June 2019 Coffee Conversations

Sarah Kay Hoffman
A Thyme for Milk and Honey
7 min readJul 2, 2019

I missed the May post because I was traveling for work the first few days of June. Totally forgot until it was almost July.

So here we are. July 2, 2019. June was the busiest month yet this past year; July isn’t slowing down at all, but after an intense busy season, I am intentionally stepping back, not committing to anything and riding out 2019. (More on that later. Not now — just breathing deeply through this busy season.)

June 2019 Coffee Conversation

Here were the (May and) June highlights. Before I sit down to write this, I actually do need to brew a cup of joe because it might take me a bit.

By the way, we bought THIS Ninja Coffee Maker. I love it. A lot, but it seems like it’s not brewing a full pot when I tell it to. Anyone else?

Okay, I’m back with my huge Unicorn coffee cup. Here we go….

Pizza Farm

My cousin and his girlfriend own Pleasant Grove Pizza Farm. So if you’re local, and have not yet come out to play — what are you even waiting for?! Seriously. The food is killer, and ambiance perfect for anyone and everyone. We go as often as we can; both May and June.

Mother’s Day and Father’s Day

For both, Ryan and I try to do a blend of stuff on our own, but also with our own moms and dads.

Each Mother and Father’s Day I get the chance to tell my mom and dad how much I love and appreciate them is priceless.

Georgie Rainbow, our new puppy

I wanted her for Mother’s Day. I had been bugging Ryan about it for quite some time; he didn’t know I was really that serious. But I was.

From the moment I saw her, I knew I had to have her.

After Fiona died (about 2 years ago), I didn’t know that I’d ever get another Peekepoo. I loved her like crazy. But then, when I saw Georgie and she was Fiona to a “T,” I had to! Same breeder and all….

When I look at Fiona’s pictures, it still feels like a painful sting to my heart. But having Georgie has filled so much of that in. I now have the second Peekepoo love of my life!

I didn’t exactly get her for Mother’s Day. Instead, when I didn’t get her, but had Ryan’s blessing, just randomly bought her one day. I was afraid someone else would take her so while Ryan was flying on a plane to California for work, I sent him a loving text that I had bought her.


Oh c’mon…..he’s starting to really love her, too. Not like he loves Reagan, but he secretly enjoys all the spunk and charm she is.

I named her Georgie (George for short); Samarah gave her the middle name — Rainbow. Because…..well, that’s Samarah.

I can’t even stand how cute she is. She is insane; Ryan says she jumps like a flea. But she is tiny; likely will only reach 6 pounds max (Fiona was like 10 pounds). And yet man can she bark!

There is ZERO amount of stress she has added to my life; only pure joy. I would have a handful of Georgie’s running around in the house if Ryan would let me.

p.s. She still has 2 brothers available. :)

Running My First Trail Race in Minnesota

I did it! And I documented it here.

Delighted By (brand refresh)

Some people wake up and dread work.

Not me. Life is WAY too short. I have the perfect balance of work / work. A Gutsy Girl and Delighted By Desserts.

In both positions, I am the chief creative, but at Delighted By Desserts it’s for someone else. We have been working intensely on an entire brand refresh, and it’s going to unleash this month (July, 2019). I’m so excited to share it!

Birthday Months

May and June are huge birthday months in our family. We celebrated Isaiah, Amiya, my father-in-law and Ceci.

And I just have to show you what Ceci’s mom did for Ceci’s birthday. There is Ceci — and in the back of her are canvas’ of my photos. She asked me long before Ceci’s birthday, if I could send her about 5 images for which she would then have blown up on canvas for Ceci’s birthday.

There was another HUGE surprise for Ceci’s birthday, but I’m still waiting to share that one.

Shout out to taking chances on foreign exchange students :)

Missouri Trip for Memorial Day

We did it last year, and we are hoping this sort of becomes an annual thing — going to my sister and brother-in-laws house in Missouri for Memorial Day.

I love going down there to visit. They live in a really nice community with an adorable coffee shop nearby.

The kids absolutely love it because they have a pool with a slide in the backyard (where we also saw a massive snapping turtle).

Last Day of School for Samarah and Isaiah

It was preschool graduation day for Samarah, and program for both she and Isaiah in May.

Samarah started her first day of preschool when Ceci had her first day of high school in the United States. I can’t believe Sam is already done — almost Kindergarten time. Cue allllllllll the big mama alligator tears.

I just love the pictures I got of Samarah and Isaiah on that last day. They are priceless, and I know Isaiah will really miss Sam being with him next year. But watch out — Maya will take Samarah’s place.

Lake Days and Nights

What’s better the lake days and nights or porch mornings?

I don’t even know the answer.

What I do know is that living here during this time of year is straight vacation — every. single. day.

We all love the lake. Samarah and Isaiah and water babies — Amiya, not so much. But just being out on the pontoon with snacks, drinks, sun, each other, and friends rocks!

Porch Mornings

We have a screened in porch where I sit every single morning I can to just take in the morning, peace, and calm. Georgie has a bed out there, and loves being with us there, too.

Twin’s Game

My cousin Ben, who lives in Boston, came for the Twins / Red Sox game so we gathered a ton of family and all went to the game.

Just Ryan and I went that night; the kids stayed home, and we had a blast. Until that night, I had never been to the stadium, but it was the perfect night for being outside and Minneapolis is just golden.

Potty Training

I’m happy to announce that Amiya is fully potty trained. Some days I think Isaiah is almost there; others, not a chance.

Regardless, we’re down to changing just one diaper — it’s incredible! Amiya loves being recognized for it and says, “Maya’s a big girl.” Yes, baby, you are!

But I can’t take credit for it. Isaiah and Amiya have an incredible woman taking care of them this summer; she has been a gem.

The Dream

And finally, last — certainly not least, my dream came true! I finally signed my first book deal. It was on the 5-year goal list, so the fact that it’s already here feels a little surreal.

But I’m all in it; writing and working on it feverishly — early in the mornings; later in the evenings, weekends — all of it.

I’ll share more when I can. For now, I’ll leave it all right there for the June 2019 Coffee Chat.

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Xox, SKH

