A2DAO Staking

4 min readMay 20, 2021


Dear friends!

The hyperdynamic crypto universe demands everyone to be fully involved, and constantly keep an eye on all the latest industry trends.

We are glad to present you a long-expected and very important update. Now, A2DAO community members will be able to take full advantage of the benefits of staking, such as protecting our investors from excessive market volatility and fair rewards for long-term ATD token holders.

Participation in IDOs and private rounds

To participate in an IDO or a private round, you need to stake ATD.

Private rounds

To participate in private round deals you just need to stake the amount of ATD that is required for the desired Tier:

  • Top 10: Top 10 ATD holders
  • Top 25: Top 25 ATD holders
  • Tier 1: 30,000 ATD
  • Tier 2: 10,000 ATD
  • Tier 3: 1000 ATD


To get 1 ticket to participate in IDO lottery, you need to allocate the amount of ATD stated in the IDO announcement.

In case of winning, ATD allocated for IDO gives you the right to invest the specified amount of USDT. If more than 1 of your tickets won, your possible investment amount is multiplied accordingly.

Each of your tickets can win. Thus, the number of project allocations you receive depends only on your luck and the number of tickets for which you have allocated ATD.

If you win, ATD allocated for the project will be frozen for 10 days. Please note that only the amount of ATD of winning tickets will be frozen.


The IDO announcement states that 1 lottery ticket = 200 ATD.

You have 2000 ATD staked, so 10 tickets for IDO.
After the lottery draw, 1 of your tickets won
, therefore:
200 ATD will be frozen for 10 days
1800 (2000–200) could be distributed right after the lottery draw.

If you have not won, you will be able to distribute all your ATD immediately after the lottery results are announced.

How to stake ATD?

1. First of all, decide what you want to stake:

  • ATD (you can find out how to buy tokens from this article)
  • ATD to BNB or USDT liquidity (how to add liquidity is described here)

2. After that, go to the staking page

3. Click on the Connect Wallet button in the upper right corner of the page:

4. Connect your wallet using one of the proposed methods

5. Select a staking pool from the three options and click the Stake button on the selected

6. In the window that appears, select the size of the stake:

Please note: If you decide to unlock your tokens, they will only be available after a 10 days lockup period!

7. Press Stake and confirm the transaction in your wallet (if you are staking for the first time, there will be two transactions: the first for the approval of the contract and the second for the staking itself).

8. Done! The staking page and the official bot will now display information about all your stakes and the number of your ATDs.

Early unstaking

You can unstake your tokens at any time. However, please note, that your tokens will only be available after a 10 days lockup period!

There are no penalties for unstake.

How to perform early unstaking?

1. On the staking page, click the Unstake button on the desired pool

2. If you have only one stake in this pool, go to step 3, if there are several, select the one you need in the window that appears:

3. Select the amount you want to withdraw from the stake and confirm the transaction in your wallet.

5. You’re done! The information on the staking page and in the official bot will be updated automatically.

If after reading you still have any questions, please ask them in one of our chats:

→ 🇺🇸 En Chat
→ 🇷🇺 Ru Chat
→ 🇹🇷 Tr Chat

The team and community are always happy to help!

More about A2DAO

A2DAO strives to connect startups with smart capital while helping to cultivate a passionate community for every single project. Our team of experts will assist projects in marketing, development, tokenomics, and other critical areas of growth.

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