Parallel Lifetimes

Published in
9 min readOct 17, 2021

Time in Dreams Part 3

The Fibonacci Time Dream

April 12, 2021. I was at my sisters’ in Cancún. An intense and sudden comprehension of time in dreams startled me awake a few minutes past 4 in the morning.

Photo by Giulia May on Unsplash

I looked at two Fibonacci spirals, the bigger one spiraling to the left and the smaller one to the right. Intersecting the spirals were transparent filaments as if sheets of paper suspended in space in a vertical position, visibly separated, parallel to one another, each one representing a lifetime.

In the image, a reverberation from point zero -the now moment-, from which both spirals emanated, echoed into about seven of these sheets in both directions, making them tremble.

The message was precise and clear: “We only dream about things that leave a mark on several lifetimes”.

What an odd message, isn’t it? Why would it be critical to know that we only dream about things that affect several lifetimes, no matter how ordinary some of the dreams may seem to us when waking up? Or why would it be relevant to acknowledge that there was a Fibonacci spiral to both sides of a central point as if representing the past and the future?

The Collapse of Time

At that very early hour, I went down to the kitchen to record the dream before it faded away and I got some coffee to help me digest the very intense scene. I knew then that I needed to write about it, but six months have passed, and it continues to be hard to nail a core message; I am beginning to think it is impossible.

The dream confirms to me that all times are simultaneous, something that, by now, is very much a part of my understanding of things; I have heard about it for years, I have experienced it in dreams in different ways, and I have observed evidence of it in real life.

Photo by Daniil Silantev on Unsplash

But several other themes need to be unraveled to make sense of the dream, namely the very presence of the Fibonacci spirals, the Golden Ratio that comes from the Fibonacci sequence, and the relationship between the Fibonacci numbers and time. Also, I could elaborate on the transparent sheets that portray the lifetimes, the concept of timelines, the possibility of changing the past and choosing the future by exploring potentials, or of being beyond time altogether.

A different line of analysis would be the obsessive relationship that our mind has with time, and what may be more important than anything else: the implications for our humanness of what is happening right now, what some have defined as the collapsing of time, the core reason why it is presently at the forefront of our awareness in whatever form it may be, everything from a Netflix series to specialty books, or in my case, dreams.

Parallel Lifetimes & the Block Universe

So I finally decided to start with the premise that seems most evident in the dream, that our lifetimes unfold simultaneously.

To put it in simple terms, for our Souls, existing outside of time -bear with me-, the measure is not time but experience. Consider the block universe, a theory supported by Einstein’s principles of relativity, as a four-dimensional space-time structure where time is like space, in that every event has its own coordinates, or address, in space-time.

“‘ Imagine a regular chunk of cement,’ says Marina Cortés, a cosmologist from the Edinburgh Royal Observatory. ‘It has three dimensions, but we live in four dimensions: the three spatial dimensions plus one time dimension. A block universe is a four-dimensional block, but instead of being made of cement, it is made of space-time. And all of the space and time of the Universe are there in that block.’” (Thomas, R., 2016). [1]

Photo by Ivan Bandura on Unsplash

If Alice didn’t step into Wonderland but outside of it — outside the block — , she could see it from afar, and could equally see the past, present, and future within the block. As every past, present and future has its own coordinates in space-time, none is more important than the other; future and past are no less real than the present. Could even be said that the past and the future do not exist, and, as it has been repeatedly stated by enlightened humans, the only real experience is the now. What a concept. Oh, but don’t get me wrong, time is very much real if you are within the block.

That accounts for the scientific explanation, but notice that it continues to be rather linear if you think that the block contains a past pertaining to one present and its corresponding future, even if you imagine several lifetimes in their corresponding timelines. Imagine instead that within that block of space-time, every possible event or experience is unfolding simultaneously within its coordinates, and you can jump from one to the other in any order.

To put it differently, every possible iteration of an experience already exists, and, theoretically, you can choose to go to any coordinate within the block that contains the experience you want. What would it take for you to move freely into every coordinate within that block? Only your conscious awareness. Are there any humans capable of doing it? A bunch of them are getting there and, in doing so, collapsing time. Truthfully, time has come to step out of the time-related limitations of the mind -pun intended.

