Go to A Starholder’s Uniqueness!
A Starholder’s Uniqueness!
Deliberately challenging the reader’s thoughts, actions, and reactions to tear stereotypes, archetypes, and preconceived notions about the genetically disabled by sharing experiences and points of view.
Note from the editor

Deliberately challenging the reader’s thoughts, actions, and reactions to tear up stereotypes, archetypes, and preconceived notions about: * Genetically disabled people by sharing first hand experiences and points of view. * Twin Flames by dismantling the archetype. * The Wonders most people call supernatural, synchronicities, serendipities, and magic. * Quantum Human Design, the anti-separation tool that made me see all my potential and fall in love with who I am. *My Knowledge base that I pick on my way up.

Go to the profile of The Starholder
The Starholder
Born to inspire through words! Bringing the light to where the light needs to go! Lightworker, Gridworker, Twin Flame, QHD passionate
Go to the profile of The Starholder
The Starholder
Born to inspire through words! Bringing the light to where the light needs to go! Lightworker, Gridworker, Twin Flame, QHD passionate