is not a safe place. We shall say unto you, there shall be places upon the earth that safety of the body shall be provided. One of such shall be this land. And other of such shall be certain proportions and parts of this land. [Note: Globe and other parts of Arizona.] Another shall be parts of that of the land of Colorado, but only certain sectors because of the volcanic action of the same.

We have answered your first question in the first of the reading.

December 13, 1975: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Should a man walk into the galaxies and planetary system, much as you would walk upon the earth, you shall find new life in many places.

Life begot life.

Yet there are many who should seek to find what they would call their higher spiritual self. We say unto you, the most important thing a man may find is himself, his true self, and find, therefore, in the hidden valley, within the mind, the quiet place that dwells within. And go, therefore, and you shall find a candle that shall burn as the star of Bethlehem, for through the birth of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, and the resurrection of the same, brought forth life, not death. This is why we have shown you the Tree of Life and the beauty within the same.

We have come to you to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah upon your earth. But it should not touch but your earth, but the worlds upon worlds who have waited anxiously for this time that should approach, for then the earth shall join many other planetary systems in its rightful place. And seven crowns shall prevail as the Seven Spirits of God. We say unto thee, that first there were five and then there were seven, and seven did enter, and so did come forth your Jesus of Nazara.

Blessed are those who seek knowledge. Blessed are they who would give of such. Blessed is they, through their knowledge should feel the humility of the true God.

Soon a new teacher shall be added to the fold. This is good as it should be.

We say unto you, should you prepare for the coming of the Messiah, should you prepare for the famine, should you prepare, we say unto you, before you store your food and grain, store within your hearts the love that shall be needed in this time. Prepare within yourself, that you should know of him who we have come to prepare the way.

There shall be many who shall prophesy. There shall be many who should speak of the Lord in this time. We say unto you, our Father has many mansions. Each within itself is great to behold. But the kingdom of God, the temple of God, shall always lie within man, for you are God, and all you touch shall be part of Him, for you are the seed of His seed. Glory be the name of the Lord, our God.

Aka spoke in a parable, June 19, 1976, of a temple of God in a valley: And we shall unto thee unto this manner, for we shall tell thee the parable of the cathedral.

For long ago there was a king. He was a harsh king. Yet, within himself he justified each of his means by saying that his justice was God’s justice. In his later days he became afraid of the blasphemy he had placed on God and man, and he said unto himself, “Then I shall build a cathedral unto the Lord.”

And he sent for his builders, and he said unto them, “The cathedral I shall build, there shall be none larger. Go forth and find me ground in my kingdom that has stood forth against all of nature’s elements.”

And so they ventured forth, each seeking and separating into different proportions of the kingdom. At last they came together upon a knoll that lay within a valley. But there they found what they had sought, but the peasant people had built a small church. And they did drive out the peasants and say, “This is not your place to worship, but the king’s.”

And so, the king sought throughout the Earth for the best and the finest of building materials. And the great cathedral was built unto the Lord. Yet, even in the beginning as they dug the foundation that was to be laid, they found many old structures beneath. When they were sure of themselves they began to build the cathedral. Upwards and upwards it went, day by day. No labor was spared; many slaves were used, and much blood and heartache was spilt upon the land.

And then the day of completion had come forth, and the king did venture forth unto his cathedral, and he did kneel there before a statue of the one known as Jesus of Nazara. And he said, “Behold, for this cathedral I have given unto my God.”

And the earth did tremble beneath him, and the great statue crushed him.

The builders fled, but the peasants, the working people stayed. And as the clouds of dust melted away, there stood a simple cathedral built by the hand of God. And they knelt there in prayer.

And a voice did come unto them and say these words, “FOR THE TEMPLE I BUILD IS WITHIN MAN, NOT IN A BUILDING. FOR THAT THAT YE SHALL SOW, SO SHALL YE REAP.”

And as the peasants and the working people did go about their day-to-day duties, the thieves came, those who had been the trusted ones of the king, for they thought he had buried great treasure.

And the new king, which was his son, did come. And he sought there to find the treasure of his father. And he said, “I shall rebuild this cathedral.” Yet try as they might, each time they laid a brick it did fall again.

The young king looked around about him, for his days in the valleywere long. He began to know the people, see them, and see their needs. And he went forth unto his builders, and said unto them, “Clear this land and all its building material. Leave the small cathedral, this is the work and the hand of God. But we shall build beside it a hospital, a place of healing, a place of learning, and it shall be free unto all the people.

And then he did bring forth unto him all of his wise men, and he said unto them, “Venture forth unto the Earth, and bring back those [who knew] are the wisest of agriculture, for I shall feed my people.” And he did do of such.

And the land became bountiful and plenty. And so a king became a king. And so as he spoke, he spoke the words of God.

The cathedral that you build must be in your hearts. The finest in riches, God does not need these. God only asks to give.

In receiving He receives your love.

And he who we have come to prepare the way shall be as the same. For he did say unto you, “Destroy this temple, and I shall rebuild it in three days.”

But we say unto you, destroy your temple, the temple of you that is of the mirror of God, destroy it with your drugs, destroy it with the alcohol consumption, destroy it by reckless behavior, and nothingcan rebuild it, for in destroying the temple of God, you have destroyed the immortal body of the same.

Be as the young king. Build upon the land. Replenish it. Gain from it knowledge, and your world shall flourish.

Now is the time when your earthquakes that we have spoke about is near at hand. You have two choices — pray that the intensity of the earthquakes shall not be so strong; pray that the [under]water flows shall enter the crevasses and cushion the earth faults. But most of all, pray for the people, for God shall weep these days.

July 16, 1976:We shall say unto you the parable of the young lad who did visit the meadow each day.

And the meadow was beautiful. And the meadow did produce much fruit and berry substance. And the cattle and the sheep, therefore, grew fat. And they became fruitful. And the brook that flowed through the meadow did produce a bountiful of fish.

Yet the lad became bored, and in his boredom he reached for sensationalism. And in his mind he dried up the brook and destroyed the vineyards and that of the fruit and the berries and did bring forth plague unto the land.

Each day he played his game. And each day he thought of himself as the one who [went] forth to save the people. And then, one day came forth all of his thought form. All he could do was stand in utter shock and dismay.

And then two* appeared before him, and then a third, and the third did say, “This is what you have asked for, and so I have provided.”

And the lad said, “Nay, I should not ask for this.”

And the two did say unto the lad, “Yes, your thought form has created that that is before you. And you have created the third who has given it to you.”

