Star Wars Wisdom

Published in
9 min readMay 3, 2021

The Making of a Wanderer Part 8

“If You Only Knew the Power of the Dark Side”

Now, seriously.

Around 2005 I came across this very odd piece of information that I have never, ever, heard of again, that it is possible to achieve enlightenment through the light or through the dark, in this case talking clearly about evilness. I was able to find the reference because, fortunately, Koven’s book Going Deeper eventually made it into Amazon.

Photo by Cade Roberts on Unsplash

“You must choose one of two paths prior to leaving the third-density (sic). Both paths use the same creative force of Love/Light (sic) energy; only the vectors differ. One allows you to serve Creation by dedicating your Consciousness to the service of other beings. The other also serves the All That Is, but the energy stream is reversed so it focuses your Consciousness on serving yourself and controlling other beings.

In dualistic terms, the first is the positive path and the second is the negative (sic). One is not better than the other. Despite what all your moral and ethical codes have to say, “right” and “wrong” have significance only in the polarized world of the third density. Once you have transcended the illusion, you begin to perceive that both positive and negative experiences allow the Oneness to know itself more completely.” (Koven, J-C., 2004, page 251). [1]

As is consequently explained in the book, “To move on to the fourth-density via the path of service to others, over 50 percent of every thought, word, and deed must be for the benefit of another entity, rather than your personal self.” (Koven, J-C., 2004, page 251).

But “the negative path is extremely demanding, and few in human history have walked it successfully. It requires at least 95 percent of every thought, word, and deed to be for the benefit of oneself rather than another. As you might imagine, this demands a level of focus and discipline almost unknown on your planet.” (Koven, J-C., 2004, page 251).

“Taras Bulba, Genghis Khan, and Rasputin were all masters of the negative path. They had sufficient recall of some ancient Atlantean techniques for manipulating chakra distortions to directly access the gateway to Infinite Intelligence. This afforded them a concentrated source of Light/Love (sic) energy, which they used to manifest apparently paranormal abilities to influence others and control them.” (Koven, J-C., 2004, page 251).

The ones on the positive path need to balance the fourth chakra, centered in the heart, that “vibrates with the green ray of compassionate, unconditional love.” (Koven, J-C., 2004, page 251). This chakra opens the gateway to the fifth and sixth chakras. But those on the negative path bypass this chakra altogether.

Chancellor Palpatine was right on track when he said, “The dark side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.” (Star Wars, 2008).

Photo by Joseph Barrientos on Unsplash

“I Find Your Lack of Faith Disturbing”

[Darth Vader]

No wonder the Star Wars saga became such a blockbuster, for it resembles the true essence of duality within and beyond the Earth experience. And it is not that the information or the source didn’t feel credible, but jeez, you need a bit of a stomach to digest it. One thing is to watch darkness in a movie, quite another to grasp its existence in real life, and yet quite another integrating it as such.

As difficult a comprehension this was for me back in 2005, the possibility was later confirmed to me by a story told by Inelia Benz in that same fascinating interview of 2011 that I quoted in a previous episode of The Wanderer. She feels trustworthy beyond what I can convey here, and the story is rich in detail, so I recommend watching it.

As it goes, she was sent to hang out psychically with this purely evil soul, “extremely powerful in (sic) every level, on (sic) a social level, psychic level, mystical level, very, very powerful, very, very dark,” that had been doing evil stuff for hundreds of years on a massive scale — human sacrifice, children’s sacrifice, blood-drinking and the like.

“After a few weeks [of hanging out psychically with this man], I had this experience where I came out of the body, and I was sent to this huge mansion.

And there was this other person outside. When I looked at him, I thought, ‘Oh, there is a psychic there.’ And he had all these books and crosses, and he was waiting to get into the house to get rid of this being, right?

And then I thought, ‘Oh my goodness, if he enters into this house, he is French fries, he is like going to be completely destroyed, he has to stay here.’ So, I kind of conveyed that image to him, ‘Stay here, don’t go in the house.’ And he did; he stayed there.

And I went inside myself, and it was all darkness, it was all very evil energy. And when I walk (sic) into that situation, you see, there is no judgment (sic). The moment you inject judgment into darkness, you are gone, you are destroyed, you can’t be there. It was just energy, it was like, “I am floating in blueness or in redness, or in greenness. That is how I experience it.

