About Me — Edmund Chong

I’m a Hustler that loves Extreme Challenges

Edmund Chong
About Me Stories


Living the digital nomad lifestyle I’ve spent a month traveling in Korea

If I were to sum myself up based on what my friends and family have called me over the years. They would say that I am a young ambitious digital nomad living life managing multiple businesses.

At 25 years old, I currently managed 5 different side hustles and run a medium-scale business as Founder/CEO. My journey toward financial success is by no means easy which you will come to learn as you read along.

During my free time, I enjoy writing content on the side about my views and opinion of the world. Although I do make some income writing, it is just a hobby for me and I don’t think many writers can even pull 6-figures in this type of business.

So here’s my story!

Early Days

During the 2008 financial crisis, the effect of businesses going under and workers getting unemployed was my first reality of the importance of money.

My dad was a business owner and during the 2 years of the recession, the business was stretched out financially. The unforgettable moment that hit me most was my dad having to withdraw from my savings account just to make ends meet and to keep the business afloat.



Edmund Chong
About Me Stories

Founder of HustleVentureSG; Finance Media Company | 0 to 1.5 million organic impression under 1 year | For Business inquiries at hustleventuresg@gmail.com