And the lad said unto the two, “Then how may I change all of this? How can I make it right?”

And the two did say unto the lad, “Change the thought form.”

And the two were gone and left the one. And each time as the lad did try to change his thought form, the third would say, “I have given unto you that that you have asked. It is not good enough for you? You have plenty to eat. You have not been harmed.”

Yet the lad thought of the two, and so with every ounce of the strength he had he thought; he closed out the one, and yet his body seemed to wither to the point of death. And then his thought became pure and clean. And the valley was restored, yet he would never be the same. And the third was gone.

And the two did return. And the lad had grown old, as though withered by time. And the two did say unto him, “What have you found?”

And the lad who had grown old and withered said, “I have found that it is easier to destroy than it is to rebuild.”

The two said unto him, “But that is not enough. What have you found?”

The lad thought long upon this, and he looked unto the two and he said unto them, “I have found that it is only with total love may you create.”

And the two said unto him, “Now we shall restore all.”

And suddenly the lad was whole again and young again, but wiser.

Throughout the rest of his life he thought, “Did this really happen, or was it a dream, a dream I dreamed?” Soon he began to realize that it made no difference whether it was a dream or it actually happened, for he had grown and matured. And never again did his boredom take him into the realms of hell.

December 10, 1976: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, for we shall tell unto thee the parable of the altar.

Long ago, there came a holy man from the mountains into the valley. And there he did build his altar of stone. He had no graven images, only a simple altar, a house of God and blessed by God. But those of the valley laughed at him, for they had great temples with great graven images. And as he went about his day-to-day tasks, to heal the sick, they came and they did destroy the altar.

He came back, and there he found the altar stones, he had placed each with loving care, strewn about. And upon the earth were marked words unbefitting, or even to be spoken.

He rebuilt his altar with the same love and without hate.

And then there came another day when he would, had ventured forth to heal the sick. And those of another religion did come forth and destroy his altar, and again placed foul words upon the earth.

Again he did rebuild his altar with the same love and care as before. And he prayed unto the Lord, and he said unto the Lord, “Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do.”

The Lord looked. He looked upon the temples, the mighty buildings, and He looked upon the simple altar.

And then they did come again and destroy the altar; this time they did beat the holy man. And when they left, the holy man, with blood that dripped from his body, began once again to rebuild the altar. And then the earth shook and the heavens opened, and all the mighty temples in the valley were destroyed. And the people ran about.

And they did come unto the little temple, the little altar. And they said unto him, “Your altar has not been destroyed this time. Why was ours?”

And he said unto them, “You have defiled my Father’s house. Yet you could not destroy it. Only you can destroy the temple of God. For, much as you, I have only built out of stone, a place befitting myself for prayer unto the Lord. I did not cast stones at your places of worship. You have destroyed the temples of God of your own, for in destroying this small place you have destroyed your own temple.”

And they said to him, “Then it isyouwe should curse,” and they did pick up stones and cast it upon him. They did tear down his temple — only to see it reappear again and his body made whole again. And they grew fearful.


And they said, “And we have built mighty temples unto You; why do You not rebuild them?”


For those who have ears to listen, let them listen.

For this is a house of the Lord. It has been chosen. For those who should defile it, for those who should come in falsehood, even you shall leave with something, but you shall not destroy it.

But we say unto you, as those who destroy a small rock temple, a small place of worship, rebuild your own temple, and the God shall dwell within.

February 25, 1977: Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. Glory be the name of the Lord.

And we should say unto thee the parable — that two men moved into the same valley.

One put only the fences up to house his livestock, and to protect his fields. But he left the open grazing land for the use of both. Yet the water, and the stream that flowed through the valley was on his land. He always let his neighbor use of the water.

And then came a dry time, a drought upon the earth. And no rain did fall, and no snow did fall in the mountains. And each day, less and less water came through the creek, until one day, none at all came. And as usual, he went on sharing what he had.

But one day he started to move his cattle toward the small, little lake that was left. And his neighbor was there and he did bear arms. And he did drive his neighbor from the water.

The neighbor’s brother said, “Why should he do of this? You have always shared. Is it not his water, it is yours.”

And he said, “Nay, the water was given by the Lord. No one can own it. It can be shared.”

The next day they did bring the cattle back. And once again they were to turn the cattle away. This time he brought his herd forward, and they did reach the water.

And the other neighbor did come forth to bear arms. And he said unto him, “I shall kill you and all of yours, and all of your cattle, for there is not enough for us to share.”

And this man said unto him, “If you should kill me, you cannot harm me. But I say unto you, if war is that which you seek, then war is what you shall receive.” And he did drive away from his water those who would encroach upon his land. And he did bring fences across the land. But yet he built gates in them.

And then, as was his daily routine, he went unto top of the mountain, there in solitude. He felt regret that he had driven anyone from the water. But he knew within his heart that the time had come that he must stand firm. But he had decided he must pray upon it.

And as he prayed, before him appeared three half-loaves of bread. And a stranger did appear before him. And he said, “Eat of this.”

And he picked up the first loaf, and it was sweet with honey. And he did pick up the second loaf, and it was sour. And he did pick up the third loaf, and it was tasteless.

And he looked unto the stranger and said, “Why should this be so? What have I to learn, and how is my prayer’s being answered by these loaves of bread, and half-loaves of bread at that?”

And the stranger said, “Unto the first loaf is abundance. Unto the second loaf was sour to the taste, but yet it was still filling. Unto the third loaf you received nothing. These should be the same as the people you should meet upon the earth, and the neighbors you should have. But whether you have sweet loaf, a sour loaf, or a loaf that tastes as nothing, be willing to share at least half.”

The man thought upon this. And so, he went into the valley, and he did open the gate.

And the man who had driven him away from the water did come unto the gate and say, “Now you should let me in, when I have lost half my herd?”

And the man said unto him, “Half of your herd is better than none at all. This I have learned. But I have learned even something greater, for you are like the sour bread, and your other half of cattle have no taste at all. For only they, the dead ones, know the sweet taste that can come from fresh water.”

Once again you shall say we have spoken in riddles. And we say unto you, nay. There shall be many times in your life when the sweeter things shall bring and hold the greatest memories. The mind was designed to forget the painful things, leste you would ponder upon them continually. The mind was also designed to store all substance, that you could remember sour bread that you had tasted, and could tell the difference. The mind was also designed to store all things from beginning to ending, from all lifetimes, from all things you have ever been into this lifetime. Some parts of that will have no meaning for the here and now.

