About Me — Bridie D

Wherever I go, there I am

Bridie Dillon
About Me Stories


Image of the author

Who the heck is Bridie Dillon?
Ok, I can’t write this in the third person, I tried to be quirky, or is that pretentious? 🤷‍♀️ the verdict is still out.

I’m finally taking this uncomfortable opportunity to explain my writing areas of expertise, it’s weird.

Fingers crossed it doesn’t chase my current readers, away.
Anyway, here is a bit about me…

Story Updated 25.08.2022.
To take out a bunch of stuff about me working towards psychiatry, childcare, etc.

In a nutshell

I'm a 26-year-old, Australian woman, I have a partner of 9-years, we have two daughters, and two pet rats, I don't currently work and adore writing, am vegan and am read constantly.This is all basic, external glance stuff, still here? Not interest in the long-form?
read this snapshot instead.

I am a Mother and Partner.

I have two daughters, currently 6 and 10.

I had my first child at 16 to my high school lover, he’s not here now, we simply didn’t work, but my story really started when my baby girl was born, she shocked my world and still does every day.

