Time Paradoxes

Published in
9 min readFeb 8, 2021

Time in Dreams Part 2

My Future Self

For the first time in my life, a few days ago — February 3, 2021, in dreams I met my future self in this lifetime. Wooooow.

Photo by Denys Nevozhai on Unsplash

25 years or so from now, she was an accomplished writer, beyond fame, where no ego is left or needed. Hers was a state of heightened introspection.

In the first part of the dream, she had been provided a safe space in a beautiful campo house with an amazing landscape, somewhere in Northern Europe.

A journalist spotted her from beyond the short fence surrounding the property and approached to see if she was willing to chat. I could not bring back the nature of the seemingly global crisis that had just happened that was the reason for her being protected in this remote location.

In a second part of the dream, I arrived at her apartment on the eighth floor of a luxurious, modern, ten-story building facing the mountains. The building was part of a line of similarly luxurious apartment buildings in the very last street of a wealthy neighborhood in a city in Northern Europe. Adjacent to the forest, the street was full of what appeared to be centennial 30 m-tall black pines. The view from her apartment was stunning.

Me — my 2021 self, got there with a young man having the energy of the German actor Moritz Jahn who plays Magnus in Dark, the Netflix Series. We hurried inside as we knew something was about to happen, and as soon as we closed the door behind us, we let out a deep sigh of relief. My future self was not there.

Photo by Martin Prokop on Unsplash

Time Sequence in Dreams

Shortly after, a colossal winter storm hit the neighborhood. Or was it the city? Maybe it was the continent. Perhaps the entire world? Who knows. It felt as if the building would collapse at any moment.

The energy blasts of the icy gusts, as in real life, crossed through the glass windows and hit me as hard as if a bomb were exploding in the living room.

But the building did not collapse; not even the glass windows were shattered. Then in stillness, after the storm, there was a thick layer of the frozen tempest like a coating on everything outside, including the fallen black pine that blocked the entrance and everything up to the fourth floor.

I came back with a third scene happening in the same area in the world and was probably related to the other events, but I could not integrate them. It is common for me to have difficulty placing each scene of my dreams within time. Sometimes my feeling is that when the events are clearly unrelated, they happen simultaneously. In this case, it could very well have been the other way around, and my future self sent to this refuge after and because of the winter storm.

Photo by insung yoon on Unsplash

If You See Them, They See You

No wonder a character like Moritz Jahn appeared in my dream; last week, I purposefully watched the three seasons of Dark, precisely looking into how the screenwriters approached time.

Unlike Dark, within my dream, I was — and at the same time, was not my future self. I could feel her state of being while being an observer without a body when the journalist approached her and being also the journalist trying to get her attention. At her apartment, I was my today self in my future self’s domain, that felt strangely mine too.

We never spoke to each other, as you can see happening with the past and future selves within Dark, and interestingly, we did not recognize each other within the dream. You know, there is this kind of rule that says that “When you see them, they see you.”

I don’t know where the rule comes from, but I know it is so. It applies when you are traveling dimensions and encountering different entities in non-physical realms, and your eyes meet theirs. When you see one another, the recognition hits both of you: you know they know you are there.

But in the dream, my future-self seemed to be unaware of my presence. One other distinction is that, within the dream state, the future potentials are not yet as physical as they appear to be in the series: any time seems as real as any other — maybe for obvious production reasons.

Photo by David Beneš on Unsplash

Linear Time

I am no expert in films about time-traveling, but as of late, I have been doing a bit of research to relate them to my own experience in time within dreams.

It keeps bugging me that even Dark, based on the idea that by crossing a portal within a cave, you can connect to three different times unfolding simultaneously — and later on, more than three, ends up hitting the same walls. The classic time paradoxes continue to be there because linearity is never really solved.

The opening statement is promising but misleading. “The distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion.” A quote attributed to Albert Einstein.

The narrator then elaborates: “We trust that time is linear, that it proceeds eternally and uniformly into infinity, but the distinction between past, present, and future is nothing but an illusion. Yesterday, today, and tomorrow are not consecutive, they are connected in a never-ending circle.”

But as early as the fourth episode in season 1, the narrator states, “We would love to know what our fate would be, where we are headed, but the truth is there is only one path through (sic) all times, predetermined by the beginning and the end, which is also the beginning.”

