Breaches to the Law of Non-intervention

Published in
7 min readApr 25, 2021

The Making of a Wanderer Part 7


Thanks to the work of many conscious beings, as of April 4, 2020, intervention is no longer possible. Ta-ran. What a formidable statement!

Or is it still possible?

The former was one of my closing assertions to the previous episode, but as I was on the finishing touches, on March 28, 2021, I woke up from an experience that forced me to reconsider and split the story in two.

[Short version] I was at an official ceremony of the British Royal Family. Prince William and Kate were standing in a palace courtyard — my parents were there too, along with royal guards and the cavalry. Queen Elizabeth was about to make her appearance.

Naturally, Prince Harry and Meghan were not attending, but the King and Queen of Spain were, for the first time, in what seemed to have been years of diplomatic distancing. Russian dark forces were present too, observing. Notably, the energy of Putin was all around, as if his face were peaking in from above.

Photo by Jez Timms on Unsplash

In one of the lanes that led into the plaza, some 20 meters away from the ceremony, a street sewer with an illuminated tunnel opened up. As if being an interdimensional portal, a green extra-terrestrial creature emerged.

It didn’t feel particularly threatening, but I hurried to close and completely dissolve the portal when I saw an also green but rather gelatinous and round creature of about 1.5 meters high, trying to also step into this reality — well, that reality.

I have never dreamt of these creatures before and amusingly — even though the contents of the dream are rather grave, the E.T.s felt more as characters of the Pixar movie “Monsters Inc.,” daft and dumb.

The Queen’s Chambers

I knew then that this dream had unfolded in real-time. Firstly, because of what the characters looked like: Prince William and Kate looked as they look these days; secondly, Harry and Meghan were not present — nor was Prince Phillip attending.

At the time, I was aware that Harry and Meghan had resigned to their royal duties and were living somewhere in America. But I was unaware of the Oprah interview that aired on March 7th — twenty-one days before my dream, and the fact that Prince Philip was in the hospital.

Lastly, I know it was a real-time dream because of the technology I saw in it.

The Queen’s chambers were at the top of a tower about four floors high, overseeing the courtyard. They were accessed, at ground level, through what appeared to be a solid wooden gate with a security window on the side and biometric access control systems.

Photo by Junar Eliang on Unsplash

Beyond the entry gate, a spiraling staircase worked its way up to the chambers and the heliport above them. It was a modern and technologically advanced structure with a fairytale air to it.

I was granted a panoramic view because my perspective shifted alongside a drone, from the gate at ground level to where I could see the heliport from above.

Epic News

Why is this relevant? Because on April 04, 2020, what we consider dark forces — entities with no material existence in this physical reality and a self-serving agenda, were summoned by their angelic families for the announcement of the dissolution of the houses. The calling home of aliens and other interferers was definitive, absolute, conclusive, a command for immediate execution.

Epic news, indeed, with far-reaching implications. Interference had been playing out for eons, the most notable precedent being the infamous chapter of the Fallen Angels. As the story goes, these angels got desperate by the slow evolution in the planet they were supposed to oversee and safeguard. So, they immersed themselves in the 3D reality, and by doing so, almost collapsed this entire creation.

And you could say, dear reader, that this is starting to sound far-fetched. Do I even believe it?

The Day

As it so happens, I know something huge effectively took place -and I mean I know, because having been advanced the information of the April 4 happening by Adamus-St. Germain, channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe, I asked my friend Pilaracmey to come with me in a waking-state interdimensional journey to visit the current president of Mexico before the interferers were called back home.

As someone deeply connected to the political dimension of life, I was passionate about seeing his true essence before the transition; before he lost what I presumed was the source of his power in this life.

The Celebration

Pili and I managed to get together on the afternoon of April 3, Mexico City time. By then, it was already April 4 in some other parts of the world. The following is what I experienced.

While in that remote viewing of the current Mexican president, I started feeling as if I were being pulled out of planet Earth. I perceived myself as growing in size: at first, I became as big as my country and then as big as the planet, and suddenly I was looking at Earth from outer space. Unexpectedly, I was at the epic gathering.

Photo by Jeremy Thomas on Unsplash

Gods and ascended masters were in this very classy celebration, intently observing what was happening down here. I immediately recognized Akhenaten, a huge rock-statue, with his very characteristic Egyptian chin-beard, smoking an extraordinarily long pipe. I was aware that other Gods were there too but could not see or identify them. When she joined in, Pilar saw Anubis and, per my request, spotted Adamus-Saint Germain at one of the lower levels in a water-related experience. Why not?

For me, it was like a multi-layered white cloud on a lovely night. The ambiance was delicately illuminated — dim blue and yellow lights came from vintage table lamps all over this epoch bar-floor with no visible ceiling.

I found myself, drink in hand, introducing myself to angels I did not seem to have met before while standing beside an oak counter. A splendid collection of liquors was showcased on the lit shelves behind it.

There were entities all over, engaging in small chat. Impossible to say how many, as I only perceived a small portion of the cloud. The atmosphere was that of rejoicing, yet solemn, and the exchanges were as clean as I have ever experienced: there was no room for ego, nor modesty, as if my mind were not present.

The Walking Dead

The dream of the Royal British ceremony suggests that despite the calling home, interference is still happening in this timeline. But nothing is at it seems. It is noteworthy that the E.T.s felt rather harmless and what was far more annoying was sensing the evil presence of someone who is very much alive.

Fascinating, for the encounter with the current Mexican President and subsequent striking experiences, is reshaping my understanding of what is rightfully playing evil on the planet and what is not.

If I may, Earth has finally decided upon enlightenment as the destination, in a very fast-track fashion, I might add. After years of coming and going with it, these are delightful news if it were not for the fact that the path to integration requires humanity to face its very own darkness, its very own demons, and its very own collective manifestations of evilness. That is scary.

To be continued.


Proofreading: Norma Ojeda / Colombia

Thank You
A special thank you note to all those who have kindly supported me in this endeavor; it is invaluable!

Did you know you can offer as many as 50 applauses for each story? I didn’t.

The Invitation
If you have any related experiences in dreams, please share; they will enrich us all. Otherwise, join, follow, share and if you feel like it, support. Sponsors or investors for The Book of Dreams are very much welcome or you can Buy Me a Coffee.


If you want to know what this blog is about, you may want to read the following post:

If you want to know how the dreaming experience unfolded for me, you may want to read the following post:

If you care to learn about A Thousand Dreams’ origin and destiny, The Launch is the post. The idea came to me two years after I began writing and took shape and gained notoriety really quickly thanks to Adamus Saint-Germain and the Crimson Circle.

And if you want to have fun, take the quiz:

Other than that, in this blog you will find posts about many types of dreams and their relationship to our physical reality. Hope you enjoy them!

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A journey into conscious dreaming. More than 20 years of documented dreams and counting.