Prayer and meditation has two things in common. In one you are talking to God; in the other is a time for listening. Sometimes in that time of listening or in talking, we throw out the sour bread. And quite often in your time of prayer, the only time you pray is when you have tasted the sour bread. When you eat of the good bread, then you forget allthose other things.

Let the mind be a whole. Bring it together. And through your prayer, you may change that that lies before you. Whether it be drought or famine, speak to God as you would speak unto yourself, and He shall hear.

As you should ask for something, make certain that what you ask is what you really want, and what you need, for the answering of a prayer is a very precise and measured. For a measure of wheat shall bring a measure of barley, in such a manner. [SeeThe Revelation 6:5–6.]

Take into yourself in these times that lay ahead a time for laughter. Do not be afraid to laugh at your own folly. If you fall down, there shall be those who are there to help you stand. It is not a sin to laugh at falling down. It is no sin to fall down, as long as you should rise again. The Lord shall be there to help you rise. And those from both sides shall be there that you asked the Lord for.

A drought is a time for learning, for you return back to the simpler things of life. It is a time for losing things, only sometime to have the better things restored. Or it can be a time that men shall turn against their neighbors.

Or it can be time such as these two herdsmen. Had the two worked together in the time of drought and built a small dam, the lake would have been larger, and there would have been plenty of water for all during their drought. But neither, even though they shared, he put no thought behind his sharing. He did not defend himself until there was such a thing as having to defend himself. Yet he would have not had to defend himself at all had he taken the measures, and the two neighbors worked together, to store what they already had. Who should be blamed? The neighbor who tried to run the other away by force? Or the neighbor who defended himself, and then did open the gate after half the herd had died away, and half of his own herd had died away? None would have happened had the two joined hands.

You may have many religions upon your earth, many faiths. God has laid no rules down for His worship. This man has done. If all the faiths upon the earth could take the time to understand the other’s faith, this would be the first step for your peace upon earth. If this were done this day, the reign and the time for the Anti-Christ could not be at all.

Remember, through your prayer, through your meditation, the face of the earth could be changed in the twinkling of an eye. And through unity, a man linking his hand with another, then all could stand.

There is but one God, and that is all that should matter. How another chooses to worship Him should not matter, but linking the hands.

Choose your own direction in your own way to worship. Give the other, your neighbor, the right that they may worship in their own way.

It is said that all that is good will stand, and so it has been with the philosophy that has stood within your religions. The one thing is, and has been, man’s own selfishness to say that, “Only my way can be the pathway unto the Lord.” If a river came through your land, the way you’d drink from it would make little difference; it would all be the same water. But if you chose to dam it up a little, and share it, then all mankind could rejoice in the sweet bread.

But if you took the sweet bread, and mixed it with a little bitter, and that that had no taste, then there would be an abundance for all.

August 5, 1977:Yes, we see thy need, and we should answer in this manner. And we should say unto you, as the earth was formed, and each of the Seven Spirits did come forth to perform their task, and each were given different tasks, some to form the mountains and rivers and forests and valleys, some to form the plains, some to form the deserts.

And as they went about their tasks, they began to argue.


And first one stood forth and said, “Oh, Lord, you have given me the job to bring forth a desert with vegetation, yet they will not give me rain and clouds. They take the rain and place it in abundance in places where it is not needed.”












You say unto us, the words we have just spoken unto you are as riddles once again. We say, no. Study these words. Learn from them, and you shall find that the tree of knowledge and this circle, which is slowly encircling your earth, of knowledge, is much like the mesquite tree.

You have said, “This is the Aquarian Age.” We say unto you, the thousand years of peace that has been promised you can come any time you are ready for a new heaven and a new earth.

Now we say unto you, across the western parts of your United States, greater fires shall scorch the ground. Some of these will be due to the fact of man’s neglect and others to that of nature cleansing the ground. We have said before that two year’s time would pass before your droughts would end, before the underground caverns could be refilled.

But as man continues to use more than can be given, rationing, even in this land, shall come about. Therefore, we say unto you, use these substances wisely. Learn from the desert. Learn that that your fathers and your fathers before you knew who dwelt in this land. Learn that that you have known who have dwelt in this land.

For the Lord, God, did place His special blessings into the least of things. Is it not said, “Blessed are the meek for theirs shall be the bounty.” All around you we have placed those things that would give you life. And remember, our Father is the God of the living, not of the dead.

And now we should say unto those who have come to seek healing. Unto each of you, you have found your pathway here because of your afflictions. The afflictions shall be taken from you. We have given, as the Lord, God, has given unto us, and has given unto you, the one you call soul Ray, the gift to heal.

Yet, when your afflictions are long gone, much as the desert in a drought, you will blossom forward. You will take more than a healing with you, for there is the healing of the body, the soul, the spirit, and the immortal body. Take these things back into your own religions.

If what we have said does not apply within your lives, do not be despondent, for you shall find some parts much as the growing of a tree, that you can carry home with you, that you can take back into your journey.

Remember, we are not here to separate the churches.

Now is the time, and shortly the reign, of the Anti-Christ. We are here for the preparation and the coming of the Messiah, that the mark shall not be cast upon God’s children. [See The Revelation, chapters 7, 10, 13, 14:14–18, 15:2–4, chapter 19, 20:1–6, 20:11–14, and chapters 21–22.]

As we came forth, we came forth in five places, and the readings as you hear them now, and our voice was heard in five places upon your earth. In four they have been cast aside. Now, we are able to reach into many mouths and bring forth that day of preparation.

Our words, give them wings.

And wherever you should sayeth and pray unto your Father, remember that that you say unto your Father’s name and say it in truth, for the betterment of mankind, we shall travel and be there to serve you — for we do not sleep. For wherever you journey, the gifts that you shall receive here shall go with you. And only the thought, and we shall be with you. But we are not great. We are but the messengers of your Father and ours, God.

In you minds you say, “Why, then, do you not speak of the one known as Jesus of Nazara, the first-begotten son?” And we say unto you, we speak of these things into which you seek knowledge as we look unto your minds.

We need not speak for him, who should come later, for he shall speak for himself, and you shall hear him.

Our job is not to place words in his mouth; our job is the preparation for his coming.

Glory be the name of the Lord. Glory be the name of His children. And glory be the name of the Messiah.

January 27, 1978: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner. As a young man did seek into all the Western World his studies, in philosophy and psychology, and then he did return home.

