A Teacher’s Hat: November 2018 Letter

Kriti Khare
A Teacher's Hat
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2 min readNov 1, 2018
Image from Pinterest

Dear friends,

I hope you had a wonderful Halloween and October was a good month for you. I started visiting my mentor teacher and realized that time flies so fast in school! I am excited to start my student teacher journey today.

Starting today, our bookclub officially begins. We are reading The Way of Mindful Education by Daniel Rechtschaffen. If you would like to join us, here is the link to get daily updates. For the first time, A Teacher’s Hat will be hosting a Twitter chat! Follow us on Twitter (@a_teachers_hat) to join the conversation.

Recap of October articles:

We introduced the Quick Strategies Series which are quick articles about ideas you can implement in your classroom right away. The three we have so far are:

Valérie shared her journey in mindfulness and that got us really excited about discovering mindfulness together as a group. Hence the book club. :)

I wrote a follow-up to Assessments 101, talking about constructed response items like Multiple Choice Questions. I also wrote about language awareness because a quote by Marshall McLuhan.

Lastly, I wrote about my first observation day and shared the fears that a new teacher has. I also shared some tips for student teachers, feelings that are normal and what to do after the day is done.

What’s coming up in November?

I will be writing about Geeks Unite 2, a Math conference that I had attended. I will also be sharing my thoughts about the book we are reading in the bookclub. More Quick Strategies are on their way! Ginger and Holly will adding to the collection.

There will surely be more that we will be sharing here. We will also be sharing a resource about mindfulness every day on Twitter, so don’t miss out on those!

What do you do to give your best to your career? Tweet to us at @a_teachers_hat with #MindfulNovember.

Have a great November!





Kriti Khare
A Teacher's Hat

Preservice Teacher in Computing Science & Math, Reader, Writer, Educator, Researcher, Bullet journalist, Editor of A Teacher's Hat. www.armedwithabook.com