Time Management Revisited — Explore the power of meditation!

Aakash Goyal
Aakash Goyal
Published in
2 min readSep 26, 2018

Disclaimer: This article talks about my personal meditational practices and is not meant to persuade the reader to follow the same.

“The goal of meditation isn’t to control your thoughts, it’s to stop letting them control you.”

Born on 4 September 1896, Mr Abhay met with never-ending challenges in his life right from his childhood. He spent his complete youth energy trying to create a worldwide revolution but ended up embracing failures. Yet, he was unstoppable. In 1965, at an age of 70, he restarted his journey! And in the next 12 years, he opened up 108 temples, circled the globe 14 times, gave thousands of public discourses, wrote 100+ books, transformed lives of millions and much more. He is known to the world today as Srila Prabhupada, the founder-acharya of ISKCON.

The art of time management is to focus. But alas, constant distraction syndrome (CDS) is the new age disease. It is defined as a lack of prolonged attention to a specified task or activity because of distraction. Some common distraction sources are Whatsapp and Facebook notifications, unrestricted access to adult content online, and much more you are aware of. Distraction is now a habit acquired by most. Why? Simply because we practised it.

“Habits are first cobwebs, then cables.” — Chinese Proverb

The good news is, just like distraction, even focus can be practised, but it demands conscious effort. Meditation accelerates the recovery of our lost treasure of focus. I meditate by chanting the mantra* ‘Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare/Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare’. I consciously focus on the sound vibration on this powerful mantra. The unstoppable Swami in the above story derived his strength by meditating on this particular mantra. Because of his powerful meditation, he never lost track of his goal amidst a heavy rainfall of failures. He changed his strategies without changing the goal, chased it with one-pointed focus and finally achieved success.

Why mantra meditation? It additionally helps get the favour of the Lord, making the process more sublime. Its practice all over the world proves its effectiveness.

Meditate, stop the thoughts from controlling you and recover your lost focus to achieve the reward of time management.

(*mantra literally means a chant that controls the mind)

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My personal suggestion: Please read the Bhagavad Gita As It Is by HDG A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada for deeper insights.

PS: Thanks to Mr. Pankaj for his question which lead to the “Your hidden Power” series.



Aakash Goyal
Aakash Goyal

On a mission to help people break their dis-empowering patterns and motivate them from within.