Intellectually I knew, ‘Oh, this is what evil is. This is what color evil is. Whatever, you know? This is how it feels to the finger. This is how it feels against my skin.’

Photo by Christian Battaglia on Unsplash

And I walked through the house, and I found him sitting on a throne, in a room. And he was just sitting there, and he was looking at me. And the complete energy was of pure and unadulterated evil (sic).

And I sat next to him. And I just looked (sic). I was just looking at him. And he was just looking at me. And I had no agenda, I didn’t know what was going to happen or anything. I was just sitting with him.

And all of a sudden, he sent a feeling, an image, a request of clemency. It took me by surprise. And as soon as he did that, I felt this huge rush of energy chi that was pure, unconditional love towards him. And it just infused him with that light.

And it was just WOW, you know? It is… it was out of this world. And I was gone, out of there. I was back in my body. (Benz, I., 2011). [2]

The Actual Darth Vaders

Was the narcissist in my story on the negative path? Naaaah. He was more like a Rasputin of “petatiux.” Sorry, local joke. It means he was like a Darth Vader wannabe, a Darth Vader Region 4. Well, even Darth Vader turned to the light at the end, didn’t he? But certainly, many narcissists are applicants to the super-evil position. And they are in our proximity, not in a galaxy far, far away.

Photo by Fabrice Villard on Unsplash

I would say that the current president of Mexico is one of them. Over the years, in dreams, I have encountered him a few times. The first dream in my records is of November 2005, as he was finishing his term as the Head of the Government of DF [Federal District, or Mexico City], and launching his candidacy for the Presidential Elections in 2006, which he lost.

And now that I think of it, it makes sense. I normally have dreams with presidents in office in real-time, but twice I have connected with presidential candidates, both of whom eventually became presidents. In this case, it took him another thirteen years, but yet, the president he is.

A year ago, on March 21, 2020, I had an uncommon dream with him. It was more like an encounter with his energy or his core essence. In fact, I did not see him.

Funny date, as it was the spring solstice and the anniversary of his idol, Benito Juárez, also a sick politician. The encounter allowed me to understand — to know, in depth, that what he was doing was sucking out resources from every possible source, methodically and voraciously, to be able to use them personally, whenever he wanted to. We are talking about draining the monetary resources of an entire country, mind you! Even if it means turning everyone into poor people.

Maybe to a political observer or analyst, this could have been obvious beforehand, but I was in shock with the clarity. And it is offensive to see it happening in real life, with the blessings of our current pusillanimous deputies and senators.

Sadly, for Mexico, Padmé Amidala’s quote applies, “So this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause.” (Star Wars, 2008).

As is said in the episode Revenge of the Sith, I believe the democracy Mexicans thought they were serving no longer exists, and the Republic has become the very evil they have been fighting to destroy.

Of course, it is awfully difficult to remain neutral, but it is essential. Not long after the encounter with the president on April 03, 2020, in a fairly naive exploration on my part, I bumped into darkness — more like a complex and dual manifestation of evilness. As Inelia points out, if judgment had been in me, I might as well be French fries now.

What do I think of this? Mexico is facing its darkness, as I was facing mine back in 2004.

To be continued.


Proofreading: Norma Ojeda / Colombia

Thank You
A special thank you note to all those who have kindly supported me in this endeavor; it is invaluable!

Did you know you can offer as many as 50 applauses for each story? I didn’t.

The Invitation
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If you want to know what this blog is about, you may want to read the following post:

If you want to know how the dreaming experience unfolded for me, you may want to read the following post:

If you care to learn about A Thousand Dreams’ origin and destiny, The Launch is the post. The idea came to me two years after I began writing and took shape and gained notoriety really quickly thanks to Adamus Saint-Germain and the Crimson Circle.

And if you want to have fun, take the quiz:

Other than that, in this blog you will find posts about many types of dreams and their relationship to our physical reality. Hope you enjoy them!

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[1] Jean-Claude Gerard Koven. Going Deeper: How to Make Sense of Your Life When Your Life Makes No Sense, 2004 (p. 251). Prism House Press. Edición de Kindle.

[2] INELIA BENZ the full interview — with Bill Ryan from Project Avalon.




A journey into conscious dreaming. More than 20 years of documented dreams and counting.