Kindle Takes the World by Storm

Questions for Kindle lovers far and wide

Vivian Stevenson
A Thousand Lives
3 min readAug 6, 2023


A black Kindle is set on a tabletop next to a white coffee mug, and resting on top of another book of some sort.
Photo by @felipepelaquim — from Pexels

I had a bad case of FOMO and bought a Kindle. Capitalism wins again.

I’m unsure who created this challenge, but I’m piggybacking off my friend, who wrote an article answering these questions. I know it was also popular on Instagram.

The Kindle Challenge Questions

  • Type?

I snagged a Kindle Paperwhite Signature Edition in agave green. I bought it a few weeks ago because reading on my phone and iPad is painful.

If you’ve never used a Kindle before, it’s pretty straightforward. The settings you can change include brightness, warmth, font, font size, percentage left in chapter/book, and page count.

With the signature edition, there are no ads you have to worry about. You can also make the lock screen the current book you’re reading or keep it blank. I enjoy having it show the book I’m reading.

  • Kindle unlimited?

My thoughts vary on this topic. I have a two-month free trial, and although I have found three books, I’m struggling to find other books I want to pick up. Kindle Unlimited is perfect for people who read romance and thrillers, two genres I do not gravitate toward.

Kindle Unlimited doesn’t include every book on Amazon. There are many books to choose from, but you still have to buy the ones not included in the subscription. It may work for some and not be worth the money for others.

  • Buy or borrow?

I try to utilize my local library, so I lean toward borrow on this one. I don’t purchase many books anymore because I want my shelves to represent who I am as a reader. Borrowing lessens the blow that collecting can have on a wallet.

My one complaint with the Kindle is that you can only use books from Amazon or Libby. I wish I could use Hoopla because there are hidden gems that I can’t get for free on Libby.

  • Percent left in chapter or Percent left in book?

My Kindle is set to the percent left in the chapter, but sometimes I spice it up. If I set it to the percent left in the book, I may get discouraged and put it down. As a slow reader, I like to take on a book in small doses.

  • Font and size?

The font on my Kindle is Caecilia Condensed, size 3. I think the font has a huge impact on the readability. If it’s not just right, I’m not reading it. That sounds picky, but bigger font makes me uncomfortable. I’m unsure what I’ll do when I grow old, and my eyes fail me.

  • Case or no case?

In the grand scheme of things, either way is fine. However, I have a clear case and PopSocket to enhance the Kindle experience.

  • How many books have you read on it?

I’ve only read three because a reading slump is in my future. I can’t find another book to get into past the first chapter. Kindle Unlimited recommendations that are not romance or thrillers are welcome here.

The three books I have read on my Kindle are Flowers for Algernon by Daniel Keyes, Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe, and The Troop by Nick Cutter. If you’re looking for something different to read, these might be good stories to look for.

Thank you for reading! I would love to see your answers for these, so don’t hesitate to comment or tag me in articles you write.

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Vivian Stevenson
A Thousand Lives

An avid reader who dabbles in art and baking along the way.