About Me — Anne Spollen

Hopefully Bringing Vision to Fruition

Anne Spollen
About Me Stories
Published in
4 min readAug 21, 2023


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Right now, or actually about two minutes ago which is kind of right now, I was standing at the screen door of my house watching a thunderstorm forming overhead and the wind hurtling garbage cans toward the bay. It’s my favorite kind of weather: storms over water. It captures something. Maybe it’s the calmness of the water interrupted by the wildness of the storm, but I think that’s pretty much a representation of many people and how they think and feel. I am one of those people.

I grew up near a bay, not this bay which is in southern New Jersey, but a bay in Staten Island, New York called Raritan Bay. I still live part time in Staten Island, in an apartment, part time in New Jersey in a small house, and occasionally in New Paltz, New York on my son’s sofa. I went to college in New Paltz, and my three kids spent the earliest part of their lives there.

When I retire, I am going to get a small house somewhere in the mountainy woods of upstate New York, a couple of rescue dogs, the necessary cats, and a big, comfy hammock. I want to read lots and be on social media sparingly and around actual humans even more sparingly. Don’t get me wrong: I like you humans, but I prefer to read about you guys rather than be together in the same room. I find being around people simultaneously exhilarating and…

