The Mountain

Aberdeem | Publication
11 min readJul 26, 2024

A Thousand Dreams Part 3: Dreams that Save Lives


“Reality is frequently inaccurate.”[1]

~ Douglas Adams


The Shaumbra Master Dreamer

In March 2023, I had the privilege of speaking to a Master-dreamer from Slovenia. The conversation was part of a series of interviews I conducted for concept-testing and validating hypotheses related to the problems that the A Thousand Dreams App attempts to solve, namely the cumbersome task of documenting dreams, particularly when dreaming intensely; secondly, the common inability to derive meaning from those dreams, and the difficulty of drawing insights when attempting to analyze them with ordinary tools; lastly, the fact that keeping dreams to oneself is not that much fun — or so I theorize. For me, dreaming shall once again become a social experience/phenomenon.

Anyway, before my blog on dreams on Medium [October 2020], before the idea of A Thousand Dreams [April 2022], and before DreamWorlds [June 2022], I lived in my own world of dreams, having no idea where I stood in the firmament of dreams and dreamers. Adamus Saint-Germain’s assessment that I, alongside other Shaumbra, was an “experienced dreamer” shaped my perception of myself.

“Wow,” I thought. “So, I am an experienced dreamer.”

Since then, I have been researching, and by continually receiving feedback — particularly from The Dreamer Quiz, I have been getting a glimpse of the “state of affairs” regarding dreams on the planet.

My initial intuitive assessment is that it will take a hundred years for us, as a collective, to master our dreaming domains. Will humanity even be here? We will see. But it is a path I will walk to the very end because, gladly, the dreaming landscapes have the way to enlightenment — at least one of them.

Photo by Tim D on Unsplash

The Slovenian Master had no camera, and her English, like mine, had an accent, so it was difficult for me to follow the conversation and understand the phrases and expressions she was using and the inflections in her voice. It never occurred to me that we would be on the line for so long, so I failed to record her, and neither did I take enough notes of those 90 minutes of wisdom. Yet, three of her ideas, which I knew she wholeheartedly believed in, stayed with me.

1. Shaumbra are the template for dreams on the planet.

2. Quote, “The platform will be to stay in grace,” end of quote.

3. And, “Your dreams will save lives.”

The first affirmation about Shaumbra being the template for dreams on the planet confirmed my intuition that I should not wander very far away from the core Shaumbra group at first. Realm Workers became the most exquisite evidence; if not us, who would set the standard, then?

I said this on The Launch, the first installment of the series on A Thousand Dreams, here on Medium:

“I believe that humanity needs to know our dreams, for they are the template of the dreams that can be dreamt. If Shaumbra uploads their beautiful dreams to the platform, infusing their consciousness into the project, the vibrational core of this reservoir of elite dreams will be magnificent.”

Then she planted in me the seed to understand the project as a manner of staying in grace, although, until now, I haven’t fully comprehended what she meant.

Lastly, on the “saving lives” part, I thought to myself, “What a nice concept and how gracious of her to offer it, but it is a little bit too much;” and I was close to dismissing it as sentimental, juvenile, or even cheesy when it hit me: a dream saved my life!

On November 30, 2019, in San Miguel de Allende, Guanajuato, I woke up knowing I needed to go to a mountain.


A Very Long Story Short

To make a very long story short, I will say that I started dreaming intensely in 1999. In September, I resigned from my job at the advertising agency effective December, and coming that final month of the year, at the last moment, with no one around but the two guards at the entrance of the building and my very loyal friend Ricardo, who was walking down the grand staircase beside me, a double rainbow hit us straight in the heart, signaling the end of an era.

I initiated my early sabbatical by flying to Cancún, where my two sisters continue to live, to celebrate, with my family, the coming of a new Millennium.


Upon my return to Mexico City, I landed the job of my dreams, doing strategy for the many brands of a global media conglomerate –I have shared this before. We did a great job cleaning the corporate image, but a power battle between light and dark in 2004 provoked a schism that left us, shining Souls, half alive and crawling under the wreckage — an event worthy of its own tale. And here I heard that voice saying, “We didn’t come to this.”

My first impulse was to walk The Camino — little did I know back then of the relevance of the decision. For this, I dismantled my apartment and sent my well-packed belongings to a warehouse. I had savings for years, you see, and did not know how long I would wander around.

Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash

After that, the typical joke of the Ascended Masters, “On the way to Ascension, I lost it all,” applied perfectly to me but was never funny. Indeed, as stated in A Course in Miracles, “Nothing real can be threatened.” Tell that to the human, though.

By the end of 2010 –six years later, my heart was broken to the point of allowing my body to sign off the planet; in fact, it had split in half –I heard when it did. And one fine Winter afternoon, out of impotence, my Mother and I cried on a park bench.

I called 2010 “The year I died,” but it wasn’t only me. Months later, I found out that on the Shoud of that very December, Adamus was asking Shaumbra to stay. Mmhmm.


Coming back from the dead was a painfully slow process; I suffered from full-body skin disorders for years, and I was exhausted.

In 2013, I yelled to my Soul in desperation, and only by unleashing my fury did my humanness make itself heard, and I entered remission. But the skin thing reignited in 2018, and my condition forced me to stay at my sister’s in Cancún for 13 months!!!… until I couldn’t take it any longer.

Even when knowing that I was delicate, even when feeling that my every organ was about to collapse — the heart, the kidneys, the liver, the lungs — I chose to go to San Miguel to do branding and marketing for a Congress about healing and the unconscious — a great fit.

Photo by Jezael Melgoza on Unsplash


Dreams that Save Lives

Giving credence to a dream, particularly if following its advice seems so out of reach, is difficult. But this one dream that told me to go to a mountain, I dreamt one week before the Congress, and I knew I should follow.