And his father said unto him, “What have thy learned?”

And the son said unto him, “Father, there is more I must learn.”

And the father said, “Go forth, therefore, and learn.”

And so he did travel across the seas, into Egypt, and there he did learn much. Yet, within him, in the letters he wrote unto his father, he said, “Oh, Father, there is yet much more to learn.”

And the father wrote back unto him, “Go forth, son, and seek thy knowledge.”

And so, he went into the land of the Lama, the Tibetan land, and there he did stay for six years. And at long last, he went forth into the [Dali] Lama and said unto him, “I have learned much here. But where do I belong; where can I serve a purpose?”

The Lama looked long on him and did say, “Go home.”

The young man was startled, and yet felt ashamed that they should send him away. And so he did journey home. And there he spent many days in thought. He had traveled over the world. He had taken into himself all of the knowledge he could find. Yet where did he belong? What was his destiny? Why was he placed upon the earth?

And he went back unto his father and said, “In each place I thought I had found that that I had seeked, yet they told me to come home. Why Father, why should they reject me?”

And the father looked unto him and said, “Because you have rejected yourself.”

And he said, “How can that be possible? And how could you know of such things when you have no education?”

And the father said, “Come with me, my son.”

And it was evening and they did walk out into the valley, and the Father said, “Behold!”

And the son looked and he said, “What am I to see, my Father?”

And the father said, “The sunset, my son.”

“But what does a sunset have to do with knowledge?”

And the father said unto him, “Come and work on the farm, and let time pass, and we shall talk of it again.”

And he worked by his father. And soon he saw that each thing upon the earth that the father did plant he planted with love; each small delicate plant he nourished and brought forth the goodly bounty of the earth.

And when harvest came he did plant. Yet he noticed something greater and [more] wiser, for his father rotated his crops in such a manner that each year each crop gave an abundance of each.

And the father came unto him one day, and he said, “Come with me, my son.”

And he took a stick and drawed [drew] it across the land and said, “Now you shall farm this half, and I shall farm this half. And then we shall take both harvests and take them to the market together.”

The son toiled hard, and the father toiled hard. Yet the father’s toil seemed to not tire him. And when harvest came, the father’s harvest was abundant, and the son’s harvest was not too good. And after they had returned from the market place, the son went back unto the land and threw himself upon the earth and said, “Oh why, oh, Lord? Where do I belong? They have sent me home. My schooling means nothing. I cannot even learn to be a good farmer.”

And the father picked him up, gently, dusted the dirt from his face, and said, “Look upward my son, for you have no other place to see now, and you shall find the secret.”

And he turned unto his father, to return the love, and his tears fell upon the earth. And as they fell, the seedlings began to grow. And he said, “Look father. Look what I have found!”

The father smiled and walked away. But later that evening he went unto his father, and he said, “I have found my place, Father, here.”

And the father said, “Not only here, my son, but now the whole earth and universe is open to you, for you have learned that to give with love that that you have learned is the greatest gift of all.”

And so the son journeyed east and west, north and south, and throughout the lands he was hailed as the mighty philosopher. And one day the earth stood aside to honor him, and he was asked to give a speech. And they said unto him, “Where did you learn such great wisdom?”

And he said, “In my Father’s house.”

And we say unto you, the greater wisdom that you seek, the greater wisdom lies within you always in your Father’s house.

April 21 1978: You have other questions, ask.

“Thank you, Aka. I have a question from [9–366–3…Phoenix]. She asks, ‘Could you tell me of my past lives and what can I do to help myself?’”

We shall not go into your past-life readings at this time, for soul Ray is too weary. But we shall answer your question in this manner. As you seek servitude into the Lord, do so in a manner that shall give servitude into man. Words within themselves mean very little. They cannot feed our children. They cannot clothe a child. They cannot bring warmth into their hearts, unless the words are prepared with the abundance that should come from the Lord.

Yes, we see thy need of servitude; we see thy need of fulfillment. Pick up the Rose without Thorns, and you shall find the fulfillment within the same. And the valley of the darkness shall be lighted.

September 8, 1978: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children; glory be the name of those who should not wear the mark of the Beast.

And we should say unto thee unto these words − for we shall tell you this parable of a man who, as a child, knew not his place. And yet, as he went through life, he sought power. And for the receiving of this power, he did trade his soul.

This man became a minister. And he brought forth false images into his church. And the Beast did give unto him the power to bring forth these images.

And he did come before the people and speak words that he did not believe within his heart. He saw in all people only the greed to fulfill his needs. Yet, this Beast one day would claim his soul, and that day did arrive, for the Beast did plant upon him his mark, on the hand and in the forehead.

We shall try to explain to you the difference of your word meaning, forehead, and that of both the Hebrew word meaning fore head − the foreskin that would be extracted, and was to be extracted, from a newborn child that they may be cleansed and not wear the mark of the Beast. This in itself was called the fore head, and the mark could be concealed, therefore, within the same.

The second part of the word, or the meaning of the same, would be toward the base of the skull. This, in itself, should be the second part of the same word, meaning of the same.

The next part, meaning that of the hand, in the back of the hand, would not necessarily conceive that that it would mean in your words, or the meaning of the same. You have a word which means the reading of the palm. The palm would extend from the thumb to the small finger. From that you shall find within the same that the mark shall be laid. The mark can either be laid on the surface or on the reverse side of the palm, or may be laid farther up to the pit of the arm; all would mean of the same.

You must realize, in the interpretation, your words have not come out to mean the same. We speak these words that you might know, therefore, where the mark should lie.

Now we say unto you these words, of this same person. Once in the servitude of the Anti-Christ and those who should prepare the way for him, the Beast shall prepare the way for the coming of the Anti-Christ, for the cutting away of the head, and the re-growth. And the Beast shall give power unto a man-beast. And it shall be the name of a man. You shall look, therefore, into your Bible, and look, therefore, into the words of Daniel; there you shall find a more complete interpretation of this time and that that confronts you, and how to deal with the same. [See The Revelation, chapter 13 and Daniel, chapter 7.]

Use these things that we shall give unto you. Use them wisely, but bind together. Bind and become one unto another as the strongest of strong ropes upon the Earth, stronger than the strongest chain. And remember − look at these who should crucify you, and pursue you and persecute you. Remember. Remember that that they have done, for one day upon this Earth, as is happening now, a new religion shall sweep the Earth to take a place of the old. Will youthen persecute these? We say unto you, nay, persecution is for fools who have nothing but idle time. But we have also told you to turn of the right cheek and then the left, and then let the mighty arm of the Lord do His work.