Point Zero

Photo by NASA on Unsplash

For the sake of a non-linear argument, imagine too that there is not only one block, but several that you can see from afar, that our Souls see from afar, or that we can see from afar when being fully in the present moment. Where would our Souls or us be? Outside of time, of course, in what Adamus has very recently called “point zero”. (St. Germain, A., 2021). [2]

Consider it like this, if any number is an experience within a matrix built upon an X and Y axis starting in point zero and you can choose freely to experience whichever number you want, the only point that is not an experience, but the consciousness of them all is, effectively, point zero, at the center of it all, which precisely, is not even a number. It is similar to being Alice, looking at one or any number of blocks of space-time in front of her. A masterful explanation, I believe.

If you were wondering, the now is not a confined moment or that fleeting instant that you are incapable of holding still, but an expanded dimension — for lack of a better word — in which all time seems to fit. The now moment, in a way, is having the perspective of the Soul, being able to see every time — every experience — simultaneously.


Photo by Sam Poullain on Unsplash

But isn’t it interesting that in my dream only 7 lifetimes to the past and future — or as many as 7 lifetimes — , however you would like to think about it-, were affected by the events of the now moment? Why not two? Or twelve? Why not all of them?

Some say that the oldest souls on the planet have been here for around 1,500 times. I know, those are a lot of lifetimes! But that is the beauty of dreams; if all those lifetimes were affected, it would have been only too easy to get that message across.

There is something about the proximity of those seven lifetimes in time — maybe it is not only a temporal relation, but a vibrational one; those lifetimes contain experiences that for whatever reason are related or relevant to one another, to the past and the future tied in a linear progression. What I can say -speaking from my own experience, is that only a handful of lifetimes seem to be crucial to the purpose of my present experience.

Past Lives Design

Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Actually, there is a theory — maybe you could call it wisdom — that says that when we are about to have another incarnation, our Higher-Self chooses the history of our past lives as well as the gifts and challenges we will bring with us when reentering this illusion — hand-picking from almost infinite possibilities that already exist within the block. There is a figure, can you believe it? 1.7 followed by 21 zeros is the number of possibilities. Frankly, I cannot say how the author of Going Deeper come up with it.(Koven, J-C., 2004, page 232). [3]

As for the number seven, it is interesting that it is considered as a building block of the material universe, as much as the Fibonacci sequence is -a topic that I might unravel in some other episode.

The Merlin

Photo by Patrick Hendry on Unsplash

In any case, I believe that we humans can step outside the block, but within it, some dynamics connect experiences in a precise way. Fascinating.

And maybe what my dream revealed is just one of them, hard to grasp and put into words, but dynamics that we as a collective are increasingly capable of understanding with our limited but ever-expanding human mind.

You can also see the exceptional appeal for the human to transcend the paradigms of the mind that tie it to the linearity of time because it is only then that magic can occur — you know that — ; then, the Merlin within each one of us can come to life. Yet another topic to unravel in future episodes.


Proofreading: Norma Ojeda / Colombia

Thank You
A special thank you note to all those who have kindly supported me in this endeavor; it is invaluable!

Did you know you can offer as many as 50 applauses for each story? I didn’t.

The Invitation
If you have any related experiences in dreams, please share; they will enrich us all. Otherwise, join, follow, share and if you feel like it, support. Sponsors or investors for The Book of Dreams are very much welcome or you can Buy Me a Coffee.


If you want to know what this blog is about, you may want to read the following post:

If you want to know how the dreaming experience unfolded for me, you may want to read the following post:

If you care to learn about A Thousand Dreams’ origin and destiny, The Launch is the post. The idea came to me two years after I began writing and took shape and gained notoriety really quickly thanks to Adamus Saint-Germain and the Crimson Circle.

And if you want to have fun, take the quiz:

Other than that, in this blog you will find posts about many types of dreams and their relationship to our physical reality. Hope you enjoy them!

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[1] Rachel Thomas; Plus Magazine Online; What is a Block Universe?; September 30, 2016;

[2]Adamus St. Germain as channeled by Geoffrey Hoppe; Crimson Circle; The Art of Benching Session 1; October 2, 2021.

[3] Jean-Claude Gerard Koven. Going Deeper: How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense, 2004 (p. 251). Prism House Press. Kindle Edition.

Photo by Martin Adams on Unsplash




A journey into conscious dreaming. More than 20 years of documented dreams and counting.