A Letter From A Work of Fiction #5

Jonathan Greene
A Work of Fiction
Published in
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3 min readAug 8, 2020
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Welcome to the bi-weekly, wait, monthly, wait, bi-monthly letter from A Work of Fiction. These letters will go out on Saturday afternoons when we have enough published stories to warrant a letter. To be honest, it’s been slow going at this publication, but we are undeterred. We want a home just for fiction and are content to watch it grow slowly.

We will be direct recruiting fiction writers in the next couple of weeks to add to our small stable of great writers. A Work of Fiction is a fiction publication brought to you by Assemblage. These newsletters always have friend links so everyone can read them whether they have a paid Medium account or not.

The Stories Since Our Last Letter

Through the Ears of a Child by Jonathan Greene

“They stopped calling her the baby two years ago when she was old enough to say, you know I’m not a baby anymore, right? But inside, they still treated her like a baby. The baby. Or maybe more like a wallflower as they danced around her, assuming she was just there and wasn’t watching this movie unfold right before her eyes every single day.”

She Was There All Along by Megan Holstein (curated in Fiction)

“Mona swallowed. She sat in silence for a full ten minutes.

She wondered how she thought this night would be any different.

She wondered how she thought their lives would be any different.”

Prometheans Rise by Bradley J Nordell

“Giordano’s eyes widened as the man named Coyle brought out a strange bluish-orb looking object. And in it, he saw everything. He saw redemption in a choice. His eyes watched, wide as window panes, as his heart understood what path he must forge through ash. The stars were finally his to grasp.”

Lost and Found by Amy Rose

“She wanted to hug the boy, console him further, brush the hair out of his eyes, and wipe away his tears. But Maria knew she had to maintain distance; she had to respect the line drawn that separated her from them.”

When Your Wife Leaves You For a Younger Man You Go to Outer Space by Aimée Gramblin

“While he was floating he decided he couldn’t yet forgive Beth, but he could let her go. Floating around the anti-gravity chamber he decided life was too short to fester on things already done.”

The Last Book Speaks by Bradley J Nordell

“The sun is as bright as its ever been — a red and orange mural. I remember her singing as a meadowlark at dawn. I remember. I don’t forget, even when the claws and teeth tear my body to shreds. My mind, though, becomes the flowing river of that harmonious day. And though I am now silent, the last book now speaks.”

End of Days by Jonathan Greene

“I know because I’ve been driving back and forth across this country for five years now and I haven’t seen a single living being, be it animal or human. I used to think the end of days were near, but now they aren’t near enough.”

The Quote

“Fiction is like a spider’s web, attached ever so slightly perhaps, but still attached to life at all four corners. Often the attachment is scarcely perceptible.” — Virginia Woolf

A Final Note

Fiction isn’t lost on Medium, it just needs its own home. A place where readers read. A place to curl up in the corner of a comfortable sofa, with a blanket and tea, to just read a story. A creation. An imagination.



Jonathan Greene
A Work of Fiction

Father, podcast host, poet, writer, real estate investor/team leader, certified life coach. Curating a meaningful life. IG: trustgreene | trustgreene.com