It must be done by binding together. If you do not, they shall sweep you away, as wheat. They will use you for their own purposes. This is but an example of the beginning your persecution, your times of trial.

You now have understanding. With understanding grows wisdom and knowledge.

And we say unto you,

you shall build a building, and we shall give unto you the dimensions. It shall serve all of you. And it shall be a place of worship.

In this message in 1978, the spiritual messengers of God foretold of this church that would be built four years later, in 1982, on one corner of the ranch Ray Elkins would buy in about a year, in 1979, on a route on which the angels would lead him to follow, called Christmas Star.

But if you bring into it an angry heart, it shall not be a place of God.

We have let anger dwell within you for a purpose; anger can be of a good tool. Now you must use your minds. Now you must use your strength, your combined strength, and combined wisdom to ward off the persecution and to bring those who would not wear the mark of the Beast into one house.

We should say unto James [1–1–5] and Luke [1–1–3], and unto [7–316–1], the land that should lie between that of Florence and Apache Junction, therefore, within the same, there is fertile land. Conditions are such, and the weather shall remain a temperate zone. We shall give further information as you should ask for it. It shall become, and known as, Round Valley.

And from this, we shall also say unto you, long have we watched the forces of darkness attack you. We told you before that if you bound your minds together, none could come into your house but those that you wished to. Binding your minds unto soul Ray’s mind — he shall teach you of this, and he shall teach you of the sign of the pentacle.

We shall bring the light and we shall bring healing into the one known as [6–274–2].

You will say unto us, “Why have we allowed these things to happen?” We did not allow them. We told you before to bind yourselves together, to throw away all of your petty arguments and suspicions. For those who should bind themselves, nothing may penetrate this. Now we shall place into your hands that that should destroy your enemies….

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka, thank you. [8–338–2] would like to know if the recent dream of the inscriptions on the pillar has any special meaning for her or for our group.”

We say unto you, as we have said, there shall be a building built. And no false idols shall be p1aced within the same. Inscriptions shall be there for knowledge.

(Chuckle) it shall take many doughnuts to do this.

You have other questions, ask.

“Yes, Aka. Soul Ruth [2–30–2] asks about the windows.”


“She would like to do stained glass windows — I’m sure that’s what she’s saying — and she’s wondering ifyou have a suggestion.”

That that shall be in her mind she shall draw. And each of you shall be in agreement upon the same. We will give you exact specifications as each part shall be brought forth, and a complete plan shall be drawn and given unto you. Stained glass windows of the Tiffany type is that which she has in her mind — yes − that the light of the Lord should shine through unto the people. This is good.

October 6, 1978: Yes, we see thy need. And we shall answer in this manner, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of the people, forever and ever.

And we say unto thee, you now have the knowledge and the location of the Round Valley. And we shall say unto you, it shall take much preparation.

And we shall say unto thee of the two physicians who traveled the country, each administering great healing unto the multitudes. And each of the physicians had assistants. And soon, as their work grew more and more abundant, they increased their assistants.

The two physicians would come together from time to time to discuss their problems in treating the sick. As they came together this day, both had very glum faces. As they chose a tree to sit beneath, it seemed like the sunlight had gone from their lives. But soon they began to observe each other as they would observe a patient. And one said unto another, “What is your problem?”

And the other said, “My assistants are beginning to quarrel. They quarrel so much that I can no longer do my work.”

And the second physician began to laugh. And the first said, “Why should you laugh over such a serious matter?”

And he said, “For I have the same problem. What shall we do?”

He said, “Let us trade. You take my assistants, and I shall take yours. And we shall return in one year and see how all things have worked out.”

The year passed, and they came back to the same tree, both with glum faces.

And the first said unto the second, “All we have done is exchange problems.”

And the other said, “If thy have a cancer cast it aside. But which one shall we take out? They have all been loyal, and they have all worked long and hard.”

And then, a stranger walked into their midst, and said unto them, “Change their positions. Each thinks the other’s position is better than the others. Change them. Alternate them around. And you shall soon find they will appreciate the job they have been doing, for your nurses are poor clerks, and your bookkeepers do not know how to merchandise, yet each looks at the other and thinks what an easy job they have.”

The two physicians thought, and thanked the stranger and left, agreeing once again to return in one year.

In one year they returned. With them came all of their assistants, for they had prayed that they would meet this stranger once again.

And so, he came before them. And each tried to talk, all at the same time. The stranger said nothing. He let them talk and talk until the daylight had gone. They talked and talked until the night was gone, and back into daylight again. Finally they became weary. And they said to the stranger, “You have not helped us at all.”

He said, “Yes, I have helped you. You have talked yourselves hoarse. Now you might listen. If you are to work and perform your work, you each must do your jobs, that that you should do best, that God has gifted you in, and do it well. If you cannot do that, and do it as you would stand in the eyes of God, and He as your witness, then as the Lord has said, it shall be cut away, for you shall cut yourself away. For the others shall not listen to you, to your bickering and your quarreling. Now go, and take this knowledge with you, set in your day-to-day toil, in your laughter and in your dreams, the Lord dwells with you, and within you. Do not these things you would not do, leste the Lord should observe.”

They left again, promising to return again in one year.

At the end of one year there was a majority standing with the physicians. A smaller group stood aside. The majority was smiling and laughing. The other group were very glum.

And the physicians began to speak to the stranger, and the stranger said, “Nay, you need not speak.” And his assistants that were happy and joyous, they began to speak, and he said, “Nay, you need not speak, go on your way. Leave these here.” And he said, “I will take them, and they shall work for me.”

The stranger took a stick and drew upon the ground — circles, squares, and triangles, octangles. And he said, “Choose that among you of these that you like the best.”

And they began to quarrel about this.

And finally the stranger said unto them, “Here, let you take the triangle, and you the octangle, and so on. Now you shall draw, each of you, and not speak unto the other, until you yourself know you have done a good job before God,” and he left them.

Days passed. Weeks passed. And gradually, one by one, they began to walk toward the hill where the stranger stood. And the stranger did return them back unto the two physicians, for they had learned that the lowliest of jobs done well in the eyes of God is the greatest gift man can achieve.

November 3, 1978: Yes, we see thy need, and we shall answer in this manner.

The merchant went to visit that of the place that manufactured the goods that he did sell. They wined him and dined him, and told him what a good fellow he was. They showed him not of the material and the merchandise that they made.