I acted upon it immediately, contacting a couple of friends from the US. The first one I knew was the owner/guardian of a forest in the far North. She answered immediately, but her husband had recently passed away, and she did not seem particularly thrilled about having an immigrant around, let alone for a lengthy period.

My other friend had posted a photo of something that seemed to be a retreat center near Santa Fe, New Mexico. When I reached out, he confessed that the post on Facebook was misleading; his wife was only allowed because of his friendship with the owner, but it was a private space.

Interestingly, to both my friends, I said I had a vision, not a dream. I also told them I wanted to retreat for about three months and sensed it needed to be soon.


The Mountain

The Congress of the Unconscious began the following Saturday. A fascinating mix of monks, constellators, bio-dancers, and healers was beautifully advertised by me and my team — one of the best brands of my career, I might add.

Among the speakers was a world-famous shaman from Chiapas who had integrated the Tibetan and Maya traditions into the corpse of his teachings.

Ironically, it wasn’t until a week after the event that I found out (or maybe opened to realize) that he owned a mountain in the outskirts of San Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas!!! Oh, yes…

As a matter of fact, everybody calls it The Mountain; precisely that.

Photo by Paul Earle on Unsplash


Don Lauro

Twice a year for four days and three times a day, followers and spiritual tourists from all over the world gather at the foot of The Mountain for ritual dances. There, Don Lauro, wearing ceremonial attires, assesses the moment in which an energetic shift takes place and, therefore, concludes the event, notwithstanding the duration of it. Notably, the first ritual dance takes place before dawn.

I called the Shaman’s wife from Mexico City only two days before the beginning of the December ceremonies. I did not know her, but Don Lauro was beside her at the time of the call, and right then and there, she offered me a cabin in the mountainside at no charge. It was beautiful but had no running water, only a well; it had no electricity but had a fireplace; and it was a harsh Winter, but I couldn’t believe my luck! That was the final push for me to embark upon this dream-adventure.


The Healing

Besides the Tibetan-Maya standing, I never really understood the core of Don Lauro’s teachings; when I asked his followers, they dismissed me with clever comments.

“You don’t need to understand this with the mind,” one of them said.
Indeed, I didn’t. And I didn’t care, really; I just knew Don Lauro efficiently moved energy.

Through the dances in those healing ceremonies, through every drumbeating at a few parties, through the aura-cleansing that Don Lauro performed for me on various occasions, through every step I took up and down that mountain, and through the minimum of three hours that I spent lighting up and tending to the fire every day, I healed a little bit more.
Some days, I could literally feel how the flames absorbed my physical imbalance.


Notably, during my time at The Mountain, everything I needed appeared as if by magic. The wood for the fire seemed to have been chopped just for me and left only a few meters away from the cabin; there was always the right person or vehicle getting the potable water right to my doorstep when I needed it; even the food was leftovers from previous visitors. And, uncommonly, Don Lauro remained in The Mountain as many days as I did, helping me further along.

When getting back to civilization, my spine had forgotten how to walk on cement, but I was no longer in danger. The fire, the air, the birds, the moon, the silence, the several freezing showers (that, too), new friends, the mountain itself, and my dream saved my life.


It wasn’t three months, but three weeks. By then, I already had a new and sizable branding project and hurried back to civilization after receiving the downpayment.

Interestingly, only a few months later, our client collapsed under the weight of the pandemic, but what we had already executed and charged allowed me to spend the confinement back in San Miguel de Allende and finally focus on my catalog of dreams.


Believing in Dreams

When to act upon a dream? When to consider it truthful? When to believe it is prophetic? How do you discern if it is symbolic or an actual experience?

A Thousand Dreams has two main goals. The first is to help dreamers reconnect or deepen their connection with their dreams. The second is to offer tools that help them derive meaning from those dreaming experiences; the app is only one of them.

“Be your own guru,” we say; when tapping into the wisdom of dreams, there is no need for advice from anyone else.
In any case, however metaphorical the Slovenian Master-dreamer might have intended her remark to be, the truth is that if we open up and learn to discern when to act upon them, then, yes, dreams may save our lives.

On occasion, they may save someone else’s life, too.


Olivia M. Zenteno [Aberdeem] is a branding and business strategist. Along with her team, she is launching A Thousand Dreams, a platform for dreamers to document, analyze data, and share dreams with the world.

Thank You
A special thank you note to all those who have kindly supported me in this endeavor; it is invaluable!

Did you know you can offer as many as 50 applauses for each story? I didn’t.

The Invitation
If you have any related experiences in dreams, please share; they will enrich us all. Otherwise, join, follow, share and if you feel like it, support. Sponsors or investors for The Book of Dreams are very much welcome or you can Buy Me a Coffee.


If you want to know what this blog is about, you may want to read the following post:

If you want to know how the dreaming experience unfolded for me, you may want to read the following post:

If you care to learn about A Thousand Dreams’ origin and destiny, The Launch is the post. The idea came to me two years after I began writing and took shape and gained notoriety really quickly thanks to Adamus Saint-Germain and the Crimson Circle.

And if you want to have fun, take the quiz:

Other than that, in this blog you will find posts about many types of dreams and their relationship to our physical reality. Hope you enjoy them!

Reach Out

Contact me at I will be happy to hear from you.

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[1] “Reality is frequently inaccurate” is a quote attributed to Douglas Adams, an English author, humourist, and screenwriter, best known for The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. Originally a 1978 BBC radio comedy, The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy developed into a “trilogy” of five books that sold more than 15 million copies in his lifetime.



Aberdeem | Publication

A journey into conscious dreaming. More than 20 years of documented dreams and counting.