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Abhishek Bhatnagar
Abhishek Bhatnagar
My views and experiences in the dual-natured worlds of open source and nonprofit
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Getting started with Raspberry Pi

Unless you live on Mars, you’ve probably heard of Raspberry Pi by now. I was one of the lucky 1000 who got dibs on the first batch of these, and mine shipped in four days ago. With the off chance that you are indeed a Martian, I’ll do a brief introduction to the project…

Building a Quadcopter: Part 2

Continuing from here, this is Part 2 of the ‘Building a Quadcopter’ series.

In the last post, my friend and I had built most of the quadcopter frame, and were awaiting parts from the store. As of now, we have the frame built. Most of the parts have…

Building a Quadcopter: Part 1

NOTE: Part 2 is available here

Things that fly are fun. Some things that fly are quadcopters. Hence Quadcopters are fun.

I recently started building one with Chris Tuckwood and even though we’re just in the beginning stages…