He stayed there for many days. And finally he went to the owner of the manufacturing plant and he said, “I have long sold your product. It has been a good product, and I have believed in this product. But that that I must believe in I must know of, I must feel of. It must thrive within my every fiber. I have come far to gain this knowledge from you, yet you speak not of it.”

The merchant asked him if he would go and come back another day. And then the manufacturer called in his advisers. Some of his advisers said, “Do not tell how these are produced. Do not give these things, or surely this merchant shall go and give it to someone else.”

Yet, one of his older advisers said, “Nay, this is not true. If the merchant shall sell, he must believe in what he sells. He is right. Let him come and see each step as we manufacture this product. Let him see the sweat and the toil we produce within it.”

The owner decided that he would do so, and he called the merchant into his presence, and said, “Go, therefore, into my factories and learn how we manufacture this product.”

Some of the people, as he went through the plant, were willing to give of the information freely. Some of them felt that it would take from them to give this knowledge. He understood these things.

A week passed and then two weeks, and then he came back unto the manufacturer and he said unto him, “Now I may go back and sell your product, for I feel that it is now my product.”

The merchant went out, and as the first year passed, he far surpassed all the other merchants that sold this product. The second year, even greater. The third year, even more.

And once again, the owner called the merchant and he wined him and dined him, and told him what a great job he had done. The merchant said to him, “Would you pray with me?”

The owner thought, “I shall appease him and pray with him.” And so they knelt and prayed unto God.

When they finished the merchant said, “Do you believe in a man, that you are?”

The owner said, “Yes.”

“Do you believe in the God that you just prayed to?”

The owner said, “Yes.”

“Could you tell another of the greatness of your belief?”

The owner said, “Yes, I could do this, but I am not schooled in such a thing.”

The merchant said, “That that I sell I must believe in. And I have found that where I sell what I believe in, I am doing a service, and therefore, I can do my very best service because I know that my God is looking upon me and seeing that which I do. I do not lie about your merchandise. I do not sell someone something they do not need, for I must do the very best job I can before my God. You have called me here to learn the secret of my success in selling your product. That is the secret. That is what I came three years ago to learn from you.”

They departed and the owner thought for a long time. And slowly he began to initiate these same thoughts throughout his plant. He began to call meetings among his people. And he would tell of them, “We all believe in the same God, when we have different religions. But if we do a job in such a manner that God would be proud of what we do, and [when] knowing that He is with us all the time, not part of the time, then we will do a better job, for it is in the glory of God that we do that which we do.”

A year passed, and he brought in all of his other merchants and let them go through the plant. And he brought the same merchant to guide them through. As they went through they found that each person was willing to give, glad to give, to share their knowledge. They were very proud of what they had done. The pride showed through with even better merchandise than had ever been produced before.

Because each of the merchants then took that same pride, and took it home with them, and took it into many lives, soon many countries were talking of this one great plant, and it had become greater and greater.

And the owner became a very rich man.

And other people came to see his secret, other manufacturers. And he said, “I will be glad to share my secrets with you. Our secret is that as I run my plant I know that God sees me. Therefore, I must do the very best job I can. The man that is head of my personnel department, he realizes this. The man that does my buying, he realizes this, and he has conveyed it on to the people we buy from, the raw materials. Therefore, they are giving us better raw materials. The janitor who sweeps the floor, he knows why now, why it must be clean. And he knows that God is with him, and that he is as important as I. We all should have one day, one part of a day that we take out for our prayers.”

And they said, “But these other things − you have no unions in your business.”

And he said, “This information that you seek now must come from all of the employees.”

They started at the janitor and began talking. They found the janitor not only happy in what he did, but glad to give the service of what he was doing. He did not bicker because he knew God was looking at him, could see within his soul and know when he lied. There was no slander cast about the plant because each knew that God knew in His heart, and in their heart; therefore, their hearts became pure.

This is but a parable, but within this parable is a great truth.

We are here but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. All these things we do, we do before God, and not for God, but for ourselves. For long ago, as you would say, many [eons] ago, we learned that as we went up the ladder, that it was our joy to return back unto you, the children of our Father, and give unto you His love, His knowledge, and His ever-enduring wisdom.

If each of your teachers, your students, your ministers, your shepherds, your prophet, all of you − each of your members, and each of the people you will talk to in [the] other religions, for you are not one religion, you are all, you all are truths before God. He has chosen no one race, no one religion; you have chosen those things. He has given unto your keeping all the necessary things to make your world work in perfection, but with flaw, the natural flaw that you can look at and laugh at within yourselves. When you can look into yourself and see your faults, you need not be laughed at, but you can laugh with other people. These things we learned, the things we brought to you from the first unto these readings of this date.

We have said not to persecute other people, not one soul. We have shown you that we do not, and cannot take from you the free will God has given unto you. We have chosen to not dominate you, for God would not allow us. It is only through your need of seeing the goodness in what God has to offer you, can you offer it to someone else. And only in this manner would the true way be prepared for the coming of the Messiah.

We have told you of the coming of the Anti-Christ, and that his presence is being felt, for those who are preparing his way.

But who can prepare for the coming of an Anti-Christ when they are busy preparing for the coming of the Messiah? For they will not have the time, for they love their Father so much that they cannot see, or not be tempted, because God has given you the best product in the whole world, yourselves. He gave you an earth and a heaven, and a universe and galaxies beyond galaxies, and universes beyond universes. All but await your touch. And they shall touch you, and you shall touch them. And the gladness and glory within the same shall be manifested into the heaven upon the Earth.

Glory be the name of the Lord, God. Glory be the name of His children.

Our Father has said unto you, “SPEAK NOT BAD THINGS UNTO ANOTHER PERSON.”

For each of you is as a mirror. If you project good, then good shall be reflected back unto you. If you project wrong, or bad, or lies, or untruths of any type, these shall be reflected back unto you.

Believe unto this. And give glory unto God.

Give glory unto yourselves, and you will suddenly find that you like yourself. You’ll suddenly find that you are the most important being that you know.

Forgive those who trespass upon you.

But remember also, the Lord, God, will be with you if you will but open the door to your mind, and all He has He shall give unto you, His wisdom, His love, His compassion, all these things, for what Father [could] deny his child these things? Learn of this. Yet, God has never asked; He has never placed a price tag upon His love for you, and Hehas denied you nothing.

You have questions, ask. One moment.


