The Georgia Island

Aberdeem | Publication
7 min readNov 16, 2020

Political Dreams | Conspiracies

The Dream

2:22 a.m., November 15, 2020, I woke up from dreaming that I was on an island. Its name was Georgia Island.

Georgia Island was nothing like the Caribbean; instead, it was misty and cold, daylight was dim, and it felt lonely and mysterious. With an area of about eight sq. km. it was in the open sea, like maybe a two-hour flight from a peninsula I could not identify.

The part of my mind still conscious in this nearly lucid dream was fighting the accurate sensory perceptions and certainties because it was placing Georgia where it was not; it even doubted it was indeed an island because it was missing the tropical features, and because the atmosphere seemed more fitting of the bowels of an ancient and lost continent.

Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel on Unsplash

The only hotel — and probably the only building on the island — was a big, grayish castle. The entrance was a rotonda with a sculpture at its center that may have been a fountain, too. And as if taken from a scene of Sleepy Hollow (1999) with Johnny Depp, six horses, strapped together by a metallic harness but pulling no coach, came in from the lowland galloping in panic. They stopped at my command but were unsure about approaching and remained to observe me intently.

I don’t know how long I had been there, but I knew I had jumped at every opportunity to visit the forest of oak trees in the North. The few small groups that had visited the island had not missed the trip, done in small wagons. In line with the secretive atmosphere, I never got to see their faces or talk to them.

Photo by Nazar Sharafutdinov on Unsplash

Back in the hotel, in one of the upper rooms in the castle, I was aware that an airplane had brought in four people, the first being one of the most high-profile US politicians nowadays: Hillary Clinton. The second person I identified as support staff from a powerful Mexican media group. The third one, also Mexican, was staff for advertising and production affairs; the fourth person, I cannot say.

They were having showers in turns, and I was worried the hot water would run out.

At the time, I felt no one else within the castle — or outside, for that matter.

The Research

It was not a symbolic dream, but traveling, and it was particularly intense on my body — I could not hold my head or stabilize my legs when I stepped out of bed in the dead of night.

If I were not writing this blog, I would not have done the research and looked out for confirmations to present them to you, but in doing so, I have so much fun! Let’s see.

My mind was confused and assumed that the State of Georgia faced the Gulf of Mexico. As it turns out, the State of Georgia faces the Atlantic. Check.

The forest of oak trees had the air of a picture I had originally chosen for the previous post to illustrate the State of Georgia, where debates following the election were taking place. Double-check.

I did not know that Georgia’s coastline is a succession of islands. “Georgia Island,” as such, does not appear to exist, but there are plenty: Cumberland Island, Jekyll Island, Sapelo Island, St. Catherines Island, Sea Island, St. Simons Island, etc. All of them coldish, mysterious, and having oak trees. Triple-check.

Photo by Quino Al on Unsplash

However, I could not find this lonely island on Google Maps. Bermuda is three hours away from the Atlanta International Airport, in an almost straight line from Jacksonville, but it is much more tropical than the Georgia Island of my dream — hence my mind’s dilemma.

Come to think, what if the island is in the Bermuda triangle, that goes from Bermuda, to Puerto Rico, to Florida. The plot thickens…

In any case, it seemed to me that Georgia Island is a privately owned island –and maybe purposefully off the radar, and the only reason to bother making the trip is that bugging phones is impossible, and people can speak freely.

Still, I lacked information on the general relevance of this dream for you, dear conscious reader. So, I sat down during the morning and channeled myself. The message, delivered by my past lives, closed with a Star Wars-kind-of-tagline: “May consciousness always be with you.”

The Symbols

The dream suggests that the story is not over in the US, and as mentioned in the previous post, balance is delicate. Secret meetings are taking place, and Georgia seems to be an epicenter. But why?

Until a while ago, I did not know that Georgia was also part of Atlantis — along with Central Mexico, the Bahamas, and Cuba. The energies of the last era of Atlantis were particularly harsh, structured, and abusive, characteristic of unbalanced masculine energy. Because of this unbalance, planet Earth was close to being destroyed.

Photo by Neil Mark Thomas on Unsplash

On the other hand, someone pointed out that consciousness rising, represented by the emerald in the middle of the sea I described in my last post, made sense because the Southern hemisphere stands for the feminine principle.

You can make your own conclusions, but, if nothing else, Georgia appears to be the very symbol of an unbalanced masculine that wants to hold on to power, and the emerald in the Southern sea is what is being born, a healed feminine that will prompt a new balance.

Whatever rearrangements in the balance between masculine and feminine are taking place, they are not simple. But the more consciousness, the smoother it goes.

The Advice

In the channel, I was shown a rather obscure potential, and I was told that if it were to materialize, it would shake the foundations of the feeling of safety. Thus, the advice to all of us is as follows:

The job is not done. You all need to focus on observing and witnessing without involvement because this sense of security will come from you, from the very light you shine in compassion.

You cannot stop them from feeling anxious, lost, and weary, but deep down, they will know that you are here as a safety net and that this is just a game — powerful, mesmerizing, hypnotic, but only a game. And they will come to focus on themselves once again.

Photo by Davide Cantelli on Unsplash

The Conspiracy

Although there is no denying they exist, conspiracy theories have never appealed to me; they seem to be a vortex that swallows the attention and energies of whoever dives into them. In essence, they distract us from the real work of taking responsibility for our world. But, as was reminded to me by a very dear friend, being able to see one, or the potentials associated with it, changes the script.

Of course, there are conspiracies and conspiracies. A secret meeting on a forbidden island is not necessarily a plan to take over the world. Yet, apart from the fantastic adventure of dreaming like this, somewhere, somehow, someone will read this dream and will connect the dots.

It is what we do; conspiracies get exposed because we illuminate them. After all, that is the function of light.

And cheer up! Consciousness is rising.


PS: A visit to the magical land of Savannah just entered my priorities.

Thank You
A special thank you note to all those who have kindly supported me in this endeavor; it is invaluable!

Did you know you can offer as many as 50 applauses for each story? I didn’t.

The Invitation
If you have any related experiences in dreams, please share; they will enrich us all. Otherwise, join, follow, share and if you feel like it, support. Sponsors or investors for The Book of Dreams are very much welcome or you can Buy Me a Coffee.


If you want to know what this blog is about, you may want to read the following post:

If you want to know how the dreaming experience unfolded for me, you may want to read the following post:

If you care to learn about A Thousand Dreams’ origin and destiny, The Launch is the post. The idea came to me two years after I began writing and took shape and gained notoriety really quickly thanks to Adamus Saint-Germain and the Crimson Circle.

And if you want to have fun, take the quiz:

Other than that, in this blog you will find posts about many types of dreams and their relationship to our physical reality. Hope you enjoy them!

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Aberdeem | Publication

A journey into conscious dreaming. More than 20 years of documented dreams and counting.