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[w.4] Closing the week

Joost Toornend
2 min readJan 25, 2019


It feels like we’re moving 88 miles an hour. Time flies when you’re having fun. It is the end of the week so time to recap.


We are working on building a prototype of the app to impress the airlines. Ben and Dan(iel) are killing it. Ben developed a back-end to use real-time data while Daniel is coding faster than the speed of sound to keep up with all the creative ideas the team has.

The dev-boys came up with the brilliant idea to implement the Cialdini six in the app. This means that urgency and scarcity will be added to give doubting users the extra push.


We finally got everything right which means that we can now work together on Google Drive and Slack. This business environment helps us to work together effortlessly. We also implemented holacracy to make decisions faster and to develop based on the collective wisdom in the team.


A first sketch of our new website

Our website is being developed as we speak. As you can see, the design is just out of this world (sorry we’re biased). More screens will be shared soon.

Concerning UX/UI we made some great steps to improve user flow.

Ok this was it for this week!
Have a great weekend!

Team aavio



Joost Toornend
Editor for

Marketing Manager at Mymesh | Tech Enthusiast