We shall say unto James [1–1–5] and Luke [1–1–3], these words, that of the Round Valley shall be a temperate zone in a ten-year period.The area into which you shall choose at this time shall lie into that of the valley of the Thunder Mountain. You shall find that of fertile land and abundance of water.

There are three locations. That we may not confuse you again, we shall place the knowledge of all three in soul Ray’s mind, that he may place them on a map for you. This will give you precise and exact information that you need at this time.

December 1, 1978: Yes, we see thy need, and we should say unto thee, glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

And we shall say unto thee this parable, and from it you shall find the knowledge you desire.

It was of the worst of times. The earth had shook and trembled, and it seemed not one single place where the land would be safe to stand upon, for earthquakes and tornados did ravish the land. Volcanoes did erupt, and all around and about stood destruction. And cities did fall.

And yet, amongst the rubble stood an altar, a small altar made of stone and clay. And the young man that stood at the altar did not seem to see the rubble. Instead, he went busily about removing it, finding a place where it fit in its proper places, for if a rock had fallen in the field, he picked it up and placed it into the fence and into the house. And there he began to plant his field.

All the other people scurried away, frightened, and said, “Woe be unto them, for there is no place to hide.”

And they said unto him, “You must run and hide.”

And he said back unto them, “But why should I hide? The Lord knows where I am at all times.”

And he went about, and he began to seed the fields. And they said, “Why should you waste your time seeding the field, when the earth shall grow parched and no rain shall come upon it?”

And he said, “The Lord shall provide the rain.”

And they said, “But even if He provides the rain, it shall come forth in floods.”

And he said, “Nay.”

And they said unto him, “And the earth shall upheaval and rocks shall appear in your field.”

And he said unto them, “Then my grain shall grow around it.”

And they all fled.

Yet, one by one they began to return. And as they returned, lo and behold, for the valleys were full of ripened grain, and the young man was beginning to harvest. And as each passed he gave them a bushel. And sometimes when they had no basket, he gave them the basket.

And he said, “Take the grain and plant it. Use some for planting and some for eating.”

Yet, most took the grain and devoured it and had none at all.

And when they returned back he handed them a hoe and shovel, and said, “Then work for your grain.”

Some took up the hoe and the shovel, yet others demanded grain, and demand that he continue to feed them.

And then, he began to construct greenhouses over the lands.

And one by one, some of the people came to help.

And finally, a small village grew there. And because he had provided a way for them, they all said unto him, “You, being the master, show us the way.”

And he said unto them, “Theway is already within you. All you must do isseek from within.” And he continued to teach them to plant, to build.

And yet, each day he went to his altar. And yet, more and more gathered around the altar and prayed with him.

Yet, some thought he possessed some great knowledge, some great power that they cannot behold. So they watched him day and night. And other than the time he took out for his prayers, he worked, he tended his flocks, he brought in his harvests, and continued to teach.

And so, they decided that they would join among the workers, and this way they would learn. And one day they were sitting, eating their lunch, when they said unto him, “Whatisthis great knowledge that you possess?”

He said unto them, “Only the knowledge of faith, the faith to know that the Lord, as long as I am willing, will provide a way. And in providing the way, He has provided a way for all of you.”

As time went on, some said, “Then let us build a great monument here to the Lord.”

And the young man said, “Let us build a shelter over the altar.”

And this, they began to argue.

The young man now had grown old. He did not argue. He built a small shelter, and in each day he would enlarge it a little more, so as the people prayed, they could do so without the rain and the heat falling upon their heads.

And some argued that they should stand in the rain and stand in the sun to give forth the blessings unto the Lord.

And he said unto them, “What difference is it to you? Would you not wish that your child be warm and comfortable?”

And they said, “Certainly we would provide for our child.” And they said unto him, “But, you have taught us that only through hardship can we be in the light of the Lord.”

And he said, “Nay, I’ve taught you none of these things. The Lord, God, has provided all these things. He has provided the beauty of the land, the beauty of the wood, and beauty in all things. He gave you all things to build that that you wished to build. Some of you wish to stand in the rain and pray, then do so. Some of you wish to stand in the sun and pray, then do so. Some of you wish to build great buildings unto the Lord, then do so, if these are the things that satisfy your heart and make you believe in God. But the true belief, and the true temple, you carry with you at all times, and that is the body of man.”

As time passed, what had began as a village became a country, a state, a nation.

And as he passed on, many of the people who had been close to him separated and began to teach the things he had taught them. Each taught separately. Each was a little different. And soon they decided they could not live next to each other because of the way they believed.

And soon they made war upon each other, and destroyed each other’s temples.

Now we say unto you, at no time did this man say, “Make war.” At no time did he say, “You have to build a building.” All he had and gave them was a hoe and a shovel, and seed — and showed them how to build — and taught them if they built well in the light of the God it would turn out well; they put full fruit into their labor, then God seeing and knowing would reward the labor.

We say unto you, the truth within this parable that we have told you is all shall see, each person, differently. For is not beauty in the eyes of the beholder? Is not a song for those who listen, and also is not the interpretation?

Then we say unto you, the one known as Jesus of Nazara, that soon you shall celebrate his birth — each shall celebrate in a different way. Some shall go into great buildings to give praise unto the Lord for providing this one. Some shall say, “Look, he must have been a god.”

Yet he said unto you, “All these things I do you shall do greater.”

We say unto you, when our words are nothing but written script, you, each of you, will take them, and the meaning, to mean different things. This is why we have given you different parables with the same meaning.

It makes little difference of the exact date of Jesus of Nazareth’s birth, only to the importance that God did bring forth this birth, as He did others. Be joyful then, and give the greatest gift you can give upon this Christmas Eve to one another — peace, love, hope, faith, and the belief in one another, the total belief, the complete belief within yourselves that the temple of God is not false, that temple lies within you. It is a miracle God performed for each of you, for there is not another like you, you, as each individuals, upon this great galaxy and galaxies and universes. You are a walking miracle. You are the proof of God’s existence.

Glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children forever and ever.

December 8, 1978: Yes, we see thy need. We shall answer in this manner — glory be the name of the Lord; glory be the name of His children, forever and ever.

We should say unto thee this parable, the parable of the young lad who could not decide, as he grew up, that which he wished to become.

His father was a shepherd; his one uncle was a merchant; another was a fisherman; another farmed the land, and did bring forth, through all these things, an abundance back into the family. But as he looked, one into the other, he could not make up his mind. And therefore, unlike his brothers, he went from uncle to uncle, working in each place for a while and then leaving.