Classic Time Paradoxes

Even though the three time-dimensions are happening simultaneously, linearity persists: events in the past precede events in the future. The mere labeling of times as past, present, and future then seems to be out of order. And we can see the usual time paradoxes we find in time travel films.

  • Predestination Paradox. No matter what the character is trying to change in the past, the attempt causes the event he is trying to prevent from occurring to take place.
  • Bootstrap Paradox. There is no discernible origin for objects or information; they seem to exist without ever being created in the first place.
  • Grandfather Paradox. You cannot kill your grandfather because you would not exist. If that were possible, “Scientists entertain the possibility that you have now created an alternate timeline or entered a parallel universe.” In Dark, we see that a former version of a character — in linear time, cannot kill himself/herself because the future version already exists.
  • Let’s Kill Hitler Paradox. If you succeed in going back in time and kill Hitler, then there would be no reason for you to attempt to go back in time in the first place. In Dark, we see that the attempt of killing “Hitler” never succeeds.
Photo by Scott Rodgerson on Unsplash

The End of the World Scenario

Something else that powerfully attracted my attention was the future. Are we as a collective that short of imagination? Maybe it is exciting — not to mention easy, to always portray it after a global cataclysm of sorts that leaves the face of the Earth mostly inhabitable. The future tends to be dystopian, full of pain, filthiness, misery, hunger, and agony.

As I said in my previous post, I will eventually connect in dreams to that potential future where Planet Earth is brimming with trees, only to prove that the potential exists and is out there, waiting for us to make it real.

As of now, I can only say that my dreams show me aspects of the near future technology or new ways in which humans will start interacting and behaving. These dreams I will leave for a future post.

Photo in Reddit by Michael Behar

The Multiverse Hypothesis

One of the solutions offered to the paradoxes presented by time travel is The Multiverse Hypothesis that states that an alternate parallel universe or timeline is created each time an event is altered in the past. But even this is thinking in linear terms.

So, I will leave some thoughts that will try to correlate to the dreaming experience in future posts.

First, what if your past is altered only by transforming the present moment?

Second, what if you transformed yourself in the present moment? Consequently, you transform your past, and then change the timeline of your experience in this dimension?

Third, what if enough humans change their present, consequently their past, and then the timeline? Would it be possible to change the timeline in which Planet Earth experiences itself right now? Imagine having no recollection of the World Wars ever taking place.

Fourth, what if multiple realities and timelines, with an unfathomable number of possible iterations and twists, already exist?

Fifth, what if you could be present at multiple realities at once and choose where to place your attention?

Sixth, what if the mere act of observing past, present, or future energy dynamics and potentials, from within the present moment, transforms them?

Seventh, what if only that which you can perceive — observe, could become real in your life, regardless of the fact that every potential already exists?

Eighth, what if time were a living entity that pulsates like a heart beating, contracting and expanding?

Lastly, if we can live within time, what if we also exist outside time?

In any case, as you can see, I am already an accomplished writer, which is beyond the need for fame and fortune. How would you feel if you already knew that the potential future in which all your dreams have come true already exists? What has changed now that I have already seen myself — from within the present time, in that potential “future”? You see, as I have now perceived it, it is far more likely for it to materialize in my human life.

A gift of awareness.

To be continued.


Proofreading: Norma Ojeda / Colombia

Thank You
A special thank you note to all those who have kindly supported me in this endeavor; it is invaluable!

Did you know you can offer as many as 50 applauses for each story? I didn’t.

The Invitation
If you have any related experiences in dreams, please share; they will enrich us all. Otherwise, join, follow, share and if you feel like it, support. Sponsors or investors for The Book of Dreams are very much welcome or you can Buy Me a Coffee.


If you want to know what this blog is about, you may want to read the following post:

If you want to know how the dreaming experience unfolded for me, you may want to read the following post:

If you care to learn about A Thousand Dreams’ origin and destiny, The Launch is the post. The idea came to me two years after I began writing and took shape and gained notoriety really quickly thanks to Adamus Saint-Germain and the Crimson Circle.

And if you want to have fun, take the quiz:

Other than that, in this blog you will find posts about many types of dreams and their relationship to our physical reality. Hope you enjoy them!

Reach Out

Contact me at aberdeem144@gmail.com. I will be happy to hear from you.

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A journey into conscious dreaming. More than 20 years of documented dreams and counting.