His father’s brothers did meet to discuss this one, for all their other children had all followed in the family line of work. And each had found their niche in life. And each asked the other, “What should be done?”

It was finally decided that they should take this one before the priesthood, for he was now reaching the age of manhood, for his 13th birthday was before him. All the brothers left their work, and all their children left their work, and all went unto their temple of worship, and said unto the priest therein, “We seek your advice for this one.”

And the priest said unto them, “This is a decision that I must take up with wiser men than I. I go, therefore, into the Holy Land, where wise men shall gather. Let me take the lad with me.” And so, they did venture forth.

As they crossed the great deserts and neared the town of Bethlehem, each night they saw this beautiful star, this beautiful light from the heavens.

And the lad kept asking the priest, “What wasthis light? What was this beautiful light from the heavens? What made it so?”

The priest knew some of astronomy and astrology, but he could not account for this.

And they did meet in their travel the three Magi. And the Magi told of their journey to that that would be the birthplace of a new Messiah.

When they did reach Bethlehem, and all came forth unto the Christ child to bring forth their gifts, the young lad stayed back. He looked through all of his possessions, and they were few.

And then he heard the angel[s] say unto him, “Take forth the gift of thyself.”

And so the lad brought himself up from his knees, leaving all his worldly possessions behind, and went forth. And among all the glittering gifts that were to be given, there, in the manger, he did lay himself and say, “I shall be thy slave.”

Both Joseph and Mary looked upon the lad. What need would they have for a slave? But it was a gift given.

And the priest had his answer to take back to the father, and the uncles, and all the kin therein.


At first, those around had laughed at the young lad’s gift. But they were to see that he had given the greatest gift of all, himself.

We say unto you, who are artists, we have painted a picture for you unlike any that exists, for we have reached back in time, that this may come forth into your time and shall go forward.

Let it be a symbol for all those who wish to give. For you are here, as we, but for one purpose, the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. And as you prepare for your worship, as Jesus of Nazara, the Christ child, let new birth come into you.

Let it be born in you.

And each day, as you rise, let it become a new day and a new world.

And as you close your eyes at night, thank the Lord that He has placed you at this time where you are, in the time of the preparation of the coming of the Messiah.

Let that gift be given freely, as it was from the lad. And all in abundance shall come back unto you tenfold….

Blessed be the children of the Lord. Blessed be unto the gift given, for they are the future. Guard unto this one well.

Blessed be the name of the Lord, God. Blessed be the Spirit. Blessed be the children and the spirit, and the temple of God.

In your Christmas services, let this story, this parable we have told you tonight, be told.

And let preparation be made that all your people shall know — and now — that they may stand together in prayer and unity.

Bind together. Make your prayers as one unto the Lord.

Remember that which we told you, of those who had set the fire to the fields, and the people did stop the fire with their minds…. [Note: See the Parable of the Time of Preparation, August 2, 1975.]

Let the Christmas spirit be not only the Christmas Spirit; let it reach unto all religions of all faiths. Let brotherhood bind unto you. For that which you celebrate is the love he left upon your Earth in birth and in death.

Amen, oh Lord, amen. [Kay-ah, kay-ah. Yay, kay-na so mora. Ay, ay.]


In the first eight years the spiritual messengers of God spoke about a valley, a place was being prepared within the mind for the Messiah’s coming. The words Ray heard when he came back from God into his body take on greater meaning as they lead us into the future.

From the valley of the Lord––to a vision of a valley––to a promised land––to a step into the new world, the spiritual messengers of God guide their flock of people. May you enjoy this journey.

Continue to part 2 – See the gift of love given in a vision of the valley as it becomes real.

In part 1, “The Valley and the Lord’s People,” begins with a vision of a valley, where Ray Elkins rested while he was returning down the ladder from God. Ray gathered strength in the valley before he entered back into his body. The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, spoke many parables through his unconscious body when he stood with God. A valley also came to be known as a hidden place in the quiet of the mind where God dwells, to which each of us can go.

In part 2, “A Vision of a Valley,” the spiritual messengers of God led those who sought a safe place to a valley. And the vision became real. A place was being prepared in hearts, and upon the land, for the coming of the Messiah. A church was built within the soul, and in the valley, and was dedicated to God.

In part 3 of The Valley and Promise of a Christmas Star, “A Promised Land,” is given. Amazing blessings unfold. A sacred healing springs awakens to life. The words Ray heard when he was returning from his journey to God into a valley take on even greater meaning. They become a promise of the future — the gift of a new heaven and a new earth upon the Earth.

In part 4, some who come to the valley take “A Step into the New World.” The spiritual messengers of God, Aka, bring into being a sacred Corn Ceremony that had not been performed for 3,000 years. A pathway is opened into the new world. Those who enter become the People, in the preparation for the coming of the Messiah. The Messiah’s consciousness is felt throughout the world.

In part 5, spiritual messengers of God tell us, “The Land of the ‘7' Was Laid Aside to Be a Sacred Place.” In the final three of the four sacred Corn Ceremonies, Aka, through Ray, initiated those who entered the new world into the ancient Nakuna priesthood. They became one of the People, March 16–18, 1988, August 26–28, 1988, and Easter weekend, March 24, 1989, and stepped into this new world — a new heaven and earth upon Earth. The spiritual messengers of God tell legends of this ancient time in the world preceding this one — before earth changes brought a migration to this land. Soon will be time for another migration. Yet, the new heaven and new earth on Earth can begin within each soul at any time.

Continue to Part 2.

You can read all the chapters combined in one paperback or e-book in The Valley and Promise of a Christmas Star. Or read each chapter you see above on as a series in separate paperbacks or e-books. Give them as gifts.


Enjoy reading Aka’s books, including the Book with Wings series.

The spiritual messengers of God and Ray began speaking in 1970 from a town appropriately named Globe. Learn more about how the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, began to speak through Ray, and read about the Association of Universal Philosophy in “A Stairway to Heaven.”

We are asked to give their words wings and let them go unto the world. Please share their words too.

Join in association with the spiritual messengers who God sends to prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah. The Association of Universal Philosophy is the group or club that they asked us to form. See “What Is the Association of Universal Philosophy?

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The words of the spiritual messengers of God, Aka, are copyrighted by A. Ray Elkins through whom they spoke.



A stairway to Heaven

Spiritual messengers of God, Aka, arrived in late March 1970, with a brilliant heavenly light. We are prepare a way for the coming of the Messiah.